Effect of Silicon on the Desulfurization of Al-Killed Steels: Part II.
Experimental Results and Plant Trials
Recent observations suggest that increased silicon levels improve ladle desulfurization of aluminum-killed steel. A kinetic model was developed and presented in part I of this paper,
demonstrating that increased silicon levels in steel suppress the consumption of aluminum by
parasitic reactions like silica reduction and FeO/MnO reduction, thus making more aluminum
available at the interface for desulfurization. The results are increases in the rate and the extent
of desulfurization. Predictions were compared with laboratory induction furnace melts using
1 kg of steel and 0.1 kg slag. The experimental results demonstrate the beneficial effect of silicon
on the desulfurization reaction and that alumina can be reduced out of the slag and aluminum
picked up by the steel, if the silicon content in the steel is high enough. The experimental results
are in close agreement with the model predictions. Plant trials also show that with increased
silicon content, both the rate and extent of desulfurization increase; incorporating silicon early
into the ladle desulfurization process leads to considerable savings in aluminum consumption.
DOI: 10.1007/s11663-013-9888-7
Ó The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and ASM International 2013
PART I of this two-part paper presented the background to this work, including the kinetic model used to
predict the effect of silicon on ladle desulfurization.[1] In
this paper, experimental results are presented which test
the effect of silicon on the rate and the extent of
desulfurization of aluminum-killed steels in contact with
slags of different compositions. Plant trials were conducted in collaboration with an electric arc furnace
(EAF) steel producer and the results analyzed to test the
silicon effect on desulfurization.
A. Experimental Setup
Experiments were run using a 10-kW radio frequency
induction furnace; a schematic of the experimental setup
is shown in Figure 1. The liquid steel was contained in a
magnesia crucible (0.049 m ID, 0.062 m OD, 0.15 m
high) surrounded by a graphite crucible (0.064 m ID,
0.07 m OD, 0.14 m high). The graphite crucible served as
a susceptor to heat and melt the steel and slag and also
served as a protective outer crucible. A magnesia crucible
DEBDUTTA ROY, formerly Graduate Student with the Department of Materials Science & Engineering, Center for Iron and
Steelmaking Research, Carnegie Mellon University, 5000 Forbes
Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, is now Research Engineer at SaintGobain Abrasives, Worcester, MA. PETRUS CHRISTIAAN
Professor, are with the Department of Materials Science & Engineering,
Center for Iron and Steelmaking Research, Carnegie Mellon University.
Contact e-mail: pistorius@cmu.edu
Manuscript submitted October 2, 2012.
was chosen to simulate the industrial conditions for
desulfurization, where ladles typically have MgO bricks
at the slagline. The reaction chamber which contained
the magnesia and graphite crucibles was a fused-quartz
tube, 0.5 m high, 0.08 m ID, and 0.085 m OD, sealed
airtight at the top and bottom using clamped end caps.
Argon gas (99.9 pct pure, passed over heated magnesium
to getter oxygen) was introduced into the reaction
chamber through a gas inlet in the lower end cap; the
gas flow rate was maintained at the same value from
experiment to experiment with the aid a flow meter. A
mullite guide tube (ID 0.0127 m, OD 0.0196 m),
attached to a port in the top seal, facilitated additions
during the experiment and sampling. The temperature of
the melt was measured using two alumina-sheathed type
S thermocouples; one was introduced through the lower
end cap and with its tip at the bottom of the graphite
crucible, and the other was introduced through the upper
end cap to measure the temperature at the top surface of
the melt (until just before slag addition).
The steel used in the experiments was industrial
material which was chosen to have low levels of
impurities and alloying elements (see the composition
in Table I). Slag was prepared by mixing reagent grade
powders (CaO, MgO, SiO2, Al2O3) and premelting the
slag in a graphite crucible in flowing argon. The liquidus
temperatures of the slag compositions were calculated
using FactSage[2] to be approximately 1820 K (approximately 1550 °C), and so the slag powders were heated
to 1873 K (1600 °C) and allowed to homogenize for
around 30 minutes at the temperature. Once cooled, the
slag was crushed and ground to fine powder which was
used as premelted slag additions during the desulfurization reaction. For every experiment, a steel to slag mass
ratio of 10:1 was maintained, so 0.1 kg of slag was
added to the steel melt in each experiment.
B. Experimental Procedure
slag had been added to the molten steel, the upper
thermocouple could no longer be used to record the
temperature of the melt surface (because its alumina
sheath would dissolve in the slag); the lower thermocouple was used monitor the temperature of the
melt during the desulfurization reaction.
(6) After adding the slag, the steel melt was sampled at
regular intervals with fused-quartz tubes; the steel
samples were subsequently analyzed (using the
inductively coupled plasma technique for aluminum
and silicon, and combustion analysis for sulfur and
total oxygen analysis; in each case, the entire sample
was analyzed to obtain an average composition).
The soluble aluminum content was estimated by
subtracting the aluminum bound to oxygen from the
analyzed total aluminum content (using the analyzed total oxygen content, and assuming all inclusions to be alumina); total oxygen contents were in
the range 45 to 100 ppm for all runs.
The experimental procedure consisted of the following steps:
(1) Argon was flowed through the reaction chamber to
flush out remnant oxygen that could be present in
the chamber.
(2) A steel block weighing approximately 1 kg was
melted using the induction furnace. The temperature
was monitored using both thermocouples.
(3) Once the steel block was molten, alloying additions
(aluminum shot, ferrosilicon, and iron sulfide) were
added to the molten steel to reach the desired
starting chemistry for the experiment. Initial compositions are listed in Table III.
(4) A homogenization time of 15 minutes was allowed,
while maintaining the temperature at 1873 K (1600 °C).
(5) The steel melt was sampled with a fused-quartz tube
(0.004 m ID, 0.00635 m OD) to determine the initial
composition of the steel melt. Premelted slag of
known composition (0.1 kg) was then added to the
steel melt. Time zero was taken as the instant when
the premelted slag was added. Once the premelted
C. Slag and Steel Compositions
A series of parametric studies carried out on the model
developed earlier[1,3] predicted that the effect of silicon on
desulfurization would be more pronounced for slags with
lower basicity than for slags with higher basicity (basicity
here refers to the CaO/Al2O3 ratio). The experiments
hence used three different slag compositions which
differed mainly with regards to their CaO/Al2O3 ratio;
the three slag compositions are tabulated in Table II.
Slags were chosen to be magnesia saturated (the required
MgO content was calculated using FactSage[2]).
For each slag composition, experiments were performed for two different initial silicon contents as
tabulated in Table III (keeping the initial Al and S
contents approximately the same).
A. Fitting the Kinetic Model to the Experimental Results
In industrial ladle desulfurization, stirring the melt
(by gas or induction stirring) is used to achieve workable
Table II.
High basicity
Medium basicity
Low basicity
Fig. 1—Schematic of the experimental setup.
Table I.
Slag Compositions Used in the Experiments (Mass
Chemical Composition (Mass Percentage) of the Steel Block Used in the Experiments
desulfurization rates. In the experimental setup, the
graphite crucible shielded the melt from inductive
stirring, but natural convection did cause flow, as
demonstrated by the observed change with time
(Figures 2 through 4).
The kinetic model developed earlier[1,3] was used to
analyze the results of the laboratory experiments. A
simplified model, considering only mass transfer of Al,
Si, and S in the steel as potentially rate determining, was
used since slag mass transfer was not expected to be rate
limiting. (The simplified model was executed considerably faster than the full mixed-control model.) Reaction
Table III.
Starting Compositions of Steel
Slag No
HB1 (high-basicity slag)
HB2 (high-basicity slag)
MB1 (medium-basicity slag)
MB2 (medium-basicity slag)
LB1 (lower-basicity slag)
LB2 (lower-basicity slag)
[Pct Si]0
[Pct Al]0
[Pct S]0
Fig. 2—Highest-basicity slag: experimental data (points) and model
prediction (lines) of change of sulfur content with time for two different Si contents in the steel. Weight of steel/weight of slag = 10.
Slag composition: 51.7 pct CaO, 36.2 pct Al2O3, 5.2 pct SiO2, 6.8 pct
Fig. 3—Medium-basicity slag: experimental data (points) and model
prediction (lines) of change of sulfur content with time for two different Si contents in the steel. Weight of steel/weight of slag = 10.
Slag composition: 48.5 pct CaO, 32.5 pct Al2O3, 10.1 pct SiO2,
8.3 pct MgO.
equilibria were calculated using slag activity coefficients
from the FactSage SlagA model[2] (for calculating the Si/
SiO2/Al/Al2O3 reaction and the resulting oxygen activity
at the slag–steel interface) and employing the KTH
sulfide capacity model.[4] The only adjustable parameter
when fitting the model to the experimental results was
the effective mass transfer coefficient (mA). A single
mass transfer coefficient was fitted to all the experimental results, with the exception of the run with the low-Si,
low-basicity slag case (LB1). The experimental data for
each experiment were fitted to the model results using
three different mA values (0.15, 0.2, and 0.25 cm3/s) and
the sum of the absolute errors calculated for each mA
value (Figure 5). Overall, mA = 0.2 cm3/s was the bestfit mass transfer coefficient for all the experimental data
(Table IV), except the experiment with low slag basicity
and low Si. In the latter experiment, the sulfur distribution coefficient was small, causing slag mass transfer
to be partially limiting, as explained later. Since mass
transfer in the metal was rate determining for all cases
except LB1 (in which case, the sulfur distribution
coefficient was relatively small), a single mass transfer
coefficient was used for all conditions except LB1.
Fig. 4—Lowest-basicity slag: experimental data (points) and model
prediction (lines) of change of sulfur content with time for two different Si contents in the steel. Weight of steel/weight of slag = 10.
Slag composition: 39.9 pct CaO, 39.7 pct Al2O3, 8.9 pct SiO2,
11.1 pct MgO.
Fig. 5—Absolute sum of errors for different values of the kinetic
(mA) parameter used when fitting the model results to the experimental datasets. In each case, the error is the difference between the
calculated and predicted sulfur content (mass pct).
Table IV. ‘‘Best-Fit’’ Mass Transfer Coefficient Values (mA)
for Laboratory Runs
HB1, HB2, MB1, MB2, and LB2
LB1 (lower-basicity slag, low Si)
mA (10
m /s)
(Figure 5 does indicate that for the case with high slag
basicity and low Si, a better fit to the experimental data
would have been obtained by employing a somewhat
smaller mass transfer coefficient, but there is no clear
fundamental reason to adopt such a decreased value in
this case.)
The kinetic model was based on mass transfer
control, coupled with information on all slag–metal
reactions involving Al, O, Si, and S. When comparing
the model predictions and experimental data (as shown
later in this paper), it is important to note that the
model predictions are not curve fits to the experimental
data. The only form of curve fitting that was performed was to estimate the mass transfer coefficient, as
described above.
While the only fitting parameter in the model was
the mass transfer coefficient, the model results are
sensitive to the choice of Al2O3 and SiO2 activity data.
Previously, Andersson et al.[5] used the expressions of
Ohta and Suito[6] to calculate activities of silica and
alumina, when modeling ladle desulfurization. In Part
I, it was shown that the Ohta and Suito expressions
predict very different ratios of silica to alumina activity
than the FactSage slag model and that the activities
from FactSage fitted experimental data (for Al-SiO2
reaction) in the literature.[1] The experimental results
from the present work also indicate that the FactSage
activity data correctly predict the direction and extent
of the slag–steel reactions, as illustrated by the comparisons in Figures 6 and 7: While the choice of
activity data does not have a large effect on the
predicted degree of desulfurization (Figure 6), there is
a strong effect on the predicted alumina/silicon reaction
(Figure 7). Figure 7 illustrates that the Ohta and Suito
expressions do not predict the observed aluminum
pick-up by the steel for runs with high-silicon steels,
whereas if the FactSage activity are used, the model
predictions of the change of aluminum content with
time agree with the experimental data for both lowand high-silicon steels.
As Figures 2 through 4 demonstrate, the same value
of mA fitted all the experiments reasonably well (except
for the low-basicity, low-Si case, LB1), despite differences in the direction and extent of the Si/SiO2/Al/Al2O3
reaction (Figures 8 through 10 show that runs with low
initial Si contents showed Al fade, whereas Al pick-up
occurred in the runs with high initial Si). In previous
work, a reaction between Fe-Al melts and silicacontaining slags was reported to result in low dynamic
interfacial tension, causing a convoluted slag–steel
interface and potential emulsification.[7] There is no
evidence that such interfacial effects played a role in
these experiments, since the rate constants were similar
in all cases (except LB1).
B. Effect of Silicon on Desulfurization
Figures 2 through 4 show the experimental data and
the model results for the change in sulfur content with
time, for the three slag compositions, each with two
different initial silicon contents in the steel. In all cases,
the agreement between the experimental data and
kinetic model predictions for the change in sulfur
content is quite good. In line with predictions,[1] the
experimental data show that both the rate and the extent
of desulfurization increase with increasing silicon content and that the effect is much more pronounced in the
case of the slag with lowest basicity. In fact for the
lowest-basicity slag, the effect of silicon is quite pronounced despite the lower-Si melt initially containing
more aluminum (0.031 wt pct Al for the high-Si melt
compared with 0.038 wt pct Al for the low-Si melt).
The experimental results for the slag with the lowest
basicity and high-Si content (LB2; Figure 4) further
emphasize the beneficial effect of silicon: Considerable
desulfurization was obtained despite the low CaO
content of this slag. In this experiment, the sulfur
content of the steel decreased from 190 to 50 ppm in
15 minutes, using a slag containing only 40 pct lime;
sulfur removal was obtained due to the high-silicon
content of 1.9 pct. Although such a high-silicon content
would be outside the specification range of most steels,
this result does emphasize that high-silicon contents do
lead to strongly reducing conditions (for the relatively
low-SiO2 slags used here).
C. Change of Aluminum and Silicon Contents with Time
Figures 8 through 10 plot the change with time in the
aluminum contents of steel reacted with the three
different slag compositions listed in Table II, for lowSi and high-Si cases; Figures 11 and 12 show the
corresponding changes in the Si content, with model
predictions. For all the experiments conducted, the
directions of changes in the silicon and aluminum
contents do agree with model predictions. However,
the experimental data are rather scattered. There are
two likely contributions to the scatter: First, if a small
amount of slag had been entrained in the steel sample,
the steel analysis would be high in Al, Si, and S. Second,
the soluble aluminum content was estimated by subtracting aluminum bound to oxygen from the total
aluminum analysis. The estimate of bound aluminum
hence depends on the total oxygen analysis, which is
inherently more variable than the total elemental analysis. A third possibility is a reaction between dissolved
aluminum in the steel and the quartz sampler; however,
careful examination of the inner surfaces of used
sampling tubes and cross sections of steel samples did
not show evidence of such a reaction.
The experimental results consistently show aluminum
pick-up by the steel, for each case of reaction of the
high-silicon steels with slag (Figures 8 through 10). A
few slag samples, obtained after cooling the crucible
containing steel and slag after 30 minutes of reaction,
were analyzed to further test these trends. While the
change in slag composition was small, the analyzed silica
content of the slag did change in the predicted direction
(Figure 13). These results confirm that if the silicon
content in the steel is high enough, consumption of
aluminum by the desulfurization reaction can indeed be
suppressed (as the model predicted[1]). Similarly, the
observed change in sulfur content of the slag (Figure 14)
agreed reasonably well with the model predictions.
Fig. 6—Experimental data of change of sulfur in steel with time
(data points), compared with model results (lines) calculated with
activity values taken from FactSage and the Ohta and Suito expressions. Initial silicon content: 0.039 wt pct. Weight of steel/weight of
slag = 10. Slag composition: 48.5 pct CaO, 32.5 pct Al2O3,
10.1 pct SiO2, 8.3 pct MgO.
(Note that, as Figure 14 indicates, the slag was found to
contain approximately 0.05 pct sulfur before reaction).
The agreement between the model results and the
experimental data gives confidence in the fundamental
validity of the developed model. Desulfurization and
silica reduction simultaneously consume aluminum at
Fig. 8—Highest-basicity slag: experimental data (points) and model
prediction (lines) of change of aluminum content with time for two
different Si contents in the steel. Weight of steel/weight of slag = 10.
Slag composition: 51.7 pct CaO, 36.2 pct Al2O3, 5.2 pct SiO2, 6.8 pct
Fig. 9—Medium-basicity slag: experimental data (points) and model
prediction (lines) of change of aluminum content with time for two
different Si contents in the steel. Weight of steel/weight of slag = 10.
Slag composition: 48.5 pct CaO, 32.5 pct Al2O3, 10.1 pct SiO2,
8.3 pct MgO.
Fig. 7—Experimental data of change of aluminum in steel with time
(data points), compared with model results (lines) calculated with
activity values taken from FactSage and the Ohta and Suito expressions. Initial silicon contents: (a) 0.77 wt pct and (b) 0.039 wt pct;
slag composition as in Fig. 6.
Fig. 10—Lowest-basicity slag: experimental data (points) and model
prediction (lines) of change of aluminum content with time for two
different Si contents in the steel. Weight of steel/weight of slag = 10.
Slag composition: 39.9 pct CaO, 39.7 pct Al2O3, 8.9 pct SiO2,
11.1 pct MgO.
Fig. 11—Steel with low initial silicon content (composition listed in
Table III): change of Si with time for reaction of steel with the three
slag compositions in Table II. Weight of steel/weight of slag = 10.
Fig. 12—Steel with high initial silicon content (composition listed in
Table III): change of Si with time for reaction of steel with the three
slag compositions in Table II. Weight of steel/weight of slag = 10.
the slag/steel interface. Increasing the silicon content in
the steel decreases consumption of aluminum by silica,
increasing the aluminum concentration at the slag/steel
interface and hence favoring desulfurization. The experimental results confirm that if the silicon content in the
steel is high enough, it can indeed suppress consumption
of aluminum: In those cases, silicon reduces alumina
from the slag, causing aluminum pick-up by the steel
melt. The overall mass balances also confirm the
dominant effect of silicon/silica on aluminum consumption, as discussed in the next section.
D. Aluminum Consumption: Mass Balance
The total aluminum reaching the slag/steel interface
from the bulk steel is used for desulfurization reaction,
silica reduction, and the reduction of any other unstable
oxides, such as FeO and MnO. In the absence of FeO
and MnO in the slag (as for the slag compositions
considered in the experiments), and if no oxygen enters
from the surroundings, the consumption of aluminum is
the sum of that from the desulfurization reaction
and from silica reduction. From consideration of the
Fig. 13—Change of silica content in the slag with time for reaction
of low-Si and high-Si steel with lowest-basicity slag (39.9 pct CaO,
39.7 pct Al2O3, 8.9 pct SiO2, 11.1 pct MgO). Weight of steel/weight
of slag = 10.
Fig. 14—Change of sulfur content in the slag with time for reaction
of low-Si and high-Si steel with lowest-basicity slag (39.9 pct CaO,
39.7 pct Al2O3, 8.9 pct SiO2, 11.1 pct MgO). Weight of steel/weight
of slag = 10.
stoichiometry of the reactions, aluminum consumption
is hence given by Eq. [1]:
DnAl ¼ DnS DnSi
where Dni is the change in the molar amount of species i
dissolved in the liquid steel.
Aluminum mass balances for both high and low
initial silicon contents are presented in Tables V and VI,
respectively; the difference between the calculated combined consumption of aluminum (taking into consideration the silica reduction and desulfurization reactions)
and the measured change in aluminum is never more
than 30 pct, which appears to be reasonable given the
observed scatter in the aluminum and silicon analyses.
The mass balance calculations confirm that aluminum
consumption by the desulfurization reaction is smaller
than aluminum consumption (or production) by the
silica/silicon reaction: Regarding aluminum consumption, desulfurization is the side reaction, whereas silica
reduction (or formation) is the main aluminum-consuming (or producing) reaction. This is as predicted in
Part I.[1]
Table V. Aluminum Mass Balance: Low-Silicon Experiments
Slag Type and Silicon Content
(DnAl) (mol)
High basicity, low silicon (0.009 wt pct)
Medium basicity, low silicon (0.039 wt pct)
Silica Reduced
(DnSi) (mol)
Removed from
Steel (DnS)
nbalance =
(DnAl + nbalance) /
(DnAl) (pct)
Table VI. Aluminum Mass Balance: High-Silicon Experiments
Slag Type and Silicon Content
High basicity, high silicon (0.91 wt pct)
Low basicity, high silicon (1.9 wt pct)
(DnAl) (mol)
Silica Reduced
(DnSi) (mol)
Removed from
Steel (DnS)
nbalance =
(DnAl + nbalance) /
(DnAl) (pct)
E. Effect of Slag Phase Mass Transfer on
The simplified model used to fit the experimental
results considered only mass transfer in the steel as a
potentially rate-determining step. Figures 2 through 4
(and Table IV) show that the simplified model gives a
reasonable fit to the experimental results if the same
effective mass transfer coefficient is used in all cases,
except for the lowest-basicity, low-Si case (LB1). The
same effective mass transfer coefficient is expected in all
cases if the sulfur distribution coefficient is sufficiently
large, as shown by Eq. [2][1]:
meff ¼
1 þ mmsteel
slag q
where meff is the effective mass transfer coefficient, L is
the partition coefficient of sulfur between slag and steel,
qsteel and qslag are the densities of the steel and the slag
phases, and msteel and mslag are the mass transfer
coefficients in the steel and the slag phases; msteelqsteel/
(mslagqslag) 30.1.
Since small values of L cause meff to be significantly
smaller than msteel, desulfurization kinetics may be
expected to be slower (smaller value of meff) for the
lower-basicity slags. However, meff was found to be
similar to that for the higher-basicity slags even in the
case where the low-basicity slag was used, for the steel
with the higher silicon content (experiment LB2), as
illustrated by Figure 15.
This figure compares measured desulfurization (for
the low-basicity slag, high-silicon experiment LB2) with
the predictions of the simplified model, using
meffA = 0.29106 m3/s (as for the other experiments).
Also shown is the predicted desulfurization when using
the full model (considering slag and steel mass transfer
as potentially rate limiting). Everything else being equal,
desulfurization would be (slightly) slower if slag mass
transfer were included as a rate-limiting step, as in the
full model; in line with this principle, the full model gives
the same desulfurization line only if a slightly larger
mass transfer coefficient is used than in the simplified
Fig. 15—Experimental data for change of sulfur in steel (data
points) compared with the predicted desulfurization using the full
model including slag mass transfer, and using the simplified model
(steel mass transfer only); high-silicon steel (initial silicon content
1.9 wt pct) in contact with lower-basicity slag (39.9 pct CaO,
39.9 pct Al2O3, 8.9 pct SiO2, 11.1 pct MgO).
Fig. 16—Plant trial, operator 1: change of normalized sulfur content
with time for a heat with Si added at the beginning of ladle treatment, and another with no Si added.
model (msteelA = 0.259106 m3/s for the full model,
compared with meffA = 0.29106 m3/s for the simplified model). This small difference is in line with Eq. [2]
and the predicted equilibrium sulfur distribution
coefficient for this case, which is LS = 240; Eq. [2]
shows that this LS is sufficiently large to insure that meff
is only slightly smaller than msteel. Even for this case of
the relatively low-basicity slag, limited slag mass transfer
has only a minor effect on desulfurization kinetics.
However, when this lower-basicity slag was in contact
with low-silicon steel, the effective mass transfer coefficient was found to be approximately half that for the
other cases (Figure 4 and Table IV). This is also in line
with Eq. [2]: For the low-Si, low-basicity experiment, the
predicted aluminum concentration at the interface is
very low (~0.005 wt pct) and (hence) the predicted LS is
only 27. Substitution of this LS in Eq. [2] gives
meff/msteel = 0.5, which is in line with the fitted relationship
(Figure 4 and Table IV). The conclusions are that slag
mass transfer is rate limiting (for desulfurization) only
rarely, and that—even in the cases where slag mass
transfer is rate limiting—the simplified model can be
used, provided that the effective mass transfer coefficient
is adjusted using Eq. [2].
F. Experimental Results: Conclusions
The findings of the experimental results are as follows:
As predicted theoretically, the rate and extent of
desulfurization increase with the increase of the initial
Fig. 17—Plant trial, operator 2: change of normalized sulfur content
with time for heats with Si added at the start of ladle treatment and
a heat with no Si added. Ladle stirring was observed to be poorer
for the 0.14 and 0.18 pct Si heats.
Fig. 18—Relationship between pct (FeO + MnO) in slag and the initial Si content in steel (first slag and steel samples taken after deoxidation).
Fig. 20—Comparison of plant data with kinetic model: change of
sulfur content with time for a Si-containing grade.
Fig. 21—Comparison of plant data with kinetic model: change of
aluminum content with time for a Si-containing grade.
Fig. 19—Change in slag compositions (mass pct) for both the Si-containing heats (open symbols) and heats with no Si added (filled symbols);
total CaO, Al2O3, and SiO2 content normalized to 100 pct.
Si content, and this effect of silicon is smaller for slags
with higher basicity (higher sulfide capacity).
The model results are in agreement with the experimental data for the change in sulfur, silicon, and
aluminum contents with time, if the FactSage predictions of slag activities are used.
The experimental results demonstrate that if the silicon content in the steel is high enough, silicon can
reduce alumina from the slag and thus the steel melt
will pick up aluminum.
For most of the slag compositions used in the
experiments, the overall mass transfer is only limited
by the steel phase and rate limitation by slag phase
mass transfer can be neglected for most practical
Mass balance calculations on experiment results
support the basis of the model and confirm that, with
respect to aluminum consumption, silica reduction is
the main aluminum-consuming reaction and the
desulfurization reaction is only a secondary consumer
of aluminum.
A. Plan of Plant Trials
Plant trials were conducted in collaboration with an
EAF producer to test the effect of silicon on the
desulfurization of Al-killed steels. The practice in this
plant was to deoxidize the slag completely before the
onset of the ladle-refining process; typical total FeO +
MnO contents of the slags were 1 to 2 pct.
The heat size was 165 tons and about 2250 to 3150 kg
of slag was used per heat. However, the slag was
gradually formed during the desulfurization process
through batch additions of lime and fluxes throughout
ladle treatment. The plant trials were planned such that
for some heats of Si-containing grades (0.25 to
0.3 wt pct Si), all the Si was added with aluminum and
the fluxes at the beginning of the ladle-refining process,
whereas for the rest of the heats, no Si was added until
the desulfurization target for the grade had been
achieved. For some other heats, half of the required
silicon was added (as silicomanganese) 2 minutes after
lime addition and the rest added (as ferrosilicon) after
the desulfurization target had been achieved.
B. Plant Trial Results
The progress of desulfurization with time is compared
for the Si-containing grades with all the Si added in the
beginning and all the Si added after the desulfurization
reaction. The results obtained by two different operators
are shown separately (Figures 16 and 17); Si contents
noted in the figures refer to samples taken 2 minutes
after addition of the aluminum, fluxes, and the first
batch of lime to the heat. Temperature and stirring rate
were two process parameters which were found to be
difficult to maintain constant between different heats;
differences in these were taken into account when
analyzing the plant data.
Figure 16 clearly demonstrates that for operator 1,
the rate and the extent of desulfurization are higher for
the grade with Si added (~0.21 wt pct Si) compared with
the grade with no Si added (~0.01 wt pct Si). This
difference was found even though the Si-containing heat
had a lower temperature [15 K (15 °C) lower], smaller
consumption of Al (approximately 6 pct less), and less
consumption of slag deoxidants (17 pct less) than the
grade with no Si added.
The results in Figure 17 (heats of operator 2) show
similar increases in the rate and extent of desulfurization increasing for a higher initial Si content. In the
case of operator 2, the lower temperature of the grade
with no Si added [about 55 K (55 °C) lower than for
the grades with 0.2 wt pct Si] could also have contributed to the lower rate and smaller extent of desulfurization. However, calculations indicate that, in the
absence of any effect of Si/SiO2, this effect of lower
temperature would have been more than offset by the
higher Al addition to this heat (approximately 14 pct
higher addition of Al than the average Al addition for
the heats with Si added). Another interesting observation is that, even though the heats with 0.14 and
0.18 wt pct Si had poor stirring and smaller lime and
aluminum additions than the heat with no Si added,
these grades showed similar or higher rates of desulfurization than the heat with no Si added. This
highlights the beneficial effect of silicon even within
the scatter of plant results.
The reducing effect of silicon additions is also evident
in the FeO + MnO content of the slag: Figure 18 shows
the pct (FeO + MnO) in the first slag sample (analyzed
using XRF) against the Si content of the corresponding
steel sample. Clearly, Si in the steel contributes to
reducing FeO and MnO from the slag. The reducing
effect of silicon would inevitably result in formation of
silica, which would report to the slag. The resulting
increased SiO2 content of the slag was indeed found
when comparing slag analyses for the Si-containing and
no-Si heats during the course of the desulfurization
reaction (Figure 19). In Figure 19, the labels L3, L4,
and L5 refer to samples taken at increasing times, with
L3 taken immediately after deoxidation. Slags from the
heats where Si was added at the beginning of ladle
treatment consistently contained more silica in the heats
where no Si was added at the start. However, the
resulting differences in sulfide capacity were small
compared with the large effect of Si on the desulfurization equilibrium.
C. Comparison with Kinetic Model
For comparison with plant data, the kinetic model
was extended to take into account the following:
Al consumed in the deoxidation reaction (simple mass
The gradual formation of the slag and the addition of
lime in batches.
The change in the stirring rate during the ladlerefining process (once most of the fluxes had been
added, the argon flow rate through the stirring plugs
was increased, from 0.4 standard m3 per minute to 1
standard m3 per minute).
The results from the kinetic model agree with the
plant trial results (Figure 20 (change in sulfur) and
Figure 21 (change in aluminum with time)). In
Figure 20, there are two changes in the slope of the
predicted desulfurization curve. The first slope change
reflects the increase in the stirring rate and the second
change is due to the second batch of lime added to the
slag (which increased the driving force for desulfurization). (As Figure 21 indicates, the second batch of lime
addition was predicted to have little effect on aluminum
end; this confirms that silicon trim additions can substitute aluminum trim additions.
We are grateful to Dr Eugene Pretorius, Mr Helmut
Oltmann, and the industrial members of the Center for
Iron and Steelmaking Research for their support of
this project.
D. Plant Trial Conclusions
Conclusions from the plant trial are as follows:
As predicted, the rate and extent of desulfurization
increased with increased initial Si content. Hence,
in the ladle-refining process, adding all the silicon
with the aluminum and the fluxes at the start of
ladle treatment could save considerable processing
For the heats with silicon added at the start of the
ladle treatment, the aluminum consumption (Al added
to the steel and slag deoxidants) was considerably
lower than in heats where the silicon was added at the
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