Applied Energy xxx (2014) xxx–xxx
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Energy storage for desalination processes powered by renewable
energy and waste heat sources
Veera Gnaneswar Gude ⇑
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS 39762, USA
h i g h l i g h t s
g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t
Energy storage options for various
desalination processes were
discussed in detail.
Thermal/electrical energy storage
options enhance desalination process
Energy storage integration provides
reliable and continuous desalination
Chemical, compressed air, pumped
hydrostatic energy storage need
further research.
Future research should focus on
storage media, containers and
thermal insulation.
a r t i c l e
i n f o
Article history:
Received 12 March 2014
Received in revised form 17 May 2014
Accepted 28 June 2014
Available online xxxx
Energy storage
Thermal energy storage
Renewable energy
Cogeneration and batteries
a b s t r a c t
Desalination has become imperative as a drinking water source for many parts of the world. Due to the
large quantities of thermal energy and high quality electricity requirements for water purification, the
desalination industry depends on waste heat resources and renewable energy sources such as solar collectors, photovoltaic arrays, geothermal and wind and tidal energy sources. Considering the mismatch
between the source supply and demand and intermittent nature of these energy resources, energy storage is a must for reliable and continuous operation of desalination facilities. Thermal energy storage (TES)
requires a suitable medium for storage and circulation while the photovoltaic/wind generated electricity
needs to be stored in batteries for later use. Desalination technologies that utilize thermal energy and
thus require storage for uninterrupted process operation are multi-stage flash distillation (MSF), multieffect evaporation (MED), low temperature desalination (LTD) and humidification–dehumidification
(HD) and membrane distillation (MD). Energy accumulation, storage and supply are the key components
of energy storage concept which improve process performance along with better resource economics,
and minimum environmental impact. Similarly, the battery energy storage (BES) is essential to store electrical energy for electrodialysis (ED), reverse osmosis (RO) and mechanical vapor compression (MVC)
This research-review paper provides a critical review on current energy storage options for different
desalination processes powered by various renewable energy and waste heat sources with focus on thermal energy storage and battery energy storage systems. Principles of energy storage (thermal and electrical energy) are discussed with details on the design, sizing, and economics for desalination process
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⇑ Tel.: +1 662 325 0345.
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0306-2619/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article in press as: Gude VG. Energy storage for desalination processes powered by renewable energy and waste heat sources. Appl Energy
V.G. Gude / Applied Energy xxx (2014) xxx–xxx
area (m2)
alternate current
ampere hour
specific heat (kJ/kg K)
direct current
solar insolation (kJ/h m2)
mass of storage medium (kg)
maximum depth of discharge
energy or useful energy from solar collectors (kJ/h)
pressure (atm), power (kW)
entropy (kJ/K)
volume of the saline water or storage tank (m3)
evaporation energy (kJ/h)
time (h, s)
temperature (K)
thermochemical reaction material
internal energy
wind speed (m/s)
Special characters
density (kg/m3)
latent heat (kJ/kg)
energy (first law) efficiency (%); panel efficiency
latent heat for PCM storage
1. Introduction
The importance and value of water has been highly pronounced
recently due to exploding global population, rapid industrialization
and urbanization [1,2]. It was reported that worldwide population
estimates tripled while water use estimates increased more than
sixfold over the 20th century, suggesting that the world not only
has more water users but also a higher water consumption by
these users mostly related to improved living standards all over
the world [3]. It has been realized in many regions that existing
freshwater resources do not have the capacity to meet the escalating demands and in some cases, there are not adequate surface and
ground water sources. Therefore, the need for utilizing saline
waters from the oceans and the processes to convert the salt water
into freshwater have been recognized as logical approaches over
past few decades [1]. Desalination technologies initially were both
cost and energy prohibitive. The impetus to install desalination
plants in many coastal and metropolitan cities for providing freshwater needs comes from: (1) dramatic improvements in energy
consumption by many desalination technologies; and (2) reduced
investment costs for desalination processes [4].
While desalination of saline waters has now been accepted as a
potential alternative for freshwater supplies, the energy demands
by the existing desalination technologies for water production continue to pose challenges in their applications (Fig. 1). In 2008, the
worldwide installed desalination capacity was 58 million m3/d,
and in 2011 it was 65.2 million m3/d which is projected to increase
to 97.5 million m3/d by the year 2015 [99–101]. It was estimated
by Kalogirou [5] that the production of 1000 tons (m3) per day of
freshwater requires 10,000 tons (toe) of oil per year. The worldwide desalination capacity is increasing at a steadfast pace consuming equivalent amounts of fossil fuel sources and associated
increase in greenhouse gas emissions. The desalination industry
is projected to experience unprecedented growth concurrently
with population explosion and increasing standards of living. Since
the energy requirements whether thermal or electric, need to be
supplied in large quantities, dependence of these technologies over
TES temperature
evaporation chamber temperature
alternate current
chemical reaction
direct current
evaporation chamber
hot stream
inlet, supply
evaporation, electrical
l, ls, L
latent, losses, load
energy supplied by TES
phase change material
solar, collectors, TES
sensible sensible heat
standard conditions
thermal energy storage
finite, conventional fossil fuel sources is not a sustainable
approach. Utilization of renewable energy sources such solar, wind,
and geothermal sources appears to provide a sustainable alternative. Yet, the major concern with these natural and renewable
energy sources is their intermittent nature and the variable intensity which limits their applications in many cases and locations.
Costs associated with the renewable energy technologies is
another major hurdle for successful implementation of these
energy resources. Energy storage can be considered as an option
to increase the performance of the renewable energy sources.
Energy storage technologies help enhance utilization of these
intermittent energy sources and may improve long term sustainability of the investment. Thermal desalination technologies may
utilize storage units known as thermal energy storage (TES) to capture, store, and release to match the energy supply and demand
trends. TES can be coupled with energy sources whether they are
renewable or waste heat in nature. Photovoltaic collectors and
wind turbines require batteries to store the energy to be supplied
to the process for later use.
Fig. 1. Worldwide population and desalination capacity trends and the energy
requirements for desalination in the form of oil.
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V.G. Gude / Applied Energy xxx (2014) xxx–xxx
This research-review paper discusses current energy storage
options for different desalination technologies using various
renewable energy and waste heat sources with focus on thermal
energy storage and battery energy storage systems. Principles of
energy storage are discussed for the first time with details on
design and sizing and desalination process applications.
2. Overview of desalination technologies and renewable energy
coupling schemes
Currently available desalination technologies can be categorized as phase change (thermal) and non-phase change (membrane) processes. Phase change processes involve heating the
feed water (seawater or brackish water) to ‘‘boiling point’’ at the
operating pressure to produce steam which is condensed in a
condenser unit to produce freshwater. Desalination technologies
based on this principle include solar distillation (SD) such as solar
stills and active and passive solar desalination systems; multieffect evaporation/distillation (MED); multi-stage flash distillation
(MSF); thermal vapor compression (TVC) and mechanical vapor
compression (MVC). Non-phase change processes involve separation of dissolved salts from the feed waters by mechanical or
chemical/electrical means using a membrane separator between
the feed (seawater or brackish water) and product (potable water).
Desalination technologies based on this principle include electrodialysis (ED) and reverse osmosis (RO). Other processes that
involve a combination of the two principles in a single unit or in
sequential steps to produce pure or potable water include membrane distillation (MD) and reverse osmosis combined with MSF
or MED processes [2]. A comparison of various desalination technologies, energy requirements and renewable energy source applications are shown in Table 1 [2,5,57,145]. The following
paragraphs provide brief description of operational principles of
the above mentioned desalination technologies.
2.1. Multi-stage flash distillation (MSF)
This process is based on the principle of flash evaporation
where seawater is evaporated by reducing the pressure in successive process effects. The energy economy is achieved by successive
regenerative heating where the seawater flashing in each flash
chamber (effect or stage) rejects heat to the feed water, thereby
heating the incoming seawater [102]. Seawater prior to the introduction in the first stage is heated by external heat sources such
as low pressure steam form power plants or an extraction steam
from a steam turbine plant. This heated seawater then enters the
flash evaporation chambers with falling operating pressures in
the successive cycles. Typical number of stages for flashing and
energy recovery vary between 15 and 30 stages in modern large
scale MSF plants [103]. The operating temperatures vary between
90 and 120 °C (also known as top brine temperatures, TBT) which
depends on the quality of heat source available in the first stage
[104]. Operating the plant at higher temperatures typically allows
for higher efficiencies due to higher number of stages. The product
water contains about 2–10 ppm which requires post treatment
(also known as re-mineralization) prior to water supply in
pipelines for human consumption [102].
2.2. Multi-effect evaporation/distillation (MED)
The MED process is the most thermodynamically efficient thermal desalination technology available today [106]. Similar to MSF
process, MED process operates in a number of effects to increase
the energy efficiency. Contrary to MSF process, the pre-heated seawater is sprayed onto the tubes in the first evaporation chamber
which are heated by external heat source derived from a power
plant steam [107]. These are operated in a dual purpose power
plant scheme. The freshwater vapor evaporated in the first evaporation chamber is allowed to pass through a condenser which
serves as evaporating surface in the next effect. The remaining
brine from the first evaporation chamber is passed through the
next effect where it is sprayed on the evaporating tubes at lower
temperatures and lower pressures. This process continues in the
successive effects until suitable temperature gradient is available
for freshwater evaporation. The energy or steam economy is proportional to the number of effects. The total number of effects is
limited by the total temperature range available and the minimum
allowable temperature difference between successive effects [108].
Typical number of effects in MED process varies between 4 and 21
which again depend on the heat source temperature and the top
brine temperature in the first effect. The top brine temperatures
are usually around 90 °C for MED processes, but a lower top brine
temperature of 70 °C is also possible which are called low temperature MED (LTMED) [109]. Although this process is considered
thermodynamically efficient, a drawback with this process is the
requirement for large heat transfer areas. The heat transfer areas
for LTMED are considerably higher than MED process often varying
between 25% and 40%.
2.3. Vapor compression (M/TVC)
Vapor compression is suitable for small to medium scale desalination plants. The principle behind this technology is that energy
recovery from the vapor generated in the last effect by compressing it either thermally in a steam ejector or mechanically in a compressor to act as a heat source for the first effect. The compression
of the vapor raises the steam pressure and temperature to a level
higher than the vapor generated in the first effect [110]. The compressor creates a vacuum in the evaporator and then compresses
the vapor taken from the evaporator and condenses it inside of a
tube bundle. Seawater is sprayed on the outside of the heated tube
bundle where it boils and partially evaporates, producing more
vapor. With the steam-jet type of VCD unit, called a thermocompressor, a venturi orifice at the steam jet creates and extracts water
vapor from the evaporator, creating a lower ambient pressure
[111]. The extracted water vapor is compressed by the steam jet.
This mixture is condensed on the tube walls to provide the thermal
energy, heat of condensation, to evaporate the seawater being
applied on the other side of the tube walls in the evaporator. The
difference between two vapor compression techniques is that the
mechanical vapor compression requires the installation of the
expensive compressor whereas thermal vapor compression
requires a simple ejector [112]. MVC compressor is known to have
lower efficiency and higher operational and maintenance disadvantages which are not the case with TVC method [112,113].
2.4. Solar distillation (SD)
Solar distillation refers to solar stills and active or passive solar
desalination systems that are supported either direct solar energy
or indirect solar energy [114]. Indirect solar energy means that the
solar energy harvested in the solar collectors (flat panel collectors,
parabolic trough collectors, etc.) is supplied to the desalination
unit. These applications depend on the type of solar energy harvesting technology and a suitable desalination mechanism. The
solar stills are the simplest and cheapest direct solar harvesting
desalination units. These units utilize the direct solar energy to
evaporate the freshwater from salt water leaving behind the concentrated brines. Solar stills incorporate the evaporating and condensing units into a single chamber. Often, the glass roof of the
unit serves as the condensing surface which rejects the latent heat
Please cite this article in press as: Gude VG. Energy storage for desalination processes powered by renewable energy and waste heat sources. Appl Energy
Process parameters
Feed concentration
Predominant source
Typical freshwater
Energy needs (kJ/kg)
Energy source
Direct solar energy
Solar collectors
Solar pond
Photovoltaic modules
PV/Thermal collectors
Geothermal source
Wind energy
Wave energy
Small scale (1–100 m3/d)
Large scale (m3)
Capital costs ($/m3/d)
Energy costs ($/m3)
Freshwater costs ($/m3)
Scaling and fouling
Maintenance costs
Solar still
Multi effect
solar still
40–80 °C
40–80 °C
80–120 °C
50–90 °C
40–70 °C
40–100 °C
40–80 °C
<45 °C
<45 °C
1–2 atm
0.1–0.5 atm
0.1–0.4 atm
20–60 atm
35–50% (SW),
<1 m3
<1 m3
Small and rural applications
possible, low capital
and little maintenance costs,
no energy costs
Not suitable for large scale
applications due to lower
Not economical
Large scale applications, reliable
process and experience in
operations can be combined with
power generation (cogeneration)
Cost and energy intensive, not suitable
for small scale applications
Not economical
High thermodynamic
efficiency, low cost or
free waste heat
Very low
Low specific energy
Less experience; large
heat transfer areas
Electrical and mechanical
energy input
<5000 ppm
50–90% (BW)
Very well applied
High product recovery,
low temperature
Reliable and most
used technology
Efficient for high
quality product from
Limited commercial
require membranes
High electricity
capital and
O&M costs
Highly sensitive
to raw water quality,
V.G. Gude / Applied Energy xxx (2014) xxx–xxx
Please cite this article in press as: Gude VG. Energy storage for desalination processes powered by renewable energy and waste heat sources. Appl Energy
Table 1
Summary of desalination technologies and renewable energy applications.
V.G. Gude / Applied Energy xxx (2014) xxx–xxx
to the ambient. The energy efficiency of typical solar stills varies
between 30% and 40% [115]. The stills with an external condensing
surface maintained in shade or at lower temperatures showed
higher energy efficiencies up to 70%. The energy efficiency and
the distillate product can be improved by adding multiple effects
in the same unit. The energy efficiency is calculated as the ratio
of the amount of the distillate produced to the amount of solar
energy received by the solar still unit. Other indirect solar desalination systems include multi-effect distillation or evaporation system, low temperature multi-effect desalination, humidification–
dehumidification, and membrane distillation systems [116].
The efficiency of a thermal desalination plant is described in
two forms such as gain output ratio (GOR) or performance ratio
(PR). The GOR is defined as the amount freshwater produced for
the amount of steam consumed while the PR provides the minimum water cost. Therefore, PR is defined as the units of distillate
produced per unit mass (kg or lb) of steam or per 2326 kJ
(1000 Btu) heat input which corresponds to the latent heat of
vaporization at 73 °C. The PR values for modern large scale MSF
plants are in the range of 6.5–10.5 lbs/1000 Btu heat input [105]
while the same for the MED plants varies between 10 and 18 with
4–21 effects [108]. When more than one steam pressure will be
utilized, or when the desalination system will be integrated with
another thermal cycle, it may be more practical to consider how
much water is produced per unit of energy consumed. This is often
referred to as economy or performance ratio. GOR should be considered at the design stage of a desalination plant when the quantity and economic value of energy and water can be used to
compare the capital and operating costs of units with different
GORs. Typically higher GOR systems cost more but consume less
energy and therefore have lower operating costs (at least the
energy component of operating cost is lower). Lower GOR values
are typical of applications where there is a high availability of
low value thermal energy. Higher GOR values, even up to 18, have
been associated with situations where local energy values are very
high, when the local value or need for water is high or a combination of both. For MED systems the GOR is directly related to the
number of effects expressed as GOR = 0.8 n. More effects directly
increases GOR and for systems using thermo-compressors the
GOR is also impacted by the pressure of the steam. Higher pressure
steam will recycle more process vapor within the MED part of the
process thereby improving the GOR and reducing external
enthalpy requirements. For MSF systems, the GOR is indirectly
related to the number of flash stages. Typically for cross tube
MSF the number of stages will be approximately 2.5–3 times the
GOR value. For long tube this is typically 3.5–4.0 times the GOR
value. This is because the incremental cost of adding a stage to
the long tube configuration (during the design phase) is lower than
for the cross tube design. For vapor compression systems, very
high GOR can be obtained with MED–TVC units. For example,
Sidem has designed units with twelve cells and a motive steam
pressure of 30 bar, having a GOR of 17 (i.e. 17 kg of distillate water
produced per kg of steam fed into the thermo-compressor) [117].
2.5. Reverse osmosis (RO)
Reverse osmosis process is a non-phase change operation
where a semi-permeable membrane (allowing water to pass
through but not the salts) is used to separate the freshwater from
the saline feed water. An external pressure is applied to exceed the
osmotic pressure of the feed water to allow the freshwater to pass
through the membrane [2]. The amount of energy required for
mechanical pumping to create the external pressure depends on
the feed water salt concentration. This process does not require
heating or phase-change of the feed water. A typical RO plant consists of four major components: feed water pre-treatment, high
pressure pumping, membrane separation, and permeate posttreatment [118,119]. The pre-treatment step involves removal of
large suspended solids, bacteria and colloidal matter that may
cause damage to the membrane operations. A typical pretreatment
includes chlorination, coagulation, acid addition, multi-media filtration, micron cartridge filtration, and dechlorination [120,121].
Additionally, the fouling problems should be avoided by using
cleaning solutions [122]. The type of pretreatment mainly depends
on the feed water characteristics, membrane type and configuration, recovery ratio, and product water quality. Post treatment of
the permeate (fresh water) usually is done by re-carbonation and
blending with feed water.
2.6. Electrodialysis (ED)
The operating principle of this method is based on the migration of ionic salts toward their respective counter charge electrodes. Selective membranes that allow passage of either anions
or cations in an alternating fashion result in concentrate and product streams. The anions can pass through the anion-selective membrane, but are not able to pass by the cation-selective membrane,
which blocks their path and traps the anions in the brine stream
[123]. Similarly, cations move in the opposite direction through
the cation-selective membrane under a negative charge and are
trapped by the anion-selective membrane. A typical ED system
includes a membrane stack with a number of cell pairs, each consisting of a cation transfer membrane, a demineralized flow spacer,
an anion transfer membrane, and a concentrate flow spacer. Compartments for the electrodes are at opposite ends of the stack. The
electrodes need regular flushing to reduce fouling or scaling [124].
Recycling the concentrate stream and discharging concentrate to
waste, or blowdown is common and called feed-and-bleed mode.
This is necessary because of the fact that there are sharp differences in flow rates between the product and brine streams. Diluate
flow is about 10 times the flow of the brine stream; this difference
in flows creates pressure imbalances, requiring concentrate recycle
[125]. An ED unit can remove about 50–94% of dissolved solids
from a feed water, up to 12,000 mg/L TDS. Voltage input, and process configuration (number of stacks or stages), raw water quality
and membrane selection determine the salt removal efficiency of
the process. TDS removal is generally limited by economics. The
cost of ED increases as the feed water TDS increases. Electrodialysis
Reversal (EDR) is similar to ED but the polarity of the electrodes is
regularly reversed, thereby freeing accumulated ions on the membrane surface [125]. This process minimizes the effect of inorganic
scaling and fouling by converting product streams into waste
streams. This process requires increases membrane life and does
not require chemical addition and improves membrane and electrode cleaning.
2.7. Membrane distillation (MD)
Membrane distillation process can be described as a hybrid process since it combines thermal evaporation and membrane separation principles in a single process unit. The feed water (saline
water) is heated by an external heat source often derived from
solar energy or process waste heat and is passed through the hot
side of the unit to allow for the water vapors to raise and diffuse
through the membrane barrier and condense in the permeate flow
on the cold side of the unit [126]. Since the hot (saline water feed)
and cold (permeate or freshwater) streams are separated by a
membrane barrier, a very low temperature differential of 10 °C is
sufficient to produce freshwater through this process. The membrane applied in this process should be porous enough allow the
water vapor to pass through but not allowing the liquid and preferably non-wetted by the process liquids [127]. There are four
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V.G. Gude / Applied Energy xxx (2014) xxx–xxx
Fig. 2. Worldwide desalination capacity by: (a) desalination technology; and (b) source water.
main configurations of the MD process namely: (1) direct contact
membrane distillation (DCMD); air gap membrane distillation
(AGMD); vacuum membrane distillation (VMD); and sweep gas
membrane distillation (SGMD) [128]. In DCMD, the membrane is
in direct contact with the liquid phases while in AGMD, an air
gap is introduced between the membrane and condensation surface to improve the energy efficiency. In VMD, the permeate side
maintained at a lower pressure by mechanical pumping to increase
the permeate flux, while in the SGMD, a stripping or carrier gas is
used to collect the vapor produced. Among these methods, DCMD
operates at a reasonable efficiency and a higher permeate rate. The
permeate flux is very low for the AGMD. VMD can produce higher
permeate but at the expense of higher energy requirements and is
suitable for feed waters with volatile contaminants [126–128].
As of June 2011, there were 15,988 desalination plants worldwide which combined produce a total of 65.2 million m3 of freshwater equivalent to 17.5 billion US gallons in over 150 countries
supporting 300 million people [129]. Out of these desalination
plants, reverse osmosis with about 60% share currently dominates
the other desalination technologies [133] (Fig. 2a) and this trend is
expected to continue into the future followed by well-established
MSF technology (26.8%) and MED technology (8%) with the
remaining 5% taken by electrodialysis and other hybrid technologies. Sixty percent of the desalination plants process seawater to
produce freshwater (Fig. 2b) followed by brackish water (21.5%),
river water (8.3%), wastewater recovery/reuse (5.7%) and other
water sources (4.5%) [130]. Energy requirements for desalination
technologies vary significantly in quantity and quality. Table 1
presents the energy requirements for various desalination methods [2,5,131–133].
The potential renewable energy-desalination technology combinations are shown in Fig. 3. The renewable energy sources
(RES) should be integrated with the relevant desalination technology that has capability to utilize the energy in the most effective
manner. Some renewable energy source dependent desalination
technologies must be placed on the same site (co-location) and
some do not have this requirement. Accordingly, the following
thermal desalination-renewable energy combinations require colocation (located on same site): (a) wind–shaft–MVC; (b) solar
thermal–TVC; (c) solar thermal–MSF; (d) solar thermal–MED; (e)
solar thermal–SD; (f) geothermal–TVC); (g) geothermal–MSF or
MED. The other electricity-driven combinations that do not require
co-location are: (a) wind–MVC; (b) wind–RO; (c) solar PV–RO; (d)
solar PV–MVC; (e) geothermal–MVC; and (f) geothermal–RO.
3. Energy storage options for various desalination processes
Desalination technologies that utilize thermal energy and thus
require thermal energy storage for uninterrupted process operation are MED, MSF, low temperature MED (LTMED) low temperature desalination (LTD) and humidification–dehumidification
(HD) and membrane distillation (MD). Thermal energy storage
technology requires a suitable medium for storage and circulation
for heat transfer while the photovoltaic/wind generated electricity
needs to be stored in batteries for later use as shown in Fig. 3. Similar to TES, the battery energy storage (BES) is essential to store
Fig. 3. Desalination technologies coupled with renewable energy and storage systems.
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V.G. Gude / Applied Energy xxx (2014) xxx–xxx
Fig. 4. Thermal desalination system powered by solar collectors or waste heat sources augmented by TES.
electrical energy for electrodialysis (ED), reverse osmosis (RO) and
mechanical vapor compression (MVC) technologies.
3.1. Thermal energy storage for desalination
Energy absorption–accumulation, storage and release are the
principal elements of the TES concept which result in improved
economics, better resource management and lower environmental
emissions of a variable energy source powered desalination system, for instance, solar energy. TES units function in three important stages: (1) charging period; (2) storing period; and (3)
discharging period [6]. Thermal energy accumulation and storage
can be accomplished by three different principal methods: (1) sensible heat thermal energy storage which includes both solid-state
and liquid materials for storage; (2) phase-change thermal energy
storage, also known as latent heat storage; and (3) thermochemical
thermal energy storage. An example of the sensible heat TES unit
for desalination application powered by process waste heat or
solar collectors is shown in Fig. 4. The following equation expresses
the amount of heat stored in a sensible heat TES in general which
depends on the amount of heat transferred from a heat source.
Q sensible ¼ m
cp ðTÞdT
where Qsensible is the amount of sensible heat stored, m is the flow
rate of the storage medium, cp is the specific heat capacity of the
storage medium and T1 and T2 are the outlet and inlet temperatures
of the heat transfer fluid.
Thermodynamic efficiency of a TES augmented desalination
process can be illustrated using the first law and the second law
efficiencies [7]. The first law (energy) efficiency of the TES can be
expressed as (Fig. 4):
gTES ¼
Q out ms cs ðT 1 T 2 Þ
mh ch ðT h T 1 Þ
Q in
where Qin is the energy supplied to the TES by a hot stream of mass
flow rate mh, specific heat ch and inlet and outlet temperatures of Th
and T1 respectively. Qout is the energy supplied by the TES to the
desalination system with a mass flow rate ms, specific heat cs and
inlet and outlet temperatures of T2 (evaporation temperature TEC)
and T1 respectively.
First law (energy) efficiency of the desalination system (DES)
can be found from:
mkðT EC Þ
ms cs ½ðT 1 T 2 Þ
where m is the mass of the freshwater produced, k is the latent heat
of the freshwater at the evaporation temperature TEC which is same
as T2.
First law (energy) efficiency of the combined system can be
found from:
gComb ¼
mkðT EC Þ
mh ch ½ðT h T 1 Þ
Details on the thermodynamic analysis (first law and second
law efficiencies) of TES systems augmenting the desalination application at different TES and desalination temperatures can be found
elsewhere [7].
Since thermal energy can be stored and transported by fluids in
different phases, a generalized expression can be written to represent various fluids and associated operational parameters such as
temperature and pressure. Even when a system is exposed to its
environment, as long as it is in its equilibrium state so that the
temperature T and the pressure P of the system are equal to those
of the environment (i.e., T = Tenvironment and P = Penvironment), its
internal energy has a well-defined value on the macroscopic level
so that the internal energy is a state variable. Being the sum of the
kinetic and the potential energy of the constituent atoms or molecules, the internal energy must be proportional to the total number
N of these atoms or molecules, which is in turn proportional to
their mole number (n): U / N / n, which implies that the internal
energy is extensive so that we can express it as U = nu (T, P), where
u is the molar internal energy defined by u = U/n. To simplify the
illustrations, the previously defined equations will be used in further discussions.
The quality of thermal energy that is stored by the storage medium determines its appropriate application which in turn depends
on the availability of heat source. Sensible heat TES systems with
water as storage medium store thermal energy below 100 °C,
therefore their application could possibly be limited to low temperature desalination systems such as solar stills, low temperature
multi-effect evaporation systems, membrane distillation, humidification–dehumidification and other novel desalination systems.
Solid-state or liquid salt materials can store high grade thermal
heat in the range of 200–500 °C which would be ideal for power
generation combined with multi stage flash (MSF) distillation,
multi-effect evaporation (MEE or MED) and mechanical/thermal
vapor compression (M/TVC) desalination processes. Table 2 provides a comparison of the various storage mediums for thermal
energy storage and their potential for desalination and power generation applications [8]. Briefly, sensible heat TES technologies can
be used in desalination process applications while the phase
change and thermochemical TES technologies are ideal for cogeneration purposes.
3.2. Sensible heat TES for desalination
The most commonly used sensible heat storage medium is
water. In water based TES systems, water serves both as the energy
storage and the heat transfer medium. Additionally various solidstate and liquid/molten state sensible heat TES mediums can be
used depending on the desalination application. Tables 3 and 4
present the heat storage capacity and costs per unit of thermal
energy ($/kW ht) for different solid-state and liquid state sensible
Please cite this article in press as: Gude VG. Energy storage for desalination processes powered by renewable energy and waste heat sources. Appl Energy
V.G. Gude / Applied Energy xxx (2014) xxx–xxx
Table 2
TES materials and technology applications in desalination and power industries.
Molten salt
Phase change material
Hot water
Capacity range
(MW h)
Heat transfer
range (°C)
cost ($/
kW h)
Synthetic oil
Synthetic oil, water/steam
Up to 350
Up to 550
High storage
capacity at
relatively low cost
Experience in
Well suited for
synthetic oil heat
transfer fluid
Well suited for synthetic
oil heat transfer fluid
Latent heat storage allows
for constant temperature
and heat transfer
Easily available material
Latent heat storage allows
for constant temperature
at heat transfer
Low material
Very low cost storage for processes
heat below 100 °C
Well suited for
process in direct steam
generating collectors
Not suitable for pre-heating
and superheating in direct
steam generating collectors
Well suited for
process in direct steam
generating collectors
Not suitable for preheating and superheating
Experience in industrial
Well suited for preheating and super-heating
in direct steam generating
Not suited for
in direct steam generating
Recent development
Sensible heat
storage requires
temperature drop at
heat transfer
Molten salt freezes
at 230 °C
power production
and desalination
Large scale
applications for
RO processes
Cogeneration, power
production and
Very early stage
Cogeneration, power
production and
Large scale applications
for MSF, MED, MVC and
RO processes
Large scale applications for
Experience in industrial
Sensible heat storage requires
temperature drop at heat transfer
Not applicable to power generation
Cogeneration, power and
Solar still, humidification–
dehumidification, membrane
distillation, other low temperature
desalination processes
Large scale applications
District heating and
cogeneration systems with concentrated solar collectors for power
generation and water production. In this section, we focus on TES
applications in solar stills and solar ponds.
Table 3
Solid-state sensible heat storage materials.
(kW ht/m3 °C)
per kg
per kW h
($/kW h)
Sand–rock minerals
Reinforced concrete
Cast steel
Silica fire bricks
Magnesia fire rocks
Table 4
Molten salts and high temperature oils.
(kW ht/m3 °C)
per kg
per kW h
($/kW h)
Mineral oil
Synthetic oil
Silicone oil
Nitrite salts
Nitrate salts
Carbon salts
heat TES mediums [9,10]. The economics of the energy storage systems vary significantly with different geographical locations, economic packages, and the material costs. Economics of these
systems are discussed in the later sections. Sensible heat TES technology has been utilized in numerous solar desalination applications. The applications include solar stills, solar ponds and in
3.2.1. Solar stills
In solar stills, the solar radiation is reflected and lost to the
ambient. The sinusoidal trend of the solar radiation and the ambient temperatures do not favor freshwater production during nonsunlight hours. During the night time, the solar still productivity
could be higher owing to the lower ambient temperatures if the
heat source is available during this period. A simple way to
increase the heat storage capacity of a solar still is to increase
the saline water depth in the still. By increasing the depth (thermal
energy storage volume) of the saline water, the heat storage capacity of the device can be increased which would result in continued
evaporation during cloudy hours and non-sunlight hours. An optimum water depth should not decrease the water temperature during sunlight hours which may result in lower evaporation rates
[97]. Solar stills incorporating thermal energy storage have shown
significant improvement on the overall freshwater production
rates. To describe this effect a few examples can be discussed. Tabrizi and Sharak [11] investigated a basin solar still integrated with
a sandy heat reservoir. The productivity of this configuration was
almost twice that of a conventional solar still at the end of a fourteen hour test. Murugavel et al. [12] tested different TES materials
such as quartzite rock, red brick, cement concrete, washed stones
and iron scraps in a single basin double slope solar still to improve
the non-sunlight hour distillate production. Among these materials, 3/4 in. sized quartzite rock was found the most effective, with
a productivity of 2.1 kg/m2/d and an enhancement of 6.2% compared to the still with same amount of water but without any
Please cite this article in press as: Gude VG. Energy storage for desalination processes powered by renewable energy and waste heat sources. Appl Energy
V.G. Gude / Applied Energy xxx (2014) xxx–xxx
energy storage medium. These studies confirm that TES increases
the total freshwater productivity albeit at a slight increase in operational costs in practical applications.
A sensible heat TES was employed in a solar (three flat-plate
solar collectors) desalination process with three stages of multieffect humidification (MEH)–dehumidification process. The energy
storage unit provided the desalination chamber with additional
heat for three non-sunlight hours. The experimental results
showed that higher seawater mass flow rate through the system
(from 0.1 l/s to 0.13 l/s) increase the productivity of the system
by 10%. This study concluded that the use of energy storage
increased the productivity by 13.5% and the productivity of the
experimental system was about three times the productivity of a
conventional solar still [13].
3.2.2. Solar pond
A solar pond can be considered as a large solar collector with
huge storage volume where the solar energy trapped into the
stored brine solution is circulated as a heating medium in the desalination process unit. Solar ponds provide the most convenient and
least expensive option for heat storage for daily and seasonal variations [14–16] in solar energy including cloud effects while simultaneously providing for brine management. The solar pond consists
of three distinct zones as shown in Fig. 5 [17]. The first zone,
located at the top of the pond, contains the low density saltwater
mixture. This zone is called the upper convective zone (UCZ) which
is the absorption and transmission region. The second zone contains a variation of saltwater densities increasing with depth, is
the gradient zone or non-convective zone (NCZ). This zone acts
as an insulator to prevent heat from escaping to the UCZ, maintaining higher temperatures at lower zones. The bottom zone is the
heat storage zone or lower convective zone (LCZ) with uniform salt
density [18]. Sodium chloride (NaCl) is a commonly used storage
medium in solar ponds. Magnesium chloride (MgCl2), sodium
nitrate (NaNO3), sodium carbonate (Na2CO3), sodium sulfate
(Na2SO4), ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3), fertilizer salts like urea
(NH2CONH2) satisfy the thermal stability criterion and are
considered suitable for solar pond applications [19,20].
Temperature differences between the bottom and top layers of
a solar pond are adequate to drive a generator. A heat transfer fluid
piped through the bottom layer harvests the heat for direct desalination application. Thermal energy may be circulated through a
closed-loop Rankine cycle system to rotate a turbine to generate
electricity. The annual collection efficiency of useful thermal
energy for desalination is in the order of 10–15% with larger ponds
being more efficient than smaller ones. Solar ponds produce relatively low grade thermal energy (less than 100 °C) and are
Fig. 5. Solar pond and its convective zones.
generally considered suitable for thermal distillation processes.
Brine stream generated from the desalination processes can be
stored in solar ponds to serve as storage medium. Brine utilization
as storage medium in solar ponds provides a convenient method
and inexpensive source to maintain solar pond salinity [21].
A study on a single-slope basin solar still integrated with a shallow solar pond (SSP) found that the average productivity and thermal efficiency of this system were higher than those obtained
without the SSP by 52.4% and 43.8%, respectively, over a year
[22]. Extensive research conducted for more than 20 years at El
Paso (Texas, US) solar pond demonstrated the reliability of a salinity-gradient solar pond in desalination application. This research
focused on testing various operating conditions for a multi-effect,
multistage (MEMS) flash desalination unit. This research provided
operation and maintenance procedures of the salinity-gradient
solar pond coupled with the desalination [23]. An experimental
solar pond with a surface area about 830 m2 and a depth of
2.5 m was studied in Tajoura, Libya [24]. This solar pond was coupled with a 5 m3/d MSF desalination plant. Tahri studied the possibility of combining a MSF desalination plant with a solar pond to
recover the waste heat from exhaust gas of a thermal plant [25].
Posnansky [26] presented computer simulations and experimental
results on a small sized solar pond for the performance data of the
coupled MSF unit [27]. Szacsvay and co-workers developed a desalination system with autoflash MSF unit consisting of a solar pond
as the heat source. Performance and layout data were obtained
both from computer simulation and experimental results with a
small-sized solar pond coupled with desalination subsystem in
Switzerland in operation for 9 years. The authors concluded that
the cost of distillate could be reduced from $5.48/m3 for small
desalination system with a capacity of 15 m3/day to $2.39/m3 for
desalination systems with a capacity of 300 m3/day [28]. Solar
powered multi effect humidification studied by Müller-Holst
et al. used 2 m3 TES increased the production rate to 500 L/day
with 38 m2 collector area (about 13 L/m2). Two different humidification units were tested in this study [29]. A multi-objective
mixed-integer nonlinear programming model (MINLP) was developed to model an integrated system of reverse osmosis, a Rankine
cycle (RC), parabolic trough solar collectors with TES. This study
optimized the design and operating conditions with a focus on economic and environmental metrics. A molten-salt thermocline TES
was integrated in the system to increase the solar energy utilization. Molten salt was used as the heat transfer fluid (HTF) to transport thermal energy between the TES and the relevant components
of the power system (e.g., collector field and RC boiler). The
method was applied to a case study of a RO plant coupled with a
solar RC and a TES located in Tarragona. This study reported the
benefits of TES as improved process performance and efficiency
with reduced carbon dioxide emissions up to 55.6% albeit at a
slightly higher cost, 14% [30].
3.2.3. Waste heat utilization and low temperature desalination
Thermal energy storage can be used to store the process waste
heat to be utilized for desalination purposes as shown in Fig. 4. Low
temperature desalination is beneficial from many perspectives
which include less resource (thermal) losses, lower operation and
maintenance and capital costs. A low temperature desalination
process tapping the reject heat from the condenser of a domestic
air-conditioning system was studied previously. In this study,
evaporation of saline water occurred at near vacuum pressures created by exploiting the principles of local barometric head. The
evaporator operates in a temperature range of 40–50 °C with the
heat supplied by a TES unit. The energy requirements for the system were less than that required for a MSF distillation process. It
was shown that the thermal energy rejected by an absorption
refrigeration system (ARS) of cooling capacity of 3.25 kW
Please cite this article in press as: Gude VG. Energy storage for desalination processes powered by renewable energy and waste heat sources. Appl Energy
V.G. Gude / Applied Energy xxx (2014) xxx–xxx
(0.975 tons of refrigeration) along with an additional energy input
of 208 kJ/kg of desalinated water was sufficient to produce desalinated water at an average rate of 4.5 kg/h. This energy consumption was only 60% of a typical MSF distillation process (338 kJ/kg)
[31,32]. A TES unit volume of 10 m3 with a solar panel area of
25 m2 was required for this application.
In another recent study [33], an integrated process model was
developed for a novel application of a sensible TES system for
energy conservation and water desalination in power plants. In
this configuration, a cold TES was designed to alleviate the negative effects of high ambient temperatures on the performance of
on an air-cooled condenser that cools a 500 MW CCPP (combined
cycle power plant). The cold TES also provided for the cooling
requirements of a final water cooled condenser in a MED unit with
a capacity of 950 m3/d. Stack gases from CCPP were used to drive
an ARS which maintains the chilled water temperature in a TES
tank. A process model integrating CCPP, ARS, TES, and MED was
developed to optimize the volume of the TES. Fig. 6 shows the performance profiles of the MED system in that configuration; thermal
energy requirements (6a), evaporator (6b) and condenser (6c)
areas required for different heat source temperatures, different
number of stages, and brine temperatures in the last effect and
the condenser temperature differentials (6d). It can be noted that
the energy requirements for desalination process increase with
thermal energy source temperatures, mainly due to higher heat
losses to the ambient. This suggests that low temperature operation and thus low temperature TES system could be more
energy-efficient as previously described [7]. In this study, a part
of the cooling load from the TES was used to cool the final condenser in the MED system to facilitate additional stages in the
MED process. Fig. 6d shows that, the higher the temperature
differential available for cooling, the lower will be the condenser
and evaporator surface areas required which may result in lower
capital costs. Further, as the number of stages increases, thermal
energy requirements decrease. Preliminary analysis of this integrated process showed that a cold TES tank volume of 2950 m3
could meet the cooling requirements of ACC and MED in both
hot and cold seasons. A potential saving of 2.5% of the power loss
in a CCPP was realized on a hot summer day for this TES system
along with an estimated desalination capacity of 950–1600 m3/d
for top brine temperatures between 100 °C and 70 °C of the MED.
3.2.4. Sizing of TES systems
The size of the TES system depends on several factors: (a) the
desalination technology (heat load); (b) the heat source whether
solar energy or process waste heat (availability and duration); (c)
the heat capacity of the storage material; (d) the required storage
period; and (e) the expected standby loss (heat losses to ambient).
Optimal sizing of the thermal energy storage system is important
to maximize the integrated system efficiency (see Eqs. (1)–(4)).
Without a supplemental or auxiliary heat source, undersized TES
systems are incapable of meeting the energy demands. Oversized
TES systems may result in higher capital costs as well as operation
and maintenance costs, and can waste energy through standby
losses. Sizing the system is even more critical as even optimally sized
systems can occupy a large space and require high installation costs.
Two important examples on the TES sizing are described below. Thermal energy storage in solar ponds – effect of the thickness
of the LCZ. Similar to solar stills (where excess solar energy is
stored in the depth of the saline water medium), the lower zone
(LCZ) in solar ponds stores the useful heat which it is extracted
Fig. 6. Performance profiles for MED desalination system coupled with waste heat from power plant and cold TES.
Please cite this article in press as: Gude VG. Energy storage for desalination processes powered by renewable energy and waste heat sources. Appl Energy
V.G. Gude / Applied Energy xxx (2014) xxx–xxx
for heating applications. A recent study reported the sizing of salinity gradient solar pond (SGSP) connected to a MED desalination
plant of 5 m3/d capacity [27]. It was shown that the thickness of
the lower zone affects the amplitude of temperature fluctuations
in response to daily solar irradiation (Fig. 7). The temperature variation is in the lower convective zone was between 60 and 80 °C
which was found to be suitable for the desalination application.
It was reported that a deeper LCZ zone (4 m) results in the smallest
surface area required for the solar pond but with increased storage
volume and increased capacity. This study also investigated the
effects of upper and non-convective zones. The study concluded
that the optimum thickness of LCZ zone is of the order of 4 m with
0.3 m thickness for the UCZ and 1.1 m for the NCZ. Solar pond with
these specifications will provide working temperatures of the medium suitable for desalination application and to meet the extracted
load requirement from the storage zone. Excellent details of heat
extraction methods for SGSP and other solar ponds are discussed
elsewhere [92,93]. Thermal energy storage in solar desalination. Storage volume
is critical to the performance of the TES tank. In desalination application powered by solar collectors, a TES tank is required to mitigate the effects of cloudy hours and non-sunlight hours. In a
recent study, the effect of TES tank volume was simulated for a
low temperature desalination process (at a capacity of 100 L/d)
supported by solar collectors [7]. Temperature profiles over a week
of operation for the TES tank at two different volumes (1 m3 and
6 m3) are shown in Fig. 8. As expected, the TES temperature profiles followed the sinusoidal nature of the solar irradiation and
the ambient temperature. Smaller TES volume (1 m3) temperatures
were more responsive to these variations than higher TES volume
(6 m3). Temperatures in smaller TES tank (30–35 °C) were not suitable for desalination application in the non-sunlight hours whereas
the temperatures in the higher TES tank (45–48 °C) were adequate
for desalination application during non-sunlight hours. Further,
simulations on 21 days of continued operation have shown that
the storage medium temperature increases with storage time and
that higher TES volume increases the quality and quantity of the
heat source available for non-sunlight hour operation increases
[7]. As a comparison, in desalination systems without energy storage, the desalination unit remains idle during non-sunlight hours
requiring a higher desalination production capacity during the
sunlight hours. Instead, a TES system can reduce the footprint of
the desalination system with reduced downtime. In short, without
a TES system, the desalination unit operates in a batch mode but
with a TES the desalination can occur in a continuous mode which
may result in lower capital and operation and maintenance costs.
[7]. In some other novel configurations where adsorption cooling
and MED cycles are integrated, the evaporation of freshwater can
be achieved at heat source temperatures as low as 35 °C [133].
Finally, to gain optimum storage dynamics and longevity, a few
important factors need serious consideration: high energy density
in the storage materials; good heat transfer between the heat
transfer fluid and the storage medium; mechanical and chemical
stability of the storage materials; chemical compatibility between
heat transfer fluid, heat exchanger, and storage medium; complete
reversibility for a large number of charging/discharging cycles; low
cost; and low environmental impact technologies [140].
3.3. Phase change thermal energy storage
Phase change materials (PCMs) store thermal energy as a result
of phase change phenomenon, i.e., as heat of fusion (solid–liquid
transition), heat of vaporization (liquid–vapor), or heat of solid–
solid crystalline phase transformation. Since the heat released during the phase change of a material (solid to liquid; liquid to vapor
or gas) is much higher than sensible heat of the materials, PCMs
reduce the energy storage unit size significantly. For example,
latent heat of water is rather high compared to the sensible heat
that can be stored [34]. Some PCMs can absorb heat beyond the
phase change. Eq. (5) shows the amount of heat that can be stored
in a PCM TES unit.
Q PCM ¼ m
Fig. 7. Effect of LCZ depth on the storage medium temperature profiles.
Fig. 8. Effect of TES volume on the storage medium temperature profiles.
cp ðTÞdT þ mDhjT¼T L þ m
cp ðTÞdT
where QPCM is the energy stored in the phase change TES medium
with a mass flow rate m, specific heat cp and initial and latent heat
temperatures of T1 and TL respectively. Dh is the latent heat, and T2
is the final temperature of the PCM.
PCMs can be incorporated into TES units in two ways. PCMs can
be suspended in the storage medium in the form of nano- or microscale particles to increase the heat storage capacity. These PCMs
flow with the storage medium which remains in liquid state in
all stages of TES operation (charging–storing–discharging). The
storage system can be a two-tank system with the PCM and storage
fluids both contributing to the storage capacity of the system.
PCMs can also be used as a stationery medium over which the heat
transfer fluid circulates to extract and transfer the heat to the load
unit (desalination process). Commonly used PCMs are encapsulated as spheres or other shapes to fill a fixed bed. In this geometry,
the heat transfer fluid passes through the void volume of the fixed/
stationery bed. Alternatively, a pipe design such as a heat exchanger within a PCM storage system with charging and discharging
cycles can be considered [34].
PCM storage systems have a basic limitation of low power densities caused by the low thermal conductivity of the solid phase of
Please cite this article in press as: Gude VG. Energy storage for desalination processes powered by renewable energy and waste heat sources. Appl Energy
V.G. Gude / Applied Energy xxx (2014) xxx–xxx
these materials. Metals and metal alloys have conductivities in the
range of 100–400 W/m K and do not present this problem when
used as PCMs. Salts, however, have conductivities in the range of
0.5 W/m K and limit heat transfer and power density as the storage
system discharges. This issue can be addressed by introducing a
higher thermal conductivity material while increasing the heat
transfer area of the heat exchanger. A large difference in the PCM
solid- and liquid-phase densities also presents a design issue and
the tank must be sized to accommodate the volume of the lower
density phase and also ensure that the heat transfer surfaces are
contacted by both solid and liquid phases. Other issues of consideration are the selection of heat transfer design and media since
some PCMs exhibit reduced performance after a number of cycles
of operation. Additionally, phase change storage materials cost
more than the sensible heat storage materials. Sensible heat storage medium usually costs in the range of 0.05–5.00 $/kg, compared
to the high cost of latent heat or PCM storage which usually ranges
from 4.28 $/kg to 334.00 $/kg. Thermal properties of some PCM
storage materials are shown in Table 5 [9,35]. Fig. 9 shows a comparison of the thermal energy storage capacity of different storage
materials. It can be noted that most of the phase change and thermochemical storage materials have much higher storage capacities
than water which is commonly used as sensible heat TES medium
3.3.1. PCM energy storage applications in desalination
Phase change or latent heat storage mediums are as commonly
used as sensible heat storage medium in desalination applications.
The latent heat TES systems have many advantages over sensible
heat storage systems. The benefits are a larger energy storage
Table 5
Phase change thermal energy storage materials.
Storage materials
temperature (°C)
heat (kJ/kg)
RT100 (paraffin)
E117 (inorganic
Fig. 9. Storage capacity vs. temperature for sensible, latent and thermochemical
capacity per unit volume, and nearly constant temperature for
energy charging and discharging cycles [37]. Table 5 shows the
main properties of some PCM energy storage materials. PCM technology is more suited for high temperature desalination technologies such as multi-stage flash (MSF) distillation, multi-effect
distillation and thermal vapor compression processes which
require very high heat source temperatures (>100 °C) and in the
cogeneration plants where the power plants are co-located with
the desalination systems.
PCMs have been widely used in solar still applications. Additionally, PCMs can be integrated within the still design. Built-in
latent heat thermal energy storage (LHTES) was incorporated in a
weir-type cascade solar still and the performance was compared
with a still without storage. The total productivity of the still without LHTES was slightly higher than the still with LHTES during
sunny days. A significant difference in the productivity of stills
with and without LHTES was reported. The still without LHTES
was preferred for sunny days due to its simplicity and low construction cost and the still with LHTES was suggested for cloudy
areas due to its higher productivity [38]. The same group also
investigated the effect of water flow rate on internal heat and mass
transfer and daily productivity. Higher water flow rates resulted in
lower internal heat and mass transfer rates and daily productivities. The maximum and minimum water flow rates resulted in
daily productivities of 7.4 and 4.3 kg/m2 d respectively [39]. Since
the storage medium has the potential to corrode the process components, Farell and co-workers studied the corrosive effects of salt
hydrate PCMs on aluminum and copper heat exchanger materials.
The metallographic examination of copper and aluminum samples
revealed that aluminum has lower pitting corrosion compared to
copper heat exchanger [40]. Thermal cycling tests on a few inorganic and organic PCMs have shown that inorganic PCMs were
not found suitable after some cycles while thermal cycling for
organic PCMs can be done up to 1000 thermal cycles with gradual
change in melting temperature and latent heat of fusion [41]. ElSebaii et al. [42] tested a single basin solar still with PCM as a storage medium in Saudi Arabia. The daily productivity of the still
increased significantly with an increase in the mass of PCM due
to the increased heat storage. During discharging period of the
PCM, the convective heat transfer coefficient from the basin liner
(3.3 cm of stearic acid) to water was doubled which increased
the evaporative heat transfer coefficient by 27%. This study
reported a high daily productivity of 9 (kg/m2 d) with 85.3% energy
efficiency compared to a still productivity of 5.0 (kg/m2 d) without the PCM in summer season. The PCM was also found effective
for lower masses of basin water in winter season. Another group
studied the effect of shape on a PCM heat storage system for rapid
heat supply [43]. Four different encapsulated (sphere, cylinder,
plate and tube) PCMs were considered in numerical simulations.
Among the different shapes considered, the sphere capsules
showed the best heat release performance while the tubular capsule with low void fraction was not suitable for the heat release
application [43]. Ramasamy and Sivaraman evaluated the performance of a solar still with Paraffin wax as LHTES material. In this
study, the still with LHTES material showed higher efficiency
(60.11%) compared to a still without LHTES (52.62%). This study
also reported a disadvantage of phase change material as corrosion
when in direct contact with metal piping or housing [44]. Another
study on the weir-type cascade solar still used a heat storage system of paraffin wax (18 kg over 2 cm thickness) beneath the absorber plate. As a result, the daily productivity of the still with PCM
was 31% higher than that of the still without PCM [45]. These
results are quite different from those reported in [38]. The variations in the still efficiencies suggest that the still efficiencies
depend on the water flow rate, solar intensity and the climatic
Please cite this article in press as: Gude VG. Energy storage for desalination processes powered by renewable energy and waste heat sources. Appl Energy
V.G. Gude / Applied Energy xxx (2014) xxx–xxx
3.4. Thermochemical thermal energy storage
Thermochemical storage has the advantage of very high stored
energy densities compared to PCM or sensible only thermal storage
[33]. Comparing Eqs. (1) and (6), (6) shows an additional enthalpy
term associated with the chemical reaction at temperature, TCR.
The first term represents the enthalpy associated with heating
the reactant(s) from T1 to the chemical reaction temperature, TCR.
The third term in the equation accounts for the optional sensible
enthalpy for increasing the temperature of the product(s) beyond
the reaction temperature, TCR, to temperature, T2. The reaction
occurs in two heat exchangers with chemical reaction occurring
in forward direction which is endothermic reaction (absorbs solar
energy) in one heat exchanger and the backward reaction which is
exothermic occurring in the backward direction in another heat
exchanger. The reaction occurs at the ambient temperature. the
basic principle can be explained as: AB + heat , A + B; using heat
a compound AB is broken into components A and B which can be
stored separately; bringing A and B together AB is formed and heat
is released. The storage capacity is the heat of reaction or free
energy of the reaction. A few examples and properties of the thermochemical TES materials that could be utilized in desalination
and cogeneration applications are presented in Table 6 [46–50].
Q TCM ¼ m
cp ðTÞdT þ mDhjT¼T CR þ m
cp ðTÞdT
storage technologies for cooling and high temperature applications
are in demonstration stage. While other TES systems for power
plants and industrial applications, microencapsulated and slurry
PCMs for heating and cooling are in early stage of development
and industrialization; thermochemical storage for heating and
cooling, waste heat storage and high temperature sensible TES
are in very early stage of development. At present, the sensitive
thermal energy storage technologies appear to be more practical
for the desalination applications. The molten salt and phase change
technologies will suit the power generation and desalination
cogeneration schemes but further developments are required. In
cogeneration schemes, power production with MSF and MED processes may benefit from thermal energy storage whereas low temperature desalination systems may take advantage of the solar and
process waste heat sources. For cogeneration schemes using concentrating solar power (CSP) technologies such as parabolic trough,
solar tower, Linear Fresnel and Dish-Stirling technologies; the molten salts, high temperature oils, phase change and chemical reaction TES materials will best suit due to the need for high process
fluid temperatures (Tables 4–6). Parabolic trough and solar tower
require a 2-tank molten salt or PCM storage while the Linear Fresnel and Dish-Stirling methods require short term pressurized storage. For Dish-Stirling technology, the chemical reaction TES is
under development [140].
where QTCM is the energy stored in the thermochemical TES medium with a mass flow rate m, specific heat cp and initial and chemical reaction temperatures of T1 and TCR respectively. Dh is the heat
released at the chemical reaction, and T2 is the final temperature of
the TCM.
3.5. Current status of thermal energy storage technologies
Among the available thermal energy storage options, water
storage, molten salt for concentrated solar power applications,
ice storage for cooling applications, solid sensible storage and
PCM for temperature sensitive products have been implemented
at commercial scales (Fig. 10). Some underground storage, PCM
Table 6
Chemical reaction thermal energy storage materials.
Iron carbonate
Metal hydrides
2.6 GJ/m3
4.0 GJ/m3
67 kJ/mol
3.0 GJ/m3
FeCO3 M FeO + CO2
Metal xH2 M metal
yH2 + (x y)H2
NH3 + DH M 1/2 N2 + 3/2 H2
Ca(OH)2 M CaO + H2O
3.6. Economics of thermal energy storage in desalination
A comprehensive economic analysis of a desalination system
supported by the thermal energy is not yet available. Fig. 11a
shows process schematic of a MSF process supported by a solar
pond [134]. The MSF process operates in 28 evaporation stages
and 3 heat rejection stages with a performance ratio of 10 and a
storage zone temperature of 90 °C. The effect of the storage zone
temperature and the salt cost on the produced thermal energy cost
($/kW h) is shown in Fig. 11b. It shows that the thermal energy
costs are minimum when the salt is available at free of cost which
is $0.0138/kW h at 70 °C and increased to $0.0225/kW h when the
cost of the salt is $80/ton. Thermal energy cost increased with
increasing storage zone temperature due to higher losses to the
ambient and lower quantities of useful energy derived. The oversizing the pond, may lead to higher heat losses during summer
months which is referred as peak clipping. This affects the heat utilization factor of the desalination plant. The sensitivity analysis of
various factors affecting the overall costs showed that the capital
costs comprise about 66% of the total freshwater costs. It was concluded in this study that about 1% increase in interest rate for capital costs increases solar pond thermal energy costs by about 13–
15% and desalinated water costs by about 10–13%. The break-even
analysis shown in Fig. 11c illustrates the water costs for different
fuel costs ($/tonne). Although the cost of product water for the case
of 90 °C with a PR of 10 was the lowest, the break even fuel cost
was the highest compared to 70 °C with a PR of 6 and 80 °C with
a PR of 8. This is because the lowest cost of product water from a
Fig. 10. Current status of thermal energy storage technologies.
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V.G. Gude / Applied Energy xxx (2014) xxx–xxx
SP/MSF combination system occurs at a higher performance ratio
than those of 70 °C and 80 °C, and therefore, the fraction of energy
cost for the case of 90 °C represents a smaller portion of the total
product water cost when using a dual purpose (power and desalination) plant. More details on the economic analysis can be found
elsewhere [134]. In another study where a multi-effect multi-stage
flash (MEMS) coupled with a solar pond at the University of Texas,
El Paso, the economic analysis of the system has reported the estimated desalination costs of 1.95–2.33 $/kgal (0.52–0.62 $/m3),
which depends on the cost of the solar pond liner [135].
Economic analysis on a low temperature desalination process
powered by solar collectors augmented by thermal energy storage
unit has shown the desalination costs of 1.4 ¢/L or 14 $/m3 and
1.32 ¢/L or 13.2 $/m3 respectively for desalination system with
and without thermal energy storage tank system [7]. The following
assumptions were made in the economic analysis: (interest rate:
5%, life time: 20 years and plant availability of 90%. When lifetime
of the system is considered for 25 years, the costs for the desalinated water are determined as 1.17 ¢/L or 11.7 $/m3 and 1.1 ¢/L
or 11.0 $/m3 respectively which are well accepted values for a
small scale desalination system. This system was designed to produce 100 L/d of freshwater. This study concluded that the advantages of continuous and uninterrupted water supply provided by TES
system regardless of weather conditions (cloudy days and passing
clouds) outweighs the small difference in the desalinated water
costs. However, the desalination costs for large desalination plants
integrated with TES are yet to be reported. It is clear that this will
involve high initial capital costs but with continued operation and
in the long term operation, the cost factors will become acceptable
with payback.
3.7. Electrical energy storage or battery energy storage (BES) for
Desalination systems that primarily or partially depend on electrical energy sources are membrane based technologies (Fig. 3)
such as reverse osmosis (RO), electrodialysis (ED), capacitive deionization (CD), electrodialysis-reversal (EDR) and membrane distillation (MD). These technologies can be supported by the
electrical energy generated by either photovoltaics or wind turbine
units. Similar to thermal energy produced by solar thermal collectors, these technologies also suffer from varying source of energy
for electricity harvesting and need storage devices to meet the
demand–supply logistics and to improve reliability and performance [51]. The solar and wind sources fluctuate very significantly
during the course of a day resulting in potential excess generation
Fig. 11. Economics of an MSF process integrated with solar pond.
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V.G. Gude / Applied Energy xxx (2014) xxx–xxx
or under supply. Excess electrical energy can be stored in batteries
for the desired periods before it is discharged in process applications while the electrical energy that was already stored can be
released during the periods of low power generation. Electrical
energy storage, in large scale applications, can be divided into
three main functional categories such as: (i) power quality: stored
energy applied only for seconds or less to ensure continuity of
power quality; (ii) bridging power: stored energy applied for seconds to minutes to assure continuity of service when switching
from one source of energy to another (uninterrupted power supply,
UPS); (iii) energy management: stored energy used to decouple the
timing of energy generation and consumption especially in the
application of load leveling. Load leveling involves charging of storage in low demand time and use in peak time which enables consumers to minimize the total energy cost [52,53]. The third
category is the ideal mechanism for desalination processes. The
following sections discuss the energy requirements and energy
recovery and energy storage and sizing methods for membrane
based desalination processes requiring electricity.
3.7.1. Energy consumption in reverse osmosis (RO)
The energy consumed per unit freshwater (kW h/m3) production is defined as specific energy consumption (SEC). This energy
is supplied to the pumps in the form of electrical energy which is
converted into mechanical energy to provide a pressure impact
higher than the osmotic pressure of seawater on the membrane
to extract freshwater. The specific energy requirements for RO process can vary between 1 and 10 kW h/m3 which depends on the
type of feed water, level of pretreatment, and the membrane module and energy recovery scheme. The highest SEC is observed in the
systems without an energy recovery device (ERD). The SEC for seawater desalination by RO process with ERDs such as pelton turbine,
pressure or work exchangers varies between 3 and 5 kW h/m3. In a
RO process, energy costs may represent up to 50% of the total water
production cost [54]. In seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) plants,
the high pressure feed pumps consume 50–75% of the total energy
supplied contributing to 35% of the total operating costs [55]. The
energy costs ($/m3) are very significant in RO process due to the
high pressure requirements (80–100 bar for SWRO and 15–40 bar
for BWRO) [56]. Energy consumption in reverse osmosis can be
reduced by incorporating energy recovery devices; and by developing high permeability membranes or low energy membranes. More
details on energy consumption and recovery schemes can be found
elsewhere [57].
Fig. 12. Reverse osmosis system combined with PV or wind or hybrid energy
Electrical storage sizing involves the following steps: (1) estimation of desalination load requirement; (2) estimation of
required PV or wind turbine rating for the desalination load; (3)
estimation of the daily power output from the PV array or the wind
turbine; (4) estimation of PV array size and wind turbine rotor
diameter; and (5) battery storage capacity requirements in A h
for the desalination load.
3.7.3. PV–battery system sizing
Basis: 100 m3/d of freshwater production from seawater source
with specific energy consumption of 5 kW h/m3. The total electrical energy demand for this application will be 500 kW h. The PV
array capacity for this application can be calculated using a solar
window of 10 h as
Pdc ðkWÞ ¼
Load ðkW h=dÞ
¼ 50 kW
Solar window ðh=dÞ
For RO process unit, the equivalent AC capacity can be calculated from the efficiency of the PV unit. Considering a typical PV
system efficiency (g) of 85% which includes inverter efficiency, dirt
and other losses:
Pac;STC ¼
Pdc ðkWÞ
The size of the PV array should be more than 1.2 times the
desired load to charge the battery while supporting the load [59].
Therefore, the PV array capacity should be adjusted to the equivalent DC load as:
Pac;STCðAdjustedÞ ¼ 1:2 Pac;STC ¼ 1:2 60 ¼ 72 kW
3.7.2. PV and wind generated electricity storage
The process diagram for PV–wind–battery operated reverse
osmosis systems is shown in Fig. 12. A photovoltaic system consists of a PV array (a number of PV modules arranged in series),
which converts solar radiation into direct-current (DC) electricity.
The system accessories include a charge controller, battery storage,
inverter, and other components needed to provide the output electric power suitable to operate the systems coupled with the PV system. PV supported RO and ED processes are the most costcompetitive for small-scale systems where other thermal based
technologies are less competitive except those that use direct solar
energy which are less common [58]. RO process uses alternating
current (AC) for the pumps while the ED process uses DC for electrode stack operation. A DC/AC inverter is required for RO process
[58]. But ED can use the energy directly from the PV panels without
major modifications. Battery storage systems are used for PV output power to ensure reliable system operation and improved process performance when solar radiation is inadequate. Sizing the
battery charging system requires consideration of many physical
and operating factors as discussed below.
Therefore, for the RO desalination application, 72 kW capacity
of PV array with an optimum storage capacity (battery) will be
required to support the desalination load for 24 h a day. For a
known PV panel efficiency and for an estimated 1 kW/m2 rated
PV module, the required surface area of the PV array can be calculated. The efficiency of crystal silicon PV module is around 12.5–
15% [60], which gives PV array area as:
Pac;STC ¼ ð1 kW=m2 Þinsolation A g
¼ 576 m2
ð1 kW=m2 Þ g 1 0:125
Thus, a PV module area of 576 m2 is adequate to support the
desalination load with battery storage.
The required battery storage for the desalination application
depends on the total energy generated from the PV array. Battery
storage capacity can be estimated by multiplying the daily load
on battery by number of days it should support the system to provide power for continued operation. Considering a system voltage
Please cite this article in press as: Gude VG. Energy storage for desalination processes powered by renewable energy and waste heat sources. Appl Energy
V.G. Gude / Applied Energy xxx (2014) xxx–xxx
of 24 V and one day battery storage [61], the ampere hour (A h)
rating of the battery bank can be calculated as follows [62]:
Daily load in A h @ system voltage ¼
LoadðW h=dayÞ 72 103
System Voltage
¼ 3000 A h=d
The total energy that the battery storage system should store
for one day demand at a maximum depth of discharge (MDOD;
for lead–acid battery – 80%) would be [61]:
Load ðA h=dayÞ No of days 3000
¼ 3750 A h
Battery storage ¼
The final battery storage capacity for battery (C/20) bank with a
discharge rate of 96% at 25 °C would be:
Required Battery storage ð25 C; 20 h-rateÞ ¼
Battery storage
Rated capacity
¼ 3906 A h
Therefore, 3906 A h of battery storage is required for a
500 kW h/d of load at a system voltage of 24 V with a 72 kW solar
PV array system.
The above design calculations are based on known PV panel
efficiency and electricity generation rate. However, proper design
must consider the solar insolation, altitude and the geographical
and weather conditions of a particular location. For example,
Fig. 13a shows the annual average solar power generation for different locations in the United States. The southern (particularly
southwestern states) states have higher solar insolation with
higher number of sunny days compared to most of the northern
states [136]. These factors need consideration when designing a
PV based desalination system and a battery storage unit. The solar
power map can be used as a guideline in this design.
3.7.4. Photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) collectors
PVT collectors are hybrid collectors which integrate solar collectors with photovoltaic modules. A thermal energy harvesting system (heat exchanger) is incorporated to harvest the heat
absorbed by the photovoltaic module. The circulating fluid cools
the surface of the photovoltaic module which increases the electrical efficiency while providing a heat source for desalination application [75]. The energy efficiency of these hybrid systems can be
higher than sum of individually operated PV and solar thermal collectors (SC). As a comparison, 1 m2 of the solar thermal collector
and 1 m2 of PV would together yield 520 kW h thermal and
72 kW h electrical energy annually; whereas 2 m2 of PVT collector
would alone yield 700 kW h thermal and 132 kW h electrical
energy [63]. The PVT system also costs about 25% lower than the
combined cost of solar collectors and PV panels [64]. The economic
and environmental payback times are much shorter for the hybrid
collectors compared to PV modules [63,65]. The amount of heat
that can be extracted from these collectors depends on the collector type and design, cooling fluid circulation rate and the site specific weather conditions.
Two recent studies evaluated the possibility of combining the
electricity generation with desalination by using PV/T and concentrated PV/T collectors. One study evaluated modification of photovoltaic modules with a heat exchanger attached to the absorber
plate to generate thermal energy that supported a low temperature
desalination system operating under natural vacuum for domestic
applications. Simulation studies and economic analysis of the integrated process were reported [66]. Another study by Mittelman
et al. investigated the performance of multi-effect evaporation
desalination system integrated with concentrated PV/T (CPVT) collectors for large scale application and the economics of the process
were reported. Details on these studies can be found elsewhere
3.7.5. Wind power battery sizing
Similar to PV–battery system sizing, wind power battery storage can be designed for a 100 m3/d of freshwater from seawater
source with specific energy consumption of 5 kW h/m3. The total
energy demand for this system will be 500 kW h. Wind turbines
convert the kinetic energy of the wind into electrical energy and
a maximum theoretical conversion of 59.3% was reported which
is known as Betz limit (also power coefficient, Cp = 0.593). Available power from wind turbine is expressed [68] as:
C p qAV 3
where P is power output from wind turbine (Watts, W), q is the
air density (1.225 kg/m3 at 15 °C at sea level), A is area swept by
the rotor (m2), and V is the wind speed (m/s) which varies with different geographic conditions.
The required wind turbine capacity for the desalination load can
be calculated as:
Pac ðkWÞ ¼
LoadðkW h=dayÞ
¼ 25 kW
Wind windowðh=dayÞ
If an inverter (from AC to DC) is required to support the desalination process, the DC capacity can be calculated using an inverter
efficiency which is typically 90%.
Pdc;STC ¼
Pac ðkWÞ
¼ 27:8 kW
Similar to PV capacity calculation, 1.2 times the wind turbine
capacity will be required for desalination application to charge
the batteries while supporting the desalination process. Therefore,
the new or adjusted wind turbine capacity for the equivalent DC
load will be:
Pdc;STCðAdjustedÞ ¼ 1:2 Pdc;STC ¼ 1:2 27:8 ¼ 33:3 kW
Considering the DC system voltage as 24 V, load on battery in
A h can be calculated for one day as:
Daily load in A h @ system voltage ¼
LoadðW h=dayÞ
System Voltage
33:3 103
¼ 1375 A h=d
Considering MDOD of 80% for commonly used lead acid batteries, the battery storage for one day operation is:
Load ðA h=dayÞ No of days 1375 1
¼ 1719 A h
Battery storage ¼
The final required battery storage capacity will be (considering
a discharge rate of C/20 batteries of 96% [60]):
Final Battery Storage ð25 C; 20 h-rateÞ ¼
Battery storage
Rated capacity
¼ 1790 A h
The above calculations illustrate how to size a battery system to
match the energy demand in desalination systems powered by photovoltaic or wind energy that require AC or DC power supply. The
battery sizing calculation was based on one day of uninterrupted
supply but the battery storage will increase proportionately with
increase in number of storage days required. The wind energy source
Please cite this article in press as: Gude VG. Energy storage for desalination processes powered by renewable energy and waste heat sources. Appl Energy
V.G. Gude / Applied Energy xxx (2014) xxx–xxx
Fig. 13. Solar and wind power maps for United States.
will change with seasonal variations, latitude and the location of the
desalination unit. A wind power map as shown in Fig. 13b can be
used as a guideline to design the desired turbine blade area, height
and turbine dimensions. These again depend on the air density
which is a function of temperature which in turn affects the wind
velocity and finally the energy generated from the swept area by
the wind turbine blades. A proper design will consider these factors
when sizing the blades and the turbine height and capacity [137].
Fig. 13b shows the annual average wind power for the United States.
It can be noted that most of the northern states are rich wind power
sources compared to the most southern states [138]. The wind speed
depends on the elevation of the location as well as the wind turbine
height. For more details on the wind power design and economic
analysis, the readers are referred to [139].
3.7.6. Desalination applications for BES technology
Al-Karaghouli et al. reported recent updates on the installed
PV–RO and wind–RO desalination plants in 2009 [69]. Zezli et al.
reported a few geothermal, wind and PV–RO desalination plants
worldwide. These include a geothermal-driven MED plant of
80 m3/d in Kimolos island, a wind energy driven MVC plant
(50 m3/d) in Gran Canaria, PV/RO plants of 120, 6 and 1.5 m3/d in
Lampedusa island, Brazil and Nevada respectively, and a wind–
PV driven RO of (3 m3/d) for seawater desalination in Lavrio,
Greece [70]. Table 7 shows the details of PV–RO installations with
battery storage details. Some hybrid configurations integrating
photovoltaic and wind energies (PV–wind–RO) are also installed.
This configuration might have an additional benefit of requiring
less battery storage since the wind generation continues round
Please cite this article in press as: Gude VG. Energy storage for desalination processes powered by renewable energy and waste heat sources. Appl Energy
V.G. Gude / Applied Energy xxx (2014) xxx–xxx
Table 7
PV–wind–RO desalination plants with battery energy storage systems.
Capacity (m3/d)
Specific energy consumption (kW h/m3)
Energy source and storage details
PV–RO desalination systems
4–5.8 (BWRO)
0.89 (BWRO)
1.38–2.77 (BWRO)
3 (BWRO)
8 (BWRO)
2.7 (BWRO)
8 kWp PV, 46.56 kW h battery
1.2 kWp PV, 4.3 kW h battery
24.5 kWp (pump); 1.22 kWp (control); PV, 132 kW h (pump) and 4.8 kW h (control) battery
19.84 kWp (pump); 0.64 kWp (control equipment) PV, 208 kW h battery
2.59 kWp PV, 60 kW h battery
3.25 kWp PV, 9.6 kW h battery
4.8 kWp PV, 59.52 kW h battery storage
1.1 kWp PV, 9.6 kW h battery
5.6 kWp PV with tracking, 41 kW h battery
125 kWp PV, 160 kVA diesel generator, 1236 kW h battery
0.846 kWp PV, 7.56 kW h battery
10.5 kWp PV, 72 kW h battery
0.136 kWp PV, 0.744 kW h battery
6 kWp PV, 4.8 kW h battery
PV–wind RO desalination systems
– (BWRO)
3.5 kWp PV, 0.6 kWp wind, 36 kW h battery
3.96 kWp PV, 0.9 kWp wind, 44.4 kW h battery
0.846 kWp PV, 1 kWp wind, 7.56 kW h battery
0.6 kWp PV, 0.89 kWp wind, 21 kW h battery
50 kWp PV, 275 kWp wind, grid back up
7.6 kWp PV, 5 kW wind, 5 kVA diesel generator
the clock. Other configurations include integration with the grid
power to assure reliable power supply and stable performance
3.8. Economics of battery energy storage in desalination
Energy storage generally increases the capital costs, thereby
affecting the freshwater costs. Evaluation of a few recent comparative studies with and without BES shows varying conclusions. In a
study conducted at the Agricultural University of Athens, Greece,
unit freshwater costs were reported as 7.8$/m3 without using
BES and 8.3$/m3 with a BES system. The specific energy consumption of this system was between 4.3 and 4.6 kW h/m3 by using a
Clark pump energy recovery device. However, the freshwater production was higher for the system with BES (0.9 m3) than without
BES (0.8 m3) which could be very valuable for remote communities
[82]. In another study in Jordan, for a desalination capacity of
0.192 m3/d, the freshwater costs for without BES and with BES
were 10 $/m3 and 13 $/m3 respectively [84].
3.9. Thermoelectric (TE) conversion
Similar to PV/thermal collectors, thermoelectric conversion technologies convert the low grade solar or waste heat into high grade
thermal energy or prime quality electrical energy both suitable for
desalination applications [90,91]. A hybrid desalination scheme
comprising of both thermal and membrane based desalination technologies can be considered depending on the desalination needs.
Thermoelectric conversion unit can be combined with concentrated
solar thermal power plants augmented by thermal energy storage to
serve as energy source for desalination systems. Currently, these
systems are utilized in very small scale heating and cooling applications. The technology currently suffers from low efficiency and high
energy costs indicating scope for research opportunities.
3.10. Geothermal energy sources
Geothermal source temperatures vary between wide ranges
(50–500 °C) making their application possible for a variety of desalination processes. The advantage with geothermal heat sources is
that the heat transfer fluid and the process feed could be derived
from the same stream (feed) which is ‘‘water’’. These sources do
not require a physical storage unit since they are stored in the
aquifers below ground level and can be accessed to meet the process needs. A few demonstrations of geothermal powered desalination systems were reported worldwide and some in power
generation [2].
4. Other energy storage options for desalination
The existing energy storage technologies suitable for desalination application can be primarily divided into two categories as
thermal and electrical energy storage. Among the thermal energy
storage technologies, sensible heat storage technologies are considered mature with many successful demonstrations throughout
world in a variety of process application. High temperature sensible TES technologies are still in very early stage of development.
Water storage (sensible TES) technology can be considered most
simple and economic alternative for low temperature desalination
technologies, followed by molten storage and PCMs for high temperature applications including power generation. PCMs involving
micro-capsules and nanoparticles still need some demonstration to
gain more experience and to overcome the barriers of this technology. For electrical energy storage, the only available option is battery storage with various chemical electrolytes, lithium-ion and
lead–acid batteries being the most commonly used. The main foreseeable objection for BES implementation in desalination applications would be their prohibitive costs. With increasing
penetration of the renewable energy technologies (PV and wind)
into large scale desalination applications, current storage capacity
or energy density of the BES technology does not prove to be costcompetitive. Alternate large scale energy storage technologies such
as chemical energy storage (CES), compressed air energy storage
(CAES), and pumped hydrostatic energy storage (PHES) need further consideration and development. A comparison of the capital
costs for different energy storage technologies is shown in Fig. 14
[98]. CES and CAES technologies can be used in power generation
schemes to produce electrical energy suitable for desalination
applications due their low cost and ability to utilize waste heat
from other sources [141–143]. Use of low grade heat for power
generation using Rankine cycles is also viable for low cost desalination [144]. Pumped hydrostatic energy, on the other hand, does not
Please cite this article in press as: Gude VG. Energy storage for desalination processes powered by renewable energy and waste heat sources. Appl Energy
V.G. Gude / Applied Energy xxx (2014) xxx–xxx
Fig. 14. Capital costs for different energy storage technologies.
require energy conversion but provides desalination directly by
virtue of the hydrostatic effect. CAES and pumped hydro energy
storage technologies have lower capital costs compared to others
due to their large scale application feasibility (see Fig. 14). A novel
RO desalination process operating under this principle was proposed by Al-Kharabsheh [94]. This system requires a saline water
storage tank positioned at a height to create a hydrostatic pressure
equivalent to or higher than the osmotic pressure of the saline
water from which freshwater is to be produced. The specific energy
requirement for this process was 0.85 kW h/m3 which is very close
to thermodynamic limit (0.70 kW h/m3). The drawback with this
process is the geographical height difference to provide for the
required hydrostatic pressure with segregated system components. Ocean communities may utilize the seawater column as a
potential hydrostatic head to perform desalination on-site while
eliminating the feed collection and brine disposal issues. A submarine RO desalination plant was proposed to take advantage of
the hydraulic pressure head of the seawater [95]. In this configuration, the RO unit is submerged and located at the bottom of the
seabed and the produced freshwater was supplied to the surface
via mechanical pumping. The feed water to the RO process also
requires some mechanical pumping which depends on the height
of the water column (available hydrostatic pressure) above the
RO unit. The energy requirements for this configuration were
1.88 kW h/m3, much less than the conventional RO (5–8 kW h/
m3) process. However, the RO process unit in this configuration
has to be located on the seabed which requires a different operational environment and process skill set to operate the process
with additional process engineering and safety concerns. Another
recent development in this area is a hybrid system that utilizes
the wind energy and gravitational potential energy to supply
energy required for RO process for sweater desalination. The estimated specific energy consumption was 2.81 kW h/m3 for this process [96].
the combinations of the desalination process and renewable
energy technology as discussed earlier. While the benefits of
energy storage systems can be realized from energy, environmental and economic perspectives, the energy storage option may not
be ideal or economical in all cases since its feasibility depends on
the location, type and size of the desalination application and the
available renewable energy sources. Whether an energy storage
option is feasible for a given application has to be determined by
careful evaluation of the aforementioned factors. Apart from the
cost issues, other barriers for TES implementation include material
properties and stability issues. The design of TES systems needs
several considerations and varies considerably for different applications. Future research efforts should focus on the development
of storage materials for different temperature ranges, containers
and thermal insulation. Phase change and thermochemical storage
technologies require additional efforts to improve material reactions along with process parametric optimization for desalination
applications. Battery energy storage technologies also suffer from
similar issues as thermal energy storage technologies. Significant
research efforts need to be devoted to study the electrochemistry
of the materials to produce low cost, high density and low environmental impact batteries. Environmental conditions (humidity, dirt,
solar insolation and ambient temperature) play an important role
in the design and sizing of PV–wind–RO–battery storage systems.
With increasing desalination capacity worldwide, these technologies need to be developed in parallel to provide solutions to the
energy supply–demand mismatch and to improve the economics
of the renewable energy powered desalination systems.
This research was supported by the Office of Research and Economic Development (ORED), Bagley College of Engineering (BCoE),
and the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE)
at Mississippi State University.
5. Summary
Energy storage is critical for uninterrupted supply of freshwater
sources from desalination technologies that depend on variable
energy sources. The type and size of energy storage depends on
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