16th Century (History)
Recent papers in 16th Century (History)
Unpublished thesis. Click below for table of contents.
Thèse inédite. Table des matières ci-après.
Thèse inédite. Table des matières ci-après.
In 1540, Emperor Charles V elevated the seigniory of Zottegem, together with the county of Gavere to a principality. The title then belonged to Francisca of Luxembourg-Fiennes, the mother of the famous count Lamoral d'Egmont. When a lady... more
Preserved herring from a 16 century ship (Biddinghuizen, the Netherlands) and the myth of Willem Beukelszoon, the supposed inventor of gutting herring. - 2006b: R.C.G.M. Lauwerier & F.J. Laarman: Hollandse Nieuwe en de mythe van... more
This study considers sixteenth century evangelicals’ vision of a 'godly' commonwealth within the broader context of political, religious, social, and intellectual changes in Tudor England. Using the clergyman and bestselling author,... more
in: Cranachs Kirche. Begleitbuch zur Landesausstellung Sachsen - Anhalt "Cranach der Jüngere 2015", hrsg. Jan Harasimowicz, Bettina Seyderhelm, Sax Verlag, p. 137-147
Studie byla publikována roku 1974 v Jihočeském sborníku historickém ( ročník 43 číslo 2-4) / The study was published in 1974 in Jihočeský sborník historického (volume 43 numer 2-4).
There are numerous gaps in our knowledge of the marriage of Peter-Ernst I von Mansfeld and Marie de Montmorency. One such gap is with regard to the financial protection of Marie in the case of the death of her spouse. The following source... more
RESUMEN Señorío de habla tallán ubicado en el extremo norte del espacio costeño del imperio Chimar. Pervivía gracias al caudaloso y perma-nente río de su nombre que baja de Loja. Su clima caluroso permitía la reproducción incluso de... more
Mikuláš Štraus is mainly known as a publisher of newspapers and leaflets after the Battle of White Mountain. The article builds on the analysis of the decorative material used by his printing workshop and provides some new conclusions... more
An article introducing a previously unrecognized text of a fifteenth-century political prophecy and setting the text in codicological and textual-historical context.
This article examines the social significance of Real Tennis among the Western European nobility during its heyday of the sixteenth century. Underpinned theoretically by Norbert Elias’s seminal empirical work The Civilising Process, this... more
A partire dal XV secolo la famiglia Poncini, in via di affermazione sul panorama cittadino di Bergamo grazie ai proventi dell'attività mercantile, avviò l'acquisto di appezzamenti di terra nella media pianura bergamasca, nei pressi della... more
(English Summary: Baptism and Baptismal Vessels in Post-Reformation Saaremaa pp. 126-136). This article examines the changes that occured in the use and location of baptismal vessels and fonts in Saaremaa during the Early Modern... more
Stadendenkmäler in Deutschland und Brasilien. Aus Anlass der Einweihung des neuen Staden-Denkmals in Wolfhagen. Das historische Gedenken an Hans Staden und sein epochales Brasilienbuch (Warhaftige Historia, Marburg 1557) hat natürlich... more
Traduction du journal du peintre maniériste Jacopo da Pontormo rédigé entre 1554 et 1556.
La traduction est suivie d'un appareil de notes et d'une postface.
La traduction est suivie d'un appareil de notes et d'une postface.
Abel Eppens was a learned man, a farmer from Eekwerd. His school- days in Groningen were followed by a peregrinatio academica through the universities of Louvain, Cologne and Wittenberg. He subsequently married a woman from a prominent... more
At 21, Robert Tomson had become an integral part of an English merchant’s household in Seville and in 1555 he joined their emigration to Mexico. There he fell victim to the Inquisition. After languishing in jails in Mexico City and... more
Katarzyna Hochstadt of Telnicz (Moravia) is known as the mistress of Sigismund the Old, mother of his illegitimate children: bishop of Vilnius John of the Lithuanian Dukes, Regina Szafraniec, and Katarzyna Montfort, and wife of Andrzej... more
“Ni Français ni Breton, Malouins suis !”, proclame la devise de Saint-Malo. Cela ne fut jamais plus vrai que pendant l’épisode de la “république de Saint-Malo”. En pleines guerres de religion, entre 1590 et 1594, Saint-Malo s’émancipe en... more
Although Polish historiography does not usually regard 1541 as an important date, contemporary reactions in the country show that the fighting around Hungarian capital, Buda, and the subsequent Ottoman occupation of the city received much... more
Franziska Neumanns Studie untersucht Formalisierungsprozesse und die Ausbildung formaler Organisationen in frühneuzeitlichen Verwaltungen. Am Beispiel der sächsischen Bergverwaltung im 16. Jahrhundert zeigt sie, dass Formalisierung nicht... more
Wybór Stefana Batorego na tron Rzeczypospolitej utorował drogę do kariery także członkom jego rodziny. Po niespodziewanej śmierci króla jego ambitne plany usiłowało zrealizować czterech bratanków, przede wszystkim zaś Andrzej, uważany za... more
A opinião comum atual atribui com frequência a um passado remoto o que foram os estereótipos femininos prevalecentes no século XIX: um ser emotivo, frágil ou mesmo enfermo, mas naturalmente abnegado e dócil, cuja vocação instintiva era a... more
Stejně jako vedle obecných „velkých“ dějin stojí koncept mikrohistorie, tak vedle „velký“ dějin módy lze postavit každodenní oděvy sledované v jedné lokalitě napříč společenskými vrstvami. Průzkumem lokálních památek, archeologického... more
This brief newspaper article was published in the Turkish Daily News January 4, 2003, p. 5 and concerns Phillip II's collection of works painted by Hieronymus Bosch. The article is no longer available on the net. I suppose it is about the... more