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      Medieval HistoryMedieval ArchaeologyAl-AndalusIslamic Urbanism
The book includes 168 Arab poems of different length, which for the most part had not been published before. They give a wide display of how was the Arab popular poetry in Maghribi dialect composed in the Iberian Peninsula during the last... more
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      Arabic LiteratureArabic Language and LinguisticsAl-AndalusMoriscos
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsIslamic StudiesAl-AndalusMoriscos
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      Medieval HistoryAl-AndalusHistoriaReino de Asturias
Manuel de préparation à la question de CAPES d'Histoire-géographie et d'Agrégation d'Histoire 2015-2016.

Handbook prepared for the French national competitive examinations for secondary school teachers in History 2015-2016
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      Medieval HistoryMiddle East HistoryMedieval StudiesMamluk Studies
This paper introduces the presence of Islam and Islamic culture in the work of Fernando Pessoa. It consists of a chronological and textual overview of these themes in the author's writing and intellectual course. Focusing primarily on... more
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      Arabic LiteratureIslamic PhilosophySufismFernando Pessoa
Resumen: El vidrio de al-Andalus ha recibido poco interés por parte de la investigación especializada. Sin embargo, recientes avances han puesto de manifiesto su interés no solo desde un punto de vista meramente formal sino también como... more
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      ArchaeologyArt HistoryMedieval IslamEarly Medieval Archaeology
MONTANER FRUTOS, ALberto. «El palacio musulmán: Introducción histórica», en La Aljafería, Zaragoza, Cortes de Aragón, 1998 [ISBN 8486794951], vol. I, pp. 35-65.
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      Al-AndalusAl-Andalus HistoryZaragozaPalacio De La Aljafería
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      Medieval HistoriographyMozarabsAl-AndalusGharb al-Andalus
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      Al-AndalusHadith StudiesJihad
EPALZA, Míkel de & FRANCO SÁNCHEZ, Francisco. “Bibliografía sobre temas árabes del Sharq Al-Andalus (Levante de Al-Andalus) Apéndice V”. Sharq Al-Andalus. N. 5 (1988). ISSN 0213-3482, pp. 259-285 | Download:... more
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      Al-AndalusAl Andalus (Islamic History)Andalusia/Al-AndalusAl-Andalus archaeology
EPALZA, Míkel de & FRANCO SÁNCHEZ, Francisco. “Bibliografía sobre temas árabes del Sharq Al-Andalus (Levante de Al-Andalus) Apéndice IV”. Sharq Al-Andalus. N. 4 (1987). ISSN 0213-3482, pp. 291-349 | Download:... more
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      Al-AndalusAl Andalus (Islamic History)Andalusia/Al-AndalusAl-Andalus archaeology
Biographies contained in Ibn al-Abbar's Takmila that provide some relevant historical or geographical information. The study is referred to the manuscript of this work preserved in the library of al-Azhar (Cairo). Biographies are... more
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      Medieval IslamAl-AndalusMedieval Islamic HistoryAl Andalus (Islamic History)
Madinat al-Zahra is today one of the most important archaeological sites of the Islamic culture in the west Mediterranean region. In 2018 the site was designated a World Heritage Site by the UNESCO. A five-year project which is conducted... more
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      Islamic ArchaeologyIslamic ArtAl-AndalusIslamic' Architecture
Texto publicado no catálogo da exposição de cerâmica “Pedras” de Sofia Beça, realizada na galeria “Posada del Potro”, em Córdova, Espanha.
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      Art HistoryAl-AndalusCeramics
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      Medieval HistoryUrban StudiesIslamic StudiesAl-Andalus
Treball d'investigació de fi de Màster desenvolupat sota direcció d'Enric Guinot al Màster en Patrimoni Cultural de la Universitat de València, curs 2007-2008
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      Cultural HeritageLandscape ArchaeologyAl-AndalusRemote sensing and GIS applications in Landscape Research
Livestock farming was one of the major economic activities during the early Middle Ages. The exploitation of livestock resources became very important since the Visigothic period (C. 415–711 AD), although our knowledge is still... more
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      ArchaeologyLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesMedieval History
Resumen: En al-Andalus, el laboreo en las minas presenta una gran complejidad, ya que en él queda integrado frecuentemente un conjunto de procesos a bocamina, ajenos al propio sistema de explotación, pero imprescindibles para el... more
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      Al-AndalusAl-Andalus archaeologyCupellationMedieval Mining Technology
The virtual exhibition, elaborated within the SNSF-project "Mudejarismo and Moorish Revival in Europe", aims to demonstrate the importance of al-Andalus for 19th-century art and architecture by presenting the architectural sketches of the... more
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      Al-AndalusTravel LiteratureAndalusia/Al-AndalusTheory of ornament
Reseña Francisco Toro Ceballos y Francisco Vidal-Castro (coords.), Al-Andalus y el mundo cristiano. Relaciones sociales y culturales, intercambios económicos y aspectos jurídico-institucionales. Homenaje a Francisco Javier Aguirre Sádaba... more
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      Al-AndalusBook Reviews
The paper considers the collective memory of Al-Andalus in the Muslim world.
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      Al-AndalusCollective MemoryMuslim World
A partir de los textos de las epístolas denominadas zurzūriyyāt, en este artículo se pretende profundizar en las dos caras del personaje en torno al cual se articulan estas originales y singulares composiciones, exclusivas de la... more
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      Comparative LiteratureArabic LiteratureArabic Prose LiteratureLiterature
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      Medieval StudiesUrban StudiesIslamic StudiesAl-Andalus
En este trabajo se realizan algunas reflexiones a propósito de las cronologías propuestas para el conjunto de Monteagudo, Castillo, Castillejo y Castillo de Larache, en relación con la metrología y sistemas constructivos medievales
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      ArchaeologyIslamic ArchaeologyArchitectureMedieval History
Autor : Navarro Palazón, Julio. Jiménez Castillo, Pedro.
Arqueologia Medieval, 4, pp. 107-137
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      Al-AndalusArqueología IslámicaArquitectura Residencial AndalusíAlgorfas
FRANCO SÁNCHEZ, Francisco: «La torre de Embergoñes: Relevancia histórica y función de un emblema de la ciudad». In Orihuela. La ciudad, el río y la huerta. Juan Antonio Barrio Barrio (ed.). Alicante: Universitat d'Alacant (Col. L'Ordit,... more
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      Al-AndalusAl-Andalus archaeologyAl-Andalus HistoryAl-andalus fortificaciones
This paper deals with Bourdieu’s relations of power (linguistic market) and Fanon’s Zone of Being and non-Being. The article is based on recent ethnographic sociolinguistic research in Andalusia, south of Spain. In this paper, I explore... more
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      Critical TheoryPhilosophy Of LanguageCritical Discourse StudiesLanguages and Linguistics
Mujer y cultura literaria en las letras ibéricas medievales y del renacimiento temprano es la bibliografía más completa y actualizada existente en el mercado y en el mundo académico internacional en torno a las múltiples facetas... more
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      Women's StudiesMedieval Catalan LiteratureMedieval Portuguese LiteratureAl-Andalus
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      Al-AndalusIbn HazmSalafism
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      Comparative LiteratureMedieval LiteratureArabic LiteratureAl-Andalus
La principal construcción andalusí que podemos contemplar hoy en Málaga es su Alcazaba. Ubicada sobre un cerro que domina el actual puerto y toda la zona antigua de la ciudad que estuvo conformada por la medina amurallada y sus arrabales... more
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      Al-AndalusPatrimonio CulturalMálaga
This is a popular history article for Medieval Warfare Magazine's special issue about the World of Rodrigo Díaz "El Cid" de Bivar. It details the lead-up to and results of the annexation/conquest of the city of Toledo in 1085 by the... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval Iberian HistoryMedieval Church History
Das islamische Reich al-Andalus gilt schon lange als Vermittler antiken Wissens an die Höfe Italiens. Archäologische Untersuchungen einer Gartenanlage bei Córdoba lassen nun vermuten, dass das neue Menschenbild der Renaissance zudem von... more
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      Art HistoryHistory of Perspective in PaintingAl-AndalusPerspective
Autor : Navarro Palazón, Julio. Robles Fernández, Alfonso.
Con la contribución de Elvira Navarro Santa-Cruz, Mª Dolores Jara Carrillo; prólogos de Lubie Bolens y André Bazzana.
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      Al-AndalusArqueología IslámicaLiétorSiglos X-XI
The present article introduces the Ḥammūdid coins’ collection preserved in the Musée de la Monnaie of Bank al-Maghrib (Rabat, Morocco), made up of a total of thirty-two specimens, of which twenty-six are unpublished. The cataloging of... more
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      Islamic StudiesAl-AndalusIslamic NumismaticsMedieval Islamic History
Ibn 'Abbād of Ronda (d. 1390) was an Andalusian Muslim mystic full of virtues who, in his works, wrote about the path that the soul must cover to reach loving union with God. Among his ideas, we find his exposition on the special charisms... more
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      SpiritualityMysticismIslamic StudiesSufism
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Ponencia impartida en el Congreso Internacional Interdisciplinar "La madina andalusí: urbanismo y estructuras de sociedad", en la Universidad de Sevilla, el 19 de octubre de 2018.
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      Al-AndalusUrbanismo islámicoArquitectura domésticaMarruecos
With the rise of social media channels and the critical democratisation of mediation in the last decade, new terms have invaded the media discourse on terror and extremism. In an absurd yet influential manner, extremist groups are now in... more
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      Cultural StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesDesignSocial Sciences
First translation from Arabic into Spanish of the hagiographic work "Tuhfat al-Mugtarib bi-bilad al-Maghreb" by the Grenadine Ahmad al-Qashtali (13th c.). The work consists of a compilation of 111 accounts, each of them relating a wonder... more
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      HagiographySufismAl-Andalus13th Century
Origen y evolución del yacimiento del Cerro del Bú a través de sus restos arqueológicos. Desde el asentamiento prehistórico en forma de poblado de la Edad del Bronce hasta la construcción de una fortaleza de asedio en el siglo X
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      Al-AndalusArqueologíaArqueologiaHistoria medieval de España
Architecture is one of the primary sources for writing the history of a culture. In order to tap into this source, buildings must be understood as architecture designed by man. The present paper attempts to do this by taking the... more
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      Art HistoryAl-AndalusTheory Of ArchitectureHistory of architecture
Revisión y actualización de los datos que se conocen de los Banu Jattab/Banu Abi Yamra y relación de los individuos pertenecientes a esta familia que cuentan con biografía en las fuentes árabes.
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      Arabic LiteratureMedieval StudiesAl-AndalusAl Andalus (Islamic History)
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      EducationMedieval WomenBiographyWomen
Following a brief state of the art of Islamic Spanish numismatics, there ensues a discussion of the hypothesis that broader limits should be considered in the study of coinage and circulation of coins in Islamic Spain. We claim that North... more
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      Al-AndalusIslamic NumismaticsMaghreb studiesMediterranean and North Africa
Continuamos nuestra serie Viaje por al-Andalus con las fotografías de Rafael Galán, y en esta ocasión nos dirigimos hasta un enclave fortificado de la costa malagueña. Se trata de la localidad de Fuengirola y su castillo de Sohail,... more
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      Al-AndalusPatrimonio CulturalFuengirola
Talk given in Spanish at Complutense University, History department, Madrid for "De fuste e de Fierro". Armamento medieval en la Peninsula Iberica. IV International Seminar. 9-10th March, 2020 (for English translation see Archery CV... more
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      Middle East StudiesAl-AndalusEarly IslamEarly Islamic Archaeology