Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 151 共7兲 A1104-A1114 共2004兲
0013-4651/2004/151共7兲/A1104/11/$7.00 © The Electrochemical Society, Inc.
Effect of Porosity on the Capacity Fade of a Lithium-Ion
Godfrey Sikha,* Branko N. Popov,** and Ralph E. White***,z
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina 29208, USA
A mathematical model is presented to predict the performance of a lithium-ion battery. It includes the changes in the porosity of
the material due to the reversible intercalation processes and the irreversible parasitic reaction. The model was also extended to
predict the capacity fade in a lithium-ion battery based on the unwanted parasitic reaction that consumes Li⫹ along with the
changes in the porosities of the electrodes with cycling due to the continuous parasitic side reaction. The model can be used to
predict the drop in the voltage profile, change in the state of charge, and the effects of charge and discharge rates during cycling.
© 2004 The Electrochemical Society. 关DOI: 10.1149/1.1759972兴 All rights reserved.
Manuscript submitted November 21, 2003; revised manuscript received January 16, 2004. Available electronically June 14, 2004.
Capacity fade in lithium ion batteries has been discussed by numerous authors and analyzed in detail through experiments.1-3 Although several mathematical models have been published4,5 which
predict the performance of lithium battery during charge-discharge
operations, very few models exist which have the capability of predicting the capacity fade of a lithium battery over cycling. Darling
and Newman6 included a side reaction that occurs in a propylene
carbonate (PC)/Liy Mn2 O4 system in which they were able to predict the importance of the state of charge and self-discharge of the
battery with cycling. Later Arora et al.7 simulated the phenomenon
of capacity fade by considering the lithium deposition as a side
reaction during over-charge conditions and extended this concept to
the increase in the thickness of the surface film with cycling. Recently, Ramadass et al.8 presented an empirical model for capacity
fade which includes the state of charge, solid-phase diffusion coefficient, and film resistance as a function of cycle number. Also Ramadass et al.9 presented a semiempirical model for the capacity fade
of lithium-ion systems based on the film formation during cycling.
In addition, Ploehn et al.10 presented a simple model to predict capacity fade for batteries in storage conditions.
None of these models included the effect of porosity change of
the intercalation material on capacity fade which is observed
experimentally.11,12 The plugging of the pores in the electrodes due
to side reaction products is also a major cause for the capacity fade
of the battery during cycling. The inclusion of the porosity changes
due to pore plugging eliminates the need for many empirical relations used in earlier models. The mathematical treatment of the
plugging of pores and the subsequent active area changes is similar
to the work done by Evans et al.13 on the lithium/thionyl chloride
primary cell. The objective of this work is to examine the effect of a
side reaction and the porosity changes on the capacity fade of
lithium ion batteries.
System Description
The model system considered in this work has a porous LiCoO2
cathode and LiC6 anode with small amounts of binder and conductive material as shown in Fig. 1. The electrodes are sandwiched
using a porous polypropylene separator which is ionically conducting but electronically insulating, filled with 1 M LiPF6 in an ethylene carbonate/dimethyl carbonate 共EC/DMC兲 mixture. The three regions to be modeled are the porous anode, the separator, and the
porous cathode. Aluminum and copper foils are used as current collectors for the cathode and anode, respectively. The current distribu-
tions in the current collectors are ignored in the model and so the
ends of the cathode and anode are the boundaries of the model and
act as current collectors.
The major reactions that occur at the cathode and the anode are
the lithium intercalation and deintercalation into the active material,
which is based on the following reaction scheme
Li⫹ ⫹ e⫺ ⫹ * Li ⫺ *
where * is an active site inside the solid insertion material. In attempting to describe the phenomenon of capacity fade, a side reaction which consumes Li⫹ is incorporated. A number of reaction
mechanisms have been proposed for the electrochemical reduction
of solvents on the carbon electrode.14 The dominant side reaction
considered in this model is the formation of lithium diethylene carbonate as a result of the opening up of the structure of ethylene
carbonate by a nucleophilic attack. The detailed mechanism of this
reaction scheme is discussed by Aurbach et al.15 This reaction is
assumed to occur continuously during cycling and as a result some
Li⫹ ions are lost. The reaction scheme is as follows
In summary the reaction can be written as
2Li⫹ ⫹ 2CH2 OCOOCH2 ⫹ 2RO ⫹ 2e ⫺
→ ROCH2 CH2 OR ⫹ 共 CH2 OCO2 Li兲 2 ↓
The precipitate formed in Reaction 2 is assumed to be deposited
within the pores of the carbon electrode, which in turn decreases the
porosity and blocks the active surface area for reaction. To make the
model simple the energy transport in the cell is not considered, and
volume changes associated with the cell are also ignored.
Model Development
* Electrochemical Society Student Member.
** Electrochemical Society Active Member.
*** Electrochemical Society Fellow.
The mathematical model presented here closely follows the
model developed by Fuller et al.16 for a dual lithium ion insertion
cell which is based on porous electrode theory, as discussed by
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 151 共7兲 A1104-A1114 共2004兲
aj ⫽ 3
1 ⫺ j ⫺ f,j
, j ⫽ n,p
R s,j
where j and f,j are the volume fractions of the electrolyte and the
filler materials, respectively, and R s,j is the radius of the spherical
particle. Strictly, the inclusion of volume changes due to intercalation should include the change in the radius of the particle with time.
This phenomenon is not included here. The quantities j s,j,k and j n,j,k
for any species i can be related based on the stoichiometries of
Reaction 1 and 2
j s,j,k ⫽ ⫺j n,j,k , j ⫽ n,p,
j s,j,k ⫽ ⫺ j n,j,k , j ⫽ n,
where j nj,k is the pore wall flux of the reacting Li⫹ species in the
electrolyte phase.
The variation of the potential in the electrolyte is given as6
Figure 1. Schematic of a lithium ion cell consisting of a positive LiCoO2
and negative carbon electrode with a separator.
Newman17 and by DeVidts and White.18 The solid matrix and the
electrolyte phases are treated as a superposition of two continua.
Average values over a unit volume for solution-phase concentrations, pore wall flux, and specific interfacial area were used. Concentrated solution theory is used to treat transport processes in the
porous electrodes assuming a binary electrolyte and solvent. For a
binary salt and solvent and using the solvent as stationary reference
species we can invert the Stefan Maxwell’s equations to yield the
flux of the species in solution to get19
N⫹ ⫽ ⫺Dⵜc ⫹ ⫹
N⫺ ⫽ ⫺Dⵜc ⫺ ⫹
i2 t ⫹
z ⫹F
i2 t ⫹
z ⫺F
a j j n,j,k , j ⫽ n, p
where is the volume fraction of the electrolyte phase and j n,j,k is
the pore wall flux of the reacting Li⫹ species in electrolyte phase
due to Reaction 1 and 2, (k ⫽ 1,2), averaged over the interfacial
area. Here the porosity is a dependent variable and has to be determined along with the other dependent variables (c, 1 , 2 ,i1 ,i2 , j n ).
The governing equation for the porosity is the overall material
balance in the matrix phase
solid phases
兺 兺
a j j s,j,kṼ i , j ⫽ n, p
where 2 is the solution-phase potential measured with a lithium
reference in solution. The above expression is similar to Ohm’s law
in the solution phase, but it includes the resistance due to concentration variations also. An ideal solution is considered in this case
and so f ⫽ 1.
The current distribution in the solid phase is given by simple
Ohm’s law
i1, j ⫽ ⫺ eff,jⵜ 1,j , j ⫽ n,p
ⵜ • 共 i1 ⫹ i2 兲 ⫽ 0
Plugging Eq. 5 into 3 the material balance for Li in the electrolyte
i2 t ⫹
共 j ,c 兲
⫽ ⫺ⵜ ⫺D effⵜc ⫹ ⫹ ⫹
z v F
ln f
兲 ⵜ ln c
共1 ⫺ t⫹
ln c
where i1,j and 1,j are the matrix phase currents and potentials, respectively. eff,j is the effective conductivity. The total current that
flows through either the solution phase or the matrix phase is conserved and thus
where c ⫹ and c ⫺ are the concentrations of the positive and the
negative species of the salt and i2 is the solution-phase current. For
a completely dissociated salt the mass conservation yields
i2 ⫽ ⫺ eff ⵜ 2 ⫺
where j s,j,k is the pore wall flux averaged over the interfacial area for
the individual species in the solid phase and a j is the surface area to
volume ratio which is defined as
The pore wall flux of the reacting species can be related to the
divergence of the current flow in the electrolyte phase using Faraday’s law
ⵜ • i2,j ⫽ ⫺F
a j , j ⫽ n,p
s j j n,j,k
The active material is assumed to be made of spherical particles
with diffusion being the major mode of transport into the particle.
So the mass transport within the particle can be written using Fick’s
second law for spherical diffusion as
冋 冉 冊册
c s,j
c s,j
D s,jr 2
, j ⫽ n,p
⫽ 2
r r
The intercalation kinetics in either electrode is written in the form of
Butler-Volmer expressions with concentration-dependent exchange
current density. The expression for such a charge-transfer reaction
using Butler-Volmer kinetics becomes
再 冋
j nj,k ⫽ k j 共 c L兲 ␣ a,j共 c T,j ⫺ c s,j兲 ␣ a,j共 c s,j兲 ␣ r,j exp
⫺ exp
⫺ ␣ c,jF
共 j,k兲
␣ a,jF
共 j,k兲
j ⫽ n,p,
where k j is the net reaction rate constant and j,k is the overpotential
for the reaction which can be defined as the difference between the
solid-phase and the solution-phase potential with respect to the
open-circuit potential
j,k ⫽ 1 ⫺ 2 ⫺ U j,k , j ⫽ n,p,
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 151 共7兲 A1104-A1114 共2004兲
It should be noted that the open-circuit potentials U j,k are strong
functions of concentrations and the variation of the open-circuit potential with concentration is obtained experimentally through a very
slow rate discharge of LiCoO2 and carbon against lithium foil
counter and reference electrode in a T-cell.
The rate of the side reaction is assumed to be kinetically controlled. The Tafel rate expression is used to describe the kinetics on
the basis that the side reaction is highly irreversible
j n,j,k ⫽ i o,k exp
⫺␣ c,k j,kF
j ⫽ n,
Here i o,k is the concentration independent exchange current density
and j n,j,k is the pore wall flux of the reacting Li⫹ species in the
electrolyte phase due to Reaction 2. The overpotential, j,k for the
side reaction is defined as
j,k ⫽ 1 ⫺ 2 ⫺ U j,k ,
j ⫽ n,k ⫽ 2
where U j,k is the open-circuit potential of the side reaction. The
value of the exchange current density is an adjustable parameter, as
experimental details on the kinetics of the side reduction is not
As the side reaction proceeds, there is a decrease in the porosity
of the negative electrode system because of the clogging of the
pores due to the side reaction product and hence the active surface
area for intercalation and side reaction decreases as charging continues. This reduction in the available active surface area is given empirically, similar to that of other systems like lithium thionyl chloride wherein lithium chloride precipitates out13
冋 冉
a j ⫽ a jo 1 ⫺
⫺ j
where j is an empirical factor which can be obtained through experiments, and which represents the morphology of the side reaction
product formed. The change in the variable a j is incorporated in
both the intercalation reaction rate and the side reaction rate term as
the side reaction products formed block the active sites for further
intercalation and side reaction.
Furthermore the solid-phase diffusion coefficient in the porous
layer changes due to the plugging of pores and is given by an expression based on the surface coverage.20
冋 冉
D s,j ⫽ D s,j
jo ⫺ j
共1 ⫺ ␦兲 ,
where the surface coverage is written in terms of porosity using Eq.
19. D s,j
is the initial solid-phase diffusion coefficient, and ␦ is the
porosity of the deposit.
Boundary and initial conditions.—At the boundaries of the cell,
the total current is carried by the solid phase and hence i2 ⫽ 0. Also
by equating the flux to be zero at the boundaries we obtain from Eq.
3 or 4 after plugging in Eq. 5
ⵜc ⫽ 0 at x ⫽ 0, x ⫽ L
Based on the same reasoning we can get a boundary condition for
the solid-phase potential as
⫺ eff,jⵜ 1,j ⫽ i app at x ⫽ 0, x ⫽ L
where i app is the galvanostatic current in the external circuit. The
output potential in the cell would be the difference in the solid-phase
potentials at x ⫽ 0 and x ⫽ L
V cell ⫽ 1,j兩 x⫽L ⫺ 1,j兩 x⫽0
Table I. Electrode parameter values.
D s0 共m2/s兲
c T 共mol/m3兲
R s 共m兲
␦ 共m兲
l 共m兲
b 共m兲
Electrode parameters
3.89 ⫻ 10⫺14 a
1 ⫻ 10⫺13 a
Thermodynamic and kinetic parameters
4.92 ⫻ 10⫺10 i
1.39 ⫻ 10⫺10 i
Design adjustable parameters
12.5 ⫻ 10⫺6 a
8 ⫻ 10⫺6 a
92 ⫻ 10⫺6 m
87 ⫻ 10⫺6 m
i-evaluated at initial conditions, m-measured from Sony US 18650.
1.5 Ah cells.
Assumed values.
Estimated values.
For the case of the solution potential, since i2 ⫽ 0 at the boundaries
of the cell we have from Eq. 21 and 10
ⵜ 2 ⫽ 0 at x ⫽ 0
and since we are interested only in the potential differences the
solution-phase potential at the LiCoO2 electrode current collector
interface is set to zero
2 ⫽ 0 at x ⫽ L
At the electrode-separator interface, for all the variables, the
fluxes on the left of the interface are equated to the fluxes on the
right, except for the solid-phase potentials, because at the electrodeseparator interface the total current is carried by the solution phase
as a result of which Eq. 11 becomes
ⵜ 1,j ⫽ 0 at x ⫽ ␦ a , x ⫽ ␦ a ⫹ ␦ s
For the case of solid-phase diffusion, from symmetry the flux at
the center of the particle can be equated to zero. At the surface of the
active material, the pore wall flux across the interfacial area is
equated to the solid-phase diffusion flux
c s,j共 0,t 兲
⫽ 0,
⫺D s,j
j ⫽ n,p
c s,j共 R s ,t 兲
⫽ a j j n,j , j ⫽ n,p
The initial conditions used in the model are
c ⫽ c 0 at t ⫽ 0, 0 ⭓ x ⭐ L
c s,j ⫽ c s,j
, j ⫽ n,p at t ⫽ 0, 0 ⭓ x ⭐ L
j ⫽ j , j ⫽ n,p at t ⫽ 0, 0 ⭓ x ⭐ L
Model parameters and solution method.—The parameter values
used in the model are listed in Table I and Table II. The values for
the transport properties of the electrolyte, the bulk diffusion coeffi0
cient (D b), transference number (t ⫹
) are taken to be constants. The
concentration dependence of the electrolyte conductivity for an
EC/DMC mixture is given in the Appendix. The polypropylene
separator is inert and porous, filled with the electrolyte in the void
spaces. The cycling regime of Li⫹ ions in the cathode and the anode
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 151 共7兲 A1104-A1114 共2004兲
Table II. Parameter values used for the simulation.
D b 共m2/s兲
c 0 共mol/m3兲
V Li- 共m3/mol兲
V LAC 共m3/mol兲
T 共K兲
0 共S/m兲
a 0j 共m2/m3兲
Parameters for side reactions
i 0 共A/m2兲
7.5 ⫻ 10⫺10 23
5.607 ⫻ 10⫺6e
64.39 ⫻ 10⫺6 e
1 ⫻ 10⫺5a
Assumed values
Estimated values.
are 0.53 ⬍ ⌬y ⬍ 1 and 0 ⬍ ⌬y ⬍ 0.9, respectively, where ⌬y denotes the degree of intercalation. Data regarding thermodynamics
and kinetics of insertion reactions are not readily available as they
are hard to measure.10 The rate constant for the lithium intercalation
and deintercalation reaction is evaluated at initial conditions. The
transfer coefficients for the lithium intercalation and deintercalation
reaction are assumed to be 0.5. The functional dependence of the
open-circuit potential on the amount of lithium inserted may widely
vary with regard to the chemistry of the system. First principles
calculations on the open-circuit potential are available;21 however in
our studies the open-circuit potential of individual electrodes are
obtained by running a slow rate discharge 共C/30兲 in a T-cell against
a Li/Li⫹ reference and fit empirically to use it in the model 共Appendix A兲. The exchange current density and the transfer coefficient of
the side reaction are fitting parameters, as experimental data are not
available. The maximum concentrations in the positive and the
negative electrode are evaluated from the density and the molecular
weight of LiCoO2 and LiC6 , respectively. The open-circuit potential
of the side reactions has been studied in detail by various
authors,15,22 and different mechanisms yield a range of equilibrium
potentials. However in this model the equilibrium potential is assumed to be 0.4 V vs. Li/Li⫹ around which most of the reduction
parasitic reactions occurs.
The design-adjustable parameters in the model include electrode
thickness, separator thickness, initial porosity of the electrodes, porosity of the separator, and volume fraction of the filler material. In
this model these values are measured from a commercial Sony U.S.
18650 cell. The system of the above partial differential equations is
solved numerically using FEMLAB which uses the finite element
method to discretize the governing equation.
Results and Discussion
The simulation for the initial cell performance during charging is
done with the inclusion of the porosity variations due to both the
intercalation and the side reaction product formed. However, for the
simulation of the capacity fade process, the volume changes due to
the intercalation reaction are ignored because they are reversible, but
the volume changes due to the irreversible side reaction product
formed are considered. A detailed explanation of this assumption is
discussed later. The charging rate used for the fresh cell performance
analysis and for the cycling simulations are 27.8 A/cm2.
Figure 2 shows the simulated charging profile of a fresh lithiumion battery. In this specific system the positive electrode is the limiting electrode. The charging rate i app ⫽ 27.8 A/m2 chosen to ana-
Figure 2. Simulated charging profile of a fresh lithium ion battery at a
charging rate of 27.8 A/m2 共C rate兲.
lyze capacity fade was sufficiently low so that it does not entail a
constant voltage charging part and almost complete charging is effected through the galvanostatic charging. This is also evident from
the charging voltage profile shown from which it can be inferred that
almost complete charge capacity is delivered during charging. Since
most of the capacity is obtained before reaching the cutoff potential,
the intercalation reactions were not diffusion controlled at this rate
of charging. The inclusion of a film resistance term (R f) in the
model in Eq. 16 would contribute additional overpotential to the cell
to match the experimental charging profiles. However, the film resistance term is neglected in this model since its practical source is
not known precisely. But the changes in porosity with cycling introduce additional resistance to the cell which is explained later in
A typical concentration profile for the fresh cell across the electrode, over a time scale with an initial concentration of 1000 mol/m3
(c̄ ⫽ 0) has been depicted in Fig. 3. A distinct concentration profile
is established at a short time because of the low value of the dimensionless parameter S e , where S e is defined as the ratio of the diffusion time to the charging time
Se ⫽
L 2 i app
D 共 jo兲 bruginF 共 1
⫺ j ⫺ f,j兲共 c T,j ⫺ c s,j
For the case of galvanostatic charging, with the charging current
equal to 27.8 A/m2, the calculated value of S e for LiCoO2 is 0.055.
Because of the fact that the time for transport is small when compared to the time for discharge, a steady state is attained for the
concentration profile although there is transience in the output voltage profile. Thus an almost fully developed concentration profile or
a quasi-steady-state profile is attained even at early stages of charging.
From the concentration profiles it can be inferred that at this rate
of charging, electrode thickness, and initial salt concentration, the
effect of concentration polarization is not so high as to drive the
concentration to zero anywhere within the electrode. As a result the
limiting phenomenon of solution-phase diffusion is not reached and
complete utilization of the material is not hindered due to concen-
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 151 共7兲 A1104-A1114 共2004兲
Figure 3. Simulated profiles of the dimensionless local concentration across
the full cell during galvanostatic charging of a fresh lithium ion battery at a
rate of 27.8 A/m2 共C rate兲.
tration gradients within the porous electrode. Moreover the concentration profiles in the negative electrode do not reach the quasisteady-state form as opposed to the positive electrode, where it
reaches the quasi-steady-state form before the end of charging. This
suggests that the reaction zone is uniformly distributed in the positive electrode while in the negative electrode the reaction front has
sharp profiles. The low value of the porosity in the negative electrode and the continuously decreasing porosity due to the plugging
of the pores as a result of the side reaction, in addition to the intercalation reaction, causes steeper concentration gradients in the carbon electrode to yield to the reaction rate.
Figure 4 presents the local utilization, ␥ 关ratio of the average
solid-phase concentration (c̄ s) the theoretical maximum material
concentration (c T)] of active material across the full cell during the
galvanostatic charging of a fresh cell at 1C rate. Within the cycling
regime the local utilization across the positive electrode is more or
less uniform, while the utilization in the negative electrode has distinct profiles. This is because of the fact that the reaction rate distribution in the positive electrode 共see Fig. 5兲 levels out evenly after a
very high reaction rate at the separator electrode interface for a short
time. But in the case of the negative electrode the reaction rate
distribution is maximum at the separator electrode interface at the
start and towards the end of charging, the reaction front moves
across the depth of the electrode as the utilization becomes complete
in the front portion of the electrode. The detailed explanation of this
phenomenon is found in Ref. 16.
The porosity distribution within the full cell during charging for
a fresh cell is presented in Fig. 6. The porosity profile within the
separator is constant and equal to the initial porosity of the separator
and is not presented in the figure. It should be noted that the variation of porosity within the electrode is due to the lithium intercalation reaction and the parasitic side reaction. In the case of the negative electrode the side reaction causes additional changes in the
porosity due to the precipitate formed, apart from the porosity
change due to the intercalation reaction. The steeper concentration
gradient in the negative electrode is an outcome of this effect. However, the side reaction is absent in the case of the positive electrode.
Although it was found that the intercalation reaction predominantly
Figure 4. Variation of local utilization across the full cell during the galvanostatic charging of a fresh lithium ion battery at a rate of 27.8 A/m2 共C
determines the porosity profile, the minor porosity changes due to
the side reaction is more crucial in determining the capacity fade of
the battery. This is because the porosity changes due to intercalation
will be canceled out once the subsequent discharge step is carried
out; however the porosity changes due to the side reactions are
irreversible as the side reaction product formed permanently plugs
the pores of the intercalation material. As it is seen from Fig. 6 the
porosity falls off to lower values at the separator electrode interface
because both the intercalation-deintercalation reaction rate and the
side reaction rate 共shown in Fig. 7兲 are maximum at the electrode
Figure 5. Variation of the intercalation reaction rates across the full cell at
various times during galvanostatic charging of a fresh lithium ion battery at
a rate of 27.8 A/m2 共C rate兲.
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 151 共7兲 A1104-A1114 共2004兲
Figure 6. Simulated profiles of the variation in porosity across the full cell
at various times during galvanostatic charging of a fresh lithium ion battery
at a rate of 27.8 A/m2 共C rate兲.
separator interface. The value of the partial molar volume of the
species is a key parameter, which determines the extent of the porosity change within the electrode during charging. The value of the
partial molar volume of the side reaction product formed and Li⫹
are 64.39 ⫻ 10⫺6 and 5.607 ⫻ 10⫺6 m3 /mol, respectively.
Figure 8 shows the overpotential of the side reaction with time at
various points across the negative electrode for the fresh battery.
During the start of charging the overpotential is positive at the ends
Figure 8. Plot showing the initiation of side reaction at negative overpotentials and the increase in the side reaction rate with time at various points
across the carbon electrode. This plot also predicts that the side reaction
starts earlier at x̄ ⫽ 0.43 than at x̄ ⫽ 0.215 or x̄ ⫽ 0. Simulated profiles are
for the galvanostatic charging of a fresh lithium ion battery at a rate of 27.8
A/m2 共C rate兲.
and the center of the electrode and since the side reaction is assumed
to be a reduction reaction which obeys the Tafels relation, the reaction is not facilitated at positive overpotentials. This can be confirmed by noting that the reaction rate of the side reaction is close to
zero at the different regions in the cell during the initial stages of
charging. However, as charging proceeds the side reaction overpotential crosses the equilibrium potential and passes over to negative
values. Initially this occurs at the carbon electrode separator interface as seen in the figure and later the reaction starts at the back of
the electrode also. The side reaction rate then continuously increases
with time until the charging is stopped.
Capacity fade analysis.—The above model is extended to analyze
the capacity fade of lithium-ion battery. The side reaction involved
during charging occurs continuously over cycling. The amount of
charge lost to the side reaction is calculated at each cycle using the
model and the total amount of available charge for the next cycle is
updated based on the loss in the previous cycle. The Faradaic charge
lost, due to the side reaction at any cycle number, N, can be evaluated by integrating the local side reaction rate over the carbon electrode
q 2 兩 N ⫽ a jFlb
冕 冕
j n,j,k兩 N dxdt, j ⫽ n,k ⫽ 2
where the limits of the integration are over the thickness of the
carbon electrode (␦ a ) for the spatial integration and over the total
charging time 共T兲 for the time integral. So the net charge available
for the N ⫹ 1th cycle would be
q 兩 N⫹1 ⫽ q 1 兩 N ⫽ q 兩 N ⫺ q 2 兩 N
Figure 7. Simulated profiles of the variation in reaction rate of the side
reaction occurring on the negative electrode, at various times during galvanostatic charging of a fresh lithium ion battery at a rate of 27.8 A/m2
共C rate兲.
where q 1 and q 2 are charge consumed by the intercalation reaction
and side reaction, respectively, and q is the total charge capacity
available in any cycle. The total initial theoretical capacity of the
cell 共just before the cycling starts兲 is calculated from the relation
q 兩 N⫽1 ⫽ 共 1 ⫺ jo ⫺ f,j兲 lb␦ cy jF joc T,j , j ⫽ p
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 151 共7兲 A1104-A1114 共2004兲
Figure 9. Plot showing the change in the average values of various parameters with cycling. Cycling simulations are done for galvanostatic charging at
a rate of 27.8 A/m2 共C rate兲.
where ⌬y is the intercalation coefficient and l,b,␦ c are the dimensions of the electrode. The value of this capacity available for intercalation goes on decreasing depending on the extent of the side
reaction rate. Here jo (c s,j
/c T,j) is defined as the initial state of
charge where c s,j
is the initial concentration available at the start of
the first cycle and c T,j is the maximum concentration in the electrode
which is calculated from the density and the molecular mass of the
electrode material. Since the positive material is limiting, the theoretical capacity is evaluated based on the positive electrode.
To reduce cumbersome modeling the porosity variations due to
lithium intercalation and deintercalation were ignored during simulation of cycling process, and the variation of porosity due to the
side reaction alone is considered. This assumption should be reasonable because the changes in porosities due to intercalation cancels
out during deintercalation as explained previously. This is also a
reasonable assumption while we are interested at the overall capacity fade of the battery. This assumption also allows us to run the
simulations only for the charging process and save computational
time. Thus we can determine the capacity loss at each cycle, assuming the columbic efficiency 共ratio of the charge capacity to the discharge capacity兲 to be unity within a cycle. The parameters which
are averaged over the end of the each cycle for setting up the initial
conditions for the next cycle are the active surface area (a j), porosity ( j), and diffusion coefficient (D s,j) and are calculated as follows
a j0 兩 N⫹1
兰 0 aa jdx 兩 N
D s,j
兩 N⫹1
j0 兩 N⫹1 ⫽
兰 0 a jdx 兩 N
兰 0 aD s,jdx 兩 N
, j⫽n
The integrals are evaluated at the end of charging time (t
⫽ T). The changes in average values of these parameters at the end
of charge at each cycle are shown in Fig. 9. The rate of change of
average porosity decreases with cycling due to the fact that, as more
reaction product is formed, it hinders the side reaction rate because
of the decrease in the interfacial area.
Figure 10 depicts the variation in the porosity profile at specific
cycle numbers across the carbon electrode. The plots are obtained by
running the charge model with the updated values of the porosity,
active surface area, diffusion coefficient, and state of charge for the
specific cycle numbers 共1, 300, and 500兲 with the variations in porosity due to the intercalation reaction included. All the porosity
profiles in Fig. 10 are obtained at the end of charging. It can be seen
Figure 10. Variation of porosity across the carbon electrodes at cycle numbers 1, 200, 500 obtained at the end of charging. The porosity changes due to
intercalation of Li⫹ and the side reaction are included. Cycling simulations
are done for galvanostatic charging at a rate of 27.8 A/m2 共C rate兲.
that when the change in the porosity due to the intercalation reaction
is also included the porosity profiles falls off to very low values in
the carbon electrode toward the end of charging. The subsequent
discharge will cancel out the porosity variations due to intercalation
and, effectively, changes in porosity observed will be due only to the
side reaction.
Effect of porosity, diffusion coefficient, and state of charge.—The
effect of the change in porosity, diffusion coefficient, and state of
charge with cycling, on the discharge voltage profile are shown in
Fig. 11. To analyze the impact of each of these parameters, the
voltage profiles were simulated for the following cases: 共i兲 constant
initial porosity and constant initial diffusion coefficient for all cycle
numbers with the reduced state of charge for the respective cycle
numbers, 共ii兲 constant initial porosity for all cycle numbers and average diffusion coefficient and reduced state of charge at respective
cycle numbers, 共iii兲 average porosity, average diffusion coefficient,
and reduced state of charge at the respective cycle numbers. For the
above three cases the simulations were done at the end of 1, 200,
and 500 cycles, respectively.
On comparing the discharge curve obtained at cycle 1 and cycle 200
with case 共i兲 we can observe that the change in the state of charge by
itself brings a shift in the discharge plateau and the decrease in the
run time of the battery. However, this downward shift in the voltage
profile largely depends on the open-circuit potential. If the opencircuit potential has a distinct profile with the state of charge, this
shift in the plateau can be observed. However in cases where the
open-circuit potentials are independent of the state of charge for a
very wide range, this shift in the voltage profile with cycling will not
be obtained. At 200 cycles with case 共ii兲 the discharge curve is
simulated with the diffusion coefficient and the state of charge corresponding to that particular cycle number with the porosity being
held constant 共initial porosity兲. It can be observed that the change in
the diffusion coefficient does not bring about a shift in the discharge
plateau; however, the obtained discharge capacity slightly decreases
due to the decreased rate capability at lower diffusion coefficients.
This capacity lost due to the decrease in the diffusion coefficient can
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 151 共7兲 A1104-A1114 共2004兲
Figure 11. Simulated discharge profile showing the effect of porosity, state
of charge, and diffusion coefficient with cycling. The above discharge curves
are the simulated profiles at the end of 1, 200, and 500 cycles for various
conditions as marked on the plot. The discharge rate used for the simulations
is 13.93 A/m2 共C/2 rate兲.
Figure 12. Simulated discharge profile for short times showing the effect of
porosity and the state of charge in determining the initial Ohmic resistance of
the system and the shift in the discharge curve. The change in the diffusion
coefficient did not alter the initial resistance and the discharge profile of the
cell during the initial part of the discharge.
be recovered at low rates of discharge. For case 共iii兲 at 200 cycles,
the porosity was also changed to the average porosity obtained at
that cycle. In this case it was found that the potential plateau shifted
further down, and there was also a decrease in the obtained discharge capacity. This shift in the potential profile is irrespective of
the state of charge and is because of the decrease in the porosity
which in turn decreases the value of effective solution conductivity
and hence the increased ohmic drop. In addition, the decrease in
porosity would introduce higher concentration gradients and one can
expect higher values of concentration overpotentials with cycling.
Both these factors clubbed together with the decrease in the state of
charge and diffusion coefficient will determine the shape of the discharge curve at the end of any cycle. These changes are in agreement with experimental data.1,3 The same explanation holds good
for the simulations done at the end of 500 cycles. In fact, the effect
of porosity changes are more sensitive to the shape of the discharge
curve at higher cycle numbers. The effect of porosity, state of
charge, and diffusion coefficient on the discharge curve can be seen
more clearly in Fig. 12, which was obtained for short times. The
increased ohmic drop with the change in porosity and the impact of
the diffusion coefficient, which does not alter the discharge profile at
short times, but closes down on the x axis at later times, can be
clearly observed.
The decrease in the porosity with cycling causes a serious limitation to the utilization of the active material at high cycle numbers
even at moderate rates of charging. This is because of the steeper
concentration gradients at higher cycle numbers. Figure 13 shows
the concentration profiles across the full cell at the end of charging
at 1, 200, and 500 cycles. An increased concentration gradient at the
start of charging in the negative electrode over that of the positive
electrode aggravates and drives the concentration at the back of the
negative electrode to zero (c̄ ⫽ ⫺1) at the end of 500 cycles.
concentration drops to zero due to high reaction rates. Also at higher
rates the concentration overpotentials are higher and the limiting
potential is reached before complete utilization has occurred. This
effect of the discharge rate was observed in cycled cells also. We
tried to capture this phenomenon of rate capability using the present
model and its effect over cycling. It was found that the rate capabil-
Effect of discharge rate.—Figure 14 shows the effect of the discharge rate on the discharge capacity of a fresh battery, i.e., the rate
capability of the system. At very high rates the battery could not be
theoretically discharged to 2.0 V because of the fact that the salt
Figure 13. Simulated concentration profiles across the electrode at various
cycle numbers 共1, 200, 500兲. All the profiles are obtained at the end of
charging at the respective cycle numbers. Cycling simulations are done for
galvanostatic charging at a rate of 27.8 A/m2 共C rate兲.
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 151 共7兲 A1104-A1114 共2004兲
Figure 14. Effect of discharge current density on the discharge capacity of
the battery. The solid lines represent the discharge curves at current densities
of 5.57 A/m2 共C/5兲, 13.93 A/m2 共C/2兲, 27.87 A/m2 共C兲, 55.75 A/m2 共2C兲,
83.63 A/m2 共3C兲, and 139.35 A/m2 共5C兲, as indicated by the markers.
Figure 16. Simulated discharge profiles depicting the capacity fade at cycle
numbers as marked on the curves. The discharge rate used for the simulations is 13.93 A/m2 共C/2 rate兲.
ity decreased with cycling. While there was a 7.9% decrease in
discharge capacity on discharging a fresh cell at 2C rate over that of
C/5 rate, the value increased to around 49% after 500 cycles of
charging at the C rate with the inclusion of porosity changes. The
extent of rate capability was even worse at higher rates of discharge.
Figure 15 shows the effect of rate capability with cycling for the
case of discharge for a fresh cell, for a cell cycled for 500 cycles
Figure 15. Effect of discharge current on the discharge capacity of the battery 共rate capability兲. The graph above is plotted with the simulated values
for a fresh cell and for the cell cycled for 500 cycles 共with and without
porosity and diffusion coefficient variations with cycling兲. The plots with
dotted lines correspond to the axes on the right 共discharge rate vs. percentage
discharge capacity obtained兲 clearly show the decreased rate capability with
cycling. The effect of porosity changes on rate capability with cycling is
observed at high rates of discharge. The lowest discharge rate used for the
studies corresponds to the C/10 rate, and the discharge capacity obtained at
this rate is assumed to be 100% in this plot.
Figure 17. Simulated values of discharge capacity in the cell as a function
of cycle number. The plot 共dotted line兲 corresponding to the axes on the right
shows the simulated percentage capacity fade with cycling. The markers are
the experimentally obtained values for percentage capacity fade from Sony
U.S. 18650 cells. The discharge rate used for the simulations is 13.93 A/m2
共C/2 rate兲.
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 151 共7兲 A1104-A1114 共2004兲
with only the changes in state of charge considered, and for the case
of a cell cycled for 500 cycles where the changes due to porosity,
diffusion coefficient, and state of charge are included. The discharge
capacity obtained at C/10 rate was taken to be 100% 共axis on the
right in Fig. 15兲 and the decrease in rate capability with cycling is
clearly seen. It was also evident that the changes in porosity affected
the rate capability at higher rates of discharge, although at lower
rates a significant change in discharge capacity was not observed
over the case in which the porosity changes were not included 共see
Fig. 15兲. The decrease in the discharge capacity obtained at C/5 rate
and 2C rate after 500 cycles for the case in which porosity changes
are not included is much less 共⬃19%兲 when compared to the case in
which the porosity changes are included 共⬃49%兲. There was also a
slight change in the value of the discharge capacity obtained for the
case in which the variations due to porosities are considered as
compared to constant porosity conditions, even at lower rates. This
difference suggests that at higher cycle numbers, the discharge has
to be done at much lower rates 共⬍C/20兲 to extract the completely
available capacity.
Figure 16 shows the discharge curves obtained at 1, 200, and 500
cycles. For cycling, simulations were done at C rate of charging and
the discharge curves obtained for specific cycles are for C/2 rate of
discharge. The loss of capacity is attributed to the change in the state
of charge and the porosity variations in the electrode which causes
the discharge curve to close down on the axis at shorter run times
with cycling. The decrease in porosity with cycling causes an increased ohmic resistance due to the decrease in the effective conductivity and also causes an increased concentration polarization
with cycling due to the decrease in the value of the effective solidphase diffusion coefficient of carbon electrode. From the simulation
results the capacity fade of the system was about 29% at the C rate
of charging after 500 cycles. Figure 17 shows the capacity fade as a
function of cycle number. The discharge capacity obtained was at
C/2 rate of discharge. The trend in capacity fade observed by simulations for this particular cell shows an initial slow decrease in the
capacity and then a rapid decrease in capacity, which then slows
down again. The initial slow decrease is because the design for this
cell is such that the positive electrode is limited and hence a slight
amount of extra capacity is available on the negative electrode. This
causes the discharge capacity to drop down slowly initially until a
balance on the cell is established. At higher cycle numbers the side
reaction rate slows down due to the fact that the area available for
the side reaction decreases considerably and hence the decrease in
the rate of capacity fade at higher cycle numbers. This is in close
agreement with the experimental values obtained from the cycling
studies of Sony US 18650 cells. The disagreement between the values may be due to adjustable parameters used for the side reaction in
ously over cycling. The variation in porosity because of the side
reaction product formed with cycling causes the discharge voltage
plateau to drop down with cycling. The change in the diffusion
coefficient and the porosity of the carbon electrode causes steeper
concentration gradients with cycling and hence increased polarization losses at higher cycle numbers. Numerous case studies can be
done to observe the effect of parameters such as the end of charge
voltage, charging rate, depth of discharge over the capacity fade of
battery, without relying on empirical relations.
The variation of surface area and diffusion coefficient on the
carbon electrode with the change in the porosity are the only expressions used in the model. Experimental measurements can be done to
get a good empirical relation between the variations of active surface area and solid-phase diffusion coefficient as a function of cycle
number. The inclusion of the constant voltage part of charging in the
model would facilitate the prediction of capacity fade for high rates
of charging more accurately. Finally by including the energy equations involved, the effect of temperature over capacity fade can be
Financial support provided by National Reconnaissance Office for Hybrid Advanced Power Sources no. NRO-00-C-1034 is acknowledged gratefully.
The University of South Carolina assisted in meeting the publication
costs of this article.
Transport Properties of the Electrolyte
The effective diffusion coefficient of Li⫹ in LiPF6 is given by the Bruggmens
D eff ⫽ D b j
eff,j ⫽ b,j共 1 ⫺ j ⫺ f,j兲 brugj, j ⫽ n,p
eff ⫽ b j
The concentration dependence of the bulk electrolyte conductivity for an electrolyte
mixture of 1 M LiPF6 in a 1:2 v/v mixture of EC/DMC at 25°C was fit from experimental data by Doyle and Newman5 to the following expression
b ⫽ 兵 1.0793 ⫻ 10⫺4 ⫹ 6.7461 ⫻ 10⫺3 c ⫺ 5.2245 ⫻ 10⫺3 c 2 ⫹ 1.3605 ⫻ 10⫺3 c 3
⫺ 1.1724 ⫻ 10⫺4 c 4 其
Electrode Thermodynamic Data
The open-circuit potential of the positive electrode (LiCoO2 ) was fit to the function
1 ⫺ 7.598
A general method for the capacity fade prediction of lithium ion
battery system was developed. The model captures the loss of capacity by the inclusion of the side reaction which occurs continu-
, j ⫽ n,p
Similarly the effective conductivies of Li⫹ in the solid phase and the solution phase are
also related by the Bruggmens relationship
冉 冊
冉 冊
4.707 ⫺ 36.129
the model, such as the exchange current density and transfer coefficient of the side reaction. These parameters contribute to the extent
of the side reaction which occurs during the charging of the battery
and hence the capacity fade. Also the inclusion of the constant
voltage part of charging will yield more accurate capacity fade predictions.
冉 冊
冉 冊
⫹ 104.813
⫹ 21.779
冉 冊
冉 冊
⫹ 149.491
⫺ 30.959
冉 冊
冉 冊
⫹ 111.818
⫹ 23.632
冉 冊
冉 冊
⫺ 35.705
⫹ 7.8474
whereas for the negative electrode the experimental data was fit to the function
冉 冊
冉 冊
1.997 ⫹ 2.472
1 ⫹ 31.823
Here the ratio of the solid-phase concentration to the total concentration 共concentration
during which the intercalation coefficient is 1兲 depends on the amount of lithium inserted in either electrodes. The values of the intercalation coefficient obtained experimentally through a slow rate discharge were 0.53 for LiCoO2 and 0.9 for the carbon
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 151 共7兲 A1104-A1114 共2004兲
List of Symbols
c̄ s
i app
specific surface area of the porous material, m2/m3
height of the electrode, m
Brugmans exponential factor
solution phase concentration, mol/m3
dimensionless solution-phase concentration, (c-c0 )/c0
solid-phase concentration, mol/m3
average solid-phase concentration, mol/m3
concentration in intercalation material for ⌬y ⫽ 1, mol/m3
diffusion coefficient of Li⫹ in the salt, m2/s
diffusion coefficient of Li⫹ in the solid phase, m2/s
activity coefficient of salt
Faradays constant, 96,487 C/equiv
exchange current density, A/m2
solid-phase current, A/m2
solution-phase current, A/m2
applied galvanostatic current, A/m2
reaction rate of a species in solution phase, mol/m2/s
reaction rate of a species in solid phase, mol/m2/s
intercalation reaction rate constant
electrode length, m
thickness of the cell, m
molecular mass, g/mol
cycle number
number of electrons
charge capacity, A h
radial distance within an active material particle, m
ideal gas constant, 8.3143 J/mol/K
radius of solid spherical particles, m
stoichiometric coefficient
time, s
transference number
temperature, K
open-circuit potential, V
partial molar volume, m3/mol
dimensionless distance (x/L)
charge number
␦ a ,␦ c ,␦ s
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local utilization of the active material in the electrodes ␥ ⫽ (c̄ s /c T)
thickness of anode, cathode, separator, respectively, m
intercalation coefficient
porosity or composite electrode
porosity of the deposit
electrochemical reaction over potential, V
state of charge
solution phase conductivity, S/m
morphology factor
density of the electrode material, kg/m3
solid-phase conductivity, S/m
number of cations or anions into which a mole of electrolyte dissociates
solid-phase potential, V
solution-phase potential, V
bulk values
effective values
filler material
positive共p兲, negative共n兲 electrode
reaction number, 关1兴 intercalation; 关2兴 side reaction
solid phase
concentration in intercalation material for ⌬y ⫽ 1
0 initial condition
s separator
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