Contemporary Literature
Recent papers in Contemporary Literature
Primo Levi, «Così fu Auschwitz. Testimonianze 1945-1986», con Leonardo De Benedetti, a cura di Fabio Levi e Domenico Scarpa, Einaudi, Torino 2015, Super ET.
Abstract: This essay proffers that African American literature, especially that of the contemporary moment, seeks a non-canonical canon, that is, unlawful laws, unruly rules, reading lists that morph and shake serial listedness.... more
Kate Grenville’s The Secret River (2005) enacts a narrative return to the violent trauma of Aboriginal dispossession and destruction upon which Australia is founded, situating its reader complexly, as both witness to and complicit in the... more
My MLitt dissertation is concerned with how connections between human and nonhuman objects, hyperobjects and temporality are represented in contemporary anthropocene literature, namely Ben Lerner's novel 10:04 and Tom McCarthy's Satin... more
Il dantismo montaliano è un chiaro esempio della capacità di un grande lettore di immergersi nella suggestione della Commedia e di farla propria senza l’illusione di volerla rifare. L’intervento si focalizza su due casi in cui memoria di... more
This paper compares Vance Palmer’s classic novel, The Passage (1930) set in Caloundra, with Susan Johnson’s The Landing (2015), a comic novel of manners set a further north on the contemporary Sunshine Coast. It considers the novels’... more
La première pièce de Joanna Laurens, The Three Birds, (2000) propose une révision dramatique du mythe grec de Philomèle qui s’inscrit en contrepoint de la fable telle qu’elle est relatée dans les Métamorphoses d’Ovide. Le rapport à la... more
Ce travail s’intéresse à la poétique de la dissociation mise en œuvre par Helen Cooper dans sa pièce Three Women and a Piano Tuner (2004). Réunies pour mettre en commun leurs talents respectifs de compositrice, pianiste et productrice... more
Il modo di guardare il mondo sembra segnato per Calvino da un orientamento archetipico derivato dalla prospettiva della visione della casa della sua infanzia, arroccata sulle colline liguri e protesa sul mare. Gli occhi che scrutano... more
In Catherine Lim’s short story “Monster” from her collection Little Ironies: Stories of Singapore, the grandmother’s bed is the monster. The old-fashioned wooden carved bed, along with her other possessions, causes more than an eyesore to... more
Depuis quelques décennies, les théâtres du traumatisme et de la maladie mentale donnent une visibilité de plus en plus accrue à la souffrance psychologique et au trouble psychiatrique sur la scène contemporaine. Dans cette mouvance, un... more
a/b: Auto/Biography Studies
Volume 14, 1999 - Issue 1
Volume 14, 1999 - Issue 1
Un padre e una figlia, un rapporto tormentato e conflittuale. E anche un non rapporto. Un non capire un non capirsi. Finché, venuto il padre a mancare, lei scopre che era stato processato per banda armata. Prima condannato infine... more
The great Nigerian novelist Chinua Achebe once wrote: “Art is man’s constant effort to create for himself a different order of reality from that which is given to him.” One can see then why the Nigerian-Irish writer Melatu Uche Okorie,... more
Esta investigación analiza el período compren-dido entre finales de los años 20 y principios de los 30 en la literatura de Francisco Ayala. La cuestión principal gira en torno a la deno-minación como vanguardista de los escritos del... more
The "Odissey" of Enaiat lasts seven years, from Afghanistan to Italy. Fabio Geda tells it in the novel "Nel mare ci sono i coccodrilli", that we analyse here embroiding a counterpoint of the Homeric poem. An inter-interpretation between... more
In modern and contemporary literature and in art in general, humour is perceived as a social feature, usually derived from undesired or unconformist behaviour, frequently even related to the unconscious. It is attributed to humans,... more
This paper aims to analyze the main arguments of the Manifeste pour une littérature-monde en français and to emphasize some critical implications that are not only limited to the so-called francophonie, but that define a contemporary way... more
Resenha de "Fiat Lux" de Paula Abramo
Postmodern culture, with its fetishization of the mash-up, the pastiche, and the recombinant, mirrors a contemporary vision of subjectivity as performative and protean, and the current emphasis on being oneself—in an environment where to... more
Rose Harris-Birtill analyses the secular reworking of Buddhist religious influences across David Mitchell’s complete fictions, including his novels, short stories, and libretti, arguing that their shared ethical perspectives draw them... more
The aim of this paper is to establish a link between the code-switch "tags" in Junot Díaz's work and some formal resources of graffiti artists, in particular their emblematic "tagz." These elements are read together to attest to a battle... more
The concept of “rewilding” has made its way into popular culture in recent years, describing a network of supporting the health of the environment and humanity itself through the cultivation of un-cultivated spaces within existing... more
In Weihui’s banned novel, _Shanghai Babe_ (1999), the social effects of globalization can be seen in changing ethical discourses concerning what it is to be a responsible citizen, friend or lover. Beginning with a discussion of... more
Dieser Aufsatz befasst sich mit der Altersdarstellung in zwei beispielhaften Generationenromanen der deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur, Clemens Setz’ Die Frequenzen (2009) und Tilman Rammstedts Der Kaiser von China (2008). Drei... more
These is the syllabus for LITR 451, which was taught as part of a pair of concurrent courses taught entirely virtually at the intermediate and advanced level during the pandemic-era Spring 2021 semester. At both levels, the course offered... more
Reprenant partiellement mon mémoire de master II, ce dossier aborde l'histoire des éditions Lug, principal importateur des comics Marvel entre 1969 et 1989 en France, évoquant à la fois la biographie de ses membres fondateurs, la pression... more
Compte-rendu de l'exposition "Paul Willems : le ludique et le tragique", organisée par les Archives et Musée de la Littérature (Bruxelles), du 20 juin 2018 au 19 octobre 2018.
Commissaires d'exposition : Christophe Meurée et Saskia Bursens
Commissaires d'exposition : Christophe Meurée et Saskia Bursens