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Some thoughts about why Scythian archers were employed as police force in the Athenian polis of Classical times.
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      Ancient Greek HistoryAristophanic comedyScythians
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      Greek TragedyAncient Greek and Roman TheatreAristophanic comedyAristotle's Poetics
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      Utopian StudiesAristophanic comedyPlato's RepublicPlato's Dialogues
RESUMO: Amparados pela perspectiva de gênero, objetivamos discutir a estreita ligação existente entre a comédia aristofânica, a pólis ateniense e o feminino, especificamente no que diz respeito às esposas legítimas. Ao nos debruçarmos... more
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      Gender StudiesAncient Greek HistoryAristophanic comedyWomen and Gender Studies
Edited by Philip Walsh, Washington College Brill’s Companion to the Reception of Aristophanes provides a substantive account of the reception of Aristophanes (c. 446-386 BC) from Antiquity to the present. Aristophanes was the renowned... more
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      Greek LiteratureGreek ComedyAristophanesClassical Reception Studies
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      AristophanesAristophanic comedyDionysusAncient Greek Comedy
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      AristophanesComedyAristophanic comedyAncient Greek Comedy
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      Greek ComedyAristophanesHumorAthenian Democracy
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      AristophanesAncient BiographyAristophanic comedyAncient Greek Comedy
Peace is one of Aristophanes’ most poetically resonant comedies. This work provides an analysis of a paratragic feature hitherto almost neglected by scholars, the figure of Prometheus, especially as characterised in Aeschylus’ Prometheus... more
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      Greek ComedyAristophanesAncient Greek and Roman TheatreAristophanic comedy
Pallas 108 - Table des matières
(article disponible sur/paper available on
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      AristophanesNarratologyAristophanic comedySatire & Irony
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      Comparative LiteratureMythologyClassicsGenre
Short paper written for Phillips Exeter Academy's Liber Classics Magazine Volume 2: Women. This paper briefly explores how the perceived message of Lysistrata has changed as the cultural context around the play has changed. Edited by... more
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      ClassicsAristophanesAristophanic comedyAncient Greek Literature
Este breve estudo comparativo das comédias de Aristófanes Os Cavaleiros e Os Acarnenses pretende abordar a forma pela qual política do representante democrático da Atenas do século V a.C. era vista por Aristófanes, tal como a crítica que... more
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      Greek LiteratureGreek ComedyAristophanesAristophanic comedy
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      PhilologyHistoryAncient HistoryCultural History
This article examines Aristophanes’ Clouds within the framework of the ritual events of the Great Dionysia, drawing parallels between those events and various textual and performative aspects of the play. It is argued that scholarship to... more
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      AristophanesSocratesCloudsRitual Theory
Aristophanes’ oeuvre is inextricably tied to the life and the fate of his native city Athens. The history, the political issues, and the people of Athens have always provided the central themes of his comic fictions. Aristophanes opposed... more
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      AristophanesAthenian DemocracyAristophanic comedyAristophanes Frogs
A close reading of three Aristophanic scenes in which non-elite Athenian citizen characters confront one another in ways which highlight issues relating to the operation of Athenian democratic social values. The analysis teases out an... more
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      Greek ComedyAristophanesAthenian DemocracyAristophanic comedy
This is a comparison of Agathon’s role in Aristophanes’ Thesmophoriazusae and Plato’s Symposium. Firstly, I examine the Platonic version, and the unique, idiosyncratic part Plato gives Agathon to play, as a host to all, and a hostage to... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural StudiesGender Studies
Michel'Angelo Giacomelli (1695-1774), Archbishop of Chalcedon, editor of pagan and Christian authors and friend of J.J. Winckelmann, began work in the early 1750s on an annotated verse translation of Aristophanes' Lysistrata, which was... more
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      AristophanesTranslation StudiesHistory of Classical ScholarshipClassical philology
Aristophanes, parody, parodic techniques
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      AristophanesParodyAristophanic comedyAncient Greek Comedy
Basing on Wilson’s edition (Aristophanis Fabulae, Oxford, 2007) the paper analyzes Ecclesiazusae’s prologue in order to identify the ethe of anonimous characters and the dramatic function of the koryphaios. Accordingly some lines are... more
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    • Aristophanic comedy
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      AristophanesAristophanic comedyAristophanes FrogsAncient Greek Comedy
Solón considera que los actos injustos y la rapiña de los δήμου ἡγεμόνες provocan un ἕλκος en la ciudad (4.17, West). Esta metáfora subyace a la analogía cuerpo/πόλις, en la medida en que el conflicto político es caracterizado como una... more
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      AristophanesMetaphorAristophanic comedyDemagogy/demagoguery
This thesis is an analysis of the performance reception of Aristophanes’ Frogs across the English-speaking world; in which I include Britain, North America, Africa and Australasia. It will draw on the growing trend of performance... more
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      ClassicsAristophanesGreek TheatreClassical Reception Studies
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      Aristophanic comedyObscenity StudiesAncient Greek Comedy
“La Favola in Aristofane” è la prima monografia espressamente dedicata allo studio dei testi favolistici presenti nelle commedie di Aristofane, principale esponente della commedia greca archaia e tra i maggiori drammaturghi di tutti i... more
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      AristophanesAncient Greek and Roman TheatreAncient BiographyAristophanic comedy
The different kinds of theatrical performance have grown up in the western cultural tradition from dance.Dance and voice make the actors' body protagonist, underlining the visual nature of theatrical art, even when playwrights compose... more
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      Dance StudiesPhenomenology of the bodyHoraceAristotle's Rhetoric and Poetics
Este artículo tiene como objetivo presentar los avances de un trabajo de investigación sobre los diferentes tipos de referencias a la tragedia presentes en las comedias de Aristófanes. Para realizar dicho estudio, se ha partido de una... more
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      AristophanesAristophanic comedyAncient Greek LiteratureParatragedy
This paper aims to critically analyse the testimonies concerning Athenian impiety trials of the classical period. First, it reaffirms the arguments that some of them must have been an invention of Hellenistic and later authors. Second, it... more
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      Ancient HistoryGreek HistoryGreek ComedyHellenistic Literature
Il volume racconta il monumento nei suoi dettagli, dalle origini greche alla sua trasformazione nel quartiere catanese chiamato “Grotte”, fino alla sua riscoperta nella metà del ‘700 e alla progressiva liberazione dalle case che nel tempo... more
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      ArchaeologyGreek LiteratureGreek TragedyGreek Comedy
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      AristophanesAncient Greek ReligionAristophanic comedyAncient Scholarship
Study of Kinesias, the Athenian "New Dithyrambist" often satirized by the Old Comic poets; in particular I examine the intersection of New Dithyramb and pre-Socratic philosophy, and the allegation that Kinesias "defecated on the... more
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      PhilologyAncient HistoryClassicsGreek Literature
This book presents the Greek text of Aristophanes’ Frogs with a facing English translation. The Greek text is that of F. W. Hall and W. M. Geldart (1907), from the Oxford Classical Texts series. The English translation and accompanying... more
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      Greek LiteratureAristophanesGreek LanguageComedy
Abstract In the fifth and fourth century BC in Athens, old age did not confer automatically respect and authority, in fact, an old person's worth was based on one's ability to remain a functioning member of society. The cultural script... more
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      ClassicsGreek ComedyAgingAristophanic comedy
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      Greek LiteratureAristophanesAristophanic comedyThesis
(English below) Resumen. El presente artículo examina las diversas referencias a fiestas dionisíacas atenienses que se encuentran diseminadas en las Ranas de Aristófanes, con el fin de establecer la función que realizan y cómo contribuyen... more
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      AristophanesGreek ReligionAncient Greek ReligionAristophanic comedy
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      Greek LiteratureGreek HistoryAristophanesMenander
Αντικείμενο της μελέτης μας αποτελεί η προσέγγιση του αριστοφανικού έργου από μια εντελώς ιδιάζουσα οπτική. Δε θα μας απασχολήσει δηλαδή η φύση και λειτουργία του κωμικού ή η τυπολογία των ηρώων του αντικείμενα άλλωστε για τα οποία... more
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      AdaptationTheatre TheoryAristophanic comedy
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      Social PsychologyAristophanesBehavioral SciencesCivic Education
Μερικά νέα στοιχεία πάνω στην κατασυκοφαντημένη παράσταση των Εκκλησιαζουσών του 1904 στη Νέα Σκηνή του Κωνσταντίνου Χρηστομάνου. Το άρθρο θέτει υπό αμφισβήτηση την άποψη ότι η παράσταση αποτελεί χαρακτηριστικό δείγμα μιας περιόδου... more
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      AristophanesTheatre StudiesTheatre HistoryDirecting
Η Αρχαία Ελληνική Κωμωδία άκμασε κυρίως μεταξύ του 5ου και του 3ου αιώνα π.Χ. στην Αττική αλλά και εκτός αυτής. Ο Αριστοϕάνης και ο Μένανδρος είναι οι πιο γνωστοί κωμικοί ποιητές και οι μόνοι των οποίων έργα διασώζονται ακέραια.... more
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      Greek ComedyAristophanesMenanderUtopianism
Aristofane è uno degli autori più studiati della letteratura greca antica, ma resta uno dei più sfuggenti. Molte questioni, di grande portata e di dettaglio, sono ancora oggetto di dibattito, e rendono particolarmente opportuni gli... more
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      Greek ComedyAristophanesAristophanic comedyAncient Greek Comedy
Abstract The scholia to Plutus state that lines 290-301 are a parody of Philoxenos of Cythera’s Cyclops, from which Aristophanes allegedly took some literal quotes. This is the ancient interpretation, but it's possible to argue that the... more
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      AristophanesAristophanic comedyDithyrambPhiloxenus of Cythera
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      AristophanesProverbsAristophanic comedyAncient Greek Comedy
Con la sua fantasia inesauribile, Aristofane è senza dubbio uno dei veri inventori del teatro europeo. Ma proprio la fantasia esplosiva di Aristofane ha impedito per molto tempo alla critica di considerare la sua produzione alla stregua... more
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      Greek ComedyAristophanesTheatre StudiesDrama and Theater
Frontespizio, sommario, abstract e bibliografia della tesi magistrale discussa presso l'Università degli Studi di Pavia il 25/09/2019.
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      AristophanesAristophanic comedyAristophanes' AcharniansThe Birds by Aristophanes