Considerations for orthognathic surgery during
growth, Part 1: Mandibular deformities
Larry M. Wolford, DMD,a Spiro C. Karras, DDS,b and Pushkar Mehra, DMDc
Dallas, Tex
Management of the growing patient with mandibular dentofacial deformities presents a unique and challenging
problem for orthodontists and surgeons. The surgical procedures required for correction of the deformity may
affect postsurgical growth and dentofacial development. Further, facial growth may continue postoperatively
and negate the benefits of surgery performed, resulting in treatment outcomes that are less than ideal. From
individual patient characteristics, the type of deformity, and the indications for early surgical intervention, it is
possible to effectively treat many cases during growth. A thorough understanding of facial growth patterns is
essential, and each case needs to be evaluated individually. Surgery is often undertaken with the expectation
that additional treatment, including more surgery, may be required after the completion of growth. The material
presented here is based on the available research and the senior author’s clinical experience of more than 25
years in the correction of mandibular deformities in the growing patient. Advantages and disadvantages of
specific surgical techniques for correction of common mandibular deformities and pertinent age and surgical
considerations are discussed. The material should be viewed as a general outline that provides broad
guidelines for management of these patients. The management of maxillary deformities will be discussed in
Part 2 of this article. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2001;119:95-101)
estions often arise regarding the appropriate
timing for orthognathic surgery in growing
patients and the possible effects of such
surgery on subsequent facial growth. Approximately
98% of facial growth is usually complete in girls by age
15, and in boys by, approximately, age 17 or 18.1,2
Some growing patients with dentofacial deformities
exhibit proportionate growth between the maxilla and
mandible, but others exhibit disproportionate growth
with progressive worsening of the deformity. The surgical procedures required to correct these deformities
may affect subsequent facial growth and dentofacial
development. Thus, both surgical procedures and
growth factors may affect the quality of the outcome.
Facial appearance is a fundamental factor in determining interpersonal relationships.3,4 Thus, early
orthognathic surgery may hold important psychosocial
implications for some patients. Teenagers with signifi-
From the Baylor University Medical Center and the Department of Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgery, Baylor College of Dentistry, Texas A&M University
System, Dallas.
aClinical Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and in Private Practice.
bFormer Fellow in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and currently in Private Practice, Chicago, Ill.
cFellow in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.
Reprint requests to: Larry M. Wolford, 3409 Worth St, Suite 400, Sammons
Tower, Dallas, TX 75246.
Submitted, February 2000; revised and accepted, May 2000.
Copyright © 2001 by the American Association of Orthodontists.
0889-5406/2001/$35.00 + 0 8/1/111401
cant dentofacial deformities are often perceived as being
less attractive by their peers, and differences of behavior
toward attractive and unattractive people have been well
documented.5,6 Choosing nonsurgical compromised
treatment or delaying orthognathic surgery until growth
is complete could be damaging to the patient’s selfimage. Delaying treatment until adulthood can exacerbate problems related to pain, speech, airway, anatomy,
occlusion, esthetics, temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
function, masticatory function, and psychosocial factors.
This 2-part article discusses the more common
dentofacial deformities, the surgical techniques applicable for each, and the earliest age at which these surgeries can be performed with predictable results. Part 1
deals with surgical treatment of mandibular deformities
in growing patients, and Part 2 will focus on surgical
correction of maxillary deformities and double-jaw
surgery in growing patients. There are, of course,
exceptions to these general guidelines based on individual patient characteristics, hormonal or other factors
affecting growth, the presenting deformity, co-existing
disease, other local or systemic factors, and the orthodontist’s and surgeon’s clinical abilities.
The TMJs are the foundation for orthognathic
surgery. If the TMJs are not stable and healthy, orthognathic surgical results may be unstable, with increased
TMJ dysfunction and pain as a result.7 The TMJs must
be appropriately evaluated before surgery. The most
common TMJ disorder seen in orthognathic surgery
96 Wolford, Karras, and Mehra
patients is the displaced articular disk. Significant problems can occur when orthognathic surgery is performed
in the presence of untreated disk displacement.7,8
Before surgery, 36% of patients had some pain or discomfort, but 2 years after mandibular advancement,
88% of the patients had pain with increased intensity.
After surgery, condylar resorption occurred in 30% of
the patients, which resulted in redevelopment of a jaw
deformity and malocclusion.8 Other TMJ pathologic
conditions that may affect treatment outcomes include
condylar hyperplasia, condylar hypoplasia, idiopathic
condylar resorption, osteochondroma, reactive arthritis,
rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, systemic lupus
erythematosus, scleroderma, and ankylosing spondylitis. TMJ pathology must be assessed and properly managed to provide healthy, stable TMJs for a sound foundation and the achievement of predictable results.
The tongue is an important factor in jaw growth and
development. Microglossia can cause underdevelopment of the jaws with lingual collapse of the dentoalveolar structures. Macroglossia can result in overdevelopment of the jaws, especially the dentoalveolus. The
etiology of macroglossia may be congenital (eg, muscular hypertrophy, lymphangioma, or glandular hyperplasia) or acquired (eg, cyst, tumor, acromegaly, or
amyloidosis). The most common cause of macroglossia
is muscular hypertrophy.
The tongue usually reaches its approximate adult
size when a child reaches the age of 8 years.9 An evaluation of the tongue should include clinical, radiographic, and functional assessments relative to interference with speech, mastication, airway, and treatment
stability. Surgical reduction of the tongue can improve
the stability and predictability of surgical outcomes in
cases of absolute macroglossia. Wolford et al10 previously described the diagnosis of macroglossia and the
indications for reduction glossectomy.
Determination of growth rate and vector can be
challenging. Because the jaws grow in all 3 dimensions, growth disturbances can also occur in more than
1 dimension. A good understanding of facial growth
tendencies of the specific anatomical facial types (eg,
brachycephalic, normocephalic, or dolicocephalic)
gives the clinician important information about subsequent growth. Evaluation of the patient’s medical and
family history, as well as serial clinical and radiographic examinations, are helpful to identify growth
imbalances in jaw structures. Comparison of serial lateral and anteroposterior cephalograms, and cephalometric tomograms that include the TMJ and posterior
mandible can be extremely helpful in assessment of
jaw growth. Specialized radiography (eg, computed
tomography [CT] scans, magnetic resonance imaging
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
February 2001
[MRI], or nuclear scintigraphy) are indicated in certain cases, especially for identification of TMJ pathology. Hand-wrist films may be useful in determining
the growth potential in some patients but are of little
benefit in skeletal Class III patients with condylar
hyperplasia. Serial dental models help in monitoring
occlusal and dental changes.
Mandibular hypoplasia
Mandibular hypoplasia is defined as retruded mandibular position resulting in a Class II skeletal relationship with either a normal or a deficient mandibular
growth rate.
Normal growth rate. In patients with normal
mandibular growth, the mandible grows from a
retruded position relative to the normally positioned
maxilla, or it may be smaller. With normal rates of
maxillary and mandibular growth, the same Class II
skeletal and occlusal relationship is maintained
throughout growth.11 This deformity can be corrected
surgically during growth, with predictably stable
results, by using the mandibular ramus osteotomies
discussed below. With healthy TMJs and proper use of
these techniques, the rate of growth is essentially unaltered by surgery, and harmonious postoperative maxillary and mandibular growth can be expected with
maintenance of the surgical result.12-14
Deficient growth rate. Patients experiencing deficient mandibular growth are initially seen with progressively worsening mandibular retrusion and Class II
malocclusion, as normal maxillary growth outpaces the
deficient mandibular growth. If the deformity is corrected surgically during growth, a Class II skeletal and
occlusal relationship can be expected to recur, as the
maxilla continues to grow normally and the mandible
maintains its deficient growth rate.15 However, surgery
during growth may be indicated in cases of severe
deformities that adversely affect function (eg, malnutrition resulting from masticatory dysfunction, airway
compromise, or speech disorders) or psychosocial
development. Under these circumstances, surgery during growth may improve the quality of life, but the
patient and parents must be made aware that additional
surgery will probably be necessary. Patients with deficient mandibular growth may have an associated TMJ
pathology that requires surgical correction to achieve a
stable outcome. Any of the ramus osteotomies discussed below could be used in deficient growth cases.
Treatment modalities
With any of the following surgical procedures, the
preoperative rate of growth can be maintained after
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Volume 119, Number 2
Fig 1. The SSRO procedure can be used to (A and B)
advance the mandible or reposition it backward.
surgery. These techniques should neither stimulate nor
hinder mandibular growth, provided that the TMJs are
healthy, the growth centers of the condylar heads are
not damaged, and the articular disks are not displaced
as a result of surgery. The vector of facial and mandibular growth, however, may be altered by a change in the
orientation of the proximal segment, and thus the
condyle.16 With any of the following techniques, if
the proximal segment is rotated forward, an increased
vertical growth vector will be seen after the operation.
Likewise, rotation of the proximal segment backward
will result in a more horizontal growth vector postsurgically. Compared with nonrigid fixation, the use
of rigid fixation with all of the following techniques
will improve immediate and long-term stability.17
Sagittal split ramus osteotomy. The sagittal split ramus
osteotomy (SSRO)(Fig 1) is more difficult to perform on
younger patients because of greater bony elasticity, the
thinness of the cortical bone, the presence of unerupted
molar teeth, and the relatively shorter posterior vertical
mandibular body height, as compared with adults. It does
have the advantages of easy application of rigid fixation as
well as better positional control of the proximal segment.
SSRO is best reserved for patients over the age of 12
years—that is, after the eruption of the permanent second
molars, so that damage to these teeth during surgery can
be avoided. Although the senior author (L.W.) has successfully performed this procedure on patients as young
as 8,12,13 we recommend waiting until at least age 12.
Inverted “L” osteotomy. The inverted “L” osteotomy
(ILO) (Fig 2) can be used to advance the mandible and vertically lengthen the ramus, but it may require bone or synthetic bone grafting to control the positional orientation of
the proximal segment and to fill the bony voids between
segments. The use of rigid fixation is recommended.
Vertical ramus osteotomy. The vertical ramus
osteotomy (VRO) (Fig 3) can be used to advance the
Wolford, Karras, and Mehra 97
Fig 2. The ILO procedure can be used to advance the
mandible or reposition it backward. When used to advance
the mandible, the gap created between proximal and distal
segments requires grafting with bone or synthetic bone.
Fig 3. The VRO procedure can be used to advance the
mandible or reposition it backward. The coronoid
process limits the extent of movement. When used to
advance the mandible, the gap created between proximal and distal segments requires grafting with bone or
synthetic bone.
mandible and vertically lengthen the ramus with appropriate bone or synthetic bone grafting as indicated to
control the positional orientation of the proximal segment and fill bony voids. The amount of mandibular
advancement and vertical lengthening possible with
this technique is limited by the temporalis muscle
attachment and interference of the coronoid processes
on the zygomatic arch. Thus, for larger movements a
coronoidectomy may be needed, or the clinician may
need to revert to other surgical options.
The ILO and VRO can be performed on patients of
virtually any age because the design of the osteotomies
avoids developing teeth. However, care must be taken
to avoid damage to developing teeth during application
of rigid fixation.
98 Wolford, Karras, and Mehra
Fig 4. High condylectomy procedure (dotted line) with
articular disk repositioning provides a predictable
method to stop mandibular growth, as well as good postsurgical TMJ function.
Mandibular hyperplasia
Mandibular hyperplasia is defined as a protrusive
mandibular position resulting in Class III skeletal and
occlusal relationships. This condition may be initially seen with normal or accelerated mandibular
growth rates.
When the clinician treats mandibular hyperplasia,
the patient’s tongue size and its position must be carefully evaluated before surgery. The most common
tongue-related factors affecting surgical results are
macroglossia and habitual tongue placement. When the
mandible is surgically moved posteriorly, the volume
of the oral cavity decreases. An enlarged tongue or an
abnormal tongue-posturing habit may create postsurgical relapse by causing forward posturing of the condyle
in the fossa, forward protrusion of the mandibular dentoalveolus, or shifting between segments that are wire
fixated. The use of a reduction glossectomy may be
indicated in specific cases.10
Normal growth rate. In patients with normal
mandibular growth rates, the mandible initiates its
growth from a forward position relative to the maxilla,
or it is anatomically larger. With normal rates of maxillary and mandibular growth, the same Class III jaw
relationship is maintained throughout growth. This
deformity can be corrected with various ramus
osteotomies during growth with predictable and stable
results. With these techniques, the rate of growth
should be unaltered by surgery and harmonious postoperative maxillary and mandibular growth can be
expected, with maintenance of the surgical result.
Accelerated growth rate. In patients with accelerated
mandibular growth, the deformity usually begins as a
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
February 2001
skeletal Class III relationship that becomes progressively
more severe, or it begins as a Class I relationship and
develops into a progressively worsening Class III relationship. The accelerated mandibular growth outpaces
the normal maxillary growth. Note that maxillary growth
deficiency with normal or accelerated mandibular growth
can create the same Class III jaw relationship, and it must
be ruled out because the type and timing of treatment for
that condition is different. Typically, the increase in the
mandibular growth rate almost always occurs in the
condyles (condylar hyperplasia) and can cause elongation of the condylar neck and mandibular body, which
leads to development of dental compensations. The condition often begins during the pubertal growth spurt, but
it may precede or succeed it, and the growth may continue far beyond the normal growth period into the middle and even the late 20s. Growth can be accelerated unilaterally or bilaterally and can be in a horizontal or
vertical vector (9:1 ratio). Other TMJ pathologies that
can cause unilateral excessive growth include osteochondroma and fibrous dysplasia. Treatment considerations
discussed here pertain to condylar hyperplasia.
There are essentially 3 options regarding the timing
of surgery relative to growth (with option 3 being the
authors’ preferred method of management).
Option 1 is to defer surgery until growth is complete. This may require delaying surgery until patients
are in their middle to late 20s. Consequently, they may
have functional problems (mastication, speech),
esthetic disfigurement, pain, and psychosocial stigmas
associated with a severe facial deformity.18,19 Additionally, the magnitude of the deformity, if allowed to
become fully manifested by this delay in treatment,
may preclude an ideal result later. The hyperplastic
condylar growth may result in severe deformation of
the mandible. Compensatory changes will occur in the
maxilla, dentoalveolar structures, and associated soft
tissue structures, compromising the outcome and making the result less than ideal. This is particularly true in
cases of unilateral involvement, which can lead to
severe asymmetric deformities and can also result in
TMJ internal derangement and dysfunction.
Option 2 is to perform surgery to posteriorly position the mandible during growth, with overcorrection
of the mandible. The accelerated growth can be
expected to continue after surgery, and additional
surgery will be necessary if the overcorrection is insufficient or excessive. Early intervention may benefit the
patient, however, relative to function, esthetics, and
psychosocial concerns. If this alternative is chosen, the
operation should be performed after the majority of
maxillary growth is complete (girls, 14 years; boys, 17
years) to facilitate the estimation of overcorrection.
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Volume 119, Number 2
Option 3 is to surgically eliminate further mandibular
growth with a high condylectomy (Fig 4) and to simultaneously correct the jaw deformity.20 Alternatively, the
high condylectomy can be performed as stage 1 surgery,
followed by orthognathic surgery at a later time. The high
condylectomy removes the active growth center(s), and
thus prevents further mandibular growth. If orthognathic
and TMJ surgery are performed concomitantly, the SSRO
is the procedure of choice because it maintains maximal
soft tissue attachments and thus vascularity to the proximal segment. The ILO and VRO require increased stripping of periosteum and may lead to vascular compromise
of the proximal segment, in addition to causing difficulties with positional control of the condyle.
Wolford, Karras, and Mehra 99
Fig 5. Anterior mandibular subapical osteotomy allows
repositioning of the dentoalveolus.
Treatment modalities
With any of the following mandibular ramus procedures, the preoperative rate of growth can be expected
to be maintained after surgery. Mandibular growth
should not be affected by any of these techniques, provided that the condylar head is not damaged during
surgery. The vector of facial growth, however, may be
altered by a change in the orientation of the proximal
segment and thus the condyle. The use of rigid fixation
will improve long-term stability.
Sagittal split ramus osteotomy. The SSRO (Fig 1)
is more difficult to perform on younger patients
because of the greater bony elasticity, the decreased
thickness of the cortical plates, the presence of
unerupted molar teeth, and the relatively shorter posterior vertical mandibular body height in younger
patients. It is the preferred technique when high
condylectomy is performed simultaneously to stop
excessive mandibular growth, because maximum vascularity to the proximal segment is maintained. Rigid
fixation provides optimal long-term stability. Although
the SSRO is more difficult to perform than the ILO or
VRO, it is the preferred technique because it allows for
good control of the condylar position.
SSRO is best reserved for patients over the age of
12—that is, after the eruption of the permanent second
molars, so that damage to these teeth during surgery
can be avoided.
Inverted “L” osteotomy and vertical ramus
osteotomy. The ILO (Fig 2) and VRO (Fig 3) can be
used effectively to correct mandibular prognathism.
The amount of mandibular set-back possible with the
VRO is limited by the temporalis muscle and the coronoid process, unless a coronoidectomy is performed.
The application of rigid fixation can be technically difficult for both types of osteotomies, particularly from
an intraoral approach. Without fixation, condylar position control may be inexact and can result in difficulties
with postsurgical occlusion.
The ILO and VRO can be performed on patients of
virtually any age. Rigid fixation must be applied cautiously to avoid injury to developing teeth.
High condylectomy. Surgically removing the superior 3 to 5 mm of the condylar head (Fig 4) will predictably stop anteroposterior and vertical growth of the
mandible by removing the active growth center in
condylar hyperplasia.20,21 Appositional mandibular
growth and dentoalveolar growth will not be affected.
TMJ function after surgery can be expected to remain
normal if the condylar head is appropriately recontoured
and the articular disk is repositioned and stabilized in a
normal anatomical relationship between the condylar
head and articular fossa. The Mitek bone anchor (Mitek,
Westwood, Mass) helps stabilize the repositioned disk to
the condylar head. Its use has significantly improved the
predictability of disk repositioning surgery.
Except in select cases, this procedure should generally be deferred until age 14 in girls and age 16 in
boys—that is, when normal maxillary and mandibular
growth are closer to completion. Since no further
anteroposterior growth of the mandible can be
expected after this procedure, continued maxillary
growth usually results in a downward and backward
growth vector for the maxillomandibular complex, but
the occlusion should remain stable. In unilateral cases,
the unoperated contralateral condyle will maintain normal growth and could cause shifting of the mandible
toward the operated side. The severity of the deformity,
however, may warrant earlier surgery in some cases.
Anterior mandibular dentoalveolar deformities have
been defined as excessive, deficient, or asymmetric growth
of the dentoalveolar structures. The condition may be due
100 Wolford, Karras, and Mehra
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
February 2001
Fig 6. Mandibular body osteotomy (A) allows positional
alteration in the body area. (B) Rigid fixation of segments is recommended.
Fig 7. Osseous genioplasty can be used to (A) augment
or reduce chin prominence. (B) Alloplastic implants can
also be used to augment chin.
to overdevelopment or underdevelopment of alveolar
bone, dental ankylosis, anodontia, premature tooth loss,
macroglossia, microglossia, habitual factors, or genetics.
The mandibular growth rate should not be affected
by correction of these deformities unless adjacent teeth
are damaged, which may result in dento-osseous ankylosis, a condition that will impair subsequent vertical
alveolar growth.
These osteotomies are often performed between adjacent
teeth. Rigid fixation and precise surgery will produce the
most predictable results. Care must be taken to maintain
the integrity of the inferior alveolar and mental neurovascular structures. It is recommended that this procedure be
deferred until after the age of 12 years to minimize the
risk of injury to the developing dental structures.
Treatment modalities
Deformities of the chin include excessive (macrogenia) or deficient (microgenia) development. Chin deformities can occur in all 3 planes of space and can therefore
affect the height, width, and anteroposterior dimensions
of the anterior mandible. The treatment for macrogenia
may involve osseous recontouring or spatial reorientation
of the chin with osteotomy techniques. Microgenia may
likewise be treated by altering chin position with
osteotomies or with a graft, using bone, synthetic bone
substitutes, or alloplastic implants. In younger patients in
the mixed dentition there is an inherent risk of damage to
developing teeth and to the mental nerves that closely
approximate the inferior border of the mandible. Augmentation genioplasty with alloplastic implants that do
not cause resorption of underlying bone can be performed
at an earlier age, provided the implant can be stabilized
without risk of injury to underlying dental structures.
Anterior mandibular subapical osteotomy. The anterior mandibular subapical osteotomy (Fig 5) involves 2
vertical interdental osteotomies joined inferiorly by a
horizontal osteotomy 4 to 5 mm below the tooth apices.
The segment is placed in the desired position and stabilized, ideally with rigid fixation.22 Preoperative orthodontic treatment may be required to create adequate
space between the roots of the teeth to safely complete
the interdental osteotomies. To avoid damage to the roots
of developing teeth, which could result in ankylosis and
alveolar growth impairment, this procedure should be
deferred until eruption of adjacent teeth in this region is
essentially complete (ie, when the patient is over age 12).
Mandibular body deformities are defined as excessive,
deficient, or asymmetric development of the mandibular
body. Correction of these deformities during growth
should have no effect on subsequent mandibular growth,
unless adjacent teeth are ankylosed or the developing teeth
are damaged, leading to dento-osseous ankylosis, which
will result in impaired vertical alveolar growth.
Treatment modalities
Mandibular body osteotomy. A mandibular body
procedure (Fig 6) involves 1 or more osteotomies,
extending the full vertical height of the mandibular body.
Treatment modalities
Osseous genioplasty. Various techniques are available
for altering the dimensions of the chin by osteotomies (Fig
7, A), including sliding horizontal osteotomy and the tenon
and mortise technique.23,24 Bone segments may be fixed
with wires, bone screws, or bone plates, and may require
bone or synthetic bone grafting, as in the case of vertical
lengthening. These procedures have no significant effect
on subsequent facial growth, with the exception of affecting appositional bone growth at pogonion, or if developing
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Volume 119, Number 2
dental structures are injured, which may lead to dentoalveolar ankylosis and decreased vertical alveolar growth. The
patient must be at a level of dento-osseous development
(ie, 12 years old or older), that will minimize the risk of
damage to underlying teeth and neurovascular structures.
Augmentation genioplasty with alloplasts. Alloplasts
(Fig 7, B) that are proved not to cause bone resorption
(porous block hydroxyapatite,25 and HTR26) can be
placed in patients as early as age 8 or 9 to the early teens,
provided they can be fixed to the bone without damage
to underlying dental or neurovascular structures. Appositional growth at pogonion will be eliminated after
placement of these implants. Certain alloplastic materials, (Proplast-Teflon [Vitek, Houston, Texas], Silastic
[Dow Corning, Midland, Mo], and acrylic), have been
documented to cause resorption of underlying bone, and
their use is discouraged.25 Although certain alloplastic
implants can be placed when the patient is 10 years old
or younger, it is best to wait until the patient is at least 12
to minimize the risk of damage to underlying teeth and
neurovascular structures.
Pediatric and adolescent patients with dentofacial
deformities may, at times, require surgical treatment
during active growth because of functional, esthetic,
and psychosocial factors. A good understanding of
facial growth, available treatment options, and the
effects of surgery on postoperative growth patterns will
help the clinician improve treatment outcomes for
these patients. Serial clinical, dental model, and radiographic analyses are important in predicting growth
rates and patterns for individual patients.
The material presented in this article is based on
available research information and extensive personal
clinical experience. It is not meant to be absolute—
instead, it should serve as a guide to formulate a specific treatment plan for each individual growing patient
with respect to the appropriate type and timing of corrective surgical procedures on the mandible.
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