Ancient Weapons and Warfare
Recent papers in Ancient Weapons and Warfare
This paper analyses a unique single-edged sword recovered from the Scythian grave 2, barrow 2, excavated near the village of Myrne in the Kherson Region, and provides typological and chronological analyses of similar artifacts from the... more
Il pilum è un'arma di cui si è persa la reale memoria con la fine dell'Impero Romano. Nei secoli successivi è stato tramandato un uso mitizzato da errate interpretazioni testuali del tutto sbagliate. La moderna archeologia ne sta... more
Though Odysseus’ tales to Eumaios and Aninoos in Odyssey 14.199–359 and 17.417–44, respectively, are presented as fictional tales within Homer’s larger myth, some elements have striking analogs in Late Bronze–Early Iron Age reality.... more
In 1929, a collection of finds was discovered in the sand quarry near Honnersdorf (Jindřichov near Tršnice), which included a ceramic vessel, a sword of the long seax type and related ironwork of the sheath. The find immediately became... more
In 2018, a team from the Austrian Archaeological Institute uncovered an alphabetic inscription that was painted onto a fragment of a Cypriote White Slip II milk bowl. The significance of the Lachish Milk Bowl Ostracon (LMBO) for biblical... more
Аннотация. Статья посвящена проблеме внутренних скифских конфликтов. Рассматривается археологический материал, включающий перечень скифских северочерноморских погребений с фиксируемыми «военными» травмами и ранениями погребенных, случаи... more
This thesis studies the evidence related to warfare and warriors in the Early Iron Age of Greece, from the eleventh to the early seventh century B.C.E. It argues that “warrior” identity, as expressed through burial with weapons or... more
No conflict can be totally understood without previously grasp the circumstances of all contenders. In this sense, to know the Dacian soldier’s panoply is essential not just to approach to the facts of the battlefields of Domitian’s and... more
Warfare in the Ancient Mediterranean World, A Brill Companion to Classical Studies Series Series Editor: Lee L. Brice Aims and Scope The aim of the series is to publish high-quality, useful volumes each focused on a specific topic related... more
Egy sajátságos fokos Nagyhalászról. / Scythian Age hatchet - sagaris - from Nagyhalász (Hungary) AD HOC 2018 Rövid ismertetés a nagyhalászi griff6sasfejben végződő karú vas díszfokosról. / The short introduction of the Scythian Age... more
Résumé - Cet article est la première étude détaillée d’un gisement sépulcral provençal du vie s. av. J.-C., découvert en 1952 et fouillé en 1964 et 1965. Après description de la cavité et des recherches, il comporte le catalogue... more
The thesis investigates the presence of mercenaries in the Eastern Mediterranean, specifically in Egypt and the Levant, from the Late Bronze Age to the end of the sixth century BCE. The time frame predates the ubiquitous mercenaries of... more
Στο νοτιο-ανατολικό τμήμα της πόλης της Πομπηίας υπήρχε μία περιοχή 40.000 τετραγωνικών μέτρων αποκλειστικά προορισμένη για τις δύο αγαπημένες δραστηριότητες των κατοίκων της Πομπηίας: την άθληση και την παρακολούθηση θεαμάτων στο... more
"L'arte della guerra" di Sun Tzu - testo fondamentale del pensiero cinese - ha avuto ampio seguito nella cultura occidentale in diversi ambiti. La presente analisi intende fornire una chiarificazione testuale sufficiente a fornire il... more
Wstęp Mirosław J. Leszka, Kirił Marinow................................................... 1 I Konstantynopolitańskie porty IV–XII w. [Constantinopolitan harbours in the 4th–12th centuries] Mirosław J. Leszka......... 5 II Wszystkie... more
ABSTRACT: This documentary response sheet contains a series of 112 sequential questions drawn from the video, PBS: Helen of Troy (115 minutes; presented by Bettany Hughes). The documentary examines what we know about Helen of Troy from... more
Vlijmscherp verleden Vlijmscherp verleden vertelt het verhaal over de geschiedenis van het zwaard en de rituele en symbolische betekenis ervan. U ziet bijna tweehonderd bijzondere zwaarden, afkomstig uit de prehistorie tot de twintigste... more
Syllabus and Reading Schedule for The Rise and Fall of Popular Rule—Athens (Integrated Humanities Program, History Module, Fall 2018, UVM). Course Description: America's founders, when establishing our political institutions, took... more
This forthcoming (rewritten) paper argues for the significance of swearing as a different type of language (a "proto-language") - one that serves to project and express unbearable, pre-verbal frustration, fear and feelings about Life's... more
One of four known ancient Maya books, the Grolier Codex depicts different manifestations of Venus; the column of glyphs on the left of each panel records days in a 104-year Venus almanac. These plaster-coated bark-paper pages,... more
Starting from a 6th century AD weapon burial (SHM 27289) in Ed parish, Uppland, this paper has two main aims. One is to present and date the grave and sketch its social context. The other is to collect and present a small group of... more
Link to download: This article makes three arguments regarding the Battle of Thermopylae. First, that the discovery of the Anopaea path was not dependent upon Ephialtes, but that the Persians were... more
After entering the second millennium BCE as a military superpower, Elam faded into historical obscurity upon its withdrawal from the broader Near Eastern political scene in 1763 BCE and only reemerged much later as a major player with a... more
Cette conférence a permis de présenter le Projet Collectif de Recherche "Le Chablais au second âge du Fer : la nécropole des Léchères à Chens-sur-Léman", qui vise à étudier un ensemble funéraire de La Tène ancienne / moyenne sur la rive... more
This short article attempts to show that there was not sword particular to the Spartans and that short swords were used by various Greek Armies from the Bronze Age. Origany published in Greek in the Naftiki Hellas (Naval Greece) magazine... more
The Viking Age in popular culture is often set in a dark and lawless era, a Hollywood conception of Ultima Thule, in which individual warriors fought for personal glory. But the archaeological evidence suggests a much different reality;... more
Jak wyglądało życie twórców społeczności, której relikty nazywamy kulturą przeworską? Dzięki szerokopłaszczyznowym badaniom wykopaliskowym realizowanym przy okazji dużych inwestycji, np. budowach autostrad, można obecnie stwierdzić, że na... more
This high school paper written by Dutch students Julian Colen and Jérôme Dorgelo provides you with information on the contribution of artillery to Roman warfare during the period of great Roman conquests. The paper examines this from both... more
This is about the weapons usage of Kandyan soldiers.
In: L. Deutscher/M. Kaiser/S. Wetzler (Hrsg.), The Sword: Form and Thought. Proceedings of the second Sword Conference 19/20 November 2015 Deutsches Klingenmuseum Solingen (Woodbridge 2019) 119-130.