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Passive optical network (PON) is one of the most successful broadband access architectures being deployed worldwide. PONs provide high capacity, increased reach, and low-power consumption at a very reasonable cost, on par with the cost of... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringMigrationEvolutionBroadband Networks
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      Air traffic controlProtocolsBroadband NetworksFrequency
The proliferation of wireless broadband usage over the last decade has led to the development and deployment of multiple broadband wireless radio access technologies (RATs) such as EVDO, WiMAX, HSPA and LTE. To support the ever-increasing... more
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      Wireless SystemsResource AllocationEnergy ConsumptionField-Programmable Gate Arrays
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      Fuzzy LogicLinear ProgrammingInteger ProgrammingOptical Switch
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      UwbBroadband NetworksImpulse RadioFrequency
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      Distributed ComputingMultimediaPerformanceSatellite Communications
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    •   11  
      SpineModelingBroadband NetworksCost effectiveness
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    •   9  
      Game TheoryIterative MethodsBroadband NetworksPrecoding
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    •   20  
      Distributed ComputingWireless CommunicationsStatistical AnalysisFading Channel
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      Linear ProgrammingRoutingWireless Mesh NetworksEnergy Consumption
Book: Sylvie Albert, Don Flournoy, and Rolland LeBrasseur
Networked Communities: Strategies for Digital Collaboration (2009).
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      Broadband NetworksNetworked CommunitiesCommunication technologieswired communities, smart communities or broadband communities
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      Wireless CommunicationsUMTSBroadband NetworksQuality of Service
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      Computer ScienceDistributed ComputingService DesignDistributed Processing
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      Information TechnologyICTMediaHuman Resources
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      Services Marketing and ManagementResource AllocationFiscal Crisis & Government Resource AllocationsAuctions
For the first time a full/streamlined life cycle assessment (LCA) case study was performed to estimate the carbon footprint of three types of FTTx networks deployed in Italy. The functional unit is “broadband network in an Italian urban... more
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      ProductionTelecommunicationsLife Cycle AssessmentSensitivity Analysis
The strict relation between broadband development and economic growth and its central importance in modern economies is nowadays a demonstrated fact. Cheap and ubiquitous high-speed internet access promises to accelerate economic growth,... more
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      Competition PolicyIT lawCompetitionEuropean Union Law, Competition Law, International Trade Law
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      Photonic Integrated CircuitsRouting algorithmDeadlock AvoidanceSilicon Photonics
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      Information TechnologyData MiningRegulation And GovernanceTelecommunications
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      Performance AnalysisBroadband NetworksMAC LayerWireless Lan
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    •   6  
      Operations ManagementInteractive MultimediaBroadband NetworksQuality of Service
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      ModulationRadio over fiberBroadband NetworksCost Efficiency
Smart antennas enable space division multiple access, that is they manage access to a network by accounting for where users are spatially and using antenna technology to better isolate signals from noise and interference. For mobile... more
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      Smart AntennaWireless SystemsSpace TechnologyMobile Systems
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      HistoryMusicCommunicationMedia Studies
International Journal of Wireless & Mobile Networks (IJWMN) is a bi monthly open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of Wireless & Mobile Networks. The journal focuses on all... more
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      Information SecurityMobile Ad Hoc NetworksComplexity TheoryNetwork Security
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      The InternetBroadband NetworksVDSLVDSL2
Setelah mengikuti modul ini, peserta dapat : Menjelaskan dasar komunikasi antar perangkat berdasarkan protocol TCP/IP Memahami beberapa protocol dalam TCP/IP yang digunakan dalam IndiHome. Menjelaskan proses ‘pembangunan hubungan’... more
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      Telecommunications EngineeringOptical Fiber CommunicationsFiber OpticsElectronics & Telecommunication Engineering
PPT terkait sistem keamanan Jaringan, Network Scanning
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      Network SecurityBroadband Networks
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      Communication systemsLow FrequencyCommunication SystemNoise
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    •   15  
      Distributed ComputingTraffic controlControl SystemsControl system
Huawei Echolife HG612 version 3B Unlocking sequence to allow logging of linestats
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      BroadbandBroadband Networks
Many advanced data services are driving up wireless technology, which is further boosted by growth in advanced market segments. The wireless industry is evolving from a Web of independent networks into a single integrated network with... more
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      Market SegmentationWireless TechnologyBroadband NetworksBusiness Model
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      Distributed ComputingElectromagnetic CompatibilityIntelligent Transport SystemSatellite Communication
Advertising is currently the main source of income for digital media. The crusade by big media organizations to establish pay walls, in various forms, is not inconsistent with the fact that digital advertising is the main source of income... more
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      MarketingCommunicationJournalismInternet Studies
In prepaid markets where the majority of subscribers own more than one SIM card, it is only through nationally-representative surveys that accurate and disaggregated data can be collected. Nationally-representative demand-side surveys are... more
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      Information TechnologyData MiningRegulation And GovernanceTelecommunications
An update on BT/EE 5G deployment in the UK.
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      AntennasAntennas & Radio Wave PropagationMobile TechnologyMobile and Telecommunicaions
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      Distributed ComputingBroadband NetworksElectrical And Electronic EngineeringTelecommunication Services
The term telecommunication access network refers to the technical infrastructure which provides connectivity between an end user or device and the services provided via a core network or service platforms. Access networks are typically... more
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      Telecommunications EngineeringAntennas & Radio Wave PropagationOptical Fiber CommunicationsFiber Optics
A novel method to broadcast a video stream to all subscribers in WDM-PON is proposed and experimentally implemented. Using a broadband light source, we have achieved successful transmission performance with our proposed method.
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      BroadcastingVideo StreamingBroadband NetworksPassive Optical Networks
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      HistoryCultural StudiesPsychologySocial Psychology
Mengukur Impedansi karakteristik
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    • Broadband Networks
Indonesia is one of the countries with the largest area in the world, which consists of thousands of islands from Sabang to Meraoke which should be able to be connected one to another, especially in terms of communication and information... more
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      Optical Fiber CommunicationsBroadband Networks
Penelitian yang dibuat ialah studi kasus disuatu perusahaan dan analisis performansi antar jaringan cabang (sites) pada perusahaan tersebut. Hasil dari nilai performansi jaringan akan dibandingkan sebelum dan sesudah pemasangan perangkat... more
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      Fiber OpticsTelecommunicationsComputer NetworksBroadband Networks
This paper investigates the impact of different audio codecs typically deployed in current digital audio broadcasting (DAB) systems and web-casting applications, which represent a main source of quality impairment in these systems and... more
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      Acoustic EngineeringTelecommunications EngineeringAcousticsSignal Processing
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      Broadband NetworksSystem on ChipSystem on a ChipTRANSMITTERS
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      Distributed ComputingUbiquitous ComputingOpen Source SoftwareSoftware Testing
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      Genetic AlgorithmsWireless Mesh NetworksDistributed SystemGenetic Algorithm
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      MathematicsInformation TechnologyDevelopment EconomicsE Government
Now that at least one of the proposed satellite systems for mobile personal communication has almost become a reality (e.g. Iridium has launched almost half of its planned satellites and others are to follow), the high potential of these... more
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      Engineering ManagementTechnology ManagementDeveloping CountryBroadband Networks