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Engineering an In Vitro Model of a Functional
Ligament from Bone to Bone
Article in Tissue Engineering Part A · November 2010
DOI: 10.1089/ten.TEA.2010.0039 · Source: PubMed
3 authors:
Jennifer Z Paxton
Liam Grover
The University of Edinburgh
University of Birmingham
Keith Baar
University of California, Davis
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Volume 16, Number 11, 2010
ª Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
DOI: 10.1089/ten.tea.2010.0039
Engineering an In Vitro Model of a Functional
Ligament from Bone to Bone
Jennifer Z. Paxton, Ph.D.,1,2 Liam M. Grover, Ph.D.,3 and Keith Baar, Ph.D.1,*
For musculoskeletal tissues that transmit loads during movement, the interfaces between tissues are essential to
minimizing injury. Therefore, the reproduction of functional interfaces within engineered musculoskeletal tissues is critical to the successful transfer of the technology to the clinic. The goal of this work was to rapidly
engineer ligament equivalents in vitro that contained both the soft tissue sinew and a hard tissue bone mimetic.
This goal was achieved using cast brushite (CaHPO42H2O) anchors to mimic bone and a fibrin gel embedded
with fibroblasts to create the sinew. The constructs formed within 7 days. Fourteen days after seeding, the
interface between the brushite and sinew could withstand a stress of 9.51 1.7 kPa before failure and the sinew
reached a Young’s modulus value of 0.16 0.03 MPa. Treatment with ascorbic acid and proline increased the
collagen content of the sinew (from 1.34% 0.2% to 8.34% 0.37%), strength of the interface (29.24 6 kPa), and
modulus of the sinew (2.69 0.25 MPa). Adding transforming growth factor-b resulted in a further increase in
collagen (11.25% 0.39%), interface strength (42 8 kPa), and sinew modulus (5.46 0.68 MPa). Both scanning
electron and Raman microscopy suggested that the interface between the brushite and sinew mimics the in vivo
tidemark at the enthesis. This work describes a major step toward the development of tissue-engineered ligaments for the repair of ligament ruptures in humans.
nterior cruciate ligament (ACL) rupture is one of
the most common musculoskeletal injuries in the developed world, with *37 ACL tears per 100,000 people each
year.1 This equates to over 110,000 per year in the United
States alone. As a result of poor innate regeneration and
repair of these tissues, return of full function will only occur
with a suitable replacement. The most common methods of
surgical reconstruction use either the semitendinosus and
gracilis tendons or the middle third of the patellar tendon to
replace the failed ACL.2 To accelerate recovery, these grafts
are often performed with a small portion of bone so that the
repair extends from bone to bone.3 In the absence of these
bone plugs, graft strength and recovery can be impaired.4
Even though autografting has a high success rate, serious
complications at the site of tissue harvest often occur, including rupture of the donor tendon,5 chronic pain,2 and
decreased muscle strength,6,7 all of which compromise normal activity.8 As a result of this donor-site morbidity, novel
sources of ligaments for reconstruction are needed.
Spalazzi et al.9,10 have developed a triphasic scaffold to
mimic the fibrocartilaginous transition seen at the insertion
site of tendons/ligaments to bone. However, the attachment
potential of these scaffolds with either the hard or soft tissues
has yet to be reported. Phillips et al.11 have produced progressively calcified and stiffer scaffolds using a gradient of
the transcription factor runt-related transcription factor 2 to
control osteoblast differentiation and mineralized matrix
Several groups are also attempting to enhance repair at the
tendon/ligament insertion site in vivo. Local application of
specific growth factors important in endochondral ossification such as bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)12 and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor13 has increased the ultimate
tensile stress of grafts at the insertion. Materials such as calcium phosphate14 and magnesium phosphate bone cements,15 polyglycolic acid sheets,16 and demineralized bone
matrix17,18 are also being employed to improve repair at
tendon/ligament insertion sites and have shown promising
results regarding the formation of a fibrocartilaginous interface in vivo.
A ligament by definition is a collagenous soft tissue (sinew) that connects bone to bone. Although the sinew component has been engineered by a number of groups,19–25
there is only one previous attempt to engineer not only the
Divisions of 1Molecular Physiology and 2Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics, University of Dundee, Dundee, United Kingdom.
School of Chemical Engineering, College of Physical Science and Engineering, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham, United
*Present address: Functional Molecular Biology Lab, Department of Neurobiology, Physiology, and Behavior, University of California,
Davis, California.
soft tissue component but also the interface between the soft
tissue and a hard tissue analogue.24 What was clear from that
report was that the presence of hydroxyapatite (HA) within
the polymer clearly enhanced the strength of the interface
between the soft and hard tissues. Indeed, HA is well known
to form intimate attachments with both hard and soft tissues—a feature that has been exploited to enhance the attachment of metallic prostheses.26,27 Even though HA is the
calcium phosphate ceramic most frequently used as a coating
and synthetic bone replacement, it is virtually insoluble under physiological conditions, meaning that degradation of
the ceramic and replacement by native tissue is slow (*5 vol
% per year). Complete mechanical incorporation of tissueengineered ligaments will only occur when the ceramic
material is replaced with endogenous bone. Brushite (CaHPO42H2O), by contrast to HA, is almost entirely resorbed
both in vitro and in vivo since it is several orders of magnitude more soluble than HA in physiological conditions.28,29
The aim of this study was to determine whether monoliths formed from brushite cement alone could be used to
engineer a functional soft-to-hard tissue interface. These
interfaces are required for connecting engineered sinews to
machines in vitro and for replacement of diseased and
damaged ligaments if engineered ligaments are ever to
become a clinical option.
Materials and Methods
Brushite cement manufacture
The brushite cement was made by incrementally combining b-tricalcium phosphate [Ca3(PO4)2] with orthophosphoric acid (Sigma-Aldrich).
The b-tricalcium phosphate was manufactured by reactive
sintering of a powder containing CaHPO4 (MallinckdrodtBaker) and CaCO3 (Merck) with a theoretical calcium to
phosphate molar ratio of 1:5. The powder mixture was suspended in absolute ethanol and mixed for 12 h. The suspension was then filtered and the resulting cake heated in an
alumina crucible to 14008C for 12 h and 10008C for 6 h before
quenching in a desiccator in ambient conditions. The resulting sinter cake was then crushed using a pestle and
mortar and was passed through a 125 mm sieve.
Fabricating brushite anchors
Individual anchors were designed using Solidworks software, and casting frames containing 20 anchors were produced using a Thermojet Solid Object Printer (3D SYSTEMS).
The Solid Object Printer produced casting frames of a waxlike hardened thermoplastic material (combination of hydrocarbons, urethanes amides, and esters). The thermoplastic
frames were then filled with silicone glue (Dow Corning) and
allowed to set for 48 h. Once set, the silicone mold was removed from the thermoplastic frame and used to produce
individual anchors.
Individual anchors were formed as described previously.30 Briefly, brushite paste was spread into the silicone mold
and centrifuged at 3700 rpm for 15 s (Eppendorf) before
minutien insect pins (Fine Science Tools) were inserted into
each anchor. The anchors were then left to set at room
temperature overnight. Individual anchors, trapezoidal in
shape with approximate dimensions 3.53.733 mm at their
widest points, were removed from the mold the following
day and stored at room temperature until used.
Soft tissue formation
The soft tissue of the ligament was engineered as described
previously with some modification.23,30–32 Briefly, cement anchors were pinned onto Sylgard-coated 35 mm plates, and the
plates and cement anchors were sterilized by soaking in 70%
ethanol for 20 min. Five hundred microliters of growth media
(Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium [DMEM] supplemented
with 10% fetal bovine serum and 1% penicillin/streptomycin)
containing 10 U/mL thrombin (Calbiochem), 2 mL/mL aminohexanoic acid (200 mM; Sigma-Aldrich), and 2 mL/mL
aprotinin (10 mg/mL; Roche) solution was added to each dish
and agitated to cover the surface of the plate. Two hundred
microliters of fibrinogen (20 mg/mL; Sigma-Aldrich) was added drop wise, and the resulting fibrin gel was left to polymerize at 378C for 1 h. Embryonic chick tendon fibroblasts of
passages between 2 and 5 were seeded on top of the gel at a
concentration of 100103/mL. Chick tendon fibroblast cells
were chosen since previous work has identified the presence of
fibropositor cells, important for aligned collagen fiber production, when cultured under tension in this system.23 Constructs were fed every 2–3 days with DMEM supplemented
with 10% fetal bovine serum and 1% penicillin/streptomycin.
Constructs were supplemented with ascorbic acid (AA;
50 mM), proline (P; 50 mM), and/or transforming growth factor
(TGF-b; 2.5 ng/mL) on day 7 after plating.
Soft–hard tissue attachment
The attachment of the cement anchor to the soft tissue was
assessed by manually removing one anchor from the plate,
every 3 days, and observing whether the soft tissue remained
attached. Attachment was scored on a binary scale as
attached/not attached as described previously (Fig. 1D).30
Tensile testing
Individual constructs were mechanically loaded to determine the strength of the soft–hard tissue interface. Tensile
tests were conducted in a custom-built tensile testing machine, adapted from a design described in Larkin et al.33
Briefly, grips were manufactured as the inverse of the cement
anchor using rapid prototyping (Spectrum Z510; Z Corporation). The grips were designed so that the specimen was
immersed in saline during the test. To test the mechanical
interface, the cement anchors were inverted and inserted into
the grips. Care was taken to assure that the soft tissue was
not in contact with any part of the grips, so the recorded
values represent the interface stress and not the soft tissue
mechanical properties. One grip was attached to a custombuilt force transducer,34 whereas the other was attached to a
stepper motor. Using LabVIEW (National Instruments), the
sample was loaded at a constant rate of elongation of
0.4 mm/s and the resulting force was measured. Ultimate
tensile stress at the interface was calculated using the surface
area available for attachment for each anchor.
Collagen content
The collagen content of the ligament constructs was determined using a hydroxyproline assay.35 Briefly, ligament
FIG. 1. Tissue attachment time of three different anchor materials. Ligaments engineered using (A) polyethylene glycol
diacrylate-hydroxyapatite (PEG-HA) hydrogels, (B) silk sutures, and (C) brushite cement anchors 1 week after seeding. (D)
Attachment testing of one of the brushite anchors. (E) Quantitative assessment of attachment of the anchors and their tissueengineered ligaments. Brushite cements attach to ligament constructs significantly longer than PEG-HA hydrogels and
similar, if not better, than silk sutures. Results are mean standard error of the mean of PEG-HA (n ¼ 6, suture n ¼ 8, brushite
n ¼ 24). *Compared to PEG-HA hydrogel group ( p < 0.05).
constructs (n ¼ 6 in each group) were removed from their
cement anchors and dried in an oven for 30 min at 1108C.
Each sample was then weighed and hydrolyzed in 200 mL of
6 N HCl at 1308C for 3 h. The liquid was removed by allowing the HCl to evaporate for 30 min in a fume hood at
1308C. The resulting pellet was resuspended in 200 mL of
hydroxyproline buffer. Samples were further diluted 1:8 in
hydroxyproline buffer. One hundred and fifty microliters of
chloramine T solution was added to each sample, vortexed,
and left at room temperature for 20 min. One hundred and
fifty microliters of aldehyde-perchloric acid solution was
then added to each tube before the tubes were vortexed and
incubated in a preheated water bath at 608C for 15 min. After
incubation, tubes were left to cool for 10 min and then
samples/standards were read at 550 nm on a mQuant Microplate Spectrophotometer (Bio Tek Instruments Limited).
Hydroyproline was converted to collagen using a factor of
13.8% as reported previously.36
Scanning electron microscopy
Ligament constructs were formed for 1 week before being
supplemented with AA and proline for a further 1 week in
culture. At the 2-week time point, samples were fixed in 2.5%
glutaraldehyde in PIPES buffer (pH 7.2) for 24 h. Samples
were then prepared for scanning electron microscopy (SEM),
mounted on aluminum stubs using carbon adhesive tabs,
and coated with *15 nm Au/Pd using a Cressington 208HR
sputter coater. Samples were examined using a Philips XL30
ESEM operating at an accelerating voltage of 15 kV.
Raman microscopy
For imaging the interface, after 14 days of culture, the
constructs were immersed in TissueTekÒ (VWR) and then
frozen in liquid-nitrogen-cooled isopentane. Eight-micrometerthick longitudinal sections were cut using a cryostat (Leica).
The sections were then mounted onto a microscope slide
and examined using a confocal Raman microscope (Alpha
300R; WITEC) equipped with a 785 nm laser. A selected area
of 175 mm2 at the interface was mapped at a resolution of 175
points per line each requiring 19.64 s at an appropriate wave
number for the phosphate molecule. The fibrin was observed
by exciting the sample at <300 cm1, which causes autofluorescence.
Masson’s trichrome
Ligament constructs were soaked overnight in a 30%
sucrose solution and then frozen in Tissue Tek OCT (OCT)
compound in liquid-nitrogen-cooled isopentane. Eightmicrometer-thick longitudinal sections were cut on a cryostat
(Leica CM3050S Cryostat), and the sections were stained
using an AccustainÒ Trichrome (Masson) Staining Kit
(Sigma-Aldrich) as per the manufacturer’s instructions.
DNA content
Ligament constructs (n ¼ 10 in each group) were detached
from their anchors, snap frozen in liquid nitrogen, powdered
on dry ice, and digested overnight in proteinase K lysis buffer
(50 mM tris, 100 mM ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, 0.5%
sodium dodecyl sulfate, and 400 mg/mL proteinase K) at
558C. DNA was isolated by phenol:cholorofrom:isoamyl precipitation and quantified on a Nanodrop Spectrophotometer
(Thermo Scientific).
Glycosaminoglycan content
Dried tissues (n ¼ 4 in each group) were weighed and digested in papain buffer (2 U/mL papain, 5 mM cysteine, and
5 mM ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) for 24 h at 608C. After
papain digestion, 100 mL of each sample was added in triplicate
to individual wells of a 24-well plate, and dimethylmethylene
dye (45 mM 1,2 dimethylmethylene blue, 40 mM glycine, 40 mM
NaCl, and 10 mM HCl) was then added to each well, and the
plate was read immediately at 525 nm on a mQuant Microplate
Spectrophotometer (Bio Tek Instruments Limited). Glycosaminoglycan (GAG) content of each sample was determined using
a chondroitin sulfate standard curve.
Data are presented as means standard error of the mean.
Differences in mean values were compared within groups
and significant differences were determined by analysis of
variance with post hoc Tukey-Kramer HSD test using
BrightStat ( The significance level was
set at p < 0.05.
Anchor attachment time
The previous gold standard for the attachment of engineered ligaments/tendons in vitro is the woven silk suture;
therefore, we sought to determine how the brushite cement
attachment performs compared to this standard. The sinew
remained attached to woven sutures for a period of 21 4
days (Fig. 1). A polyethylene glycol diacrylate-hydroxyapatite
(PEG-HA) composite remained attached for a much shorter
period as previously described (4 1 days of attachment;
Fig. 1).24 Optimized brushite-based anchors remained attached
FIG. 2. Functional analysis of the cement anchor–sinew
interface. (A) A custom-built tensile testing machine was
used for conducting tensile tests on the ligament constructs.
(a) Force transducer, (b) shaped grip, (c) moving grip, (d)
stepper motor, and (e) microcontroller. (B) Ligament construct placed upside down into grips before testing. (C) Ligament construct undergoing tensile test. Tissue can be seen
detaching from the right-hand-side cement anchor. (D) Mean
ultimate tensile stress values after 1 or 4 weeks in culture. (E)
Seven days of treatment with ascorbic acid (AA), proline (P),
and/or transforming growth factor (TGF)-b. *Significantly
greater then corresponding control ( p < 0.05).
for a period of 26 2 days (Fig. 1) before failure of the interface, exceeding the attachment time of both the PEG-HA
and the woven silk suture.
Mechanics of the interface
The plastic nature of the cement paste enabled the manufacture of a trapezoidal-shaped monolith that could easily
Table 1. Collagen Content Over Time With and Without Supplementation With Ascorbic Acid,
Proline, and Transforming Growth Factor-b
Construct age
Collagen content (%)
GAG content (mg/mg)
AAþP (1 week)
(1 week)
2 weeks
4 weeks
2 weeks
2 weeks
1.45 0.32
4.78 0.32
2.92 0.18
8.51 0.59
8.34 0.90
10.52 0.82
11.25 0.95
Each group is significantly different from all others ( p < 0.05).
AA, ascorbic acid; GAG, glycosaminoglycan; ND, not determined; TGF, transforming growth factor.
be gripped for tensile testing. When inverted, the test measured the interface strength, whereas the sinew mechanics
were tested with the anchor upright. Constructs that received no media supplements were able to withstand interface stresses of 10.7 0.8 kPa (Fig. 2) before failure of the
interface. To determine whether the collagen content of the
soft tissue affected the interface between the ligament and
the calcium phosphate, constructs were maintained for 4
weeks to allow the accumulation of more collagen (Table 1),
or treated for 7 days with AA and proline, or AA, praline,
and TGF-b. Increasing the time in culture (1 week,
7.8 0.75 kPa; 4 week, 17.6 0.88 kPa) or supplementing the
media with AA, praline, and TGF-b (CTL, 9.5 1.7 kPa;
AAþP, 29.2 6.0 kPa; AAþPþTGF-b, 41.8 8.4 kPa) significantly improved the tensile strength of the interface.
microscopy (Fig. 5). Light micrographs of the tissue sections
demonstrated that the interface between the brushite cement
was not obviously demarcated. Instead, the edge of the brushite in contact with the sinew was uneven with a tidemark
similar to the enthesis in vivo (Fig. 5A). The interface was
then imaged using confocal Raman microscopy (Fig. 5B) and
mapped according to the intensity of a Raman peak indicative of the P–O vibration in brushite and other calcium
phosphate salts (Fig. 5C). Interestingly, the image map
demonstrated the presence of P–O-rich areas within the
fibrin matrix, which was located using the tendency of
Mechanics of the sinew
Adding AA and proline to the culture media also led to an
increase in Young’s modulus for the sinew (Fig. 3). A 22-fold
increase was observed with 50 mM AA and proline compared
with the untreated controls (CTL, 0.16 0.03 MPa; 50 mM
AAþP, 2.97 0.25 MPa). The addition of TGF-b in combination with AA and proline lead to a further twofold increase in modulus compared to AA and proline alone
(5.46 0.68 MPa) and a 34-fold increase in when compared
with the untreated control group (Fig. 3).
Ultrastructure of the interface
To examine the microstructure of the brushite–sinew interface, scanning electron micrographs were obtained from
anchors before integration with the sinew and the constructs
following 7 days of formation and a further 7 days of treatment with AA and proline (Fig. 4). The SEM images show
that the monolith of brushite begins as an ordered crystalline
structure that becomes completely surrounded by the fibrin
with regions where the sinew becomes invaginated within
the anchors (Fig. 4B). Further, like ligaments in vivo,37 the
collagen in the midsection of the sinew (Fig. 4E) has a different orientation to that near the bone (Fig. 4F). In the
midsection, the collagen is aligned along the line of tension
(from top left to bottom right), whereas near the brushite
anchor the collagen becomes somewhat disorganized (Fig.
4E, F).
Since the SEM images of the interface showed that the
sinew infiltrated the brushite anchor and there were areas of
calcium phosphate that appeared in the sinew, the interface
was further characterized using light and confocal Raman
FIG. 3. Functional analysis of the sinews. (A) Representative stress–strain curves for control sinews and sinews treated
for 1 week with AA and proline or AA, proline, and TGF-b.
(B) Average Young’s modulus of the sinews. *Significantly
different from control; {significantly different from AAþP
( p < 0.05).
FIG. 4. Scanning electron microscope images of the sinew constructs. (A) Cement anchor showing the brushite crystal
structure. (B) Close-up of the cement anchor–sinew interface. (C) Side view of cement anchor showing the sinew wrapping
around the bottom surface. (D) Further magnified image of the cement anchor (left) brushite (right) sinew. (E) Collagen fibers
within the mid portion of the sinew (the line of force is between the top left and bottom right corners). (F) Collagen fibers in
within the tissue portion of the ligament near the cement anchor.
biological molecules to autofluoresce at lower than 300 cm1
(Fig. 5D). The presence of calcium phosphate crystals within
the fibrin gel and the unevenly demarcated edge between
cement and fibrin matrix may indicate active reprecipitation
of calcium phosphate near the interface resulting in the formation of a graded interface.
Ultrastructure of the sinew
Staining of ligament constructs with Masson’s trichrome
demonstrated that the fibrin matrix (stained red) was de-
graded over time and replaced by endogenously produced
collagen (stained blue) only in the presence of AAþP or
AAþPþTGF-b (Fig. 6, panels 1 and 2 vs. 3–6). Collagen
content continues to increase and fibrin continues to decrease
over time. Four weeks of supplementation resulted in greater
collagen staining than observed after 1 week (Fig. 6, panels
3–6 vs. 9–12). Treatment with AAþP and AAþPþTGF-b also
appeared to increase the number of cells in the sinew
(stained black). The DNA content of the AAþP-treated grafts
increased 2.4-fold, whereas the AAþPþTGF-b constructs
had no significant increase in cell number compared to
FIG. 5. A sinew–brushite interface after 14 days of culture. (A) A light micrograph showing the sinew interface with the
brushite cement anchor (black). Notice the irregularity of the interface between the cement material and the cell-seeded fibrin
(gray), which suggests reprecipitation of mineral within the fibrin matrix (arrows). (B) Confocal Raman microscopic image
of the interface. (C) Phosphate peaks indicative of brushite away from the periphery of the cement. (D) The organic regions
of the interface were mapped using the autofluorescence of the biological samples when excited at wave numbers of
<300 cm1. Color images available online at
controls (CTL, 27.0 0.82 mg; AAþP, 64.1 0.80 mg; AAþPþ
TGF-b, 31.6 0.71 mg).
As with collagen, the GAG content of the sinew increases
over time, and with AAþP treatment, GAG content increases
from 4.78 0.32 mg/mg at 2 weeks to 8.51 0.59 mg/mg at 4
weeks. Supplementation with AAþP increased GAG content
to 10.52 0.82 mg/mg (Table 1).
Ligament longevity
During the 4-week experiment, it was noted that even
though testing the constructs every third day resulted in
failure within 26 days, when the constructs were left undisturbed in culture they could be cultured for longer periods.
Two separate experiments to determine how long the interface could remain intact when left undisturbed demonstrated
that the constructs routinely remained intact for over 12
weeks. At the end of the 12 weeks, the sinew had a white
appearance, contained high levels of collagen, and grossly
resembled a ligament in vivo (Fig. 7).
Using a bioresorbable calcium phosphate, brushite, and a
fibrin cast soft tissue construct, we have produced ligaments
that have a functional hard to soft tissue interface. Although
this interface is still not as strong as the soft tissue itself (i.e.,
the ligament fails at the interface and not in the midsubstance of the construct), the 41.8 8.4 kPa ultimate tensile
strength is in the same order of magnitude as embryonic
We had previously observed that increasing the calcium
phosphate content in a composite material resulted in increasing mechanical stability of a musculoskeletal interface.24
This suggested that phase-pure calcium phosphate monoliths
would be the optimal material for engineering the interface
between hard and soft musculoskeletal tissues. Using pure
calcium phosphate, in the form of brushite cement, the ligamentous interface can be maintained for over 25 days when
tested every third day. When left untested, constructs routinely remain attached for >12 weeks. We have shown that
FIG. 6. Histology of the sinew at 2 and 5 weeks of culture. Representative images showing the collagen content of the
sinews using Masson’s trichrome. Fibrin stains red, collagen stains blue, and black indicates cell nuclei. Fibrin can be seen to
reduce over time (red), whereas collagen (blue) increases over time and noticeably with AAþP and AAþPþTGF-b supplementation. Panels 1, 3, and 5 show 2 week old constructs at 10magnification. Panels 2, 4, and 6 show the same constructs
at 20magnification. Panels 7, 9, and 11 show 5 week old constructs at 10magnification. Panels 8, 10, and 12 show the same
constructs at 20 magnification.
the attachment and the strength of the interface are determined by the surface area of the anchor and stress/strain
concentrations.30 Therefore, creating high surface area anchors with minimal regions of stress/strain concentrations
can further increase the strength of the interface.
The fibrin-based sinews have been engineered from embryonic chick,23 primary rat and human adult tendon/
ligament fibroblasts,30,31 mesenchymal stem cells (Baar and
Vidal, unpublished), and primary muscle cells (Baar, unpublished). Therefore, autologous sinews can be engineered
either from stem cells isolated from the patient’s marrow or
from primary cells isolated from a biopsy and expanded in
culture. Within 5 weeks in vitro, the fibrin used to cast the
sinew was largely digested and replaced by collagen produced by the cells (Fig. 6). From work using cells isolated
from human ACLs, we have seen that large amounts of type
I collagen are found throughout the sinew, whereas type III
collagen is found in lower amounts within the core of the
graft.31 Treating the grafts with AA, proline, and TGF-b increased the collagen and GAG content of the grafts and this
resulted in improved mechanical strength and stiffness. The
collagen content of the sinew in the presence of AAþPþTGFb increased to 11.25% 0.39%. This represents 20% of the
collagen content of the adult ACL.38 Similarly, the GAG
content of the sinew is within the physiological range for
ligaments. The GAG content that was achieved with 1 week
of AAþP treatment (10.52 0.82 mg/mg) compares favorably
with the GAG content of the adult ACL (7.4 mg/mg). The
rapid acquisition of in vivo levels of GAGs in the sinew indicates that these components mature faster than the collagen matrix. The high GAG content might also play an
important role in the development of the sinew and its lower
collagen content since GAGs, especially small leucine-rich
proteoglycans, are important for collagen fibrillogenesis
and can prevent lateral fusion of collagen fibrils.39,40 Overall,
these data suggest that with AAþPþTGF-b treatment the
sinew rapidly develops both structurally and functionally.
In vivo, the osteoligamentous junction or enthesis is designed to transmit force from ligaments to bone37,41,42 with
minimal stress/strain concentrations. As tendons and ligaments develop from fibrous outgrowths of the cartilaginous
primordial bone before its ossification,43 the transition from
tendon/ligament to bone is a zonal arrangement, comprising
four separate regions: (1) tendon/ligament, (2) fibrocartilage,
(3) mineralized fibrocartilage, and (4) mineralized bone.42,43
The outer limit of calcification is demarcated by a tidemark,
signifying the transition between the calcified and noncalcified regions of the enthesis.37,41 The zone of calcified
fibrocartilage interdigitates with the bone, greatly increasing
the surface area for attachment of tendon/ligament to bone,
resulting in a decrease in stress/strain concentrations.37,41,43
This complex structure has been elegantly produced in vitro
using a triphasic scaffold.9,10 We report here that the tidemark and interdigitated calcium phosphate–sinew interface
can be reproduced in vitro using brushite monoliths and a
fibrin-based sinew. As the ligament enters the enthesis, the
collagen orientation changes from a parallel alignment in the
midsection to a more random alignment near the bone.37
This property is reproduced in the grafts reported here. In
the midsection of the sinew the collagen is aligned in parallel
along the line of force (Fig. 4). Similar to the enthesis in vivo,
near the anchor the orientation of the collagen becomes more
ture plate, these constructs are indeed scalable to the anatomy of a patient. In fact, we have already produced ligament
constructs 3.5 cm long, approximately the length of the average human ACL (Fig. 7).
Using brushite and a fibrin cast sinew, we have produced
ligaments that have a functional hard to soft tissue interface.
The interface (41.8 8.4 kPa) is not as strong as the soft tissue
(5.46 0.68 MPa), but the ultimate tensile strength is in the
same order of magnitude as embryonic ligaments. Further,
increasing the collagen content and decreasing regions of
stress/strain concentrations within the brushite anchors
should continue to improve the interface and move tissue
engineering closer to addressing the clinical need for ACL
FIG. 7. Gross morphology of ligament constructs after 12
weeks in culture. (A) A 2 cm ligament held upright by the
cement anchor with metal forceps; (B) the construct from
above; and (C) the construct from the side. Note that the pins
have been removed, the cement–ligament interface is intact,
and the construct is self-supporting. (D) A construct with a
gauge length of 3.5 cm, equivalent to the average gauge
length of a human anterior cruciate ligament. Color images
available online at
The authors acknowledge the assistance of Paul Maher in
creating the brushite anchors. The work was supported by
grants from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research
Council (EPSRC–EP/E008925/1) and the Biotechnology and
Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC–BB/F002084/
1). The Raman microscope used in this research was obtained
through Birmingham Science City: Innovative Uses for Advanced Materials in the Modern World (West Midlands
Centre for Advanced Materials Project 2), with support from
Advantage West Midlands (AWM) and part funded by the
European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
Disclosure Statement
No competing financial interests exist.
random. Since this property in vivo is thought to give the
ligament graded mechanics,44 this might be an important
aspect of the functional interface.
In vivo, the enthesis is so well developed that tendon and
ligament failure tends to occur at the subchondral bone or
the midsubstance of the sinew and not at the interface.45 The
engineered ligaments described here fail at the interface
when tested while inverted. The failure at the interface could
be the result of the interface only containing two of the four
zones of the enthesis (ligament and bone). The absence of
fibrocartilage may play a key role in the strength of the
interface. Therefore, inducing fibrocartilage formation could
be important in further development of this model. Fibrocartilaginous regions have been ectopically produced
in vivo using the TGF-b family member BMP-2. Injection of
BMP-2 into a rabbit flexor tendon results in the progressive
development of a fibrocartilaginous enthesis.12 Since brushite
can absorb growth factors,46 adding BMP-2 to the brushite
anchors may locally convert cells to a fibrocartilaginous fate.
These cells may continue to remodel the brushite at the interface and produce a four-zone transition.
The experiments described here have used ligament constructs that are 2 cm long. For these ligaments to be clinically
viable in humans, they need to be scalable. Since the size and
shape of the anchors can be altered using different molds and
the length of the graft can be adjusted by increasing the
distance between the anchors and the size of the tissue cul-
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Address correspondence to:
Keith Baar, Ph.D.
Functional Molecular Biology Lab
Department of Neurobiology, Physiology, and Behavior
University of California
Davis, CA 95616
Received: January 21, 2010
Accepted: June 29, 2010
Online Publication Date: August 18, 2010