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Sensors and Actuators B 131 (2008) 100–109
Exploratory data analysis for industrial safety application
M. Vezzoli ∗ , A. Ponzoni, M. Pardo, M. Falasconi, G. Faglia, G. Sberveglieri
CNR-INFM Sensor Laboratory, Department of Chemistry and Physics,
University of Brescia, Via Valotti 9, I-25123 Brescia, Italy
Available online 28 December 2007
We tested the detection properties of four MOX sensors toward different ozone mixtures to identify sets of sensing layers and interfering
compounds concentrations most suitable for a reliable detection of ozone. The measurement campaign lasted 1 year divided in four sessions. We
collected a substantial amount of measurements (more than 500) with diverse interfering gases: ammonia, ethanol, ethylene, carbon monoxide and
humidity. Due to the dimension of the data set it could not be analyzed using the conventional methods generally applied for characterizing gas
sensors: evaluating the sensor performance by visual inspection of the sensors responses is unfeasible. For this reason we systematically applied
the exploratory data analysis methodology. We used some simple but effective statistical techniques to insight the data. This approach allows us to
draw sound conclusions about the causes of variation in the data, e.g. time (sensors’ long-term stability) or interfering effects of different chemical
compounds. All the analysis techniques employed in this work are implemented in a software package developed at our laboratory.
We concluded that the two best stable and sensitive sensors are based on WO3 and SnO2 (Au catalyzed). We ranked the contributions of different
gases on sensor responses, deducing that out sensors are suitable to detect steps of 50 ppb of ozone when ethylene is less than 10 ppm. Carbon
monoxide does not affect the measurements still, the strongest interfering compound is humidity that needs to be controlled or parallely measured
also in a preliminary stage.
© 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Exploratory data analysis; Industrial application; Ozone detection; Sensors array
1. Introduction
Ozone detection is not only an environmental priority but
also an industrial requirement to keep workplaces healthy. Catalytic ozonation is widely used in industrial processes and the
trend is proceeding upwards. Typical applications include water
and wastewater disinfection (wastewater plants, hospitals) and
food sterilizing (approved in 2001 in the US) where ozonation
systems are used, e.g. in modified air packaging lines and fruit
Ambient ozone level in workplaces where ozonation is used
has to be monitored. The US Occupational Safety and Health
Association (OSHA) has set strict exposure limits to assure
workplace safety [1]. OSHA has defined the ozone exposure
limits as follows: threshold limit value (TLV) is 100 ppb, shortterm exposure limit is 300 ppb The normal background level of
ozone in workplaces is 30 ppb [2]; thus for indoor applications
it is important to investigate and characterize sensitive layers
Corresponding author. Tel.: +39 030 3715789; fax: +39 030 2091271.
E-mail address: marco.vezzoli@ing.unibs.it (M. Vezzoli).
0925-4005/$ – see front matter © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
for ozone concentration higher than 30 ppb. For the industrial
application envisaged, the effect of interfering gases can have
a relevant importance due to its presence in the environment as
will be shown in this paper.
Up to now, the only solution for ozone monitoring is given
by ozone analyzers that are highly selective and sensitive, but
also quite expensive (about D 10,000o). Gas sensors arrays (or
electronic nose) offer a cheaper alternative approach.
The need to get portable, user friendly, cheap and low power
consumption devices for gas detecting drives the market trend.
The technological improvements occurred in the last decade
in system miniaturization is leading towards small and smart
devices containing a reduced number of sensitive gas sensors
coupled to pattern recognition software implemented in a microprocessor. Our paper shows that this trend might be followed
also for ozone monitoring. Portable devices can be proposed
to the final user for a dedicated application with reduced price
and more specific sensing capability with respect to electronic
During the last years different metal oxide sensors such as
tungsten oxide, indium oxide, mixed indium and iron oxide,
revealed suitable for ozone sensing ([3–8]).
M. Vezzoli et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 131 (2008) 100–109
This work is motivated by the lack of exhaustive studies in
monitoring ozone in realistic conditions: long measurements
time, diverse interfering gases and different humidity levels.
These operative conditions are not generally used in the preliminary sensor testing stage but they are the most indicative
about the actual sensor working capabilities.
We tested an array composed of four metal oxide gas sensors toward mixtures of ozone and four interfering compounds,
carbon monoxide, ethylene, ammonia and ethanol at different
concentrations. Also two different humidity levels are monitored
to evaluate the influence of that parameter on sensing properties.
We carried out four measurement sessions, lasting from 2 to 4
days each, over a 1 year period in order to evaluate sensor stability. Testing different interfering species at different humidity
concentrations over a long period of time permits to determine
critical parameters for a possible industrial application of such
The measurements’ variability depends on a high number of
variables: sensor type, ozone concentration, interfering species
and their concentrations, humidity level and time progression.
In order to visually understand how the variables affect the sensor response, we applied exploratory data analysis techniques.
Exploratory data analysis (EDA) is a fundamental step in the
data analysis cycle (the cycle consists of: data acquisition, data
preprocessing, exploratory data analysis and classification) [12].
The aims of explorative analysis are manifold: maximize insight
into a data set, uncover underlying structure, extract important features and detect outliers. A most valuable outcome of
EDA is to check for prior assumptions and determine optimal
experimental settings.
With EDA we identified the sensing layers and the interfering compounds’ concentrations most suitable for our specific
industrial target. We end up with a two-sensors array dedicated
to ozone detection.
Finally, a quantitative evaluation of the ozone concentration
in different mixtures with interfering gases is performed with
the multi-linear regression (MLR) method.
2. Experimental and methods
Materials, deposition methods and working temperature are
reported in Table 1 together with codes that will be used in the
following to identify each sensor. The working temperature has
been chosen as the best compromise between enhanced sensitivity (improved by decreasing the working temperature) and fast
response/recovery times (improved by increasing the working
temperature) [6].
Measurements were carried out with the flow-through technique in a temperature-stabilized sealed chamber (volume of
1 L) at 20 ◦ C under controlled humidity, working with a constant flux of 0.2 standard litres per minute (s.l.m.). Gas mixtures
were generated by certified dry air bottles with diluted target
gases concentrations and a humidity control system. A multiple
automatic mass flow controller system pilots the correct mixture
composition before injection.
Ozone was generated through UV lamp discharge and the
concentration was measured at the chamber outlet by a detector based on the wet chemical Brewer–Milford principle. A
commercial readout electronic has been used to measure sensor
resistance values.
We initially tested four interfering gases: ammonia, ethylene,
ethanol and carbon monoxide. For three compounds, ammonia,
ethanol and carbon monoxide, we observed a very low interfering behaviour with respect to ozone so, after some preliminary
measurements, we decided to discard ammonia and ethanol.
Carbon monoxide was chosen as representatives of this class
of low-interfering gases. Ethylene showed a stronger interfering
effect. Thus, we prepared samples mixing dry air and ozone or
dry air, ozone and an interfering compound (ethylene or carbon monoxide). No ternary mixtures have been examined. The
concentrations of the analytes employed are: ozone (0, 70, 140,
280, 560 ppb), carbon monoxide (0, 5, 10 ppm), ethylene (0, 5,
10, 30, 60 ppm). The measurements are performed at different
humidity concentrations: 3 and 20% at 20 ◦ C. Different humidity levels are considered to increase the system complexity and
match more realistic industrial environments.
The detailed measurement table is reported in Table 2. We
tested 581 samples divided in 30 different binary mixtures.
We performed at least two repetitions for each gas mixture.
Four blocks of measurements were carried out during an eleven
months campaign with the same sensor array at two different
humidity levels. During the last session we observed the poisoning of two sensors, CoO and InFe. As a consequence the
measurements collected with such sensors were eliminated and
were not considered for data analysis.
We designed the measurement protocol with up and down
concentration ramps. The ramps are formed with increasing and
decreasing steps of ozone concentrations. At each step (fixed
ozone concentration) the concentration of a second component
is changed (Fig. 1). The concentration of mixture constituents
is kept constant for 30 min in order to stabilize the sensors
response. The first measurement of each session measures
the baseline (i.e. just air) which is than used to calculate the
(Rss − R0 ) feature as we described afterwards.
Table 1
Description of the sensors composing the array
Working T (◦ C)
Deposition method
Au catalyzed SnO2
Mixed In and Fe oxides
Thermal evaporation from metallic W source
RGTO SnO2 layer + sputtered Au
RGTO from sputtered In target with Fe insets
Reactive sputtering from Co target
The materials, the working temperatures, the deposition methods and the references for further synthesis details are reported in the table.
M. Vezzoli et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 131 (2008) 100–109
Table 2
The table reports the number of measurements divided for different sessions
Session (interfering compound)
Ozone (ppb)
Interfering compound
concentration (ppm)
Total number of
April 2006 (ethylene)
July 2006 (CO)
November 2006 (CO)
December 2005 (ethylene)
Humidity level (%)
In each session we summarize how many measurements we carried out with respect to different ozone concentrations and the concentration of the interfering
compound. No ternary mixtures have been examined. The interfering compound used in each session is declared in the first column. The table also reports the total
number of measurements per session and the number at each humidity level (3 and 20%).
Fig. 1. (a) Figure shows the responses of two sensors (WHT and SnAu) toward
mixtures of ozone and ethylene over time. Mixtures are obtained using concentration ramps as shown in (b) and (c). We reported an ozone ramp at three
concentrations: 70, 140, 280 ppb (b). At each ozone step, the ethylene concentration is changed between 0 and 10 ppm (c).
Two different curve features were extracted from each sensor
response: Rss (steady state resistance) and R = Rss − R0 . The
first feature is the mean value of the sensor response between 10
and 20 min after injection. Averaging is done to minimize the
fast variation of sensor response, caused by noisy and spurious
signals that can invalidate a punctual sensor response sampling.
R0 (baseline) value was evaluated for all the sensors only once
at the beginning of each measurement session and then applied
to the calculation of R for all the measurements in that session.
The exploratory data analysis methods used are: feature plot,
box plot and principal component analysis (PCA) that are implemented in the EDA software package. The EDA software is a
Matlab toolbox developed over the years at our lab. The most
common and widely applied descriptive statistics functions (e.g.
box plot) are already included in the original version of the Matlab software [13]. The contribution of our lab is the definition of a
data structure (both the measurement matrix and the data covariates), the development of utilities for easy data manipulation
(e.g. data sub-sampling, data set fusion) and plots customization. For example we introduce some useful plotting feature as
the possibility to describe data points with a double labeling.
This means that the legend is characterized by two labels: the
first label refers to a data category, e.g. ozone concentration,
so that data points are coloured with different colours relating
to different ozone concentrations. The second label refers to a
diverse category, e.g. humidity level, and points are marked with
diverse markers relating to diverse humidity levels. This simple
customization is useful to retrieve more information out from
the same figure reducing the number of needed plots. In particular, the advantage of this graphical mode is that the user is
able to observe how data points are spatially located referring
M. Vezzoli et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 131 (2008) 100–109
simultaneously to two categories and to recognize particular data
structures more easily.
3. Results and discussion
We divided the data analysis in three sections: in the first one
we assess which sensors in the array better discriminate ozone.
In the second section we explain the effect of factors such as
long measurement time and interfering gases that are responsible
for the data variance, whilst the last section is devoted to the
quantitative assessment of ozone concentration using the best
3.1. Sensor selection
Initially, with feature plots and box plots, we visually selected
the best sensors. Feature plots depict the value of a feature
extracted from a sensor versus time or another data category.
For example in Fig. 2 the feature is plotted with respect to the
category ozone concentration and category classes are 35, 70,
140, 280 and 560 ppb). The subset of measurements depicted
are (1) the measurement session of December 2005 (the other
sessions give similar results), (2) all the sensors composing the
array, (3) at fixed humidity (RH = 20%), and (4) without inter-
fering gases. Each subplot refers to a sensor while points are
grouped with respect to different ozone concentrations on the
x axis. WHT and SnAu are the two best sensors. For the WHT
sensor, measurements at different ozone concentrations do not
overlap (except for a few measurements at 35 and 70 ppb). For
the other three sensors an overlapping is present. Yet, for SnAu
the within class spread is noticeably minor that for the other two.
A further indicator of sensor performance is stability over
different sessions. In Fig. 3 we expand the values of Fig. 2 with
the second, third and fourth sessions, depicting feature distributions with their mean values and standard deviations. We also
change the label which now reflects the session name. This plot
confirms that sensor WHT is performing best and the sensor
SnAu is the second best.
Such deduction is also supported by the box plot of the sensor
WHT and CoO (Fig. 4). The box plot summarizes different properties of a data distribution: (1) the box has lines at the lower or
first quartile (bottom blue line), median or second quartile (red
line in the middle) and upper or third quartile (top blue line)
values; (2) whiskers are lines extending from each end of the
box showing the extent of the tails of the sample distribution.
Whiskers extend from the box out to the most extreme data value
within 1.5*IQR, where IQR is the inter-quartile range (i.e. difference between 3rd and 1st quartile values) of the sample; (3)
Fig. 2. Feature plot of the R feature. Ozone concentration is on the x axis (from 35 to 560 ppb). The sensors that better discriminate different ozone concentration are
the WHT and SnAu. All the measurements reported were collected only in December 2005. The measurements collected at 35 and 560 ppb of ozone were collected
only in the first session.
M. Vezzoli et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 131 (2008) 100–109
Fig. 3. (Top) Feature plots of the R feature extracted from WHT and SnAu sensors over four measurement sessions: November 2006, July 2006, April 2006, and
December 2005. (Bottom) The same feature extracted from CoO and InFe sensors presents a visible drift. Measurements with 35 and 560 ppb ozone have been
performed only in the first measurement session. Feature value distributions are summarized with mean values and standard deviations.
outliers are data with values beyond the ends of the whiskers
and they are marked with a red cross. If there is no data outside
the whisker, a dot is placed at the bottom whisker.
Box plots convey more synthetically the different performance of WHT and CoO. You should compare these figures
with the relative plots in Fig. 3. For the WHT, the boxes are well
separated and a neat increasing relation with respect to ozone
concentration is observed. The contrary is true for CoO. As you
note in Fig. 4 (bottom), there is only a slight negative correlation between the ozone concentration and the sensor response.
Remember that the CoO sensor behaviour is opposite to WHT
sensor behaviour: WHT is an n-type sensor whilst the CoO is
a p-type sensor. Therefore, the negative correlation is not the
problem. The problem is clear from Fig. 3: the dependence on
ozone is less than the dependence on the session number (in this
paper we do not attempt to counterbalance drift).
M. Vezzoli et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 131 (2008) 100–109
Fig. 4. Box plots of RSS feature extracted from the sensors WHT (top) and CoO
(bottom), one for each ozone concentration (from 0 to 560 ppb). The points
marked with a red cross are outliers.
3.2. Explaining the variance
The three interfering compounds play an important role in the
determination of the ozone concentration. In fact, as we will see
in this section, in a mixture of ozone, ethylene, carbon monoxide
and water steam at the concentrations of interest in this study, the
data variability depends, sorting with descending importance,
humidity level;
sensor drift;
ozone concentration (with a resolution of circa 50 ppb);
ethylene concentration (if less than 10 ppm);
CO concentration (any).
The interfering effect of humidity is well known for all metal
oxide sensors and represents the major drawback of this type
of thin film sensors. The a priori humidity level knowledge is
almost necessary when sensors are placed in a workplace in
which humidity variations are not negligible. Humidity can be
measured with a dedicated sensor or it can be estimated using
a model built on the experimental points, also in a preliminary
stage. We will not show the effect of humidity in the following.
In the following we perform successive principal component
analysis plots on the two best sensors: WHT and SnAu. In two
dimensions principal component analysis just performs a rotation so that the first axis is the direction of the greatest variance.
All the data plotted are scaled with respect to the sensor baseline
R0 to minimize the influence of sensor drift, i.e. we consider the
feature R.
In Fig. 5 we plot all the measurement sessions carried out
with humidity level at 20%. Here distinct colours refer to distinct
ozone concentrations whilst distinct markers are relating to distinct sessions. From this big dataset we visually recognize three
main aspects: (1) clusters are ordered in increasing order with
respect to ozone concentration as indicate by the curved arrow;
(2) clusters are also spread with respect to different measurement session as indicate by the thick arrow; (3) the right half of
the figure is quite confused: there is overlapping between points
at different ozone concentration (different colour markers).
In order to make sense of the confusion in the bottom right
corner, we plot a subset of the data and change one of the two
labels. This is easily carried out with the EDA software by changing two lines in the parameter file. In this way we highlight in
Fig. 6 the interfering effect of ethylene in the first measurement session. We see that measurements with 280 ppb of ozone
(green marker) are divided in three sub-clusters due to different concentrations of ethylene. In particular, the sub-cluster at
280 ppb of ozone and 30 ppm of ethylene overlaps those relating to 140 ppb of ozone (blue circle marker). Following the
green arrow (increasing ethylene concentration) we end up with
the sub-cluster (280 ppb of ozone, 60 ppm of ethylene) being
almost superposed the zero ozone cluster (red markers). The
same tendency is true for measurements with 35 and 70 ppb of
The ethylene–ozone mixture is known to be strongly unstable. Measurements carried out with an ozone analyzer revealed
that the ozone concentration decreases of about 2–5% once ethylene is added. However sensor response is strongly decreased
more than the above 2–5% when ethylene is added to ozone. It is
reasonable to ascribe this effect to the catalytic effect of the metal
oxide surface, which enhances the ozone–ethylene interaction.
It is not thus a critical issue to recognize the ozone concentration inside the test chamber because of the catalytic reaction
occurring at the sensor surface. Only this surface phenomenon
is important for our purpose. It is apparent that the sensor system is not able to detect ozone in presence of up to 30 ppm of
interfering of ethylene. For this reason, we performed measurements with mixtures containing high concentration of ethylene
(30 and 60 ppm) just in the first session and we decided to test
only mixtures with low concentrations of ethylene (≤10 ppm)
in the last three sessions. Extremal concentrations of ozone (35
and 560 ppb) were also not measured in the last sessions: we preferred to test fewer ozone concentrations but with all the possible
combinations of concentrations of the interfering gases.
Fig. 7 shows the second measurement session at (1) 0, 5
and 10 ppm of ethylene and 0, 70, 140; (2) 280 ppb of ozone.
M. Vezzoli et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 131 (2008) 100–109
Fig. 5. Different ozone concentrations (from 0 to 560 ppb) are reported with different colours. The clusters are ordered and quite separated with respect to ozone
concentration and session apart those located close to 0 ppb of ozone (dash circle). The anomalous measurements are due to the presence of high ethylene concentrations
as shown in the next figure.
If the ethylene is present at low concentrations (up to 5 ppm)
ozone concentration differences are still bigger than ethylene
differences. Ten ppm of ethylene, at least for higher ozone concentrations, still represents a big interference.
Until now we did not show the effect the three different levels
of CO present in the mixtures. In Fig. 8 you can see that carbon
monoxide does not affect the sensors’ response towards ozone.
Different CO concentrations are represented with points that
fall within the same ozone-dependent cluster (having the same
colour). Thus no evidence of interference behaviour is shown
by the oxide.
Finally if we consider all sessions without the interfering
effect of high ethylene concentrations (10, 30 and 60 ppm) and
without the 35 and 560 ppb of ozone, we obtained Fig. 9. The
measurements sessions are ordered with respect to (1) the ozone
concentration and (2) measurement session as indicated with the
Fig. 6. This figure is a zoom of the portion of relating to the first measurement
session. The first column of each entry in the legend refers to the ozone concentration (ppb) whilst the second one to the ethylene concentration (ppm). The
arrows show the effect of increasing ethylene concentrations (0 to 30 to 60 ppm).
Fig. 7. This figure is a zoom of the portion of relating to the second measurement session. The first column of each entry in the legend refers to the ozone
concentration (ppb) whilst the second one to the ethylene concentration (ppm).
The spreading of clusters at different ozone concentrations is still bigger than
those of ethylene (up to 5 ppm).
M. Vezzoli et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 131 (2008) 100–109
arrows. We note that the right half of the plot is not confused
anymore as it was in Fig. 5.
3.3. Quantitative ozone determination
We initially verified that the response of the selected sensors
had linear relation when seen in a bi-logarithmic plot. To this
end we limited the observation to the best operative conditions:
(1) without ethylene; (2) all the carbon monoxide concentrations
tested; (3) fixed humidity level (RH = 20%); and (4) one measurement session. In Fig. 10 we see that the expected relation
Fig. 8. Different colours refer to different ozone concentrations, whilst different
markers refer to 0, 5 and 10 ppm of CO.
Fig. 9. Considering four sessions with ozone (70, 140, 280 ppb) and ethylene
(0, 5 ppm) at fixed humidity (20%), measurements are ordered with respect to
session number and ozone concentration.
Fig. 10. On the x axis is reported the logarithmic value of three ozone concentrations: 70, 140 and 280 ppb. On the y axis is reported the logarithmic value of
the WHT sensor response with the error bars. The black line is the linear fitting
Fig. 11. Multi-linear regression obtained with the sensor WHT and SnAu. On
the x axis is reported the real ozone concentration, on the y axis the estimated concentration obtained applying the regression coefficients. (Top) The regression
model is built on measurements without ethylene (first session). The four error
bars are relating to 35 ppb (σ = 2 ppb), 70 ppb (σ = 11 ppb), 140 ppb (σ = 8 ppb)
and 280 ppb (σ = 13 ppb) of ozone. (Bottom) It shows the estimated ozone on
measurements with 5 ppm of ethylene (error bars: 8, 23, 55 ppb).
M. Vezzoli et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 131 (2008) 100–109
is satisfied for the WHT sensor. The linear fitting line (black
line) is a good approximation of the true relation between the
ozone concentration and the sensor response. The same result
was obtained for the remaining sessions considered separately
and also for the second best sensor, SnAu.
We performed the multiple linear regression (MLR) and calculated the relative standard deviations for the estimation of
three different ozone concentrations. Such result was obtained
considering the two best sensors (WHT and SnAu) in the two
operative conditions: without ethylene and with low concentration of ethylene. In the first case (see Fig. 11(top)) there is
a very good linear relation between the true ozone concentration (reported on x axis) and the estimated ozone concentration
(reported on y axis, pink crosses). The standard deviation, that
is a measure of the precision we reach in the determination of
ozone concentration, is equal to 2, 11, 8 and 13 ppb, respectively, for samples containing 35, 70, 140 and 280 ppb of ozone
in the first session. If we consider only the best sensor WHT the
performance we reach are slightly worse than those relative to
WHT and SnAu sensors together: 5, 17, 10 and 28 ppb for the
same group of ozone concentrations. The SnAu sensor increases
the capability of a single sensor to estimate the concentration of
the target gas.
In presence of ethylene (second session), the linear fitting of
the data distributions at 70, 140 and 280 ppb of ozone is good but
the presence of the interfering ethylene affects the estimation.
In particular, it splits the cluster relating to 280 ppb in two subclusters and the standard deviation for the estimation of ozone is
worse: 8, 23 and 55 ppb, respectively. Such splitting is observed
in Fig. 11(bottom) at 280 ppb of ozone due to the presence of
5 ppm of ethylene.
4. Conclusions
We tested four sensors for 1 year collecting more than 500
measurements in atmospheres composed of ozone and different
interfering gases in order to get realist information about sensor
ozone discrimination capabilities.
Due to the amount of measurements, they could not be
analyzed using the conventional methods generally applied
for characterizing gas sensors. Thus we systematically applied
the exploratory data analysis methodology. Through the visual
inspection of feature plots and box plots we selected the two
more stable and sensitive sensors: WHT (based on WO3 )
and SnAu (Au catalyzed SnO2 ). Principal component analysis
allows us to investigate and draw sound conclusions that explain
the data variability.
Data measured over 1 year period reveal sensing performances suited for industrial safety application. The selected
sensors are able to track ozone at concentrations close to both
the STEL and TWA limits, with an accuracy lower than 30 ppb,
also in presence of interfering gases.
The measurements sessions have been supported by the FP6
European Project “Nano-structured solid-state gas sensors with
superior performance” (NANOS4) No. 001528.
The EDA software has been supported by the FP6 European
Project “Mobile system for non-invasive wound state monitoring” (WoundMonitor) IST-2004-27859.
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Marco Vezzoli received his degree in material science in 2002 from the University of Milan. In 2007, he obtained a PhD degree in materials engineering
from the University of Brescia with a dissertation on exploratory data analysis
for gas sensors arrays. His research interests include statistical data analysis and
pattern recognition for chemical sensors.
Andrea Ponzoni was born in 1976. He received the degree in physics from the
University of Parma, Italy, in 2000 and the PhD degree in material engineering from the University of Brescia in 2006 with a thesis on nanostructured
metal oxides for gas sensing applications. His major research activity concerns synthesis and electrical characterization of metal oxides for gas sensing
Matteo Pardo got a degree in physics (summa cum laude) in 1996 with a thesis in theoretical surface physics at the University of Milano. In March 2000,
he obtained the PhD in computer engineering with a dissertation on multivariate data analysis for gas sensor arrays. Since 2002, he is a researcher of the
National Institute for Matter Physics (INFM), now part of the Italian National
Research Council (CNR). His research interest is data analysis and in particular the applications of machine learning and pattern recognition techniques for
the analysis of chemical sensor arrays and, recently, DNA microchips data. He
was an invited lecturer at three international conferences and co-director of the
M. Vezzoli et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 131 (2008) 100–109
Short Course on Fundamentals of signal and data processing for the 2nd EU
Network of Excellence on Artificial Olfactory Sensing. He is the winner of the
2003 Gopel award.
Matteo Falasconi received his degree in physics (summa cum laude) in 2000
from the University of Pavia. In 2005, he obtained a PhD degree in materials
engineering from the University of Brescia with a dissertation on the development of an electronic nose for the food industry. At present he is member of the
research staff of the SENSOR Lab at the University of Brescia. His research interests include chemical sensor devices and statistical data analysis for electronic
Guido Faglia has received an MS degree from the Polytechnic of Milan in 1991
with a thesis on gas sensors. In 1992, he has been appointed as a researcher by
the Thin Film Lab at the University of Brescia. He is involved in the study of
the interactions between gases and semiconductor surfaces and in gas sensors
electrical characterization. In 1996, he has received the PhD degree by discussing
a thesis on semiconductor gas sensors. In 2000, he has been appointed associate
professor in experimental physics at University of Brescia. During his career
Guido Faglia has published more than 50 articles on International Journals with
Giorgio Sberveglieri received his degree in physics cum laude from the
University of Parma (Italy), where in 1971 he started his research activities
on the preparation of semiconductor thin film solar cells. In 1994, he was
appointed full professor in physics. At present he is director of the CNR–
INFM SENSOR Lab established in 1988 at the University of Brescia. SENSOR
Lab is devoted to the preparation and characterization of thin film chemical sensors based on nanostrucured metal oxide semiconductors and to development
of electronic noses. He has been the General Chairman of the 11th International
Meeting on Chemical Sensors in 2006, now he is the Chair of the Steering Committee of the IMCS series Conference. He is evaluator of European Union, in the
area of nanoscience and nanomaterials, and the Coordinator of the EU Project
NANOS4 (Nano-structured solid-state gas sensors with superior performance)
and several Italian projects on gas sensors. During 30 years of scientific activity,
he published more than 250 papers in international journals and presented more
than 250 oral communications to international congresses (12 plenary talks and
45 invited talks).