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      Tibetan StudiesEpigraphy (Archaeology)ArchivesGiuseppe Tucci
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      ArchaeologyRoman HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesEpigraphy (Archaeology)
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionEgyptologyPapyrologyLandscape Archaeology
The publication of the Epigrammata Antiquae Urbis (Rome, Giacomo Mazzocchi, 1521) was a determining factor in the development of Roman studies in the 16th-century. As the first collection of classical inscriptions from the city of Rome,... more
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      Manuscripts and Early Printed BooksRenaissance StudiesEpigraphy (Archaeology)Incunabula
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      ReligionChristianityHistoryAncient History
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      Epigraphy (Archaeology)EpigraphyEpigrafika
THE CULT OF DIONYSOS IN ASIA MINOR IN THE ROMAN IMPERIAL AGE Making his presence, which can be traced long before the Archaic Age, deeply felt mainly in Hellas, Asia Minor and then in Rome throughout the ancient world, Dionysos,... more
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      ReligionAncient HistoryRoman HistoryHistory of Religion
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      HistoryArchaeologyArt HistoryArt
The recent surge in ancient scripts has resulted in huge image libraries of ancient texts. Data mining of the collected images enables the study of the evolution of these ancient scripts. In particular, the origin of the Indus Valley... more
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      Historical LinguisticsEpigraphy (Archaeology)Comparative LinguisticsLinguistics
Epigraphers and archaeologists working in Egypt must navigate a host of complex relationships both on and off site. This chapter explores the multifaceted nature of local Egyptian peoples’ relationships with nearby monuments through the... more
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      ArchaeologyEgyptologyEpigraphy (Archaeology)Egyptian Archaeology
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      International TradeEpigraphy (Archaeology)HeraldrySigillography
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      Epigraphy (Archaeology)Roman LawRoman SettlementLatin Epigraphy
When wandering around a city such as São Paulo, we are surrounded by letters, numbers and symbols. These elements form part of an environment full of signs in many shapes and sizes that compete for our attention. Our perception of these... more
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      Epigraphy (Archaeology)LetteringUrban StudiesTypography
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      ArchaeologyDigital HumanitiesEpigraphy (Archaeology)Greek Epigraphy
Sessione pomeridiana, ore 15:00 Vittorio Rizzone L' iscrizione di Iulia Florentina: peculiarità linguistiche ed epigrafiche Martino Ruggieri La morte di Iulia Florentina: ipotesi diagnostiche Elena Commodari Iulia Florentina e la mors... more
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      ArchaeologyHagiographyEpigraphy (Archaeology)Early Christianity
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      Digital HumanitiesPapyrologyNew TestamentEpigraphy (Archaeology)
Abstract: Unter anderem zu buirso auf der Fibel von Beuchte, das als verhüllende (tabuisierende) Namenentstellung (für *Būriso) zu fassen ist.
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      Epigraphy (Archaeology)RunologyOld Germanic LanguagesEpigraphy
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      Epigraphy (Archaeology)Social HistoryLatin EpigraphyGraffiti in history
This article presents a new approach to decipher the earliest known Szekely-Hungarian Rovash relic, the clay twyer from Bodrog-Alsóbű (Hungary). The proposed method includes the results of both the linguistics and computational... more
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      Epigraphy (Archaeology)Development of Early Writing SystemsRovas PaleographyComputational Paleography
Corpus des inscriptions arméniennes sur les colonnes est de la Basilique San Marco de Venise. Corpus de 31 inscriptions du XVIIe siècle dont 30 sont encore visibles. Publié dans le Jubilé de l'Ordre des Pères mékhitaristes, Lyon, Sources... more
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      Armenian StudiesEarly Modern HistoryEpigraphy (Archaeology)Armenian Epigraphy and Paleography
The monograph deals with the linguistic and historical study of the inscriptions on two 15th-century steles from Tyr cliff in the Lower Amur (now they are kept in V. K. Arsenyev Primorye State Museum in Vladivostok) with texts in Chinese,... more
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      Epigraphy (Archaeology)Inner Asian StudiesMongolian StudiesChinese Language and Culture
Acoustic and visual signaling is one of the vital elements for the functioning of an army. This volume presents the first approach of this subject for the Roman army since the works of A. von Domaszewski (from the end of the 19th... more
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      IconographyEpigraphy (Archaeology)Greek EpigraphyLatin Epigraphy
Final international workshop for research group B-5-3 of Exc 264 Topoi, Berlin.

Program now online at:
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      ChristianityArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyLate Antique and Byzantine History
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      Epigraphy (Archaeology)HistoriographyLatin EpigraphySpanish archaeology
The Harappan seals contain several linguistic symbols which have not been properly understood so far.Through my works especially- Indus script decipherment breakthrough, PaNameTa-the troy tower weight and measure system of Harappa, The... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryArchaeologyPrehistoric Archaeology
Content AD GLORIAM S. V. Beletsky, N. I. Platonova (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation) Anatoliy Nikolaevich Kirpichnikov. Life and Works17 L. M. Vseviov (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation) List of Scientific Works by A.... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryEuropean HistoryMilitary History
On 2012, two of the authors conducted research in the amphora collection of the National Museum of Roman Art (Museo Nacional de Arte Romano/MNAR) in Mérida (Spain). Their attention was attracted by one of the museum's finds. It was an... more
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      Jewish StudiesEpigraphy (Archaeology)Roman EpigraphyLate Roman Archaeology
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      Hellenistic HistoryEpigraphy (Archaeology)Greek EpigraphyAncient Greek History
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      Epigraphy (Archaeology)Transport GeographyAngkorAncient Roads
The Maya hieroglyphs written on the pages of the manuscript titled Relación de las cosas de Yucatán are the latest known examples of Maya writing. Written in the second half of the 16th century, they illustrate both the continuity of a... more
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      PhilologyDiachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Languages and LinguisticsHistorical Linguistics
This article presents a fragmentary and hitherto unpublished inscribed funerary stele, which was reused in Venice as an architectural spolium and has recently come to light. The text, written in Latin, is very likely to be the epitaph for... more
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      Military HistoryRoman HistoryEpigraphy (Archaeology)Venetian History
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      Epigraphy (Archaeology)Sardinia (Archaeology)Latin EpigraphySardegna
program and abstracts symposium of epigraphies of Anatolia, From antique to Ottoman times. For several millennia most of the civilisations of Anatolia used inscription on stone to preserve important texts – whether public documents or... more
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      Epigraphy (Archaeology)Greek EpigraphyLatin EpigraphyRoman Epigraphy
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      Epigraphy (Archaeology)History of Azerbaijan
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      Roman HistoryEpigraphy (Archaeology)Roman LawWomen in the ancient world
Dans ce volume sont publiées les inscriptions phéniciennes inédites appartenant à la collection de la Direction Générale des Antiquités du Liban (DGA), retrouvées et identifiées au cours des travaux d’une mission épigraphique... more
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      ReligionAncient HistoryPhoeniciansEpigraphy (Archaeology)
This article appeared in the Book of Mormon Archaeological Foundation ( website in 2014.
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      Epigraphy (Archaeology)Maya EpigraphyMayan LinguisticsAncient Egyptian Iconography
En el presente escrito se realiza el estudio de una inscripción funeraria hispana datada en el siglo V y procedente de Sevilla, que, actualmente, se conserva en el Museo Arqueológico Nacional. Se hace un análisis tanto de su disposición... more
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      Epigraphy (Archaeology)Latin EpigraphyMedieval EpigraphyVisigothic Spain
This paper describes four Roman altars recently found in La Vera, which is the name given to the country lying between river Tiétar and Sierra de Gredos, in the Spanish province of Cáceres. Three epigraphs are dedications to local... more
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      Epigraphy (Archaeology)Roman ReligionLatin EpigraphyCeltic Archaeology
[Etruscan sacred inscriptions on vases in late-archaic and recent age]
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      Epigraphy (Archaeology)EtruscanEtruscan ArchaeologyEtruscology
A complete edition of all known Latino (and Graeco)-Punic inscriptions along with a detailed, comparative grammatical analysis, esp. with regard to phonology and orthographic practice. Several texts are presented here for the first time.... more
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      PhilologyHistorical LinguisticsSemitic languagesPhoenicians
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      Epigraphy (Archaeology)Mesoamerican ArchaeologyMesoamerican Writing
The site of Ek Balam has produced a corpus of amazing hieroglyphic inscriptions dating to the crucial Late-to-Terminal Classic transition which have provided numerous crucial insights into this important period in the ancient Maya... more
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      Writing Systems & DeciphermentEpigraphy (Archaeology)Ancient HistoriographyClassic Maya (Archaeology)
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      ArchaeologyArt HistoryMedieval StudiesEpigraphy (Archaeology)
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      HistoryArt HistoryArchitectureEpigraphy (Archaeology)
Some new Lugano alphabet inscriptions on the Camisana 1 boulder at Carona (Bergamo). During the research campaign 2014 it was possible to read many new Lepontic inscriptions engraved on the CMS 1 boulder. Some of them are presented here,... more
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      Celtic StudiesEpigraphy (Archaeology)Celtic LinguisticsCeltic religion
According to generally accepted estimates, the corpus of Phoenician-Punic inscriptions comprises about 10,000 inscriptions from all the countries of the Mediterranean region. The sheer quantity and scattered nature of the documents,... more
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      PhoeniciansEpigraphy (Archaeology)PhoenicianNorthwest Semitic Epigraphy
par Jean-Louis Van Belle. — En Europe, depuis le milieu du xixe siècle, les signes lapidaires furent qualifiés de marques de tâcheron. Cette appellation s’est répandue et s’est imposée un peu partout. Or, trente ans de recherches nous ont... more
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      Epigraphy (Archaeology)Stone carvingStone carving and lapidary techniquesGlyptography
The thesis concentrates on computational methods pertaining to ancient ostraca - ink on clay inscriptions, written in Hebrew. These texts originate from the biblical kingdoms of Israel and Judah, and dated to the late First Temple period... more
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      ArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyHumanities Computing (Digital Humanities)Computer Vision
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic History