Analysis of an Automotive Sealing system
By Vinod Jacob*, Abdul Rajak Shaik, Maruthi Phani Ram Kotti and Ramanath K S
Engineering Services and Consultancy Practice, Infosys Technologies Ltd.
Electronics City, Bangalore-561229, India.
(Submitted for CAE 2001 – The Annual users’ conference conducted by CSM Software
Pvt. Ltd. held between 7th and 9th November 2001)
The automotive industry extensively uses elastomers as sealing systems in glass
runner, shock absorbers, gaskets and several others. The challenges in the simulation of
elastomers are non-linearity in material, geometry, boundary conditions and contact
definition. The glass runners are the beadings around the door sash of an automobile.
They ensure free movement of glass, prevention of leakage and vibration control.
A FE simulation of a glass runner has been carried out using MSC.Marc software,
taking into consideration the complex geometry of the elastomer and its non-linearities.
The evaluation of displacements, contact forces and stresses help in assessing the
suitability of the cross-section geometry of the glass runner and improving it thereon.
Keywords: elastomer, non-linearity, MSC.Marc, glass runner, contact.
In the market place of the 21st
century, automobile industries face the
competition for time to market. As the
cost of essential design escalates
exponentially with time, FEA tools are
meant to play a vital role in speeding up
the design process. FEA has become
more of a necessity than an option. A
finite element simulation has been done
on the glassrunner to assess the
suitability of the geometry of the same.
A glassrun is attached to a
doorframe of an automobile to provide a
seal between an outer peripheral edge of
a raised door window glass and the
doorframe. The door glass moves
through the glassrun. Each section of the
glassrun includes a flexible metal insert
that has been stamped and rolled into a
configuration such that a cross-section of
the insert is a U-shaped section. An
outer layer is extruded around the shape
of the insert in a manner such that it
consists of two adjacent U-shaped
sections with a notch in between (Fig.
1). This outer layer defines a glassrun
channel that accepts a vehicle window
and a sealing configuration. The fins on
one of the U-shaped section grips the
metal carrier while as the inner and outer
lips of the other U-shaped section seat
the door glass. In order to allow the
glass to slide through the lips without
friction and with minimum drag, a layer
of less frictionless material known as
flock is sprayed on the surfaces where
the glass is supposed to be in contact
with the rubber part.
A notch is provided between the
two U-shaped glassrun channels. This
notch helps in providing the flexibility of
allowing the U–shaped channel to fit
tightly within the metal carrier. A
Author for Communication:
portion of the elastomer is projected out
at one end of the U–shaped section. This
acts as hinge so that the metal carrier can
secure the glassrun tightly. Moreover
when the glass is inserted into the
glassrun the outer lip of the glassrun puts
additional pressure on the glass thus
securing the glass tightly such that the
glass simply doesn’t get released from
the glassrun. In order to ensure that the
inner lip is holding the glass, the
supporting lip is provided with such a
curve as to minimise it’s buckling and
thus providing additional stiffness to the
inner lip.
until the glassrun metal carrier fitment is
as expected. The specification of the
metal carrier geometry is sufficient in
MARC as the software also permits
motion of the geometry as analytical
curves. In actual practice, however it is
the glassrun, which is pushed into metal
carrier for fitment. We found this
approach resemble from mathematical
point of view.
2. Subsequently the window glass is
inserted into the glassrun assembly.
Since the window glass is considered
very stiff compared to the elastomer, it is
also defined as a rigid curve. Then a
prescribed velocity motion was applied
to get it inserted into the glassrun. This
approach simulates the actual behaviour
of glassrun movement closely.
Fig. 1: 3D Model of the Glassrun
Metal carrier
Analysis Methodology
The FEA software used is MSC.
Marc with MSC.Mentat as pre and postprocessor. The Simulations to be
achieved were the insertion of the
glassrun into the metal carrier and then
the fitting of window glass into the
glassrun U-section. The Finite Element
analysis for this simulation was achieved
in two stages.
1. The glassrun is constraint isostatically
in the metal insert location to suppress
rigid body motion. The prescribed
velocity is given to the metal carrier
Fig. 2: FE model of the Glassrun
FE model Generation
The IGES file of the CAD model is
imported and meshed. The interference
found at the CAD level is removed in
All the three types of non-linearity,
namely the material, boundary and
geometric and also contact are present in
the FE model. Since the length of the
glassrun is considered very large
compared to the cross section of the
same, the problem is treated to be of
formulation with element types of 80 for
quad and 155 for tria are used.
The glassrun is an elastomer,
which is a polymer, which shows a nonlinear elastic stress-strain behaviour.
Analytical material models do not
entirely describe the stress-strain
relationship in a material under all
experimental data needs to be created
such that a reasonable material model
may be selected to define material
behavior pertinent to the application of
Fig. 3: Experimental Data Curve
Generally Ogden model is used for
very large strain levels of 700% and
above while as the Arruda-Boyce option
has an applicable strain level of up to
300%. The 2-parameter Mooney-Rivlin
option has an applicable strain of about
100% in tension and 30% in
compression. Since the simulation
doesn’t go for very high strain rate,
Mooney-2 material model is chosen. The
experimental data curve obtained from
previously done research as shown in the
diagram below (Engineering Stress vs.
Engineering Strain) is fitted for uniaxial,
planar shear and biaxial cases and the
corresponding Mooney Rivlin constants
are obtained to describe the behaviour of
Mooney-2 (Fig. 3).
First, the metal carrier is inserted
into the glassrun and then the glass is
placed into it. Since the motion of bodies
is taking place on different bodies at
different instant, the prescribed motion
of bodies is defined as a plot showing
the variation of velocity with time.
Simulation is carried out in pseudo time
domain as a quasistatic analysis.
Hence for the initial 15sec a velocity is
prescribed to the metal carrier with a
target position and then for the next
15sec, the glass is inserted into the
glassrun. In order to see that all
distributed loads are formed on the basis
of current geometry, follower force
option is used.
As said earlier, the metal insert is
the one made fixed. Here isostatic
boundary condition is applied. One leg
of the metal insert is fully fixed; while as
the other leg is made free to move in one
direction so that it gives way to the metal
carrier entering into the U-section.
The type of contact between the
various bodies is mentioned in the
contact table. The table gives whether a
contact is present between bodies and if
then the type of contact namely, glue and
touch. Between each contact body a
coulomb friction is provided as shown in
the table below. The various friction
Metal Insert
parameters are given in the table below.
Table. 1: Contact Properties Table
Body 1
Body 2
Table. 2: Contact Friction Table
Since this problem involves large
displacement, 500 Load steps are used
for a period of 30sec. The number of
recycles given were 20 per load step.
Since sudden contact nonlinearities occur, it is felt that the gains
obtained in assembly in modified
Newton-Raphson can be nullified by
increased number of iterations or nonconvergence. Hence full Newton–
Raphson method is used. Since the
analysis deals with elastomer, deviatoric
stress option is used. This takes into
effect the residual stress if any present.
The convergence ratio of 0.1 is used for
the force criteria.
Results and Discussion
All the results were well within the
expectations. The Finite Element
Simulation carried out brought out the
following observations,
1) Contact force vs. Glass position: As
shown in the plot from fig. 4, we can
observe that as the glass moves into the
rubber sealing the resultant contact force
for the inner lip on the glass is
increasing. This plot along with the
contact force variation of the outer lip
gives the power required for the motor to
push the glass into the U-shaped section.
2) Deformation Pattern: From figs. 59 the deformation patterns at various
increments of 100, 200, 300, 400 and
500 are shown. They are found to be in
accordance with our expectations.
3) Pivoting action of Glassrun assembly:
The pivot provided at bottom of the
rubber sealing is to enhance the ability
of the sealing system to grip the glass.
The pivoting action is observed in fig 9.
The contact forces on the glass by the
outer lip will indicate the thrust put by
the lips on the glass. This will be a
measure of the air tightness of the
glassrun and also the resistance of the
glass to any sideward force.
4) Supporting inner lip: The very
purpose of this supporting inner lip is to
provide local strength to the inner lip of
the sealing system. This sees to it that
the inner lip doesn’t give way because of
the contact forces on the door glass. This
behaviour can be clearly noticed from
the plot shown in fig 10. Here the
resultant contact force of the inner lip
suddenly shoots up when the supporting
lip starts pushing the inner lip along with
the force acted upon the glass by the
outer lip. The contact forces on the
supporting lip will give the force acting
on the top of it.
5) Compression of Outer lip: From the
simulation it is observed that the
compression of the outer lip is around
5%. Changing the material of the flock
could change this compression, which in
turn would play in altering the contact
forces on the glass.
6) Stress strain contour: The stress
contours are given every 100 increments.
It’s seen that the metal insert gets
stressed a lot. This is because of the high
stiffness of the metal insert when
compared to the elastomer.
Scope for further work
The present analysis illustrates
the applicability of MSC.Marc to
simulate complex structural interaction
of elastomers under large strains. With
this basis, parametric analysis of
configurations can be carried out so that
one can arrive at low weight and
functionally efficient configurations.
Further a 3D model simulation is
being attempted to get a feel of the
actual issues involved and also to
finetune the results. A composite
geometry option is available in MARC,
which could be used to simplify the
problem. In order to juggle with the
various geometry options, this option
could be used for large scale simulations
and hence save the analysis time.
The authors wish to acknowledge
Mr. Raghavendra and Mr. Vijay
Machigad for providing information
regarding various glassrunner designs
and configurations. The encouragement
Ravishankar, Business Manager and Dr.
M S S Prabhu, Sr Vice President of
Infosys is greatly acknowledged.
The finite element simulation of
a typical glassrun has been carried out.
From the analysis, it is observed that the
simulation was close to our expectations.
The geometry of the pivot, hinging
action of the notch and that of the
supporting lip plays a vital role in the
power requirement of the power window
motor. In addition to it, the material of
the flock plays a vital role in the contact
force requirement of the glass.
The analysis of elastomers can be
effectively simulated using MSC.Marc
solutions to the industry. The Analysis
Driven Design of a typical automotive
component such as glassrun is as
illustrated in this paper.
MARC users manual
MARC command manual
Experimental Loading Conditions used to
implement Hyperelastic and Plastic Material
Models, Kurt Miller, Axel Products Inc.
Testing Brief, Compression or Biaxial
Extension, CompressionOrBiax-Rev-1,
June 2000.Axel Products Inc.
Finite Element Procedures, Klaus-Jurgen
Bathe, Prentice-Hall India, 1997
Engineering Plasticity, W Johnson, P B
Mellor, Ellis Horwood Limited, 1983.
Resultant Contact
Force On Glass.
Resultant Contact Force vs.
Resultant Glass position.
Glass Position.
Fig. 4: Contact force vs. Glass position Plot
Fig. 7: Simulation at 300th increment
Fig. 5: Simulation at 100th increment
Fig. 8: Simulation at 400th increment
Fig. 6: Simulation at 200th increment
Fig. 9: Simulation at 500th increment
Fig. 10: Magnified view of the supporting Lip
Fig. 11: Final deformed outline of the