Early Modern History
Recent papers in Early Modern History
In the context of an all-male performance tradition, what did audiences see when a boy actor played a pregnant woman? While it is difficult to know with complete certainty how femininity materialized on the male body, as Peter Stallybrass... more
There has been substantial work done interpreting the descriptive texts from the early-modern encounters of Portuguese colonizers in Brazil. The interpretations have had major difficulty with significant elements of the texts, which the... more
The problems of contemporary states are in large part “affective disorders”; they are failures of states to properly understand and coordinate the emotions of the individuals within and in some instances outside the state. By excluding,... more
This is mainly an archival contribution whose purpose is to reassess the concrete phases of Nobili's education. Here I demonstrate that, contrary to what previous historians repeated, Nobili's involvement with the College Romano was very... more
Muito boa tarde a todos. Gostaria de agradecer a vossa presença aqui neste final de tarde, por terem dispendido um pouco do vosso tempo para homenagearem o Jorge e o trabalho que ele tem desenvolvido nos últimos tempos. De facto não foi... more
Across early modern Europe, countless people were charged as witches, often subject to brutal torture and gruesome deaths. Within this, most witches were female, only in select areas, such as Russia, did male witches outnumber female... more
This article explores the military use of dogs in the west, principally from the thirteenth to the eighteenth century. It is argued that the use of ‘war dogs’ was a recurrent but essentially ad hoc, sporadic and localized practice, quite... more
The SSPCK has been described as “the single most important institution of Anglicisation in the 1700s”. The Edinburgh-based charitable organisation (f. 1709) maintained charity schools in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland, intended to... more
On the basis of historical sources and historiography, the life path and circumstances related to the death of Marc' Antonio Borisi (c. 1570-1620), the nobleman of Bar and Koper, the Grand Dragoman in the Venetian embassy of... more
This article traces the plight of the widows of Scottish soldiers who participated in the Thirty Years' War. Contrasting a number of strategies the women used in two main contrasting legal systems (Dutch & Swedish), this article offers an... more
Among the few descriptions of an early voyage to Spanish America, Eugenio de Salazar's is one of the most famous and also one of the most entertaining. In his long bureaucratic career, he served in a wide variety of judicial and... more
The focus of this study in occupational mapping is on combining locational data for early modern occupations with a contemporary town plan of Edinburgh, in order to study occupational distribution in the urban environment. Much work has... more
During the centuries thermal baths were popular in Hungary. People from all kind of ranks could use these bath, which were situated mainly the northern region of the Carpathian basin. The paper investigates the social costumes of using... more
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Объектом данного исследования является готицизм – исторический миф, согласно которому народы стран севера Европы являются потомками готов. Он появился в XV веке в странах Скандинавии, был заимствован двумя столетиями позже англичанами, а... more
In early-modern Scotland various religious writings addressed dying, death, burial, or funerals. The intention was to further the aims of the Scottish reformers to correct what they perceived to be superstition or idolatry, and to align... more
I miracoli arrivano all'improvviso, come un fulmine a ciel sereno. La liquefazione del sangue di san Gennaro si ripete invece da secoli in occorrenze precise. «Nessuna legge naturale è in grado di spiegare un fenomeno che si verifichi... more
European crossbows XVI-XIX centuries in the collection of the Historical Museum
The Fortunate Islands are, perhaps, one of the most mythologized spaces of the geographic context of the Middle Ages. As a result of an analytic development that stems from the classical world, many medieval authors give to the Fortunate... more
This article focuses on the Tacitist thought shared by Justus Lipsius and Hugo Grotius. Contrary to what his later works might suggest, in the years before the Dutch political crisis of 1618, Grotius appears willing to look at history and... more
No início da Idade Moderna, observamos um fenômeno que teve, como uma de suas principais características, a disseminação do cultivo, comercialização e uso de uma série de elementos botânicos. Apesar, de hoje, a Historiografia dispor de um... more
This paper establishes how the verse and general speech of Elizabeth I was reflective of the monarchical power-play and gender politics in the Early Modern England.
The rise and decline of Atlantic piracy has been used to gauge the level of commercial, administrative, naval, and diplomatic control that Britain exercised in the Atlantic. Indeed, historians have suggested that by 1730, Britain had... more
The bread supply in Palma (Majorca) during the early modern age, has received little attention from researchers. The main objective of this paper is to show one specific aspect of that process: the bread baking. This essay portrays the... more
Il presente contributo intende proporre l’evoluzione di un paesaggio urbano, che come un organismo vivente cresce e si contrae nel tempo, qual è il complesso architettonico del Quarter. Situato nel versante Sud-Est del centro storico di... more
There is a lot of misinformation circulating about this battle. This is largely based on retrospective accounts of the day, and some particularly partisan accounts. This section challenges these through a forensic study of eye-witness... more
London’s physical and demographic expansion between 1500 and 1700 was dramatic. The population of the city and its suburbs grew from about 50,000 to almost half a million inhabitants. Almost all this increase was in the suburbs,... more
CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title Award 2016. For more than 1500 years, Confucianism has played a major role in shaping Japan's history - from the formation of the first Japanese states during the first millennium AD, to Japan's... more
As a leading Muslim thinker, 'Abd al-Ghani al-Nabulusi of Damascus creatively engaged with the social, religious, and intellectual challenges that emerged during the early modern period in which he lived. Yet, at a time of high... more
This is a comined book review of Katherine Ellison, Susan Kim (eds.), A Material History of Medieval and Early Modern Ciphers. Cryptography and the History of Literacy, Routledge: Oxford 2018. && Katherine Ellison, A Cultural History... more
In 1645, Philip IV replaced don Juan de Austria on the government of Flanders by Archduke Guillermo- Leopoldo. The decision was due to the aggressive policy pursued from by the court of Paris in the Mediterranean sea since 1643. The loss... more
John Smith’s Generall Historie of Virginia, New-England, and the Summer Isles (1624) canonized a settler colonial narrative activity that I call kinshipwrecking—a conventional mode of storytelling that destroys and moves to supplant... more