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In 1918 the Chinese scholar Cai Yuanpei published a series of essays regarding the Great War. In one of such essays Cai describes political and military actions taken by the main participants in the war as proof of influence or validity... more
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      Friedrich NietzscheFirst World WarHistory of Republican Period ChinaChina studies
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      HistoryChinese StudiesBibliographyHistoriography
In this article we focus on the constructedness of Shangguan Wan’er’s 上官婉兒representation in her muzhiming, moving beyond what information is communicated within a muzhiming 墓志銘to explore how it is communicated, to whom, and why. We begin... more
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      Tang DynastyHistory of Women in the Imperial ChinaChinese history (History)Chinese literature
Review: "Liu Yang’s catalogue for the terracotta warriors…is an outstanding contribution to the literature on the tomb of Qin Shi Huangdi as well as a beautifully illustrated record of the seminal objects from the Terracotta Warriors... more
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      Ancient HistoryChinese StudiesChinese ArtChinese Politics
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      Art HistoryChinese ReligionsBuddhist StudiesChinese history (History)
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      Inner Asian HistoryChinese history (History)Chinese Emperorship
A sequel to the groundbreaking volume Race and Racism in Modern East Asia: Western and Eastern Constructions, the present volume examines in depth interactions between Western racial constructions of East Asians and local constructions of... more
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      Ethnic StudiesJapanese StudiesGender StudiesRacial and Ethnic Politics
Poceski, Mario. Introducing Chinese Religions. New York and London: Routledge, 2009. Also available in an e-book format, as Chinese Religions: The eBook (published by JBE Online Books), and in a Portuguese translation: Introdução às... more
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      BuddhismChinese StudiesDaoismChinese Religions
"當代的中國大陸已成為全球的消費大國,各個大城市裡名牌店林立。然而早在三、四百年前江南的大城市裡,已經可以看到休閑消費的繁榮現象。休閑消費如何改變了城市的空間?店舖為因應消費需求如何改造其空間配置?休閑的空間如何擴大與分化?私人性質的休閑空間為何走向公共化?男性與女性在消費空間上有何差異?本書嘗試將「空間」的觀念帶入到消費研究的領域,探討明清城市內休閑消費活動如何改變了空間結構,進而分析現象背後所反映的社會關係與權力糾結。... more
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      Urban HistoryConsumption and Material CultureChinese history (History)
Yixing the Queen of Teapots, 2008, double DVD with box & photos booklet. Idea, synopsis and scenario : Patrice Valfré Photo and images : Luce Bouéry & Jacques Dussart Interview of the co-producers, Patrice Valfré and Luc Bouéry, published... more
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      HistoryCeramics (Archaeology)Chinese history (History)Maritime Trade Ceramics (Archaeology)
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      Art HistoryChinese StudiesTransnational and World HistoryWorld History
Il volume, ampiamente illustrato, è un viaggio affascinante per "Le antiche Vie della Cina", alla scoperta dei lunghi percorsi che hanno cambiato le sorti del mondo. Dalla più conosciuta Via della Seta, alle Vie della Giada, del Bronzo,... more
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      Silk RoadSilk Road StudiesChinese archaeologyChinese history (History)
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      Classical ArchaeologyArt HistoryChinese PhilosophyArt Theory
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      Chinese StudiesChinese Language and CultureChinaChinese poetry
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      Chinese ReligionsChinese ArtChinese history (History)Immortality
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      Chinese history (History)Chinese and Vietnamese Numismatics
Öz Birçok dinin tarih boyunca ortaya çıktığı coğrafi bölgelerde kabullenilmesinde zorluk yaşanılmıştır. İslamiyet de bu dinlerden biri olmuş ve ilk vahyin geldiği Mekke topraklarında belli sayıdaki insanların dışında kabul görmemiştir.... more
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      Tang DynastyIslamic StudiesChinese history (History)Religious Studies
La question des relations entre l’Europe et l’Extrême-Orient est revenue sur le devant de la scène depuis plusieurs décennies, plus particulièrement dans le contexte du réveil de la Chine et son affirmation mondiale, d’abord sur le plan... more
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      ReligionTheologyHistory of ReligionMissiology
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      Chinese StudiesChinese history (History)John Fryer
The rediscovery of Yixing teapots, p. 208-223, 1999. This article has been published in Tea for Two, Tea rituals around the world. This is my first published research results on ancient Chinese Yixing teapots and their chronological... more
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      HistoryChinese StudiesCeramic TechnologyInternational Trade
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      East AsiaEast Asian StudiesChinaModern Chinese History
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      Climate ChangeCentral Asian StudiesMongolian StudiesEurasian Nomads
This article attempts to understand the fundamental principles of bell theology in Chinese religions: ideally cast by spiritual beings, bells emit sounds that are supposed to carry the message of the sacred texts far and wide, and are... more
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      History of ReligionChinese ReligionsChinese history (History)Sensory Studies
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      NumismaticsMonetary historyChinese history (History)
Newly discovered 1st century AD coins issued by the kingdom of Kucha.
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      NumismaticsChinese archaeologyChinese history (History)Kushan history
Cast in Peking around 1420 and covered with rich religious inscriptions in Chinese and lantsa, the great Buddhist bell of the Yongle reign was first placed in the Wanshou temple from 1607 to 1743 and then in the Juesheng temple, where one... more
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      HistoryHistory of ReligionChinese ReligionsSoundscape Studies
Theorizes the relationship between energy markets and state monopolies in the longue duree of Chinese history.
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      State FormationEnergy historyChinese history (History)
This article examines the consequences of the Ming maritime expeditions led by Admiral Zheng He (1371–1433) in the early fifteenth century on Indian Ocean diplomacy, trade, and cross-cultural interactions. The presence of the powerful... more
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      Chinese StudiesAsian HistoryIndian Ocean HistoryMing Dynasty
Nabigyan ng pagpapahalaga ang komprehensibong pagdalumat sa relasyong Tsino at Pilipino sa buhay at kamatayan sa isang aklat na pinamagatang Himlayan, Pantiyon, Kampo Santo, Sementeryo: Exploring Philippine Cemeteries (2016) na... more
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      Cultural StudiesChinese StudiesReligious SyncretismPhilippine History
The Roots of Asian Weaving: The He Haiyan collection of textiles and looms from Southwest China. Eric Boudot and Chris Buckley, Oxbow Books, Oxford, 2015. This ground-breaking book documents the weaving traditions and textiles of one of... more
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      Cultural GeographyArchaeologyAnthropologySoutheast Asian Studies
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      Chinese PhilosophyChinese StudiesChinese ReligionsChinese Medicine
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      HistoryChinese LawChinaQing Dynasty (Ch'ing Dynasty)
儒學是一門身心兼修之學,從內在的心性修養到外在的行為實踐,乃至經世事業之開展等等,皆有機地一體貫通。而此身心一貫之學,又具涵一種「樂」的美學境界,例如《論語》中孔子的曲肱之樂,顏回的貧而樂,《孟子》的「反身而誠,樂莫大焉」等,表現出儒者志於道的內樂。孔、顏、孟之樂皆蘊含人文化成之理想,側重於實現倫理秩序的樂,隱然成為後代儒者安頓身心的方向。而先秦的另一重要學派道家,強調的則是歸反自然之道、精神自由之樂。儒、道所開啟的二種「樂」的典型,對人的社會性存在與自然性存在,人的道德生命... more
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    • Chinese history (History)
Essay on Mao Zedong, on the 40th anniversary of his death.
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      Chinese StudiesChinaChinese PoliticsChinese history (History)
Feng Yuxiang (馮玉祥) - an article from Big Russian Encyclopedia
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      Chinese StudiesChinaModern Chinese HistoryHistory of Republican Period China
Chinese export porcelain was executed in China and exported to the West. When special orders were made, first by Europeans and later Americans, they were sometimes not understood by the Chinese artisans who shaped and decorated the... more
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      Chinese ArtChinese history (History)Chinese PorcelainChinese export porcelain
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      Chinese history (History)ConfucianismMarxism-LeninismJin Guangtao
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      Information TechnologyMedia StudiesInformaticsSinology
In October 1950, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) was only one year old, and the Beijing regime faced daunting tasks of regime consolidation and economic reconstruction. Thus, the CIA consistently predicted that China would not enter... more
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    • Chinese history (History)
明代湯顯祖(1550—1616)《邯鄲夢》以《枕中記》為本事,《枕中記》本以唐代歷史為據,可知《邯鄲夢》故事情節應當發生於唐代之時,而檢查《新、舊唐書》,戲曲中一些角色及事蹟的確可以證明跟唐代歷史有著千絲萬縷的關係。湯顯祖既然是明人,他的作品會否隱含著跟明代歷史相似的細節?本文即以《邯鄲夢》所述「吐蕃侵唐」之戰事為例,比對《邯鄲夢》與唐、明兩代歷史之間的異同;從而探討箇中「一事兩史」的關係。本文進一步從現存史書、詩文等材料推測:《邯鄲夢》中平定吐蕃的「盧生」,可能就是湯顯祖摯... more
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      Chinese StudiesChinese Language and CultureClassical Chinese literatureChinese history (History)
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      Museum StudiesChinese history (History)Archeology
Taiping tianguo 太平天國 (Taiping State)  - an article from Big Russian Encyclopaedia
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      Chinese StudiesChinaChina studiesChinese history (History)
This paper introduces a digital humanities project at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (Max-­‐Planck-­‐Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, MPIWG) that aims to unlock the treasure chest of local knowledge written in... more
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      GeographyComputer ScienceDigital HumanitiesChinese Studies
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      Chinese PhilosophyChinese StudiesChinese history (History)Confucianism
Han Fei’s doctrine of absolute monarchy is one of the most sophisticated political ideologies ever devised in any ancient society, and it proved critical to the foundation of the first imperial dynasty. One must nonetheless acknowledge... more
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryPolitical PsychologyTotalitarianism
Review of Edward Slingerland's book -Mind and Body in Early China: Beyond Orientalism and the Myth of Holism-
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      Chinese PhilosophyDigital HumanitiesHistory of MedicineChinese Medicine
A major Dunhuang Studies conference held on 17-18 April 2019 at St. John's College, Cambridge.
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      Chinese StudiesChinese BuddhismBuddhist StudiesCentral Asian Studies
Everybody is born into a family. Each has its own history, therefore, 'our history' is not made by us, but by previous generations. The rise of International migration and the crumbling of family structures, however, only make it harder... more
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      Asian StudiesSelf and IdentitySocial NetworksFamily studies
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      Digital HumanitiesChinese history (History)
"In my study "Prestigegüter entlang der Seidenstraße? Archäologische und historische Untersuchungen zu Chinas Beziehungen zu Kulturen des Tarimbeckens vom zweiten bis frühen fünften Jahrhundert nach Christus (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz,... more
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      ArchaeologyChinese PhilosophyChinese StudiesChinese Religions