Automation in Construction 97 (2019) 122–137
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BIM semantic-enrichment for built heritage representation
Davide Simeone , Stefano Cursi , Marta Acierno
Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome, Via Eudossiana, 18, 00184 Rome, Italy
Department of History, Representation and Conservation of Architecture, Sapienza University of Rome, Piazza Borghese, 9, 00186 Rome, Italy
Knowledge management
Built Heritage
Information ontologies
In the built heritage context, BIM has shown difficulties in representing and managing the large and complex
knowledge related to non-geometrical aspects of the heritage. Within this scope, this paper focuses on a domainspecific semantic-enrichment of BIM methodology, aimed at fulfilling semantic representation requirements of
built heritage through Semantic Web technologies. To develop this semantic-enriched BIM approach, this research relies on the integration of a BIM environment with a knowledge base created through information
ontologies. The result is knowledge base system - and a prototypal platform - that enhances semantic representation capabilities of BIM application to architectural heritage processes. It solves the issue of knowledge
formalization in cultural heritage informative models, favouring a deeper comprehension and interpretation of
all the building aspects. Its open structure allows future research to customize, scale and adapt the knowledge
base different typologies of artefacts and heritage activities.
1. Introduction
1.1. Built heritage information modelling
Since its introduction, BIM has produced sensible advantages in
those contexts where the AEC industry mainly gears to new construction, while the actual impact in the field of existing buildings intervention - and in particular to heritage buildings - is still limited.
Intervening on built heritage is a highly complex task where, in addition to traditional AEC projects issues, new elements make more difficult to reach effective and high-quality design results. Such an issue is
affected by the amount and the quality of information related to the
built heritage that is shared by the different actors. Recently, some
research has shown the potentialities of the application of a BIM-oriented approach to these processes but some issues have progressively
emerged. In particular, the research problem addressed in this research
is that, at present, built heritage informative models remains poor in
terms of semantics and a large area knowledge area, related to relevant
features of the artefact, such as its history or its modifications during
the time, are not adequately represented. Although some research has
focused on how to add knowledge to built heritage models to include
some specific aspects, a general framework for their semantic-enrichment, specifically finalized to support investigation and conservation
processes, is still missing. The two main consequences, that deeply affect conservation activities, are:
1) Built heritage information models do not usually provide an adequate representation that includes the relevant semantics also considering specificness and uniqueness of artefacts;
2) Without a general framework for semantics representation and
management, the conservation process cannot fully act as an integrated system of activities that gather and share knowledge about
the artefact and the intervention.
The main research question that rises from these elements regards
the structure, the components and the behaviour of a general model
that, relying on the integration of BIM and Semantic Web technologies,
can assure a comprehensive and flexible formalization and management of the large amount of multidisciplinary knowledge elaborated in
conservation processes, therefore taking into account both investigation
and conservation planning. Going deeper, the questions related to the
development of this semantic-enriched BIM model for built heritage
are: 1) how to enhance representation semantic level by providing information with its necessary interpretation context; 2) how to extend
the representation domain including all the knowledge necessary for
artefact comprehension but not directly includable in its physical
components (such as history or context information); 3) how to formalize this knowledge in a computable way, making it inferable
through rules and algorithms.
To answer to these questions, the paper has been organised as to
follow: an analysis of current BIM application to built heritage (2.1), an
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (D. Simeone), (S. Cursi), (M. Acierno).
Received 16 November 2016; Received in revised form 29 August 2018; Accepted 3 November 2018
Available online 11 November 2018
0926-5805/ © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Automation in Construction 97 (2019) 122–137
D. Simeone et al.
introduction to the topic of BIM semantic-enrichment in AEC (2.2) and
a summary of the state of the art of ontologies application within the
cultural heritage scope (2.3). Further on, Section 3 presents the study
case upon which the proposed model has been developed and Section 4
focusses on the research methodology and results, describing the
methodology and the conceptual structure of the model (4.1), as well as
its different components: the BIM environment (4.2.1), the knowledge
base (4.2.2), the SWRL reasoning component (4.2.3) and the BIM Semantic Bridge (4.2.4).
pieces, damaged parts or reused elements.
With the advent of the integration of laser scanning data in BIM
environments, some research has worked on the application of realitybased BIM methodologies to overcome the representational limits of
HBIM. Some approaches are focused on the material and historical investigation of the building, through the survey, the definition of the
type and the state of conservation of the materials [24]. Others are
oriented to the development of a more accurate parametric model related an existing building starting from the data of a topographic and a
laser scanner survey and from an archival documents research [17],
and even to automatic 3D building modelling from remote sensing
technologies [1]. These research efforts provided a great improvement
in terms of physical accuracy of representation and, as a consequence,
of geometrical comprehension of the artefact. In this approach, the
geometries of the different components of the artefact are scanned,
imported in the BIM environment and manually assigned to macro-sets
of families. Although the accuracy of geometrical representation is
preserved, some issues arose in terms of representation and manageability of non-geometric information and of the provision of knowledge
not specifically related to scanned surfaces.
From the analysis of the described approaches, we can affirm that
the key issue of semantics representation is still not adequately addressed and, while the quality of geometrical representation is progressively increasing in research, a few works (mentioned in the following section) are focusing on how to improve knowledge
representation and management in built heritage. This representation
gap has to be necessarily filled up as, within cultural heritage conservation process, the geometrical representation cannot be conceived
as a step apart from critical and historical knowledge.
2. Theoretical frame
2.1. BIM for built heritage
Cultural heritage conservation project relies on two linked aspects,
the identification of historical and architectural values of the building
and the evaluation of its physical consistency, both addressing conservation decisions. While the physical consistency investigation could
be carried on as an analytic and scientific process, the values assessment defines the building in terms of authenticity and identity ([48]:
principles for conservation and restoration of built heritage, 2000),
rises from the critical comprehension of the artefact.
The information necessary for this full comprehension is diversified,
interrelated and, often, its sharing is not sufficient for real comprehension and collaboration [34] [35] but it is necessary to provide information with its interpretative context.
In the AEC industry, some research has aimed at enlarging BIM
application domain in order to include existing buildings [49] [3] and
built heritage artefacts [46], mainly focusing on establishing databases
of past and present conditions of the building rather than conceiving
BIM as a hub for supporting integrated documentation of heritage artefacts. In analogy with the spread of BIM in the AEC field, the variety
of BIM-oriented approaches and case studies have been addressed to
different heritage activities such as investigation, conservation, documentation, design and reuse, virtual reconstruction, management, and
communication. Circumscribing this vast literature to the research
scope, two brief categories of BIM approaches can be defined to better
understand the current state of the art in such a context: the Historical
Building Information Modelling (HBIM) and the Reality-based BIM for
heritage. The discriminating criterion lies in the process of generation
of the informative model of the built heritage artefact, taking into account if such a model is generated by relying on abstract, literaturebased parametric families or on the direct generation of ad hoc families
and instances derived from data and information directly collected
through investigation activities on the artefact.
The HBIM, firstly introduced by Murphy et al. [40] and Dore and
Murphy [21], is based on libraries of parametric BIM objects for the
heritage constructed through Geometric Descriptive Language (GDL)
and used as a connection between the survey data collection and the
informative BIM model [10]. As an example, Oreni et al. [42] relied on
the HBIM approach for the conservation project of the Basilica of St.
Maria of Collemaggio (damaged in 2009 by the Aquila earthquake) for
managing the stages of simulation of structural behaviour, analysis,
economic evaluation of the project, and restoration of the building.
These experiences are relevant to show the capabilities of BIM schema
to describe the heritage artefact in terms of its physical components.
Nevertheless, as a limit of this approach, the use of libraries of parametric elements derived from theoretical architectural history essays
and books clashes with the uniqueness and built heritage artefacts,
deeply correlated to its history and historical events. In this perspective,
the use of abstract families causes the loss of a large amount of relevant
information and provides a misleading or inaccurate representation. In
addition, the parametric rules behind the development of those families
cannot correlate to specific contexts and periods of the heritage artefact, and the use of simplified geometries cuts off all the information
regarding the current state of the construction elements such as missing
2.2. Semantic-enriched BIM
Since the introduction of BIM and IFC in the AEC field, the topic of
semantic-enrichment has been investigated in order to enhance quality
and level of non-geometrical information associated with tri-dimensional representations, often through implementation and evolution of
IFC schemas [36] [22] [33] [7].
More recently, the introduction of Linked Data approach and of
Semantic Web technologies has opened new possibilities in BIM semantic-enrichment. As described by Pauwels et al. [44] the analogy
between construction industry representation schemes (i.e. IFC) and
semantic network description logics (RDF and OWL), has favoured the
implementation of information ontologies in the AEC industry, usually
combined with Express rules. In 2005, Beetz et al. [6] introduced an
embryonic version of the future IfcOWL ontology that has to be considered the first step in extending AEC structured information sets to
the world of semantic ontologies. These works - representative of a
larger research area – demonstrated the ability of semantic networks
and informative ontologies to enhance project documentation and data
accessibility. An open problem is, nevertheless, the definition of a reference classification schema sufficiently wide and open to support
ontologies formalization and data exchange.
Jeong [32] investigated the use of ontologies for semantics sharing
in multidisciplinary design. In the same period, Carrara et al. [14]
proposed ontologies as a way to move towards knowledge-based
models to improve collaboration in AEC processes. In these two cases,
the attention is more on knowledge exchange and provision of information with its interpretative context – an aspect relevant for built
heritage field – while no comprehensive knowledge base structures are
defined. The combination of BIM and Semantic Web has progressively
shown all its potentials in enhancing the level of semantic representation in the AEC. Nevertheless, those efforts are mainly oriented to new
construction design, while only a few attempts have been made in
translating these approaches and methodologies to built heritage processes, where relevance and amount of necessary semantics are even
bigger. In the HBIM approach, this task is partially carried out through
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City GML, a methodology derived from Geographical Information
Systems area and used to associate non-geometrical data to specific
points belonging to physical components of the building [21]. While
this approach is quite efficient when integrated with point-based survey
techniques, limits emerge when applied to component-based representations such as building information models. In addition, this
methodology shows difficulties in representing all the information not
directly associable to points in space, and this is extremely counterproductive in built heritage field since it leaves a large part of relevant
knowledge out from the informative models. Similarly to the new
building design area, some research has focused on the integration of
Semantic Web technologies and BIM to enrich representation of heritage artefacts. Pauwels et al. [45] [43] and Di Mascio et al. [18] relied
on the integration of ifcOWL (connected with other heritage-specific
ontologies) and game engines to provide an informative tridimensional
representation of heritage architecture. These experiments, that we
consider relevant references for our research, demonstrated the potential of extending the BIM representation to include knowledge bases
specifically designed for some aspects of built heritage. It is also clear
the lack of a more general framework for inclusion and management of
the whole system of information necessary for a full documentation of
the artefact. Other projects, such as DURAARK - Durable Architectural
Knowledge - project [19] [5], aimed at providing tools and methods for
the Long-Term Preservation (LTP) of architectural artefact knowledge
through the development of BIM models, also derived from point
clouds, and of RDF datasets concerning architectural data with its internal and external relations. In this case, the research provided an
insight of the potential of Semantic Web technologies and BIM to
conserve and document the artefact during the time, providing a reference dataset to support preservation activities.
All these experiences, however, have highlighted that the use of IFC
standard template partially hinders the semantic-enrichment capabilities of these models since it is not suited to the specificity, uniqueness, and context-dependence of a heritage artefact. In fact, some of
the information necessary for the representation of heritage buildings
cannot directly be formalized through IFC standards, while other has to
be forced in the IFC schema [23], resulting in a “semantic bottleneck”
that affects quality and consistency of built heritage representation. For
instance, considering an IfcWall entity, defined in the ISO 6707-1:1989
as “Vertical construction usually in masonry or in concrete which
bounds or subdivides a construction works and fulfils a load bearing or
retaining function”, the relational property sets are conceived for describing the vertical spaces partition of new buildings – e.g. HasCoverings; HasProjections; HasOpening; ProvidesBoundaries – while the
datatype properties take into account the geometric features of the
object – e.g. Length; Width; Height; GrossSideArea - principally useful
for design and quantification of a new building. If compared to the built
heritage and conservation field, it is also of great importance to include
in the representation the constructive features and the state of preservation features of an Artefact Entity in order to support the analysis
and interpretation activities conducted by the involved specialists. In
the case of a Wall Entity, it is indispensable to be able of describing its
stratigraphy and other indicators useful to contextualise the object,
understand its nature and possible changes over time.
representational template [44]. Recently, Semantic Web approaches
have assumed a relevant role also in the cultural heritage information
management, especially for representation of knowledge related to
particular aspects such as heritage cataloguing or monuments damage
[4] [47].
Since its introduction as ISO standard in 2006, the Conceptual
Reference Model (CIDOC-CRM) [16] has become the main ontological
reference structure for formalizing the knowledge related to museum
assets. This core ontology allows representing, through a formal and
highly specific language, the information on cultural heritage in relation to the concepts of space and time, thus supporting operations of
reasoning and inference.
In this regard, the CIDOC allows expressing statements concerning
different kinds of resources, such as physical objects or abstract concepts that are linked to temporal and spatial information or to actors
and physical persons. The CIDOC-CRM also provides a wide range of
formalized relationships between these resources, which allow formalization of even semantically complex concepts such as, for example,
the activities run by a museum or specific events related to the creation
of a specific asset or the birth of a certain individual. Since its introduction, the CIDOC-CRM had a large diffusion together with
Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) [29] which
focussed on the representation of bibliographic aspects.
In addition, also professionally oriented ontologies have been developed such as the Information System for Monument Damage
Description (MONDIS) [13], an ontological framework able to model
and coordinate an automated reasoning behind the documentation of
built heritage damages, their diagnosis and possible interventions.
Focusing on architectural heritage, it is appropriate to mention two
experiences. The first one is the Architecture Metadata Object Schema
(ARMOS) [2], a framework derived from the CIDOC-CRM template for
cataloguing architectural heritage and in particular its formal aspects.
The second one, named Semantic Technologies for Archaeological Resources (STAR) project [38], focuses on linking digital archive databases and vocabularies for documentation of archaeological sites.
Eventually, as regards the earthen architecture investigation process,
Mecca et al. [39] proposed a dedicated ontology for diagnostics
workflow, in order to formalize sets of information guidelines.
Within the Italian institutional context, the Cultural-ON ontology
[31] has been recently developed to support the identification of cultural sites and events promoted by the Italian Ministry.
On the one hand, those examples show the potentialities of applying
ontology-based models to different fields of heritage representation,
documentation and analysis, on the other hand, it can be easily observed that the interpretative component, which is necessary for architectural conservation, is not yet adequately addressed.
Other domain-specific ontologies have been progressively introduced to represent specific aspects of the heritage conservation
process [20]. Within CIDOC-CRM, different models have been developed to widen the representation field. In particular two models may
properly comply to the present research, CRMba and CRMsci, oriented
to built archaeology and scientific investigation processes ([12]).
Nevertheless, at present, a model addressing specifically to architectural heritage conservation process is still missing.
2.3. Semantic Web approaches for cultural heritage
3. Case study: the Oratory of San Saba
During the last ten years, some research has shown the potentialities
of the introduction of Semantic Web technologies to improve representation and information management in building information
processes [6]. Such approaches rely on the use of semantic networks,
systems of concepts and logical relationships to decompose and make
computable knowledge related to the AEC domain.
AEC research in this direction has mainly focused on the use of
informative ontologies (both in RDF or OWL schema) for this scope,
usually referring to the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC)
In order to test and calibrate the model within a built heritage
process, it was applied to the ongoing conservation project of the
Oratory of San Saba (2013–2016), a small hypogeal church located in
the historical centre of Rome. The project aims at the transmission to
the future of the physical consistency of the building according to both
aesthetic and historical issues [9].
In fact, this heritage architecture showed a high level of complexity
in terms of both spatial, typological and constructive features, and of
transformation along time, perfectly suited to a demonstration of
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Fig. 1. Case Study of the Oratory of San Saba: plans and sections describing the current state of the artefact, investigated through traditional survey methodologies
(drawings by S. Cutarelli).
necessity and potentiality of a semantic-enriched BIM approach. The
architectural heritage artefact, originally conceived as an oratory for
the monastic community, was built on a previous roman domus (end of
the 4th-century A.D.), was later transformed in a cemetery and later
buried to act as the foundation for the medieval upper church, built in
the eleventh century. Only at the beginning of the twentieth century,
the Oratory was unearthed during the restoration works and made accessible. The Oratory has a basilical plan with a unique aula, that ends
with an apse and is divided into three parts by some concrete pillars
(covered by bricks) realised at the beginning of the 20th century in
order to sustain the concrete floor (Fig. 1).
The masonry techniques are manifold, as the walls are the result of
several transformations and covered with frescoes partially conserved.
Underneath the walking level, a complex system of burial elements was
realised in the 9th century. The tombs were organised in rows of three
units divided by a corridor and built on two floors (Fig. 2).
Geometrical and architectural surveys were performed through both
traditional methods and laser scanning, while other study activities
have focused on the hermeneutical appraisal of the artefact. The first set
of activities is directed at the full comprehension of the physical items
and is carried on by multiple professionals. The second, generally
performed by a conservation architect, is oriented to the comprehension of the elements that are not directly detectable on the building. It
requires an interpretative effort focused on merging all information
provided by the analytic process in a synthesis, which supports the
critical assessment and gives direction to the conservation design.
In the investigation and conservation project of the Oratory of San
Saba, a semantic-enriched BIM approach was considered as a consistent
way to properly represent both physical components and the results of
investigation activities and historical studies, providing a unified informative model to support decisions and actions.
4. BIM Semantic-enrichment for architectural heritage
4.1. Methodology and conceptual structure of the model
In the scope of the application of BIM principles and methods to
built heritage processes, the present research relied on constructive
research methodology to propose the integration of a BIM environment
with a knowledge base created through information ontologies as a way
to enhance quality and consistency of knowledge representation to fulfil
architectural heritage requirements. In accordance to this methodology,
after the clarification of the central problem to be solved – the semantic-enrichment of built heritage information models – and the
analysis of the research efforts already performed in the same direction,
an investigation of the semantic representation principles of the two
approaches identified as potential part of more general resolutive
template: BIM and Semantic Web based on information ontologies.
Starting from this comparison and from the analysis of their representation templates (described in the Sections 4.2.1 and 4.2.2), the
research has designed a conceptual structure of a model able to potentially formalize in a BIM model the knowledge produced and exchange in a built heritage documentation and conservation process. As
later shown in Fig. 3, respective knowledge representation domains
have been depicted and an inference engine integrated to provide semantic reasoning to the model. As required by the constructive research
methodology, the connection between the different components of the
model has been identified and a specific solution for the missing link
between the BIM environment and the knowledge base has been conceived. As a derived result of this research, a prototype platform for this
aspect has been developed and tested. Validation and assessment of the
proposed model have been carried out by its application to different
aspects and discipline-specific topics emerged from the real
Automation in Construction 97 (2019) 122–137
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Fig. 2. 3D model of the Oratory of San Saba generated through laser scanning methodology (top) and northern wall masonry analysis (bottom). The masonry study
shows the wall constructive complexity and its rich stratification (drawings by S. Cutarelli).
Fig. 3. The conceptual structure of the proposed model composed of the BIM environment, the Knowledge Base + the SWRL reasoning environment, and the BIM
Semantic Bridge.
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artefact architectural identity and, therefore, to be included in its informative model.
Computability of knowledge related to the artefact is another feature that can be reached through semantic-enriched BIM: the use of
ontologies to extend BIM usual representation domain provides the
possibility of operating on a variety of interconnected data, performing
calculations, coherence checks and complex reasoning. This is a relevant shift for BIM support to conservation process since it provides a
single modelling environment where the extensive representation of the
artefact ensures coherence and consistency of interconnected information.
In the scope of architectural heritage, BIM semantic-enrichment also
deals with the interpretation of information – and more generally of
informative models - that is a relevant conservation aspect still overlooked by current BIM approaches to heritage. In new construction
BIM, in fact, the correct interpretation of building information is
usually ensured by a common, implicit semantics that allows different
actors to understand and manage the variety of different modelled
entities and of all related data and information. This semantics, based
on the component-driven decomposition of buildings, has actually
shaped current BIM software that, in fact, provides as system families
some classes of elements (i.e. walls, floors, etc.) and rigid assembly
relationships among them. Therefore, interpretation of objects and information is quite simple for the different specialists involved. On the
contrary, in built heritage field, variety, specificity and context-dependence of information requires interpretation of modelled information to be carefully guided. In this perspective, semantic networks allow
providing information within its context of interpretation, enhancing
actors' comprehension and, therefore, the awareness of their conservation decisions.
In this scope, we conceived a semantic-enriched building information model for the architectural heritage that is essentially made of four
main components (Fig. 3):
conservation process of the described case study. The variety of the
aspects considered allowed the assessment of the model efficacy as a
whole as well as the single functioning of its components.
With reference to the knowledge base, by relying on similar approaches developed in the AEC field (and in particular on the Building
Knowledge Modelling proposed by Carrara et al. [14], and by taking
into account the different domain-specific ontologies developed in the
cultural heritage, this research identifies four knowledge domains and
their inner taxonomies, as well as proposing a set of relationships to
connect knowledge entities both within the same domain or between
different domains. Where it was possible, these taxonomies have embedded, adapted and extended previous ontologies developed in the
built heritage sectors, and integrated them into a single and comprehensive knowledge base. Among the others, the CIDOC CRM [16] ontology translation and extension to architectural heritage scope were
useful to formalize particularly aspects of building documentation such
as its transformations. Where domain-specific ontologies were not
available, new conceptual structures were developed and verified. For
instance, the Built Heritage Conservation Process domain taxonomy was
conceived by relying on the formalization of similar processes oriented
to information acquisition, while the artefact domain structure partially
relies on the well-known building decomposition in terms of spaces and
building components. In any of the proposed domains, the research
depicts some model principles rather than providing a static and rigid
taxonomy; this allows to fully exploit the potential flexibility of ontology-based representations, allowing future users to customize, edit
and enrich the knowledge base in order to fully adapt it to a specific use
in a built heritage process.
Although information ontologies and relational databases – such as
BIM databases - present conceptual differences [37], this research capitalizes two main analogies of the modelling methodologies of BIM
and of Semantic Web: 1) the objects/relationships-oriented representation and 2) the abstract/concrete (often known as class/instance) specification.
In a BIM environment, buildings are decomposed in an organised set
of entities and relationships, corresponding to the technological components of the artefact and to their relationships (such as the assembly
rules or those referring to constructive and behavioural relationships).
Similarly, semantic networks are structured as oriented networks of
nodes and arcs, where nodes are concepts and arcs represent relationships between two concepts. This correspondence allows translating
BIM structure into the ontologies framework, integrating its entities and
relationships into a larger knowledge base able to organise different
knowledge domains representation.
The second analogy refers to the abstraction/instantiation process
that can be found in both BIM and ontologies environment: BIM relies
on a family-type-instance schema that can be considered a simplification of the common class-subclass-instance structure, typical of ontology-based systems. This analogy can also be found at the properties
level, since in both approaches entities are represented in terms of
properties describing their main features, and values associated with
those properties to define specific instances.
By comparing representation structures of BIM and of Semantic
Web, we can recognise how BIM semantics can be embedded in a wider
integrated formal model in which BIM entities, relationships, and rules
are combined with other concepts and relationships, extending the represented domain(s) and raising the semantic level of representation.
Semantic-enrichment of heritage BIM also aims at including, in a
single modelling environment, both direct and indirect knowledge related to the artefact. While BIM representation schema mainly focuses
on the description of physical components of the building, the use of an
ontology-based representation schema allows to explicitly represent
concepts, abstract objects, contextual elements, and other cultural elements not physically showed by the artefact but still necessary for its
comprehension [11]. This knowledge is not an external set of information to be used as a reference but is an essential part of the
1) A BIM environment;
2) A Knowledge base developed through an ontology-based system;
3) A Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL) component to perform
reasoning in the knowledge base;
4) A “BIM Semantic Bridge” that connects the BIM database and the
knowledge base.
In the development of the prototypal application of the semanticenriched building information model for architectural heritage, some
components have been implemented by relying on already available
software (Autodesk Revit 2015 for the BIM environment and the ontology editor Protegé 3.5 for the Knowledge base and the reasoning
component) while an ad hoc C# application has been developed for the
implementation of the BIM Semantic Bridge.
4.2. The semantic-enriched building information model
4.2.1. The BIM environment for the architectural heritage artefact
While in AEC field the Building Information Model is mainly a
virtualization of the design enriched with constructive or management
information such as materials, costs, etc., in architectural heritage its
role is the representation of the artefact in terms of its physical components and their attributes elaborated by relying on information
generated by the investigation process. Representation of an architectural heritage artefact in a BIM environment implies an act of discretization of the artefact, meant as its decomposition in terms of its
physical and constructive components. This process, which depends
both on the artefact nature and on the different specialists' assumptions,
is carried out in the BIM environment by relying on the triple-layered
representation template made of families, family types and instances.
Families are the more abstract level of the template and define
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classes of objects with similar meanings, functions, behaviours, and
attributes. In the act of modelling the artefact, the conception and
construction of families of components are one of the first steps that
have to be carefully carried out and that can affect consistency and
quality of the information stored in the model.
Family types are the result of the specification of some common
features of a set of objects belonging to the same family. Their role is to
classify and formalize different variations of the same category of objects depending on the variation of features and/or attributes. In fact,
family types inherit all the attributes from the superordinate family and
assign specific values to them in order to generate different configurations of the same category of elements. While families and the family types can be considered abstract layers in the modelling environment, the instances of elements are those that actually represent
the artefact geometry, physicality, and configuration. In fact, the
building information model of an artefact is generated by a process of
specification that populates the model with virtual components that
have unique values associated with the attributes inherited by the superordinate families/families types. Multiple similar elements can be
generated by referring to the same family while operating on their
parameters and attributes it is possible to control their variation and
differences in terms of both features and behaviours. In the BIM environment, all the elements modelled and their parameters are formalized by ID into a relational database, divided in different tables
accordingly to the superordinate family (Fig. 4).
The virtual model of the artefact generated by means of BIM approach embeds two main elements: geometry and semantics.
The first aspect is out of the scope of this research and, therefore, we
chose to rely on already consolidated approaches and workflows.
Independently from the geometry information being provided through
traditional surveys or through advanced laser scanning techniques,
each element geometry is controlled through family-dependent parameters that control attributes such as the thickness of walls, the height
of columns, etc. Although if this approach necessarily implies a simplification of the accuracy of geometry representation, this level of
adherence to reality was considered sufficient for the purpose of this
research. Only when geometry was very particular and a high degree of
accuracy was needed, we chose not to rely on geometry controlling
through parameters but to directly import its elaboration from point
clouds as collected during investigations. Without going much further,
we can assume that, differently from the AEC where geometry is strictly
generated through rigid parameters and allowed operations embedded
in the family structure, architectural heritage requires a more flexible
system for geometry representation that allows diversity in the input
system, partially detaching geometry from family parameters.
In BIM environments, semantics is reduced to non-geometric attributes associated with the physical components of the artefact that can
both store values (such as integers or strings) or point to other entities
(usually by storing the ID of the target entity). Although this way of
representing semantics is quite limited (especially if compared to the
complexity of architectural heritage), the proposed system still partially
rely on it solely for the part regarding features directly associated with
the physical components. While in current BIM systems those attributes
are just stored in the BIM environment, in the proposed system they are
represented in a wider knowledge base (described in detail in Section
4.2.2) and then made accessible and editable in the BIM environment. If
the representation in the knowledge base enhances coherence and
consistency of information, the choice of allowing data access and
editing in the BIM environment allows to perform usual BIM operations
especially during management, design, and intervention as well as the
use of collaboration tools and protocols.
To improve architectural heritage representation by means of BIM, a
set of specific families and family types has been conceived and implemented. In addition to usual attributes referring to materials, dimensions, positions, some domain-specific attributes such as historic
date, the state of decay, etc. have been introduced in the family templates, enriching BIM representation efficacy in the built heritage
In the application of the proposed model to the case study of the
Oratory of San Saba, the building information model was used to represent and manage all the information directly associable to the artefact and to its components, including decay and stratification aspects.
For instance, considering the traditional constructive analysis workflow, at first, a stratigraphic analysis and a masonry study were performed, providing information regarding all the actions that contributed to the actual configuration of the wall (stratigraphic units).
This was followed by the study of the stratigraphic relations between
the identified units, often represented by means of the Harris diagram.
Further on the masonry study addressed the attention to the identification of constructive techniques and different typologies. Therefore,
the model was articulated according to the requirements of an analytic
description of the wall, ranging from stratigraphic unities and their
Fig. 4. The built heritage representation in the BIM environment: the Family-Type-Instance representation structure applied to a wall in the case study of the Oratory
of San Saba.
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Fig. 5. The analysis of the northern wall of the Oratory of San Saba. The study of the wall transformations sharpens the knowledge of the multiple constructive
components and gives direction to a consistent conservation project.
relations to the used materials. All instances identified within the ontological model have been represented within the building information
model without any omission. This was possible thanks to the contemporary employment of the two instruments. To clarify this statement it is worthy to put the attention on the particular consistency of
the northern wall. Besides stratigraphic units made of masonry, there
are many reused elements such as tiles or column fragments that were
included in the model. From a historical point of view, these elements
have a double nature since their original functions have changed in
time (i.e. a column base that is now part of a wall). In the BIM model,
these elements were modelled as part of the wall, though the semanticenrichment allowed to specify their previous role in the building since
function transformations cannot be disregarded in a conservation process (Fig. 5).
Currently, representation of a wall that pertains to cultural heritage,
may hardly be achieved by the system BIM family “wall”. As a matter of
fact, a historical wall is usually the result of many transformations and,
as a consequence, it can be made of different parts which are not simply
different materials but masonry scraps remaining from the former walls
as well as previous elements reused in the construction. These elements
and the way they are connected (defined as stratigraphic relations)
show very specific features whose uptake is preeminent as much information has laid on them through time [8]. In the case study of the
Oratory of San Saba in Rome, to make it possible to represent, by means
of BIM software, all vertical components and construction elements that
constitute the walls, different “family types” were created. Each type of
components (which simultaneously refers to a class in the ontology)
such as masonry types, reused column bases, beams or curtain wall is
represented by a family type. All types are then populated by individuals whose description is broadened by the ontology model.
4.2.2. The knowledge base for heritage Knowledge formalization by means of ontologies. As defined by
Gruber [25], an Ontology is “a specification of a representational
vocabulary for a shared domain of discourse - definitions of classes,
relations, functions, and other objects”. Semantic Web technologies are
currently used for the creation and utilisation of ontologies. Several
standard ontology editors allow description and visualisation of the
entities related to a knowledge domain through the explicit definition
of classes, properties, relationships and instances. Moreover, the
definitions of these representational primitives include information
about their meaning and constraints and their logically consistent
The definition of a Class includes all the declarative aspects associated with the meaning of the represented entity, even in relation to
the different domains of knowledge considered. This implies that all the
represented knowledge is directly related to the entity of the specific
ontology, thus establishing a relational structure between all the concepts, methods, and tools of interpretation, evaluation, and control of
the entity and the considered disciplinary dominion. This formalization
model is structured in a flexible, dynamic and rule-dependent way, so
that, with reference to the context, and requirements, the meanings
associated with the entities may be modified, or highlight knowledge
base inconsistencies. A real item that fulfils the definition of a class is an
Instance of this class.
All the descriptive and behavioural aspects related to the considered
class - such as geometrical, physical and behavioural features - defined
by specific values associated with the same attributes can be represented through Data Properties. The values associated with such
properties can be computed by means of methods, algorithms and
calculation procedures formalized and executed through inferential
engines. Object Properties, instead, are used to define specific kind of
Automation in Construction 97 (2019) 122–137
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relationships between two classes. An instance of an object property is a
factual relation between two or more class instances.
To complete the structure of an ontology, a deductive layer consists
of formalized rules able to verify and evaluate links and constraints
between the entities considered in the ontology.
schemes [30], ensuring the consistency of data with the standards defined at a national level, thus guaranteeing the uniformity of the information, considered indispensable for a correct sharing of knowledge.
The deductive approach, instead, relied on the typological and constructive description of the Oratory of San Saba and of the investigation
process, to complete, correct and validate the initial taxonomy, including concepts, properties and rules even for undefined elements. To
ensure the flexibility and adaptability of the knowledge structure, each
class can be potentially enriched during the different conservation
processes, with the scope of progressively extending the knowledge
base. As a consequence, the proposed model should be considered as a
conceptual framework to represent knowledge in different conservation
processes and activities, while the encoded taxonomies are conceived to
allow and support additional formalizations and in-depth analysis.
The Artefact domain includes all the entities related to the building
configuration modelled by means of two main subclass-systems in terms
of Spatial_Entities and Technological_Entities. Similarly to what proposed
in the AEC field [15], the first includes the spaces delimited by physical
elements or by other spaces, while the second includes the physical
elements that define the constructive aspects of the artefact. Within the
artefact domain, the classes belonging to these two systems can be
structured through assembly relationships (formalized through object
properties) in order to clarify the logical and technological composition
of the building. For example, in the case study of Oratory of San Saba,
the spatial, main instance of the Oratory is formalized as an assembly (a
Whole of) of an Aula, an Apse, several Funerary_Corridors, Isolated_Graves
and Burial_Niches spatial instances (Fig. 7).
Spatial_Entities are divided into four main subclasses:
Spatial_Complex, Building_Unit, Spatial_Unit and Spatial_Component. The
first one relates to a group of buildings considered as an organic whole
such as, for example, the Chartreuse of Pavia. Building_Unit represents a
building with a specific function and architectural typology. Further on
in the taxonomy, the class splits into many subclasses which refer to
different functions (Civil, Religious, etc.) and typologies (Domus,
Temple, Bath and so forth).
Spatial_Complex refers to an aggregate of buildings which represents The built heritage knowledge domains and their formalization
through ontologies. The application of Semantic Web technologies to the
built heritage field currently focuses on specific activities and
knowledge domains of the conservation process (such as recording or
analysis of the monument conservation status), often neglecting the
integrated and interdisciplinary nature of conservation process.
In this way, each step of the process - such as the preliminary stage
of acquisition of knowledge, the value assessment, the diagnostics, the
design, the intervention, and the maintenance phase - is addressed by
isolating it from all other activities. In addition, by assigning an object
to a class, it inherits all the properties of its representation model
supporting the specialist to verify both the information already available and those that are still missing; therefore, operators can see which
entities are not yet identified and, moving from their knowledge and
experience, provide suggestions for their interpretation.
To represent the whole conservation process and the historical architecture to whom it is addressed to, this model defines four knowledge domains required to provide a comprehensive representation of
the key aspects of a historical built environment: Artefact, Lifecycle,
Built_Heritage_Conservation_Process and Actors. These domains of
knowledge are formalized through semantic networks consisting of
entities, properties, and relationships according to the previously described model. Specific resources of reasoning and inference allow the
consistency check of the model of the ontology, in order to enhance the
coherence of represented information and reduce discrepancies, inconsistencies, and errors in the formalized knowledge base (Fig. 6).
The construction of the domain-specific taxonomies was based on
both deductive and inductive methodologies: the first was used to build
an initial taxonomy classification, adherent with the consolidated
knowledge in the built heritage field and to the existing cataloguing
Fig. 6. The domains of the built heritage knowledge base framework (with their main classes) and their organisation in the ontology structure.
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Fig. 7. Conceptual formalization of spaces in the
Oratory of San Saba process. The classification of
spatial units and spatial components has been developed upon spatial, typological and constructive
studies. Within the Oratory, defined as a spatial unit,
different components have been identified in order
to describe the complex planimetric composition.
through specific codes).
The Construction_Element class is divided into two subclasses: complex and simple elements. A Masonry, composed of several layers, such
as External or Internal_Wall_Layer and Nucleus, is considered an example
of vertical construction elements. The Simple_Element class includes the
basic components of a structure, such as Clay_Element, Mortar_Joint,
The physical and functional transformations of the building, so the
changes it has undergone over time, have been represented by a
number of classes defined in the Lifecycle domain. Relying on the
CIDOC knowledge structure [16] as the core ontology for the Lifecycle
domain, this domain has been modelled by means of the explicit formalization of the history of the artefact in terms of Event(s) (e.g.
Transformation, Modification, etc.) connected, by means of specific object properties, with the concepts of Space and Time, as well as Material
and Immaterial_Object(s). The latter represents all the intangible issues
that are related either to the comprehension of the cultural and historical contexts or to the hermeneutical phase of the process, such as
comparisons with other similar buildings or different interpretations
proposed by other scholars. Their formalization deepens and enriches
the knowledge of the artefact, which reveals itself as a system of relations belonging to a larger system than the one limited only to its
physical and material components. In this way, the past can be represented as a series of events, placed in a spatial and temporal context,
involving physical entities such as a Person or an Artefact but also
conceptual entities such as the information collected (i.e. from a Bibliographic_Document) (Fig. 9).
Although the CIDOC ontology was conceived for formalization and
documentation of museum assets, its generality and flexibility, in particular in the case of the description of history and modification of
heritage artefacts, have made possible its adaptation to built heritage
scope. In fact, many concepts and relationships from the CIDOC core
ontology were already reusable in this knowledge area, while the ontology has been lately enriched with new elements more peculiar to the
an organic whole such as, for example, the Chartreuse of Pavia;
Building_Unit represents a building with a specific function and architectural typology. Further on in the taxonomy, the class splits into many
subclasses which refer to different functions (Civil, Religious, etc.) and
typologies (Domus, Temple, Bath etc.).
At a lower level, it is possible to achieve the representation of the
building spatial structure. This is described through the Spatial_Unit,
which are parts of the building with a proper architectural and functional identity and bound a continuous spatial ambit. For example,
inside a building for the religious catholic cult, it is possible to recognise
many spatial units such as the Church, the Chapel, the Belfry. In these
classes, it is possible to formalize either social issues, patronage, specific
function and use or properly constructive or planning items. At the
lower representation level, Spatial_Component, describe the minimal
spatial element that may not be further divided, i.e. the Nave, the Apse
or the Transept.
In addition, the proposed ontology allows the complete description
of the technological and constructive entities. Technological entities are
Construction_Unit, Construction_Component, Construction_Element and
Constructive_Material (Fig. 8).
Complex parts, such as Covering, Floor, Elevation_Structure and
Foundation are considered as construction unities. All types of communication structures either vertical or horizontal, i.e. Stair, Window or
Door, are Communication, Horizontal or Elevation_Component, which are
subclasses of Construction_Component. More in detail the horizontal
elements may be structural, as a Concrete_Floor or a Stone_Vault or not
structural as Fault_Vault or a wooden Counter_Floor. Elevation_Component
class such as Column, Pillar, Wall, Partition. In this specific application of
the proposed model to the case study of the Oratory of San Saba, the
walls have been identified as front, back, and side in accordance with
their topological relationships with the main aula. In more complex
cases, irregular plants may be described through other classification
approaches (i.e. through specification in terms of wall orientation or
Automation in Construction 97 (2019) 122–137
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Fig. 8. Conceptual formalization of constructive
elements of the Oratory of San Saba. Constructive
units and constructive components have been classified through a critical assessment and assigned to
general classes derived from a literature review of
historic construction. Each elevation unit identified
by the position and described through all the classes
that represent the components that gather to its
physical consistency. These classes may pertain to
the modern building thesaurus as elevation components (wall, curtain wall); communication components (voids, doors etc.) or belong to specific ancient
architecture lexicons, as elements from the architectural orders, historical reinforcements (reinforced
ties, beams etc.).
architectural heritage knowledge domain.
Referring to the case study, the initial roman artefact, formalized as
an instance of a physical Artefact entity, is connected, through the object property was transformed by, to the related instance of the class
Transformation which is an Event subclass. This event resulted in the later
Church of St. Silvia, which is another instance of the Artefact domain.
The Event of Transformation of the Roman Aula to Church is also
connected to the instance of the related Investigation Activity class that
was carried out by a Person (in this case the historian R. Krautheimer) and
which provided as output a specific Document.
The formalization of the Built_Heritage_Conservation_Process domain
includes all the knowledge related to the activities of analysis, interpretation, and intervention involving the artefact. With the purpose of
following the logical steps carried out by the operators during the investigation of a historical building, we chose to formalize the activities
of investigation, analysis, and interpretation as subclasses of the
Conservation_Process_Activity class. Resource(s) entities have been used to
represent tools, methods and samples used by operators during their
activities; while the Reference Information Object(s) are used to represent
the knowledge and the concepts used as input and provided as output
during the various activities. Through the concepts of
Attribute_Assignment and Appellation_Assignment, the survey, and analysis
activities are linked to the interpretations and inferences produced by
the actors, therefore modifying and/or increasing the knowledge related to the components of the artefact (Fig. 10).
In the case study of the Oratory of San Saba, in order to accurately
represent the walls and provide an analysis of the stratigraphic composition of the masonries, the model embraces different domains and
classes representing either physical entities and abstract concepts and
information, interconnected in a semantic network. The wall instances
and their parts are described through Construction_Component and
Construction_Element classes and pertain to the Artefact domain (Fig. 8).
Since the results of an investigation activity of this kind are deeply
affected by the investigation methodologies as well as the tools and
resources used, specific classes have been conceived and formalized
within the Built_Heritage_Conservation_Process (e.g. Stratigraphic_Unit,
Wall_Sample, Direct_Investigation_Method, Direct_Measuring_Tool).
As a matter of fact, physical and abstract entities have been conceived in order to show, in some cases, common data properties. As an
example, the Dating property is present either in the Stratigraphic_Unit
class - portion of the wall whose features make it possible to refer to as a
precise phase of building [8] - or in its physical components, namely the
construction simple elements as Brick or Stone element or Joint that
compose it. In this way is possible to compare information - even
conflicting - coming from several investigations and different actors but
related to the same entity.
To complete this brief analysis of the different formalized domains,
the dedicated domain of the Actor is conceived to support knowledge
management in built heritage processes. This Domain includes all
subjects involved in the different stages of the process at different levels
of detail and which interact with the entities of the other domains
controlling their specific characteristics in relation to their needs. In
addition to the collaboration enhancement, the correct formalization of
knowledge helps each Actor to monitor the coherence and consistency
of the ongoing investigations, interpretation and intervention activities.
4.2.3. Reasoning and queries
The expressive and descriptive potential of the proposed model not
only resides in the semantic network formalization but also in the
capability of deriving facts that are not directly expressed in the ontology.
As previously described, the semantic network consists of a set of
axioms, which provide logical assertions about classes, individuals and
properties as binary relations that link individuals to both data-type
Automation in Construction 97 (2019) 122–137
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Fig. 10. Part of the ontology schema for the representation of investigation,
analysis and interpretation activities within the built heritage conservation
process knowledge.
Fig. 9. Part of the ontology schema for the representation of the heritage
building lifecycle, and its application to the historic transformations of the
hypogeum of St. Saba to represent its physical and functional transformation as
well as the related archival sources.
properties and other individuals. In a knowledge base accurately
modelled, by using formalized reasoning and querying resources, we
can infer other facts that are implicitly contained in the ontology. This
sort of synapses provides a deductive level able to interrogate the
knowledge base, verify the represented rules and infer new knowledge
from that one already formalized. In this way, the system allows actors
to use different and multiple levels of abstraction thus promoting true
interoperability of concepts.
These rules, formalized in the proposed model by means of the
Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL), are composed of a set of propositions derived from the predicate logic [28]. Each proposition requires an implication between an antecedent (body) and consequent
(head). Whenever the conditions specified in the antecedent hold, then
the conditions specified in the consequent must also hold. Therefore,
inferring rules can detect inconsistencies in the knowledge base, modify
the concepts in terms of properties and relationships and change their
meaning and thus the classes they belong to. This aspect is relevant
since it is often not possible to define their nature and their features in a
unique way. In addition, specific queries defined by the Semantic
Query-Enhanced Web Rule Language (SQWRL) can operate in conjunction with SWRL and can thus be used to retrieve knowledge inferred by rules.
The example shown below is an extract of the rules formalized
through the SWRL language in order to verify the consistency of the
information coming from a Harris Matrix analysis for identification and
data assignment of different masonries belonging to the same wall [27].
Its main scope is to compare the laying sequence and the topological
relationships that exist between the wall units with the dating that
come from other investigation activities.
Wall_Unit(?a0) ∧ Wall_Unit (?a1) ∧ WallUnit InterpretedAge(?a0,?
age1) ∧ WallUnit InterpretedAge(?a1,? age2) ∧ cover(?a0,? a1) ∧ swrlb:
greaterThanOrEqual(?age2,? age1) → temporal_relationship_incoherence
(?a1, true) ∧ temporal_relationship_incoherence(?a0, true).
More specifically this rule detects an information inconsistency if 1)
there are two different individuals that belong to the Wall_Unit class
with an InterpretedAge data-type property associated, and 2) between
those individuals exists the cover relationship, and 3) the Wall_Unit
covering the other one has an earlier dating.
Similarly, a set of rules has been created in order to verify inconsistencies between comparable information related to the same object
but coming from different investigation activities and operators. The
following example shows a list of rules formalized to retrieve and
manage the dating associated with an artefact from both chronological
and interpreted sources.
Automation in Construction 97 (2019) 122–137
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Rule 1
InformationObjInterpretedAge(?i0,? ageInterpreted1) ∧ provides_information_for(?i0,? a1) → AttributeAssInterpretedAge(?a1,? ageInterpreted1).
Rule 2
Artifact_Entity(?w1) ∧ Artifact_Entity(?w2) ∧ differentFrom(?w1,? w2)
∧ Age_Attribute_Assignment(?a1) ∧ Age_Attribute_Assignment(?a2) ∧
differentFrom(?a1,? a2) ∧ applied_to(?a1,? w1) ∧ applied_to(?a2,? w1) ∧
AttributeAssInterpretedAge(?a1,? age1) ∧ AttributeAssInterpretedAge(?a2,?
age2) ∧ swrlb:notEqual(?age1,? age2) → Interpreted_Age_Incoherence(?w1,
true) ∧ ErrorChecking (?w1,“The verification reported the presence of inconsistent interpreted dating attributed to the object”).
Artifact_Entity(?w1) ∧ Artifact_Entity(?w2) ∧ differentFrom(?w1,?
w2) ∧ Age_Attribute_Assigment(?a1) ∧ Age_Attribute_Assigment(?a2) ∧
differentFrom(?a1,? a2) ∧ applied_to(?a1,? w1) ∧ applied_to(?a2,? w1) ∧
AttributeAssInterpretedAge(?a1,? age1) ∧ AttributeAssInterpretedAge
(?a2,? age2) ∧ swrlb:equal(?age1,? age2) → Interpreted_Age_Incoherence
(?w1, false).
Rule 3
Artifact_Entity(?w1) ∧ Interpreted_Age_Incoherence(?w1, false) ∧
Age_Attribute_Assignment(?a1) ∧ AttributeAssInterpretedAge(?a1,?
Age1) ∧ applied_to(?a1,? w1) → ArtifactInterpretedAge(?w1,? Age1).
((…) (omissis)
Rule 4
Artifact_Entity (?w1) ∧ ArtifactCronologicalAge (?w1,?a1) ∧
ArtifactInterpretedAge (?w1,?a2) ∧ swrlb:notEqual(?a1,?a2) →
ArtifactAgeIncoherence (?w1,true) ∧ ErrorChecking (?w1,“The verification reported the presence of incoherence between chronological
and interpreted dating attributed to the object”).
Rule 5
Artifact_Entity(?w1) ∧ ArtifactCronologicalAge(?w1,? a1) ∧
ArtifactInterpretedAge(?w1,? a2) ∧ swrlb:equal(?a1,? a2) →
ArtifactAgeIncoherence(?w1, false) ∧ ArtifactAge(?w1,? a1).
The check begins with a query (Rule1) for retrieving the age datatype from the Information_Object produced by an interpretation activity
and then verifying and reporting if there are different Interpreted_Age
values assigned to the same object (Rule 2). If the different
Attribute_Assigment concerning the same object are congruent then the
dating is assigned to the Interpreted_Age property of the instance (Rule
3). Similarly, the same actions are performed for the different chronological dates assigned to objects (omissis). To complete the reasoning
process, rules 4 and 5 carry out the coherence verification between the
possible interpreted and chronological dating assigned to the same.
In general, by combining, querying and inferring the knowledge
collected during the conservation process, the involved specialists can
be more aware of any interpretation inconsistencies and proposed solution implications, thus being able to choose the most suitable approach to follow for possible intervention projects.
Using the two databases as data sources, the BIM Semantic Bridge
operates to reconstruct the taxonomies of classes of both sides, as well
as assigned properties and derived instances. This operation homogenises the two representation allowing to generate correspondences
between similar classes and data stored in both databases and perform
comparison and data transfer. As described in Section 2.2, current BIM
models are conceived on a two layers structure family-instances while
ontology-based models can be extremely flexible in the depth of the
taxonomy, accordingly to the specific knowledge domain to be represented. This difference is reflected in the structures of the underlying
databases: BIM databases are organised as a set of connected tables,
each representing an element family with instances formalized in rows
and properties in columns. In this system, it is crucial the unique ID
number progressively assigned to any new instance of the model, independently from its origin family, to avoid misidentification and data
overlapping. In the ontologies side, instead, databases connected to the
ontology are usually made of a single table, where differences between
classes, properties, relationships and instances are controlled through
“type” values, and identify with a unique string made of different
substrings referring to the “mother class”, the type, etc. In this way, the
ontology can be continuously extended while its structure can be easily
modified during the domain formalization. After the two databases
have been imported and translated in the BIM Semantic Bridge, the
system allows mapping the corresponding classes, properties, and instances between the BIM and the ontology sides. This mapping procedure is left to the user in order to take into account its requirements but,
since the correspondences declarations are stored in a specific file,
previous mapping schemes can be reused in similar design processes
(Fig. 11).
Once the correspondences between classes, properties, and instances have been declared, the system allows performing both operations of checking and value transfer in both directions. The first task
allows detecting, for any corresponding couple of entities, differences in
terms of value for any corresponding property. In addition, this comparison allows detecting all the classes, properties, and instances that
have not been mapped. The second operation, instead, transfers the
value stored in an entity property to the corresponding one on the other
side (from the BIM DB to the Ontology DB and vice-versa), updating the
corresponding database and, therefore, the related model or ontology.
These operations can be performed both for datatype properties and
object properties (namely relational properties that have as a value type
not a primitive – i.e. an integer or a string – but another instance of the
model). Regarding the prototype implementation of the BIM Semantic
Bridge, it has been developed in order to connect A BIM database underlying an Autodesk Revit model and formalized through the Autodesk
DBLink application, and an OWL database generated through the ontology editor Protegé 3.5 [41] and an ODBC connection (Fig. 12).
Although the construction of both knowledge base and mapping file
have to be performed manually, the system is conceived in order to
potentially re-use knowledge structures, mapping correspondences and
reasoning rules in similar heritage processes. In fact, in the case of similar artefacts that are subject to the same kind of investigation and
conservation activities, the same knowledge base can be used, adapted
and enriched. This means that a large part of the taxonomy and its
mapping to the BIM entities is already available at the beginning of the
heritage process, deeply reducing the work necessary for the preparation of the system.
During the development and application of the platform, some automapping methodologies have been tested, both by using similar names
among the ontology and the BIM entities or by means of Uniclass correspondence. Although these applications reduce the amount of work,
their use has to be carefully checked in order to avoid false correspondences or missing relationships between the two environments.
4.2.4. The BIM Semantic Bridge
As discussed in Section 4.1, the proposed model relies on the integration of the usual BIM database with a knowledge base formalized
through information ontologies. Since these two representation approaches are based on different modelling principles and protocols, it
was necessary to conceive a specific platform – defined as BIM Semantic
Bridge – able to translate the two modelling environments in a homogenous format and to create correspondences between the different
entities represented in them. By accessing to the two modelling databases – one underlying a BIM environment, one derived from the
knowledge base implemented through ontologies – the BIM Semantic
Bridge performs and allows 4 main operations: 1) Reading and translation; 2) Entities mapping between the two databases in terms of
classes, properties, instances, and values; 3) Comparison of the two
information structures and 4) bidirectional update of the corresponding
Automation in Construction 97 (2019) 122–137
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Fig. 11. The BIM Semantic Bridge platform: the Knowledge base (on the left) and the BIM database (on the right) linked through the mapping schema (in the lower
part). The current version allows mapping, comparison and value transfer between the two environments.
Fig. 12. The mapping schema BIM-Ontologies: The diagram shows conceptual taxonomy and mapping relationships between the different entities of the BIM
environment and of the Ontology environment (family-class, family type-subclass, and properties).
Automation in Construction 97 (2019) 122–137
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5. Conclusions and future work
The research hereby presented focuses on the development of a BIM
semantic-enrichment approach that integrates BIM and a knowledge
base developed through information ontologies as a way to enhance
knowledge representation and management in built heritage processes.
Since specifically tailored for built heritage information modelling, key
features of the proposed model are the openness and capability of the
representation framework to be adapted to the large scope of built
heritage documentation and intervention. In a context that up to date
has seen several discipline-specific extension of BIM methods to built
heritage and the contemporary lack of their integration, this represents
both a novelty and a reference point for both research and practice
actions. Its scalability and adaptability, in fact, allow the incremental
representation of knowledge during different built heritage processes,
taking into account differences in the spectrums of artefact typologies
and of heritage activities.
At the same time - and differently from previous research - the
model supports the entire conservation process, merging the investigation phases with planning and management activities, allowing
the continuous flow of information and ensuring its integration among
the different disciplines involved.
The possibility of representing and integrating knowledge related to
different domains and to different features of the heritage artefact also
potentiates the crucial action critical approach, interpretation and assessment, that is one of the key specificities of cultural heritage that
deeply affect the quality of the resulting decisions regarding the artefact.
At present, the main limitation to the system scalability is the representation range of the integrated BIM environment. For instance, the
proposed knowledge base is potentially able to represent even larger
systems of the artefact (i.e. a part of a historical city, or an ancient
road), while BIM still suffers from the sole building perspective.
Usability is also a key issue of the proposed system. Nevertheless, the
complexity of the system is partially balanced by the potential re-use of
representation templates in the field of heritage. In fact, different
knowledge base structures, as well as the mapping correspondences
with the BIM classes and the sets of reasoning rules, can be re-used,
adapted and enriched for different heritage artefacts, while the single
application of the proposed system could be unsustainable, its extensive
application to similar cases could be both effective and convenient,
especially for those architectural firms specifically dedicated to heritage
From the professional perspective, the predictive ability, the logical
structuring of concepts of ontologies and their capability to act as
translators between different information environment have proved to
be extremely profitable regarding risk assessment, and maintenance
activities planning. Formalizing environmental and material description together with microclimate monitoring and decay analysis make it
possible to manage the complex system of relations that occur between
cultural heritage and its context.
In terms of implementation, the presented prototypal platform requires different improvements in order to be spread in built heritage
practice and used in a professional perspective. In particular, automatic
creation and mapping of entities on both the BIM environment and the
knowledge base have been only partially investigated and it could effectively speed up operations during investigation phases. In addition,
the necessity of a general integration interface, that allows architects
and other specialists to operate without the necessity to skip from one
software to the other, and automates repetitive actions such as data
transfer or entities/properties mapping.
To conclude, upcoming applications of the proposed model to a vast
plurality of case studies, diverse for typology, historical period and
scale, will provide additional development directions, taking into account specificity and uniqueness of each built heritage process.
The present research has been developed within the Research
Project of National Interest “BHIMM - Built heritage information
modelling and management. A model for architectural conservation
based on knowledge” (PRIN 2010-2011 - Principal Investigator Stefano
Della Torre, Research Unit Coordinator Donatella Fiorani). The authors
are grateful to Gianfranco Carrara and Antonio Fioravanti for their
support and contribution to the research project.
The authors also want to acknowledge the work of Tommaso
Asciolla in the conception and development of the BIM Semantic Bridge
implementation, the work of Wissam Wahbeh for the development of
the building information model of the Oratory of San Saba case study,
and the historical study developed by Silvia Cutarelli.
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