Chivalry (Chivalry)
Recent papers in Chivalry (Chivalry)
The admittance of individuals into a chivalric order was an important tool of late medieval diplomacy which contributed significantly to the reinforcement of political and cultural ties between the order’s leader and admitted member and... more
The concept of the gentleman amateur was, and remains, an important aspect of upper and middle-class Victorian and Edwardian male identity. Although he remains a significant literary presence, the form and length of time the gentleman... more
At the mid point of the sixteenth century, a Neapolitan gentleman, Federico Grisone, published, for the first time, a printed book about the art of training the horse “for the use of war” and on the secrets to “emend his defects”. The... more
In the judicial duel, procedure and ceremony collapsed into one another in a way that had powerful resonances for the later Capetians kings of France. What bothered King Louis IX and his grandson Philip IV about duel was its violent and... more
En la historia de Don Quijote se encuentran ocultas las claves necesarias, entendibles para a todo el que éste espiritualmente preparado, para realizar una inmersión en los ideales caballerescos. Pues, al finalizar la lectura del libro... more
In his book Knight’s Gambit, Faulkner used the medieval game of chess, Quixotic imagery, and romance to evoke a morality play (181) by which he underscored the ideals he agreed with, and repudiated those which he rejected from amongst the... more
A paper delivered at the 2013 International Congress on Medieval Studies in Kalamazoo, Michigan
Although George R.R. Martin’s Land of Ice and Fire series, and the accompanying HBO television show Game of Thrones, are set in the fantasy land of Westeros, there can be little doubt of its correlation with the medieval world. The... more
This essay is the first and only exploration of what the German Tradition of Chivalric Arts (Ritterlich Kunst)—with its three main lineages of Liechtenauer, Nürnberg, Gladiatoria—meant by masse for fencing and wrestling. The findings may... more
Published by Paladin Press in 1999, Techniques of Medieval Armour Reproduction (TOMAR) remained in print until 2017, when Paladin closed their business. A limited number of copies are available at the URL below. Intended for the... more
The following passages from major Fechtbücher (fencing/fight-books) of the German Tradition are meant to show the presence and the relevance of the principle of Indes (Inthereof) as found originally in the Liechtenauer Lineage of... more
Este trabalho pretende apresentar o Livro da Ordem de Cavalaria (1279-1283), de Ramon Llull como um manual pedagógico não somente para a nobreza, mas também direcionado ao reordenamento de toda a sociedade medieval. Neste manuscrito,... more
There was nothing second-rate about the English way of war in the Late Middle Ages, argues Tobias Capwell, Curator of Arms and Armour at London’s Wallace Collection, in a major new study published late last year. The early 15th-century... more
Axiom : When a new kind of sword originates and becomes prevalent, then it logically follows that both the sword and its new kind of fencing evolve and become perfected. That is what must have started happening in Chivalric Europe circa... more
El uso de las cruces en heráldica se inició a consecuencia de las Cruzadas, según la moda importada a Europa por los caballeros que regresaron de Tierra Santa y que, en recuerdo de su gesta en ultramar, blasonaban sus escudos de guerra... more
Una nación guerrera como fue España, que tuvo que combatir durante ocho siglos para expulsar de sus tierras al Islam, invasor nunca aceptado, fuera el crisol de una nueva forma de nobleza que se ha forjado a sí misma en el campo de... more
This article explores the significance of writing history for a late medieval Antwerp patrician family. In recent historiography, these families (in this case Van Halmale) have not received the attention they deserve, in part because... more
MONTANER, Alberto, «La emblemática caballeresca y la identidad del caballero», en Libros de caballerías (de «Amadís» al «Quijote»): Poética, lectura, representación e identidad, Salamanca, SEMYR, 2002 [ISBN 84-932346-2-1], pp. 267-306.
Este artigo procura refletir sobre a relação entre a aristocracia medieval portuguesa e a cavalaria, na sua dimensão plural de categoria social e de ideologia que viria a caraterizar os grupos dominantes na hierarquia social medieva.... more
Nel 1776 la Lingua d’Italia dell’Ordine di Malta avvia un’inchiesta per chiarire le caratteristiche delle nobiltà esistenti nei sette priorati italiani con lo scopo di predisporre un progetto di riforma delle prove nobiliari richieste... more
En el antiguo imperio japonés surgió una nobleza de cuño feudal muy similar a la europea, pese a la distancia entre ambos y la escasa comunicación que existió entre ambos paises separados por más de once mil kilometros. Loss Samurais... more
From 4 to 7 May 1439 a massive tournament (235 participants) was organized at the Grote Markt in Brussels, in which the Burgundian duke Philip the Good himself participated. This tournament was maybe one of the last in the massive (urban)... more
A chapter in La matière arthurienne tardive en Europe, 1270-1530. Late Arthurian Tradition in Europe, ed. Christine Ferlampin-Acher, Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2020, 733-741.
MA Dissertation (2020) Chivalry in the Middle Ages has often been defined as ‘the religious and moral system of behavior that the perfect knight was expected to follow’.1 However, singular definitions of chivalry should be disregarded... more
Resumo: A formação da cultura cavaleiresca entre os séculos XI e XIV criou uma galeria de tipos exemplares conhecida como os Nove Bravos. Neste artigo destacamos a importância de um deles, Judas Macabeu, para o desenvolvimento da... more
I documenti che costituiscono il processo nobiliare per l'ammissione all'Ordine di Santiago ci permettono di completare il profilo biografico del conte Louis Canossa (1629-1687) personaggio di primaria importanza sulla scena politica... more
Dissertation excerpt (introduction, 2011) discussing the historiography of the fighting treatises, the importance of cultural context, and the argument that medieval fighting was sometimes organized into recognizable, systematic martial... more
A fines del siglo XIV y principios del XV las divisas de la dinastía Trastámara adquirieron un particular protagonismo en el proceso de consolidación política de la monarquía castellana. Este artículo explora los emblemas personales que... more