Emergency Medicine
Recent papers in Emergency Medicine
This study aimed to determine the epidemiological differences between children and adult oral exposures in patients admitted to the busiest emergency department (ED) in the Eastern Anatolia region of Turkey. METHODS: The characteristics... more
À travers l’analyse de la violence naissant du seul fait de l’urgence, nous étudions le processus d’acting. Dans les services d’urgence, la technicité et l’efficacité médicales se lient paradoxale- ment à la confusion et aux... more
Decision-making is a cognitive process stemming from the analysis of available courses of action related to a given problem. Rationally, potential courses of action are derived from deliberate analysis of available data related to a... more
Format: 170 x 240 mm ; 608 pages ISBN: 9782294739897 Sous la direction de Catherine Muller et Jérôme Chevillotte La formation des infirmiers anesthésistes diplômés d'État (IADE) est centrée sur les techniques... more
Introdução: A Medicina de Emergência, embora ainda não considerada como tal no Brasil, é uma especialidade médica que objetiva o processo de atendimento ágil e eficaz em situações de agravo agudo à saúde das pessoas, pressupondo... more
Frequency, Causes, Severity and Outcome of burn victims admitted in the tertiary care hospital of Peshawar in the year 2013 Principal Author: Salman Qureshi* Co Authors: Mahboob Khan*, Hadi Raza*, Najmush Shakireen*, Amir Zaman*,... more
Introduction: Pre-hospital intubation is a challenging but essential intervention. During intubation, it is difficult to identify vocal cords when using a cervical collar and trauma board. Therefore, the success rate of intubation by... more
Les infirmières représentent la profession de santé la plus exercée en France. Les 110 000 infirmières libérales constituent un maillage dense et cohérent. Leur mode d'exercice et leur niveau de formation en font un élément essentiel pour... more
Background: Among the causes of non-accidental head injury (NAHI), shaken baby syndrome (SBS) is difficult to diagnose and is associated with retinal hemorrhages (RH). Description: To identify findings and patterns of RH specific to SBS,... more