Czech History
Recent papers in Czech History
Slavs in the Making takes a fresh look at archaeological evidence from parts of Slavic-speaking Europe north of the Lower Danube, including the present-day territories of the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, and... more
В 1996 р. Чеська Республіка вступила до НАТО, а ще через шість років – до Євросоюзу. Ці два головні чинники привели до формування у чехів враження, ніби вони живуть в цілком безпечному просторі, що їхню свободу та демократію вже не... more
Personální bibliografie prací významného českého historika Jiřího Raka.Je součástí kolektivní monografie věnované k jeho životnímu jubileu. Personal bibliography of works of significant Czech historian Jiří Rak. It is part of the... more
Kniha Rokytnice v Orlických horách vydaná při příležitosti výročí 700 let od první písemné zmínky o městě.
Immediately after the constitution of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia (1939 – 1945), the Nazis began with interventions in the labor law. Labor law was one of branches of law, which were influenced very much during the German... more
The Sedlec Ossuary is a small Roman Catholic chapel, located beneath the Cemetery Church of All Saints (Czech: Hřbitovní kostel Všech Svatých), part of the former Sedlec Abbey in Sedlec, a suburb of Kutná Hora in the Czech Republic. The... more
A Critical Review of Herbert Sailer's Book: Kaplice: Dějiny jednoho městečka na Šumavě 1. díl – Od počátků po rok 1848 (Kaplice: The History of a Small Town in the Bohemian Forest Part 1 - From the Beginnings to 1848) published in Czech... more
This article is devoted to Birth Anniversary of Kurt Knispel, the highest scoring tank ace of World War II with a total of 168 confirmed tank kills. He was born in Salisfeld (Salisov) near the town of Zuckmantel (Zlaté Hory) in... more
This article delas with the relationship between the last lord of Rožmberkand his housekeepers in Prague in the times when Petr Vok spent only a few month a year in Prague or he did not travel to his main town residence in Prague at all... more
In February 1948, during the political crisis in Czechoslovakia was established a communist regime. This event completed the formation of the Soviet bloc in Europe. It directly impacted the US containment policy towards the USSR and the... more
The article deals with the personality and work of Josef Simon (1882–1966). Josef Simon was a high school teacher and nowadays he is known mainly as a historian of the German (or Prussian-Austrian War) of 1866. However he was a man of... more
The book was published in Prague in 1909 and is the inventory of exhibits in 12 halls of the museum assembled its director accompanies along with other 24 drawings and reproductions of a brief introduction about the history of the museum... more
PETRÁČEK Tomáš. K některým aspektům interpretace příběhu biskupa Vojtěcha. In: Obrazy uctívané, obdivované a interpretované. Sborník k 60. Narozeninám profesora Jana Royta. Eds. Miroslav Šmied, František Záruba, Praha: LN 2015, s. 61-74.... more
Although the first world, as seen through the lens of academia, seems to be prospering, and the third world has found its own place in the postcolonial intellectual order, the post-cold war world of semi-peripheries in East and Central... more
Erbschaft der Grafen Netolitzky Die Studie befasst sich mit der Geschichte der Herrschaft Kost im Nordböhmen (Bezirk Jičín) in der Nähe von der Stadt Sobotka. Diese Herrschaft hat im Jahr 1739 Wenzel Kasimir Netolitzky von Eisenberg,... more
Recenze knihy: ŠIMOVÁ, Kateřina, KOLENOVSKÁ, Daniela, DRÁPALA, Milan (eds.). CESTY DO UTOPIE: Sovětské Rusko ve svědectvích meziválečných československých intelektuálů. Praha: Prostor, 2017, 872 s.
»Bratje Čehi« v ljubljanskem bogoslovju (1885-1897) »Czech Brothers« at the Ljubljana Seminary (1885-1897) Povzetek: V letih od 1885 do 1897 so v ljubljansko bogoslovje prihajali duhovniški kandidati s Češke in Moravske. Na Kranjskem je... more
The study deals with benefits and limits of the up-to-date contributions on the czech tramp history. The study focuses on specific attempts to synthetize the tramp history based on both collective and individual memory. Finally, the... more
Paper from Leeds IMC 2018. Translation by Jan Malý.
Standard histories of Antonín Dvořák’s life have largely ignored his output in the field of the symphonic poem, especially his final work in the genre, Píseň bohatýrská (Heroic Song). Composed in 1897 after four other tone poems... more
This is the introduction ("Bearings") to my 1998 book The Coasts of Bohemia: A Czech History, together with the closing two sections of Ch. 5 "Modernisms and Modernities" discussing the arts in interwar Prague. The book was published by... more
This book presents texts of T.G.Masaryk from 1907-1910, meaning articles, interviews, disputations, brochures, printed speeches, reviews, declarations, or lectures from this period. Masaryk's publication activities were fundamentally... more
Th e article clarifi es the role of the Olshany cemetery in Prague as a location for the memory of Ukrainians and about Ukrainians. Olshany is one of the largest necropolises of prominent Ukrainians outside Ukraine. Most Ukrainians buried... more
During the fifteenth century Jewish litrugical texts and customs were reconsidered by rabbis living in Austria, Moravia, and neighbouring countries. The writings of two famous rabbis that were active in Brno for some time during the... more
This translation comes from the 1921 edition of the Czech-American annual journal, Amerikán Národní Kalendář. It is a biography of Czech-American František Korbel, shortly after his death. Not many know the deep ties between Bohemia and... more
Das Chemnitzer Einnahmemanual stellt das älteste nachgewiesene Stadtbuch dar. Es wurde in den Jahren von 1426 bis 1438 geführt und ist nun im Chemnitzer Stadtarchiv verwahrt. Es handelt sich um ein Einzelstück. Ihm folgen erst später ab... more
JUDr. Vladimír Krejčí (November 23, 1908 Prague, Královské Vinohrady - April 25, 1993 Prague) can be described as a member of the First Republic elites without blushing. Krejčí's father Jan (1868–1942) was a literary historian, Germanist,... more
Studie byla publikována roku 1963 v časopise , Časopis národního muzea" (Ročník 132) / The study was published in 1963 in the journal "Journal National Museum" (Volume 132).
Drobná poznámka k stoletému výročí republiky z roku 2018 :-)
Probably the most important apolitical, non-physical education organization in interwar Ostravsko was the Sdružení českých bezvěrců [Association of Czech Atheists] (1919) or Sdružení sociálnědemokratických bezvěrců [Association of Social... more
The Prague Great Exhibitions of 1891, 1895 and 1908 provide an insight into the building of the Czech nation at the end of the Habsburg Monarchy. At the three exhibitions, two industrial and one agricultural, national activists... more
Výběrová edice dokumentů Edvard Beneš, Němci a Německo III/1 je v pořadí druhým dílem projektu, jehož záměrem je zdokumentovat vývoj Benešových názorů na problematiku Němců v Československu, na jeho vztah k Německu, Rakousku a obecně... more
中欧、東欧、中東欧…。ドイツとロシアのはざまには、その地域に住む人々が自分たち自身の名称としても、「この地域」を一言で到底言い表せないほど多様で複雑な世界が広がっている。「中欧」という呼び名を持つ、多様で多彩な文化、古代から中世・近世にかけてヨーロッパの諸帝国と結びついた、深い思想や宗教的特徴を持つ、華やかな地域。あるいは「東欧」としての、近代から現代にかけて周辺諸大国の被支配地域・被支配民族として存在し、だからこそ、自由と解放、変革と自立、独自の道を求めて、繰り返し、果敢に... more