©Journal of Sports Science and Medicine (2012) 11, 279-285
Research article
Effects of dynamic and static stretching within general and activity specific
warm-up protocols
Michael Samson 1, Duane C. Button 1, Anis Chaouachi 2 and David G. Behm 1
School of Human Kinetics and Recreation, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St John’s, Newfoundland, Canada
Research Unit ''Evaluation, Sport, Health'' National Center of Medicine and Science in Sports, Tunis, Tunisia
The purpose of the study was to determine the effects of static
and dynamic stretching protocols within general and activity
specific warm-ups. Nine male and ten female subjects were
tested under four warm-up conditions including a 1) general
aerobic warm-up with static stretching, 2) general aerobic warmup with dynamic stretching, 3) general and specific warm-up
with static stretching and 4) general and specific warm-up with
dynamic stretching. Following all conditions, subjects were
tested for movement time (kicking movement of leg over 0.5 m
distance), countermovement jump height, sit and reach flexibility and 6 repetitions of 20 metre sprints. Results indicated that
when a sport specific warm-up was included, there was an
0.94% improvement (p = 0.0013) in 20 meter sprint time with
both the dynamic and static stretch groups. No such difference
in sprint performance between dynamic and static stretch groups
existed in the absence of the sport specific warm-up. The static
stretch condition increased sit and reach range of motion (ROM)
by 2.8% more (p = 0.0083) than the dynamic condition. These
results would support the use of static stretching within an activity specific warm-up to ensure maximal ROM along with an
enhancement in sprint performance.
Key words: Flexibility, sports performance, jumps, reaction
The evidence for stretch-induced performance decrements
(see review; Behm and Chaouachi, 2011) has led to a
paradigm shift on optimal stretching routines within a
warm-up. In view of the bulk of static stretch-induced
impairment evidence, many athletic teams and individuals
have now incorporated dynamic stretching into their
warm-up. Dynamic stretching would be expected to be
superior to static stretching due to the closer similarity to
movements that occur during subsequent exercises
(Torres et al., 2008). However the evidence is not unanimous. Studies implementing dynamic stretching have
reported both facilitation of power (Manoel et al., 2008),
sprint (Fletcher and Anness, 2007; Little and Williams,
2006) and jump performance (Holt and Lambourne, 2008)
as well as no adverse effect (Samuel et al., 2008; Torres et
al., 2008; Unick et al., 2005; Wong et al., 2011). Static
stretch-induced sprint performance impairments were
diminished following 6 weeks of static stretch and sprint
training (Chaouachi et al., 2008). Furthermore, 3 days of
static stretching with aerobic endurance exercises did not
adversely affect repeated sprint abilities (Wong et al.,
Much of the research would suggest that combining static and dynamic stretching may attenuate the deleterious effects of the static stretching within a warm-up
(Behm and Chaouachi, 2011). For example, a group of
elite athletes demonstrated no deleterious effects from
sequencing static, dynamic stretches and different intensities of stretch (eight combinations) on sprint, agility and
jump performance (Chaouachi et al., 2010). Similarly,
Gelen (2010) combined static and dynamic stretching
with a prior aerobic warm-up and found no adverse effects upon sprint time, soccer dribbling ability or soccer
penalty kick distance. Although there are discrepancies
whether dynamic stretching improves or has no effect on
performance there are no studies to our knowledge that
report dynamic stretch-induced impairments to subsequent performance.
Hence, why even consider including static stretching in a warm-up? Murphy et al. (2010) suggests that
there are a number of sports where improved static flexibility could augment performance. A goalie in ice hockey
must abduct their legs when in a butterfly position, gymnasts perform a split position, wrestling, martial arts,
synchronized swimming, figure skating, are examples of
the necessity of a pronounced static range of motion.
Some dynamic stretching studies have reported similar
increases in static flexibility as static stretching (Beedle
and Mann, 2007; Herman and Smith, 2008), but other
studies have indicated that dynamic stretching is not as
effective at increasing static flexibility as static stretching
(Covert et al., 2010; O'Sullivan et al., 2009). Hence, it
could be important to include static stretching for sport
specific flexibility.
Most of the stretching studies conducted in the past
15 years have not included all components of the typical
warm-up. Whereas, many investigations have included an
initial general aerobic activity followed by a stretching
routine, far fewer have integrated the sport specific activities that normally follow the first two warm-up components. A few warm-up studies have included resistance
exercises to the warm-up to potentially provide an augmentation of subsequent performance. Whereas, studies
implementing weighted vests (Faigenbaum et al., 2006),
squats with 20% of body mass (Needham et al., 2009),
and resisted leg presses (Abad et al., 2011) have shown
improvements in subsequent vertical jump height and leg
press strength respectively, other studies that added resistance exercises reported no augmentation of subsequent
jump performance (Turki et al., 2011). Similarly, there are
reports of improved performance with the addition of
Received: 11 January 2012 / Accepted: 26 February 2012 / Published (online): 01 June 2012
specific dynamic warm-up activities such as jumps
(Vetter, 2007; Young and Behm, 2002) and volleyball
activities (Saez et al., 2007). Conversely, there were no
significantly greater improvements in vertical and long
jump performance with children who added jumps to the
dynamic stretching routine versus just performing dynamic stretches. Thus further research is necessary to
clarify whether sport specific activities within a warm-up
can either suppress the often-reported static stretchinduced impairments or augment subsequent performance
when performed in conjunction with dynamic stretching.
The purpose of the present study was to compare
the effects of static and dynamic stretching on subsequent
performance following general and activity specific warm
ups. The experimental protocol was designed to be similar to practical warm-up that is used with actual training
conditions. It was hypothesized that the inclusion of an
activity specific component to the warm-up would improve subsequent performance. A second hypothesis was
that the static stretching component would impair subsequent performance compared to dynamic stretching.
Nine male (27.8 ± 8.4 years, 90.6 ± 11.1 kg, 1.79 ± 0.06
m) and 10 female (22.2 ± 3.3 years, 55.8 ± 5.2 kg, 1.65 ±
0.08 m) university students and staff volunteered for the
experiment. All participants regularly trained either aerobically or with resistance training and were actively involved in recreational or competitive sports. Participants
represented a variety of sports including squash, hockey,
resistance training, and cross-country running. Frequency
and duration of participation ranged from 3-5 days per
week and 45-90 minutes per session. They were verbally
informed of the protocol, read and signed a consent form.
Each participant also read and signed a Physical Activity
Participation Questionnaire (PAR-Q: Canadian Society
for Exercise Physiology) to ensure their health status was
adequate for participation in the study. The Memorial
University of Newfoundland Human Investigations
Committee sanctioned the study.
Independent variables
Participants were required to complete four warm-up
conditions. The order of the conditions was randomized.
1. General warm-up with dynamic stretch: This
condition had participants run around a 200-meter track
for 5 minutes maintaining a heart rate of 70% of the individual’s age predicted maximal heart rate. Heart rate was
monitored with a heart rate monitor (Polar A1 heart rate
monitor; Woodbury NY) secured around the participant’s
chest at the level of the ziphoid process Participants were
also informed and monitored by the investigator to ensure
a light perspiration occurred at the completion of the run
in order to ensure an increase in core temperature. The
dynamic stretching included 3 sets of 30 seconds each of
hip extension / flexion, adduction / abduction with fully
extended legs, trunk circles and passive ankle rotation. All
stretches were performed dynamically to full ROM at a
moderate speed of approximately 1 Hz (approximately 30
Dynamic and static stretching with activity
repetitions per set) such that there was continuous motion,
but without enough speed to force the stretch beyond
normal ROM. Participants were instructed not to exceed
their point of discomfort or a pain threshold when performing ROM exercises. The rate of dynamic stretching
was monitored with a metronome.
2. General and specific warm-up with dynamic
stretch: This condition followed the same protocol as
condition 1, however there was an addition of a sport
specific warm-up, which included three-sprint specific
exercises performed in random order. These exercise
included high knee (hip flexion to approximately 90°)
skipping, high knee (hip flexion to approximately 90°)
running, and butt kick (knee flexion with the objective to
touch the buttocks with the heel) running. Each task was
performed over a 20-metre distance and repeated twice
before moving onto the next task.
3. General warm-up with static stretch: This condition followed the same guidelines for the general warmup as with the previously described conditions. Static
stretching exercises were implemented with no subsequent specific warm-up activities (running and skipping).
Following the general warm-up participants performed a
series of static stretches in randomized order including
supine partner assisted hamstring stretch (hip flexion with
extended leg), kneeling partner assisted quadriceps stretch
(front knee and hip flexed at 90°, rear knee on floor and
flexed to maximum ROM), seated partner assisted low
back stretch (hip flexion to maximum ROM with legs
partially abducted and knees slightly flexed), and standing
wall supported calf stretch with the other leg in dorsiflexion. All stretches were repeated for 3 sets of 30 seconds
and held at the point of mild discomfort.
General and specific warm-up with static stretch:
This condition followed the general warm-up outlined in
all 3 previous conditions followed by the specific warmup used in condition 2 and the static stretching from condition 3.
Performance tests
The order of testing began with movement time (MT)
followed by countermovement jump (CMJ), sit and reach
flexibility and concluded with repeated sprints. These
tests were not conducted in a randomized order as the MT
could be affected by the possible potentiating effects of
the CMJ or possible fatiguing effects of the repeated
sprints. Furthermore, the CMJ height could be affected by
the possibility of fatigue associated with the repeated
sprints. Hence a consistent order of testing was felt to be
more reliable than a randomized order in this experiment.
Testing was conducted prior to the warm-up conditions
and commenced 3 minutes following the interventions
MT was measured with a contact mat and a light
gate apparatus. The subject was to activate the timer by
touching their foot to the contact mat and then immediately flex the hip with maximal acceleration in a kicking
motion through a light gate set at 0.5 meters from the mat.
This test was utilized to simulate the forward stride during
the sprint action. Data was collected using the Innervations © Kinematic Measurement System, (v. 2004.2.0) on
Samson et al.
a laptop computer. This process was repeated 3 times
with the fastest movement time used for analysis.
CMJ jump height was measured using a contact
mat, which calculated flight time. Data was collected
using the Innervations © Kinematic Measurement System, (v. 2004.2.0) on a laptop computer. Participants
were instructed to jump as high as they could immediately
following a semi-squat counter movement. During the
countermovement, participants used their preferred technique, allowing them to swing the arms. None of the
participants during the descent phase brought their thighs
lower than parallel to the floor. During the jump phase,
the arms were allowed to full extend above the head
(Behm et al., 2004; Kean et al., 2006; Power et al., 2004).
This process was repeated 2 times with the highest jump
used for analysis.
Using a sit and reach testing device (Acuflex 1,
Novel products Inc., USA), participants sat with leg
straight (extended) and feet flat against the sit and reach
device. They exhaled and stretched forward as far as
possible with one hand over the other and finger tips in
line and held the end point for 2 seconds. This process
was repeated 2 times with the greatest ROM used for
analysis. This is the protocol prescribed by the Canadian
Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP) to determine
flexibility and used in other studies from this laboratory
(Behm et al., 2006; Power et al., 2004).
For the repeated 20m sprints, participants ran six
20 metre sprints with 30s recovery between each sprint.
Participants started one stride behind the contact mat.
Sprint time over the 20 meters was measured from the
contact with the switch mat until passing through the light
gate apparatus at 20 metres. Only one series of 6 sprints
was performed due to the possibility of fatigue. Data was
collected using the Innervations © Kinematic Measurement System, (v. 2004.2.0) on a laptop computer.
Statistical analysis
A 2 way repeated measures ANOVA (4x2) with factors
being conditions (dynamic stretch with prior general
warm-up, static stretch with prior general warm-up, dynamic stretch with general and specific warm-up, and
static stretch with general and specific warm-up) and time
(pre- and post-warm-up) was performed to determine if
significant differences existed between the warm-up conditions. (GB Stat Dynamic Microsystems, Silver Springs
Maryland USA). An alpha level of p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. If significant difference were
detected, a Tukeys –Kramer post-hoc procedure was used
to identify the significant main effects and interactions.
All data are reported as means and standard deviations.
Between test reliability was analyzed by comparing the
pre-test measures of the four interventions, with an intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) at a 95% confidence
interval. Effect sizes (ES = mean change / standard deviation of the sample scores) were also calculated and reported. Cohen applied qualitative descriptors for the
effect sizes with ratios of <0.41, 0.41-0.7, and >0.7 indicating small, moderate and large changes respectively.
All measures exhibited excellent reliability with ICC of
0.96, 0.92, 0.90, 0.87 for the MT, sit and reach test, CMJ
and repeated sprints respectively. There were no significant main effects or interactions involving the experimental conditions for MT and CMJ height.
Sit and reach
There was a significant main effect for conditions (p =
0.0083; f = 24.81, ES = 0.33) with both static stretch
conditions providing an average 2.8% greater sit and
reach score than two conditions involving dynamic stretch
(Figure 1).
Figure 1. Figure illustrates a significant (p = 0.0083) main
interaction for condition. Columns and bars represent
means and SD respectively. Arrows indicate the significantly
greater sit and reach scores for the general (GenStat) and
specific (SpecStat) static stretch conditions versus the dynamic stretching conditions. The acronyms are defines as follows:
GenStat: general warm-up with static stretching, SpecStat: general and
specific warm-up with static stretching, Gen Dyn: general warm-up with
dynamic stretching, SpecDyn: general and specific warm-up with dynamic stretching.
Sprint time
There were significant main effects for condition, and
sprint factors. A main effect for condition (p = 0.0013; f =
37.84, ES = 0.36) indicated that the warm-ups involving a
specific warm-up component resulted in a 0.94% improvement in sprint time versus the warm-ups involving
only a general warm-up (Figure 2). A main effect for
sprint time (p = 0.007; f = 20.34, ES = 0.13) showed a
fatigue effect with the fifth sprint being 1.2% significantly
slower than the second sprint (Table1).
Table 1. Mean (±SD) sprint times collapsed over gender.
Males and Females combined averages
3.40 (.35)
3.39 (.36) *
3.40 (.38)
3.42 (.37)
3.44 (.38) *
3.41 (.36)
* indicate a significant (p = 0.007) difference between the
second and fifth sprint.
The most important findings of the present study were
that the addition of an activity specific warm-up enhanced
sprint performance and that the static stretching protocol
resulted in a greater sit and reach score than dynamic
Figure 2. Figure illustrates a significant (p = 0.0013) main
effect for condition. Column and bars represent mean and
SD respectively. Arrows indicate a significantly decreased
sprint time between a general and specific warm-up with
static stretching versus a general and specific warm-up with
dynamic stretching. The acronyms are defined as follows: GenStat:
general warm-up with static stretching, SpecStat: general and specific
warm-up with static stretching, Gen Dyn: general warm-up with dynamic stretching, SpecDyn: general and specific warm-up with dynamic
In accordance with the first hypothesis, whether the
activity specific warm-up protocol was implemented with
static or dynamic stretching, there was a significant improvement in sprint time. A similar intervention was used
by Rosenbaum et al. (1995) who reported a decreased
time to peak force with a tendon tap of the triceps surae
following static stretching and treadmill running warm-up
and an increased time to peak force when measured after
static stretching alone. It seems that the addition of a
specific warm-up helped to minimize or negate the performance decrements of static stretching alone. Skof and
Strojnik (2007) found that the addition of sprinting and
bounding to a warm-up consisting of slow running and
stretching resulted in an increase in muscle activation
when compared to slow running and stretching alone.
Young and Behm (2002) conducted a study involving a
variety of warm-ups including a general aerobic warm-up
(4 minute run), static stretching alone, general warm-up
and static stretch, and a full warm-up with a general
warm-up (4 min run), static stretch and practice CMJ.
Generally the warm-ups that involved static stretching
resulted in the lowest scores whereas the general warm-up
or general warm-up, static stretch and specific warm-up
(CMJ) condition produced the highest explosive force
scores. Hence, similar to the present study, specific warmup activities enhanced performance and minimized the
expected static stretch deficits.
The lack of static stretching-induced decrements
may also be related to the duration of stretching. Behm
and Chaouachi (2011) in an extensive review identified
that a duration of greater than 90s of static stretching was
a common duration in the literature where static stretching
generally produced impairments. Although the literature
was not unanimous, a greater proportion of studies that
utilized static stretching for less than 90s did not exhibit
subsequent performance impairments. A similar conclusion was published in a review by Kay and Blazevich
(2012) who indicated that the detrimental effects of static
stretching are mainly attributed to static stretch durations
of 60s or greater. The 3 sets of 30s stretches held to the
point of mild discomfort used in the present study may
Dynamic and static stretching with activity
not have elicited substantial detrimental effects when
combined with general and specific warm-up activities.
The improved sprint performance following the
addition of the activity specific warm up may be attributed to a variety of physiological factors. The additional
warm up time may have led to a further increase in muscle temperature, nerve conduction velocity, and muscle
enzymatic cycling, along with a decrease in muscle viscosity (Bishop, 2003). Also, as indicated by Behm and
Chaouachi (2011) and Turki et al. (2011) post activation
potentiation (PAP) may be induced even with lower intensity dynamic movements. Turki et al. (2011) reported
that performing 1- 2 sets of active dynamic stretches in a
warm-up enhanced 20-m sprint performance, which they
attributed to PAP. PAP is suggested to increase cross
bridge cycling via increased myosin phosphorylation of
the regulatory light chains (Tillin and Bishop, 2009).
There may also be neural potentiation resulting in a decrease of fast twitch motor unit thresholds resulting in an
increase in motor unit recruitment and firing frequency
(Layec et al., 2009). The increased firing frequency would
be related to an increase rate of force development (Miller
et al., 1981).
It could be argued that an approximately 1% statistically significant improvement in sprint time is not clinically meaningful. An effect size calculation for this measure produced a ratio of 0.36, which is described as a small
but not trivial magnitude of change (Rhea, 2004).
Whereas an approximate 1% change in sprint time might
be inconsequential for a recreational athlete, it could
prove to be very consequential to an elite athlete.
Significant differences were not found during for
the CMJ test. This is consistent with results from other
similar studies (Knudson et al. 2001, Power et al. 2004,
Unick et al. 2005) While others (Bradley et al., 2007)
noted a decrease in vertical jump performance following a
static stretching condition there was a less significant
decrease in performance following ballistic stretching.
Perrier et al. (2011) found that dynamic stretch yielded
significantly (p=0.004) greater CMJ results than static
stretching, although static stretching was not significantly
different from the no stretch protocol. The warm-up protocols in the present study had no effect on CMJ performance, however it should be noted that a static stretch only
(no general warm-up) group was not used in the present
study. This lack of change in CMJ height with the specific
warm-up activities may be due to a change in jump strategy as the musculotendonous unit (MTU) becomes more
compliant (McNeal et al., 2010). Power et al. (2004)
concluded that a more compliant MTU might be more
beneficial when higher forces are involved. The Power et
al. study did not report any CMJ impairment following
static stretching but did report an increase in contact time
(i.e. change in jump strategy). Conversely, Holt and Lambourne (2008) observed a decrease in vertical jump performance when static stretch was used following a general
warm-up. Similarly Needham et al. (2009) observed
superior sprint and jump performance when dynamic
stretching was used but a decrement with static stretching.
The Needham et al. study however used 10 minutes of
static stretching whereas the current study used 3 repeti-
Samson et al.
tions of 30s. This significant time difference may account
for the difference in performance results.
When static stretching was implemented within the
testing conditions, sit and reach scores exceeded scores
attained by conditions using dynamic stretching. The
warm-up protocols (general versus general and specific)
implemented in the present study had no additional effects
on sit and reach results. The superiority of static stretching for increasing static ROM concurs with a number of
other studies (Bandy and Irion, 1994, Power et al., 2004,
Beedle and Mann, 2007, O'Sullivan et al., 2009, Covert et
al., 2010). Alternatively other studies (Amiri-Khorasani et
al., 2011, Perrier et al., 2011, Samukawa et al., 2011)
have indicated that dynamic stretching can produce equal
or greater results in dynamic and static ROM tests. Perrier et al. (2011) compared the effects of static and dynamic stretching on sit and reach flexibility and unlike the
present study found no difference in sit and reach score
between static and dynamic treatments. Static stretching
is known to increase muscle compliance to stretch as well
as decrease muscle stiffness and viscosity (Behm and
Chaouachi 2011). Magnusson et al. (1996) indicated that
increased flexibility could be primarily attributed to an
increase in stretching tolerance. Neural effects may also
play a role as Avela (1999) reported a decreased H-reflex
contributing to subsequent muscle relaxation due to decreased reflex activity. Although the precise mechanisms
underlying the superiority of static stretching for ROM
increases in the present study cannot be verified, the similarity of the static stretch intervention and sit and reach
testing procedure may play a significant role. Following
the concept of mode or testing specificity (Behm and
Sale, 1993), the static stretching protocol in the present
study more closely resembled the sit and reach test than
the dynamic stretching exercises.
Overall the present study has demonstrated that the use of
an activity specific warm-up may be useful to enhance
sprint performance even with the inclusion of static
stretching. Interestingly the study has also shown that
static stretching had superior results for improving static
sit and reach ROM. Such results would support the use of
relatively short duration (90s) static stretching within an
activity specific warm-up to ensure maximal ROM in
conjunction with enhanced sprint performance.
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Samson et al.
Key points
• Activity specific warm-up may improve sprint performance.
• Static stretching was more effective than dynamic
stretching for increasing static range of motion.
• There was no effect of the warm-up protocols on
countermovement jump height or movement time.
Michael SAMSON
Fitness consultant
Research interests
Resistance training and sport physiology
David G. BEHM
Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and
Research for the School of Human Kinetics
and Recreation at Memorial University of
Research interests
Stretching, warm-ups, resistance training and
other related topics.
E-mail: dbehm@mun.ca
Assistant Professor at the School of Human
Kinetics and Recreation, Memorial University of Newfoundland.
Research interests
Human and animal models in basic and
applied neuromuscular physiology.
E-mail: ? (optional)
A Scientific Expert within the Department of
Scientific Follow-up in the National Centre
of Medicine and Science in Sport Tunis,
Research interests
Elite athletes’ training.
E-mail: ? (optional)
David G. Behm, PhD
School of Human Kinetics and Recreation, Memorial University
of Newfoundland, St John’s, Newfoundland, Canada, A1C 5S7