Carolingian Studies
Recent papers in Carolingian Studies
The reforms of Carolingian kings and emperors, and the controversies that arose from these reforms, subtly but profoundly shaped the biographies of holy men and women as they were revised during the ninth century. A number of revised... more
Mit 21 lokalen, regionalen und überregionalen Studien bietet der Sammelband einen Querschnitt durch die Erforschung frühmittelalterlicher Zentren und Siedlungsstrukturen vornehmlich des bayerisch-ostfränkischen Raumes und benachbarter... more
En quelques formules définitives, concluant sa remarquable synthèse sur la fin de l'Antiquité, Henri Pirenne (m. 1935) s'est imposé comme la référence historiographique contemporaine majeure du monde méditerranéen proto-médiéval. L'Islâm,... more
This groundbreaking study reveals the distinctive impact of apocalyptic ideas about time, evil and power on church and society in the Latin West, c.400–c.1050. Drawing on evidence from late antiquity, the Frankish kingdoms, Anglo-Saxon... more
Intending the Early Middle Ages as one of the most astonishing political and social laboratories in Europe's history, the main goal of this session is the study of social complexity between the 9th and 10th centuries, comparing societies... more
Videoconferenza disponibile su YouTube al link allegato. Si propone un itinerario tra le sete ispirate alla vita romanzata del re persiano Bahràm V (421-439 d.C.). Grazie a questi preziosi manufatti, l'eco di un racconto orientale si è... more
Studie byla publikována v roce 1964 v knize ,,Studijní zvesti AU SAV" (Díl 14) / The study was published in 1964 in the book ,,Studijní zvesti AU SAV" (Volume 14).
A short review of the Northern Netherlands in the 8th and 9th century AD.
Tekst of lecture in 1999.
Tekst of lecture in 1999.
Un important épisode méconnu du partage de l'Europe carolingienne, précédant l'accord de Verdun. The Imperial Diet at Saint-Romain-des-Iles, near Mâcon (France), 842 June 15th. Der unerkannte Reichstag zu... more
L'opera offre una nuova edizione critica dell'Institutio laicalis del vescovo Giona di Orléans, un trattato morale per i laici dell'impero carolingio, redatto negli anni '20 del IX secolo. L'edizione qui proposta si concentra su una delle... more
AVANT-PROPOS Martin Aurell et Blaise Royer, Les cinq sens : un certain regard sur le Moyen Âge, 449. ARTICLES — Lawrence Nees, L’odorat fait-il sens ? Quelques réflexions autour de l’encens de l’Antiquité tardive au haut Moyen Âge,... more
With the onset of the Carolingian reforms, priests were given the important task to improve the moral lives of the laity. Whether or not regulations to this extent were an empty letter has been long debated. Manuscripts used by local... more
Статья посвящена анализу социального и правового статуса раз-личных категорий зависимого населения, отраженных в «Капитулярии о поместьях» (Capitulare de villis vel curtis imperii), который был составлен в 794–800 гг. Автор рассматривает... more
The paper provides the results of the historical and textual analysis of Carolingian glosses and corrections of Greek terms and sentences in the Ars Prisciani. Firstly, combining the increased know- ledge of the manuscript tradition of... more
Les articles précédents ont montré les très nombreuses erreurs et les mensonges d'Oleg de Normandie sur les Celtes et les Vikings. L'auteur complotiste invente une histoire fantasmée des mondes celtes et vikings. dans cet article, nous... more
«Теология и социум. Съвременни перспективи», София, (2013), 233-242
Trabalho feito no âmbito da cadeira de História Medieval (Economia e Sociedade) na FLUL, Lic. de História. Propomo-nos, aqui, analisar três textos unidos pela temática central - as relações de vassalidade nos séculos VIII e IX na... more
Le seul fils survivant de Charlemagne, Empereur d’Occident de 800 à 814, n’a pas souvent bonne presse dans notre pays. Il peut être décrit comme le jouet de sa deuxième femme ou de l’Eglise, ou bien comme un incapable qui a détruit... more
When early medieval sources record the appointment of a new bishop, the authors occasionally provide extra information on the social, geographical, educational or ecclesiastical background of the appointee. These details were not randomly... more
Un día como hoy hace 1220 años, durante la Nochebuena del 800 anno domini, Charlemagne, Charles The Great o The Magnus (Carlomagno) Rey de los Francos, Alamanos y Lombardos, vencedor de los vascones, vándalos, sajones, burgundios, eslavos... more
Highlight • This is the most detailed account to date on the health and disease status of Charlemagne, the Father of Europe. • Based on ancient sources, we suggest that Charlemagne suffered from mild gout and died of an infectious... more
Andreina Griseri, E chi si incontra negli affreschi di sant'Andrea a Savigiano? Lui, Carlo Magno imperatore, in Studi Piemontesi, XXX (2001), pp. 67 - 69.
Книга «Франкская империя Карла Великого» — это история о диких необузданных племенах франков и их войнах с римлянами; о создании жестоким и хитрым королем Хлодвигом франкского королевства; «ленивых королях» династии Меровингов и... more
The Carolingian silver hoard of Roermond describes the history of the discovery and content of the hoard. The find will be discussed in relation to other Carolingian finds in Middle Limburg.