Polymer Degradation and Stability 75 (2002) 17–33
Comparison of the photochemical and thermal degradation of
bisphenol-A polycarbonate and trimethylcyclohexane–polycarbonate
A. Rivaton*, B. Mailhot, J. Soulestin, H. Varghese, J.L. Gardette
Laboratoire de Photochimie Moléculaire et Macromoléculaire UMR CNRS 6505, Université Blaise Pascal (Clermont-Ferrand),
F-63177 Aubière Cedex, France
Received 21 May 2001; accepted 13 June 2001
The photochemical and thermal behaviour of bisphenol-A polycarbonate (PC) and trimethylcyclohexane–polycarbonate (TMC–
PC) have been compared. The ageing of films, irradiated at short (l=254 nm) and long (l > 300 nm) wavelengths in the absence and
in the presence of oxygen or thermo-oxidised at 170 C, has been analysed by different spectroscopic and chromatographic methods. A dual photochemistry is shown to account for the photodegradation of TMC–PC, as previously reported for PC. Under
excitation at the shortest wavelengths, the mechanism involves photo-Fries rearrangements of the aromatic carbonate units and a
photo-induced oxidation of the aliphatic moieties. Under excitation at 254 nm, the second photo-Fries rearrangement is lowered in
TMC–PC at the expense of the formation of yellowing structures. Moreover, under short and long wavelengths exposures, the rate
of photo-oxidation of TMC–PC was observed to be higher than that of PC. Such effects have been attributed to a reduced mobility
of the macromolecules and to a steric effect due to the trimethylcyclohexylidene structure that contains tertiary carbon atoms.
Experimental results confirmed that, regarding oxidation which initially involves hydrogen abstraction, tertiary and secondary sites
of TMC–PC are more oxidisable than the primary aliphatic ones contained in PC. # 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Bisphenol-A polycarbonate; Trimethylcyclohexane–polycarbonate; Photo-oxidation; Thermo-oxidation; Photolysis
1. Introduction
One of the main features of trimethylcyclohexane–
polycarbonate (TMC–PC) is the improvement of its
heat resistance compared to that of bisphenol-A polycarbonate (PC). The substitution of the isopropylidene
bridge of PC by a trimethylcyclohexylidene radical has
been shown to increase the glass transition temperature
of PC (150 C) up to 239 C [1].
The reactions that are produced by exposure of PC to
solar light have been described by a dual photochemistry: direct phototransformation and photoinduced oxidation, with a ratio largely dependent upon
the spectral distribution of the excitation light source
Excitation of PC at short wavelength (e.g. 254 nm)
involves mainly two consecutive photo-Fries rearrange-
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +33-4-73-40-77-43; fax: +33-4-7340-77-00.
E-mail address: agnes.rivaton@univ-bpclermont.fr (A. Rivaton).
ments of the aromatic carbonate units leading successively to the formation of phenylsalicylate (L1) and
dihydroxybenzophenone (L2) units as shown in Scheme
1. Photo-Fries products have been well defined by definite maxima in the UV and in the carbonyl range of the
IR domain: L1 at 320 nm and 1689 cm1 and L2 at 355
nm and 1629 cm1.
As a minor pathway, L3 units are formed competitively to photo-Fries rearrangements: some radicals
formed in CO–O bond scissions may decarbonylate or
decarboxylate before further radical recombination or
hydrogen abstraction. This leads to the formation of
hydroxy- and dihydroxy-biphenyl units, aromatic ether
structures and phenol as end-groups, further photolysed
into a mixture of species (in a convoluted absorption)
that produces the yellowing of the PC film without any
defined structure.
On irradiation at long wavelength (e.g. 365 nm) in
the presence of oxygen, photoproducts have been shown
to result mainly from the photo-induced oxidation on
the gem dimethyl side-chain and from the phenyl rings
oxidation. The various steps of the gem dimethyl side-
0141-3910/01/$ - see front matter # 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S0141-3910(01)00201-4
A. Rivaton et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability 75 (2002) 17–33
Scheme 1. Direct phototransformation of PC at short wavelength in the absence of oxygen.
chain photo-oxidation, initiated by photo-Fries process,
are reported in Scheme 2.
The first step of the oxidative reactions is an hydrogen
abstraction on the polymeric backbone. Once formed,
the primary methylene macroradicals (A) rearrange to
yield the stable tertiary benzylic radicals (B):
CH2 CðCH3 ÞðPh Þ2 ðAÞ !
The macroradical formed reacts with oxygen, leading
to a peroxy radical that gives a hydroperoxide by
abstraction of a labile hydrogen atom. Hydroperoxides
decompose thermally or photochemically to give alkoxy
and hydroxyl radicals (which can mainly resume the
chain oxidation reaction) leading to the formation of
the various photoproducts that have been identified,
namely: aliphatic (1724 cm1) and aromatic (1690 cm1)
chain-ketones, aliphatic (1713 cm1) and aromatic
(1696 cm1) chain-acids, chain-alcohols (3490 cm1),
formic and acetic acid that are able to migrate in the gas
The opening of phenyl rings of PC has been assessed
by several authors [6]. It has been suggested that cyclic
anhydrides (1860/1840 cm1) could be formed in the
thermal transformation of dicarboxylic acidic products
(1713 cm1) which appear after phenyl ring scissions
under long-wavelength irrdiation [2]. A probable
mechanism of formation is reported in Scheme 3. The
initiation steps by OH and 1O2 have been proposed by
Clark and Munro [6].
It has been shown that when PC is photo-oxidised
under polychromatic light, provided by sources emitting
short and long wavelengths radiations, the photochemical evolution of the polymer depends directly on
the spectral distribution of the light [2]. This means that
the ratio of short to long wavelengths determines the
occurrence of direct phototransformation and sidechain photo-oxidation. Photo-Fries rearrangement is
the main process occurring by absorption of radiations
below 330 nm, whilst gemdimethyl side-chain and
phenyl ring oxidation are provoked by radiations above
330 nm.
The first step of the oxidative reactions of polymers is
an hydrogen abstraction on the polymeric backbone by
a free radical formed by photonic excitation of chromophoric species. Two potential sites of abstraction
exist on TMC–PC chain: the structure of TMC–PC has
tertiary and secondary aliphatic carbons whilst that of
PC contains only primary carbons. The rate of oxidation of TMC–PC, which contains more potentially
reactive sites than PC, is therefore anticipated to be
A. Rivaton et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability 75 (2002) 17–33
Scheme 2. Gemdimethyl side-chain photo-oxidation of PC.
Scheme 3. Probable mechanism of ring oxidation.
A. Rivaton et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability 75 (2002) 17–33
higher than that of PC: such an hypothesis had to be
The influence of the structure on the direct photochemistry at short wavelength also needs to be experimentally evidenced.
The two polymers were irradiated at short wavelength
(l=254 nm) and under polychromatic light (l > 300
nm) in the absence and in the presence of oxygen or
thermo-oxidised at 170 C. The photoproducts formed
were characterised by UV-visible spectroscopy and
fourier transform infra-red (FTIR) coupled with chemical derivatisation reactions, hydroperoxidic groups
titration, vacuum thermal treatments of oxidised films,
size exclusion chromatography (SEC) and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis after
solvent extraction.
A detailed analysis of the products formed in each
case of degradation is described in the present article. A
comparison is made between the photochemical and
thermal evolutions of PC and TMC–PC. The comparison of the behaviours in photo-oxidation and in
thermo-oxidation is very helpful to elucidate the
mechanisms of the thermodegradation. The main
objective of this paper is to determine the validity of the
mechanisms proposed for PC in the case of TMC–PC.
2. Experimental
Non-stabilised PC and TMC–PC pellets were supplied by Aldrich and BASF (Germany) respectively.
Thin films (20 mm) prepared for photodegradation
experiments were obtained by evaporation of a polymer
solution in CHCl3. Thick films (100–200 mm) prepared
for thermo-oxidation experiments were obtained by
compression moulding between PTFE-coated glass
cloth at 200 bars for 90 s: at 280 C for PC and at 300 C
for TMC–PC.
Irradiations were carried out in a SEPAP 12.24 unit at
a temperature of 60 C. This apparatus has been
designed for studies of polymer photodegradation in
artificial conditions corresponding to a medium acceleration of the ageing; this unit allowed irradiation at
long wavelengths (l > 300 nm) [2]. Irradiations with
monochromatic light at 254 nm were carried out in a
SEPAP 254 unit [2]. Low temperature thermo-oxidation
experiments were carried out in an aerated oven at
170 C.
The macromolecular hydroperoxides formed in the
photo-oxidised samples were titrated using an iodometric method [7].
Irradiated films were exposed to reactive SF4 (Fluka)
and NH3 (Ucar) gases at room temperature in all-Teflon
reactors. Coupling the IR analysis with chemical derivatisation reactions allowed the in situ identification of
carboxylic acids, esters, aldehydes and anhydrides [8,9].
For vacuum photolysis treatments, polymer samples
were introduced into Pyrex tubes and sealed under
vacuum (106 torr), obtained using a mercury diffusion
vacuum line.
IR spectra were recorded on a Nicolet 510 FTIR
spectrophotometer (nominal resolution of 4 cm1, 32
scans summation). UV spectra were recorded on a Shimadzu UV-2101PC spectrophotometer equipped with
an integrating sphere. The fluorescence spectra were
obtained using a Jobin-Yvon JY3D spectrofluorimeter.
Measurements of photoproducts profiles in irradiated
films were carried out by a technique described earlier
[10]. Measurements were performed on a Nicolet 800
equipped with a NICPLAN microscope (liquid nitrogen-cooled MCT detector, 128 scan summations). The
films were pressed between two polypropylene plates
and were then sliced with a Reichert and Jung microtome. Slices with a thickness of ca. 50 mm were obtained
and then examined through the FTIR microscope. The
spectra were recorded every 10 mm from the irradiated
surface towards the core of the sample.
HPLC analysis of the low molecular photoproducts,
extracted by immersion of irradiated films in methanol,
were performed on a Merck chromatograph equipped
with a photodiode array detector. The column was a
Hewlett Packard reverse-phase C18, 5 mm (250 4
mm). The mobile phase was a gradient acetonitrile
(Fisons HPLC solvent)–water (acidified with 2/1000
H3PO4). The outflow was 1 ml/min.
Average molecular weights (Mw) and molecular
weight distribution (polydispersity index=Mw/Mn) of
polymeric samples were obtained by SEC. SEC was
carried out on a Waters 600 Controller using a Plgel 7.5
mm ID column and a Waters 2487–Dual l absorbance
detector. The mobile phase was chloroform with a flow
rate of 1 ml/min. The calibration was achieved using
polystyrene standards.
As a complement, the crosslinking of PC and TMC–
PC has been studied by measuring the density of solutions in CHCl3 of the soluble part of irradiated samples
according to a technique described earlier [11].
3. Photolysis at short wavelength (=254 nm) in
On irradiation at short wavelength (l=254 nm)
absorbed by the aromatic carbonate chromophoric
groups, the photoreaction occurs only at the surface of
PC and TMC–PC films. Absorption by polycarbonate
at 254 nm has been computed as 90% of the incident
light absorbed in the first 3 mm. [2]
Photo-Fries rearrangements occurring in PC and
TMC–PC films were monitored using UV and FTIR
spectroscopies. In the first stages of photolysis of PC
and TMC–PC, a main peak appears at 320 nm in the
A. Rivaton et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability 75 (2002) 17–33
UV range (Fig. 1) and at 1689 cm1 in the carbonyl
range of IR (Fig. 2), both attributed to the formation of
the primary photo-Fries product L1.
L1 is observed to reach a photostationary concentration and the photo-rearrangement of L1 into L2
accounts for the development of the bands at 355 nm
and at 1629 cm1 on the UV spectra (Fig. 1) and IR
spectra (Fig. 2a) of PC, respectively.
If the IR band attributed to L2 is observed to develop
on the IR spectra of TMC–PC (Fig. 2b), however, surprisingly the maximum of the absorption band of L2 at
355 nm is not observed on the UV spectra (Fig. 1) of
At this stage of the analysis, the two following
attempts, in order to explain this phenomenon, were not
1. A matrix effect could have been an explanation
since the mobility of macromolecular chain is
reduced in TMC–PC compared to PC: the glass
transition of TMC–PC (239 C) is quite higher
than that of PC (150 C). To validate such an
hypothesis, irradiation of PC and TMC–PC was
carried out at 254 nm in degassed CHCl3 solution.
UV analysis of both irradiated solutions revealed
the development of the absorption band of L1 at
320 nm. As observed in rigid matrix, the maximum
of the absorption band of L2 at 355 nm is observed
to develop on the UV spectra of PC solution and is
not discerned on the UV spectra of TMC–PC
solution. It is concluded that a matrix effect cannot account for the fact that the UV band of L2 is
not observed in TMC–PC photolysis.
2. A lower coplanarity of the dihydroxybenzophenone system in TMC–PC compared to
PC could have been another explanation. To
determine the steric effect of the aliphatic moieties
on the conjugated system, the benzophenone
structure has been modelised for the two polycarbonates. The twisting angles between the two
aromatic rings and the CO group have been
determined by conformational searching using the
Batchmin program within the MM2 force field of
the Macromodel package [12]. The twisting angles
were computed to be 28 in PC and 31.3 in TMC–
PC. The consequence of this 3 3 twist, when the
isopropylidene moieties in PC are replaced by trimethylcyclohexylidene moieties in TMC–PC, can
result only in a small shift of the maximum to
shorter wavelength with a low decrease in the
intensity [13]. It is not sufficient to engender the
absence of the absorption band of L2.
The absorption band of L1 observed in PC and in
TMC–PC at 320 nm is progressively overlapped by an
unstructured absorption. This absorption results from a
mixture of species identified as L3 on Scheme 1. L3 units
are formed competitively to the photo-Fries rearrangement and their formation accounts for the yellow color
of the sample after irradiation.
In the hydroxyl region of the IR spectra of PC
(Fig. 3a), the vibration bands observed to develop
around 3547 cm1 and at 3470 cm1 are attributed
respectively to the dimeric and polymeric OH stretching
Fig. 1. Changes of the UV spectra (subtraction irradiated—non-irradiated sample) of PC film (—) and TMC–PC film (- - - -) on photolysis
at 254 nm.
Fig. 2. FTIR spectra of (a) PC film and (b) TMC–PC film in the carbonyl region (irradiated — non-irradiated sample) for various photolysis times at 254 nm.
A. Rivaton et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability 75 (2002) 17–33
frequencies of the L3 species. Most of the hydroxyl
groups of photo-Fries products are intramolecularly
bonded and observed at 3230 cm1.
In TMC–PC (Fig. 3b) an additional band is observed
to develop with a low intensity at 3607 cm1 that fits
with the (OH) band of non-hydrogen bonded phenol
[14]. This result suggests that the presence of a labile
hydrogen atom on the tertiary carbon atom of the trimethylcyclohexylidene structure of TMC–PC favors
hydrogen abstraction by a phenoxy macroradical
formed along with the O–CO bond scission. The macroradical yields phenol and no photo-Fries reaction
occurs. In addition, the comparison of the shape of the
hydroxyl absorption of the two polymers indicates that
the contribution of dimer hydroxyl groups of L3 at 3547
cm1 to the whole absorption is slightly higher in
TMC–PC than in PC.
The formation of L1, L2 and L3 involves ring substitution by hydroxyl groups that accounts for the
development of the two bands at 1617 and 1585 cm1.
The concentration of photo-Fries products and yellowing L3 species formed in TMC–PC and PC can be
compared by measuring the variations of the absorbance at 1689 cm1 (L1), at 1629 cm1 (L2) and at 450
nm (L3). The data obtained after 345 h exposure are
reported in Table 1.
As a complement, the absorption of L2 (1629 cm1)
is plotted on Fig. 4 as a function of the absorption
of the yellowing L3 species (450 nm) throughout
The analysis of Table 1 and Fig. 4 shows that the
concentration of L1 is roughly the same in the two
polymers, the one of L2 is slightly lower in TMC–PC
compared to PC at the expense of yellowing L3 species.
This indicates that the photo-Fries rearrangement, and
specially the conversion of L1 to L2, is lowered at the
expense of the formation of L3 units in TMC–PC compared to PC.
Such differences between the two polymers imply that
the second cage rearrangement in ortho position is more
difficult in TMC–PC: it has been computed that the
energy of the more stable L2 conformation is 71 kJ/mol
in PC and 148.7 kJ/mol in TMC–PC.
On the contrary the conversion of carbonate groups
to L3 photoproducts is favoured in TMC–PC, due to
steric effects and to the presence of a labile hydrogen
atom on the tertiary carbon atom. For comparison
vacuum photolysis of PC and TMC–PC was carried out
under irradiation at l > 300 nm in absence of oxygen.
The yellowing of TMC–PC is also observed to be higher
than that of PC.
The combination of these results may explain why the
absorption band of L2 at 355 nm is not observed in
TMC–PC photolysis at 254 nm.
Table 1
Increase of absorbance measured after 345 h exposure at 254 nm
Fig. 3. FTIR spectra of (a) PC film and (b) TMC–PC film in the
hydroxyl region (irradiated—non-irradiated sample) for various photolysis times at 254 nm.
IR and UV-visible
L1 (1689 cm1)
L2 (1689 cm1)
L3 (450 nm)
Fig. 4. Increase of the absorbance at 1629 cm1 as a function of the
increase of the absorbance at 450 nm for PC and TMC–PC films.
A. Rivaton et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability 75 (2002) 17–33
4. Photo-oxidation at short wavelength (=254 nm)
Analysis by FTIR and UV spectroscopies indicates
that the chemical changes in the presence or in the
absence of oxygen during the first stages of exposure are
the same. The IR spectra show that L1 and L2 are
formed in both polycarbonates. L2 is produced in lower
proportion in TMC–PC than in PC. The corresponding
maximum at 355 nm is observed only on the spectra of
PC, as noticed previously for irradiation experiments in
absence of oxygen. Although some differences can still
be observed between oxygenated and vacuum exposures:
The consequences of the treatments of photooxidized
TMC–PC and PC films by SF4 or by thermolysis under
vacuum are observed to be analogous. The results allow
the band at 1713 cm1 to be assigned to low molecular
weight aliphatic carboxylic acid species in TMC–PC.
Fig. 7 shows the variations of absorbance at 1713
cm1 as a function of irradiation time. One can observe
that the rate of formation of acid groups is two times
higher for TMC–PC than PC.
1. The absorption band of L1 at 320 nm is more easily
observed in photooxidative condition than in photolysis (Fig. 5). This is because during photolysis
experiments the UV band of L1 is overlapped by L3
absorption whereas in photo-oxidation L3 species are
not observable. It has been shown that L3 species are
photo-oxidised under excitation in the presence of
oxygen [2].
For the same reason no absorption maximum at 3607
cm1, corresponding to free hydroxyl groups of L3, is
detected in the hydroxyl region of the IR spectra of
2. As irradiation proceeds, the development of a
sharp band at 1713 cm1 (Fig. 6) and of a broad
absorption around 3230 cm1 are observed on the IR
spectra of both polymers.
By mean of SF4 treatments, these two vibrations have
been attributed in PC to the formation of molecular
acetic and formic acids that are trapped in the PC
matrix [2]. These acids have been shown to be final
photoproducts formed in the photo-induced oxidation
of the gemdimethyl side-chain.
Fig. 5. Changes of the UV spectra (subtraction irradiated—non-irradiated sample) of PC film (—) and TMC–PC film (–) on photo-oxidation at 254 nm.
Fig. 6. FTIR spectra of (a) PC film and (b) TMC–PC film in the carbonyl region (irradiated—non-irradiated sample) for various photooxidation times at 254 nm.
Fig. 7. Increase of the absorbance at 1713 cm1 for PC and TMC–PC
films as a function of irradiation time at 254 nm.
A. Rivaton et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability 75 (2002) 17–33
It can be concluded from these experiments that the
same photochemical mechanisms are involved under
short wavelength exposure of PC and TMC–PC: direct
phototransformation and photo-oxidation mechanisms.
However, the relative concentrations of the various
photoproducts are found to be different in the two
polymers. The second rearrangement in ortho-position
is lowered in TMC–PC due to the reduced mobility and
the steric effect of the trimethylcyclohexylidene structure. The presence in TMC–PC of tertiary carbons with
more labile hydrogen atoms favors the formation of L3
species in vacuum experiments and increases the rate of
the photo-induced oxidation in aerated exposure.
5. Photo-oxidation at > 300 nm
5.1. Chemical changes in the solid polymers on exposure
5.1.1. FTIR and UV-visible analysis
The light absorption by the carbonate chromophoric
units extends up to 330 nm. This makes PC, as well as
TMC–PC, directly accessible to UV light present in terrestrial solar radiation.
Fig. 8. Changes of the UV spectra of (a) PC film and (b) TMC–PC
film on photo-oxidation at l>300 nm.
The photo-oxidation of TMC–PC and PC at l> 300
nm leads to noticeable modifications of the UV and IR
spectra of irradiated films.
In the UV-visible (Fig. 8), the absorption of L1 is
observed to develop at 320 nm for short exposure time
of both polycarbonates. The first photo-Fries rearrangement is the initial photochemical process involved
in the long wavelengths photo-oxidation of both polymers.
As irradiation proceeds, the band of L1 is rapidly
overlapped by an unstructured absorption at wavelengths below 500 nm, which has been attributed to a
mixture of colored species formed in ring oxidation [4,5].
In the carbonyl region (Fig. 9) the photo-oxidation
leads, at low conversion, to the formation of absorption
bands with the same maxima as reported above for the
short wavelength irradiation and that account for
photo-Fries rearrangement: L1 at 1689 cm1, L2 at 1629
cm1 and ring substitutions at 1617 and 1585 cm1.
As photo-oxidation proceeds, the hydroxyl and carbonyl absorption broaden and several bands with definite maxima are observed to develop on the IR spectra
at 1690, 1713, 1724, 1840 and 1860 cm1.
In the hydroxyl region (Fig. 10), the appearance of
broad absorption bands are observed with maxima
around 3470 and 3330 cm1. These absorptions account
Fig. 9. FTIR spectra of (a) PC film and (b) TMC–PC film in the carbonyl region (irradiated—non-irradiated sample) for various photooxidation times at l>300 nm.
A. Rivaton et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability 75 (2002) 17–33
respectively for the formation of bonded alcohols and
carboxylic acids.
The assignment of all the maxima to precise chemical
structures was performed by means of derivatisation
reactions, methanolic and thermal treatments.
5.1.2. Spatial distribution
A thick film (100 mm) of TMC–PC was irradiated for
100 h. The oxidation profile is determined by recording
the spectra every 11 mm. The increase of absorbance in
the hydroxyl range is plotted on Fig. 11 as a function of
the distance from the exposed face.
The oxidation photoproducts appear to be distributed
heterogeneously in the TMC–PC sample as previously
observed for PC [2]. Only the top 60 mm of films are
affected by irradiation.
The degradation profile exhibits the same shape under
vacuum and aerated exposures. The fact that oxidation
is confined to the first 60 mm is then related to the strong
light absorption by the irradiated films.
The Mw of films irradiated in presence and in absence
of oxygen gradually decreases and reaches a limit with
irradiation time. Chain scissions are observed to occur
at larger extent in the presence than in the absence of
The value of polydispersity index (Mw/Mn) determined throughout photo-oxidation, is reported in
Table 2.
Non-irradiated polycarbonate films are soluble in
CHCl3 at room temperature. Irradiation of the polycarbonate films is observed to produce a portion of each
sample that is insoluble in CHCl3. The amount of this
insoluble material, measured by densimetry is reported
in Table 3.
These data indicate that the decrease in Mw measured
by SEC is the major phenomenon. In parallel, micro-gel
formation by partial crosslinking of irradiated films also
occurs at much lower extent. Main-chain scissions are
prevalent on crosslinking during the course of the
photo-oxidation of both polycarbonates.
5.1.3. Molecular weight changes upon irradiation
The evolution of the molecular weight (Mw) as a
function of irradiation time is shown in Fig. 12.
Fig. 11. Photo-oxidation profile measured by micro-FTIR spectroscopy of a TMC–PC film (100 mm) irradiated 100 h at l>300 nm.
Fig. 10. FTIR spectra of (a) PC film and (b) TMC–PC film in the
hydroxyl region (irradiated — non-irradiated sample) for various
photo-oxidation times at l>300 nm.
Fig. 12. Evolution of Mw of PC and TMC–PC films irradiated at l
>300 nm as a function of irradiation time in the presence and in the
absence of oxygen.
A. Rivaton et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability 75 (2002) 17–33
5.1.4. Kinetic study of the photo-oxidation
Fig. 13 shows the variations of absorbance at 1713
cm1 as a function of irradiation time. As observed
previously under irradiation at 254 nm, the rate of
photo-oxidation is much higher for TMC–PC than PC.
The variation of absorbance at 450 nm has also been
plotted as a function of irradiation time. The rate of
yellowing is found to follow the same trend (rate of
yellowing higher in the case of TMC–PC).
5.2. Chemical treatments of photo-oxidised samples
Peroxidic groups were chemically titrated and derivatisation reactions were used to selectively convert oxidation products into groups which are more easily
identified by FTIR.
NO in the absence of oxygen. Completeness of reaction
was not possible because NO has the undesirable effect
to react with carbonate units. Therefore only qualitative
data have been obtained. NO treatments of irradiated
TMC–PC and PC films revealed the formation of nitrate
absorption bands at 1300 and 1630 cm1 attributed to
derivatives of tertiary hydroperoxydes [15] associated
with a partial loss in hydroxyl absorption around 3470
cm1. The two derivatives bands are not observed in NO
treatments of non-irradiated films. No secondary or primary nitrate were detected. It may be therefore concluded that the main site of hydroperoxidation in both
polycarbonates is a tertiary carbon atom.
5.2.1. Titration and identification of hydroperoxides
Fig. 14 shows the variations of concentration of
hydroperoxides for irradiated TMC–PC and PC films
(thickness 20 mm).
The results show that the hydroperoxides concentration is much higher for TMC–PC films than for PC
films. The same trend has been reported above for carbonyl photoproducts (see Fig. 13).
Alcohols and hydroperoxydes can be converted into
nitrites and nitrates respectively by reaction with gaseous
5.2.2. SF4 treatment
The reactions were carried out by submitting the
photo-oxidised samples to SF4 gas. Derivatives formed
by reaction of SF4 with aliphatic and aromatic carboxylic acids are characterised by a distinct C=O
absorption [8,9]: aliphatic derivatives at 1840–1845
cm1 and aromatic and unsaturated derivatives at
1810–1815 cm1.
SF4 treatments of polycarbonate films irradiated for
50, 100 and 150 h lead to the development of two
absorption bands at 1810 and 1840 cm1 coming with a
decrease of the carbonyl absorption and the elimination
of the carbonyl absorption band at 1713 cm1.
Table 2
Changes in (Mw/Mn) determined by SEC
Table 3
Changes in solubility determined by densimetry
Irradiation time(h)
Irradiation time(h)
PC (%)
TMC–PC (%)
Fig. 13. Increase of the absorbance at 1713 cm1 for PC and TMC–
PC films as a function of irradiation time at l >300 nm.
Fig. 14. Hydroperoxidic groups concentration as a function of irradiation time in PC and TMC–PC films photo-oxidised at l>300 nm.
A. Rivaton et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability 75 (2002) 17–33
These results indicate that both aromatic and aliphatic carboxylic acids are formed in photo-oxidised polycarbonate films. Aromatic carboxylic acid structures
with IR absorption in the range 1690–1700 cm1 (1696
cm1 for benzoic acid) account for part of the carbonyl
absorption that gives the derivative band at 1810 cm1.
Aliphatic carboxylic acids with IR absorption at 1713
cm1 generate the derivative band at 1840 cm1.
The elimination of the acidic absorption allows the
observation, on the IR spectra of both treated polymers,
of unreacting bands at 1724 and 1690 cm1 that have
been attributed respectively to aliphatic and aromatic
ketones groups in PC [2].
Results of SF4 treatments of TMC–PC and PC films
pre-irradiated 50, 100 and 150 h are reported in
Table 4.
These results show that the whole concentration of
acidic species increases with irradiation time and is
always superior in TMC–PC than in PC films. The ratio
of the intensities of the band at 1840 and at 1810 cm1 is
observed to be higher in the TMC–PC films. It can be
deduced that the accumulation of aliphatic carboxylic
acids is favoured in TMC–PC compared to PC.
5.2.3. NH3 treatment
NH3 treatments were carried out on photo-oxidised
TMC–PC and PC films. NH3 reaction leads to a
decrease in the carbonyl absorption region between
1800 and 1700 cm1 with, among others, the disappearance of a band at 1713 cm1 and the formation
of a maximum around 1570 cm1. This maximum corresponds to the carboxylate ions band (RCOO NH+
4 )
obtained by neutralisation of carboxylic acids. A
weaker band with a maximum around 1660 cm1 corresponds to the absorption of amide groups resulting
from the reaction of esters. The concentration of ester
species in both polycarbonates is observed to remain
fairly low.
5.2.4. Analysis of the volatile products
TMC–PC and PC films photo-oxidised for 50, 100 and
150 h were thermolysed at 100 C in the absence of oxygen.
Vacuum heating leads to the decrease of the carbonyl
absorption between 1800 and 1700 cm1 and to the
disappearance of the band at 1713 cm1 (acids); a broad
decrease of the hydroxyl absorption is noticed throughout the thermolysis. In parallel, thermal treatments
induce the development of a vibration band at 1840
cm1 with a shoulder at 1860 cm1 (anhydrides [2]).
In the domain of hydroxyl vibration, the broad
decrease centred at 3230 cm1 (range of associated OH
groups of acids) contributes for about 25% to the
hydroxyl absorption.
Results of vacuum thermal treatments at 100 C for
24 h of TMC–PC and PC films pre-irradiated 50 and
100 h are reported on Table 5.
The data of Table 5 indicate that carboxylic acids
formed in PC and TMC–PC can be extracted at 100 C
and that the concentration of extractable acidic species
is higher in TMC–PC than in PC. In both photo-oxidised polymers, a fraction of these acids are dicarboxylic species formed in ring opening which thermally
cyclise to give anhydrides observed at 1840/1860 cm1.
The other fraction of acidic species is composed of low
molecular weight photoproducts, formed in aliphatic
moieties oxidation, that can be lost by evaporation from
the irradiated films. Table 5 shows that the concentration of these latter species is higher in TMC–PC.
Infra-red analysis of the composition of the gas phase
was also carried out. A large sheet of polymer was rolled in a Pyrex tube connected to a gas cell consisting of
a long glass cylinder whose ends were KBr windows.
The whole system was filled with oxygen and then
sealed. Exposure of the tube containing the polymer was
carried at l > 300 nm and the gas was periodically analysed by IR spectroscopy throughout exposure.
Table 4
Absorbance of the acyl fluoride bands after SF4 treatment
duration (h)
(1810 cm1)
(1810 cm1)
(1840 cm1)
(1840 cm1)
(1840/1810 cm1)
(1840/1810 cm1)
Table 5
Variation of absorbance upon thermal treatment
(1713 cm1)
(1713 cm1)
(1840 cm1)
(1840 cm1)
(1713/1840 cm1)
(1713/1840 cm1)
A. Rivaton et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability 75 (2002) 17–33
The spectra that have been recorded show mainly
absorption bands at 2361, 2338 and 671 cm1 which
indicate the formation of CO2.
In the other regions of the IR spectra, the formation
of small amounts of water and traces of carbonyl
groups at 1794 and 1772 cm1 are observed, which
suggests the presence of gaseous formic and acetic acid
in their dimer form, respectively.
This experimental result confirms that some of the
aliphatic acid groups are low molecular weight compounds that can be lost by evaporation at 100 C from
both polycarbonate films.
From the remaining carbonyl absorption of photooxidised films, as previously observed after SF4 treatment, bands at 1724 and 1690 cm1 are observed on the
IR spectra of both polymers. These bands can be
respectively attributed to aliphatic and aromatic
5.2.5. Analysis of the extractable photoproducts
The UV-visible spectra of the methanolic solution
after extraction of the low molecular weight products
are reported on Fig. 16. The pH of the extraction solutions is 6.4 for PC and 5.1 for TMC–PC confirming that
more acidic species have been extracted from TMC–PC
The UV spectrum of the extracted solutions can be
modified by addition of NaOH (pH=11.3). Maxima are
observed at 245, 284 and 330 nm in TMC–PC and at
243, 289 and 323 nm in PC suggesting the presence of
phenolic structures among the extracted photoproducts.
A confirmation of these phenolic structures has been
obtained by measuring the fluorescence of the methanolic solution. It reveals the presence of a fluorescent
species at 400 nm under excitation at 310 nm.
The chromatograms of the methanolic solutions used
to extract the oxidised species reveal the presence of a
large variety of UV absorbing and fluorescent photoproducts. Polar and non-polar species have been
extracted by methanol from oxidised films. A gradient
Immersion in methanol for 24 h of photo-oxidised
films produces changes in the IR spectra that are analogous to those observed in thermal treatment at 100 C.
After methanolic treatments, a decrease of the carbonyl
absorption between 1800 and 1700 cm1 and the disappearance of the maximum at 1713 cm1 are observed
(Fig. 15).
Table 6 shows the decrease in absorbance at 1713
cm1 generated by immersion of PC and TMC–PC films
pre-irradiated 50 and 100 h. The concentration of low
molecular weight species extracted from oxidised films is
higher in TMC–PC than in PC.
Table 6
Decrease of absorbance at 1713 cm1 provoked by MeOH treatment
Pre-irradiation duration (h)
Fig. 15. Evolution of the IR spectra of a photo-oxidised TMC–PC
film throughout post-immersion in methanol.
Fig. 16. UV-visible absorption spectra of the methanolic solution of
the low molecular weight photoproducts extracted from (a) PC film
and (b) TMC–PC film photo-oxidised at l> 300 nm. Evolution of the
spectra as a function of the pH.
A. Rivaton et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability 75 (2002) 17–33
of a mixture of H2O/CH3CN varying from (90/10)% to
(10/90)% has been used to elute all the photoproducts.
The absorption and emission features of each fraction
have been compared to those of model compounds
analysed under the same conditions. The retention time,
the absorption and the emission of some species are
exactly fitting those of benzoic acid, 4-hydroxybenzoic
acid, hydroquinone and phenol.
6. Thermo-oxidation at 170 C
The thermo-oxidation of PC and TMC–PC films
(130–150 mm) was carried out in an aerated oven at
170 C.
The changes in UV-visible of PC and TMC–PC during the course of thermo-oxidation are shown in Fig. 17.
An increase in UV-visible absorption of oxidised films
without any defined maximum can be observed.
The changes that occur in the infrared carbonyl
region of PC and TMC–PC are shown on Fig. 18.
Fig. 17. Changes in UV spectra of (a) PC film and (b) TMC–PC film
thermo-oxidised at 170 C.
Absorption bands with defined maxima are observed
at 1690, 1724, 1840 and 1860 cm1. The maximum at
1724 cm1 is not easily discerned in TMC–PC because it
is overlapped by the formation of other carbonylated
species. No band at 1713 cm1 corresponding to acids is
observable on the spectra. It is recalled that vacuum
thermal treatment of photo-oxidised polycarbonate
films leads to the elimination of the carboxylic acids.
The PC and TMC–PC thermo-oxidised films were
submitted to gaseous SF4 and NH3 for better identification of the oxidation products. No absorption band
resulting from the derivative of carboxylic acids was
observed. It may be unambiguously concluded that, in
conditions of thermo-oxidation at 170 C, no carboxylic
acids accumulate in the polymeric films.
No change is observed in the absorptions at 1724 and
1690 cm1 after SF4 and NH3 treatment. This confirms
the previous assignment of the maxima at 1724 cm1
and 1690 cm1 to aliphatic and aromatic ketones,
Moreover, no absorption band in the range 3300–
3200 cm1 (assigned to carboxylic acids) is observed in
the spectra of thermo-oxidised PC and TMC–PC films
(Fig. 19). Such an observation is in good accordance
with the analysis of the carbonyl domain.
PC exhibits absorption bands at 3553 and 3514 cm1
which are associated with the non-hydrogen bonded
Fig. 18. Changes in the carbonyl region of IR spectra of (a) PC film
and (b) TMC–PC film (thermo-oxidised at 170 C.
A. Rivaton et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability 75 (2002) 17–33
Fig. 20. Increase of the absorbance at 1690 cm1 for thermo-oxidised
PC and TMC–PC films as a function of thermo-oxidation duration at
170 C.
Table 8
Changes in Mw determined by SEC
Thermo-oxidation duration (days)
Fig. 19. Changes in the hydroxyl region of IR spectra of (a) PC film
and (b) TMC–PC film thermo-oxidised at 170 C.
Table 7
Changes in solubility determined by densimetry
Thermo-oxidation duration (days)
PC (%)
TMC–PC (%)
groups formed. In the OH region of TMC–PC there is
an increase of a broader hydrogen-bonded absorption
band centred at 3490 cm1. This observation confirms,
in agreement with the complexity of the carbonyl IR
envelope, the presence in TMC–PC of several oxidation
products and that the reactions involved in TMC–PC
are not simple.
The rate of formation of the products in the carbonyl
region as a function of the duration of thermo-oxidation is given in Fig. 20. It is evident from the figure that
the rate of thermo-oxidation of TMC–PC is much
higher than that of PC. An analogous conclusion has
been obtained by comparison of the rate of the yellowing of both polymers.
The amounts of the insoluble material formed
throughout thermo-oxidation of PC and TMC–PC films
are reported in Table 7.
The evolution of the molecular weight (Mw) of PC
and TMC–PC films as a function of thermo-oxidation
duration is reported on Table 8.
These data indicate, as previously reported for the
photo-oxidation (see Fig. 12 and Table 3), that the
main-chain scission is the major phenomenon during
the thermo-oxidation experiments of both polycarbonates.
7. Discussion
The results of the analysis of the photochemical and
thermal degradation of TMC–PC can be interpreted as
PC and TMC–PC are directly accessible to UV light
present in terrestrial solar radiation. As a result of the
excitation by the shortest wavelengths radiations of the
sunlight, photo-Fries rearrangements may occur leading
to the formation of L1 (1689 cm1, 320 nm) as observed
by FTIR and UV-visible spectroscopies (Scheme 1).
In the absence of oxygen a second photo-Fries rearrangement may occur leading to the formation of L2
(1629 cm1, 355 nm).
The radicals resulting from the CO–O bond scissions
may also recombine together before or after decomposition through decarbonylation or decarboxylation.
A. Rivaton et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability 75 (2002) 17–33
Macroradicals may also react separately by hydrogen
abstraction on the aliphatic moieties of the polymer.
The various resulting products identified as L3 are
formed in fairly low concentration and observed by IR
spectrometry in the hydroxyl region (3607, 3547, 3470
cm1); these species or the products resulting from their
photolysis are largely responsible for the yellow discoloration of polycarbonate films under non-oxidative
The concentration of L3 species is observed to be
higher in TMC–PC than in PC at the expense of L2.
This can be attributed to the lower mobility and to the
steric effect caused by the trimethylcyclohexylidene
structure. Moreover, the presence of tertiary carbons in
TMC–PC favors hydrogen abstraction by macroradical
Under irradiation in the presence of oxygen, primary
macroradicals are formed upon direct homolysis of the
carbonate bond and are able to abstract the labile
hydrogen atoms of the aliphatic units. They act as
initiators of the oxidative phase of the photodegradation. L1, which absorbs directly the incident light l > 300
nm, has been proposed to be a good candidate for the
initiation of the long wavelength photo-oxidation of the
aliphatic moieties of PC [2–5]. The initial step of the
photo-oxidation of TMC–PC also involves the formation of L1 (1689 cm1, 320 nm).
Hydrogen abstraction is generally considered as the
first step in the mechanism of photo-oxidation of polymers. Two potential sites of abstraction exist on TMC–
PC chains that contains tertiary and secondary carbon
atoms. It is known that the tendency for hydrogen
abstraction decreases from tertiary to primary carbon.
The oxidation at the tertiary sites leads preferentially to
chain breaking, while the oxidation at the secondary and
primary carbons gives chain products without the scission of the backbone [16]. It has been shown that most of
the photoproducts formed in the photo-oxidation of
TMC–PC are low molecular weight or oligomeric species that can be extracted by methanol. It is therefore
concluded that hydrogen abstraction occurs more easily
at the tertiary carbon atoms of the trimethylcyclohexylidene units rather than at the secondary one.
Hydrogen atoms on the tertiary carbon of trimethylcyclohexylidene units are considerably more labile
than those on the primary carbon of isopropylidene
units. As a consequence, the reaction of oxidation of the
trimethylcyclohexylidene units is easier than that of the
isopropylidene units.
Once formed, the tertiary macroradicals react with
oxygen to form peroxy radicals. Abstraction of a
hydrogen atom to the macromolecular chain by the
peroxy radicals leads to the formation of tertiary
hydroperoxydes. The NO treatments of oxidised TMC–
PC films showed that tertiary hydroperoxydes were
formed. No secondary hydroperoxyde were detected.
The concentration of hydroperoxide groups is higher in
TMC–PC than that in PC. This confirms that hydrogen
abstraction is enhanced on the tertiary carbon atoms of
the trimethylcyclohexylidene units. The hydroperoxide
values tend toward a plateau of ca. 50 mmol kg1 in
TMC–PC and 10 mmol kg1 in PC (iodometric titration). This results from the photoinstability of hydroperoxydes groups, as already shown to be in the case of
PC [2]. In the hydroxyl range of TMC–PC samples, the
contribution of the hydroperoxydes to the absorption
centred at 3470 cm1 has been calculated to be close to
25% after 150 h exposure using =75 L mol1 cm1 for
(O–H) vibration.
The decomposition of hydroperoxides either by photolysis or by thermolysis involves the homolysis of the
O–O bond, and leads to the formation of an hydroxy
radical and of an alkoxy macroradical that may react by
several ways. The various oxidative processes that can
occur are reported in Scheme 4.
By abstraction of an hydrogen atom to the polymeric
backbone, hydroxyl groups are formed. These hydroxyl
groups contribute for about 75% to the development of
the IR absorption centered at 3470 cm1 (intermolecularly bonded OH groups of alcohols).
Another route of decomposition of the macroalkoxy
radical is a -scission. The two types of scission (a) or (b)
imply the opening of the aliphatic ring, leading to the
formation of end-groups aliphatic ketones, that correspond to the residual band at 1724 cm1 observed in
photo-oxidised films after SF4, MeOH or thermal treatments. -Scissions generate primary radical (I) and (II).
The primary radical (I) CH2-R obtained in this
reaction may decompose by an oxidation leading to
primary hydroperoxides. The primary hydroperoxides
are photochemically and thermally unstable and can be
decomposed to give carboxylic acids by a direct oxidation or an oxidation involving the formation of aldehydes further oxidised into carboxylic acids.
Under exposure, a Norrish type I reaction of the endgroup ketone occurs. Two routes of decomposition of
the ketone can be proposed:
. formation of a methyl radical which is further
oxidised into molecular formic acid; it can migrate
out of the polymer matrix and it has been detected
by analysis of the gas phase. The macroradical
(IV) formed simultaneously is further oxidised into
end-chain acids (observed at 1713 cm1 and evidenced by SF4 and NH3 derivatisation);
. formation of an acetyl radical, which is further
oxidised into acetic acid (that can migrate in the
gas phase) and accompanied by the formation of a
primary methylene macroradical (V).
As proposed for PC, isomerisation of the primary
radical (V) occurs and leads to the formation of more
stable tertiary benzylic radical (VI).
A. Rivaton et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability 75 (2002) 17–33
Scheme 4. Photo-induced oxidation of TMC–PC.
In the same way, isomerisation of the primary methylene
radical (II) occurs to yield the tertiary benzylic radical (III).
The presence of aromatic acids (1696 cm1) and
ketones (1690 cm1), as revealed by derivatisation
treatments of oxidised TMC–PC films and the identification of benzoic acid, 4-hydroxybenzoic acid, hydroquinone and phenol, after methanolic extraction and
HPLC analysis, confirm the isomerisation of the methylene radical as proposed in PC photo-oxidation.
The photo-oxidation of benzylic radicals (III) and
(VI) involves an analogous mechanism as the one
reported in Scheme 2 for the methylene macroradicals
converted into tertiary benzylic radicals.
As a consequence, the same types of oxidation products are formed in PC and TMC–PC namely: chain
carboxylic acids (1713 cm1), chain ketones (aliphatic at
1724 and aromatic at 1690 cm1) and molecular carboxylic acids (gas phase).
As proposed in the case of PC, the oxidation of aromatic rings of TMC–PC occurs under exposure. The
dicarboxylic acidic products (1713 cm1) formed by ring
opening can be thermally transformed in cyclic anhydride observed at 1860 and 1840 cm1.
Acid groups participate for 25% to the development
of the IR absorption at 3330 cm1. This contribution is
deduced from the thermolysis experiments of the samples pre-photo-oxidised at l> 300 nm. Thermolysis
provokes the migration of the low molecular weight
species in the gas phase or the cyclisation of the dicarboxylic species into anhydrides.
Except for the nature of the macroradicals that initiate the oxidation by abstraction of hydrogen on the
A. Rivaton et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability 75 (2002) 17–33
polymeric backbone, the same type of conventional
radical mechanism, involving the formation of hydroperoxyides on aliphatic sequences, is proposed to
account for the thermo-oxidation of PC and TMC–PC.
As observed in long wavelengths photo-oxidation,
thermo-oxidation leads to the formation of two types of
chain ketones: aliphatic at 1724 cm1 and aromatic at
1690 cm1.
Ketones accumulate in thermo-oxidised films since
Norrish type I reactions do not occur in thermal ageing.
Dicarboxylic acids formed in ring oxidation thermally
cyclise to form anhydrides observed at 1860 and 1840
cm1. For these two reasons, acid groups do not accumulate in thermo-oxidised films (as observed by IR
analysis associated with derivatisation reactions). The
absence of acidic species in thermo-oxidised films constitutes one of the most noticeable difference between
thermo- and photo-ageing.
For the same reason, as observed in photo-oxidation,
the thermal degradation of TMC–PC is easier than that
of PC.
8. Conclusion
Hydroperoxides titration, physical and derivatisation
treatments confirm the results deduced from the analysis
of the UV and IR spectra: the trimethylcyclohexylidene
units appear to be the source of much more oxidation
than the isopropylidene units. The same trend is measured in photo-oxidation and thermo-oxidation ageing,
in spite of the fact that TMC–PC has been synthesised
to improve the heat resistance of PC. The higher oxidisability of TMPC is shown to result from the presence
of labile hydrogen atoms on the tertiary carbon of the
trimethylcyclohexylidene units.
The authors would like to acknowledge Dr P. Calinaud for the conformational searching.
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