6 (1995) 3 4 - 4 2
Flow processes in solder paste during stencil printing
for SMT assembly
S. H. M A N N A N ,
Department of Aeronautical & Mechanical Engineering, University of Salford, Salford,
M5 4WT, UK
Solder paste is used for reflow soldering of Surface Mount Devices (SMDs). In this paper
we discuss how the various stages of the stencil printing cycle affect the rheological
properties of the solder paste. First the heat generated in the paste roll is examined to
see what effect it has on solder paste rheology, then we analyse in detail the process
of paste withdrawal from a metal mask stencil and discuss those properties of solder
paste that lead to a good print in terms of the size and shape of the solder paste
particles, and their packing. In order to do this, we review some of the experiments and
phenomena that have been shown to occur in dense suspensions, and see what aspects
of that work are applicable to solder paste printing.
1. Introduction
The use of surface mount technology (SMT) has
grown rapidly in recent years, but solder paste, one of
the key materials of SMT, is still poorly understood.
Solder paste consists of a liquid phase called the vehicle, and a solid phase made of metallic solder
spheres. The solder paste is printed onto Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs)through a metal mask stencil,
electronic components (SMDs) are then placed over
the solder paste deposits, and the whole system is
heated so that reflow soldering can occur.
In this paper we shall consider only the printing
characteristics of solder paste. The printing of solder
paste can itself be broken down into various stages
[1]. A paste roll is formed by the action of a moving
squeegee blade, forcing paste down through apertures
in the stencil and onto metal pads on the PCB. Once
the squeegee has passed over the apertures, the stencil
and PCB are separated mechanically.
At this stage printing defects may creep into the
process, particularly with fine pitch SMDs where both
the apertures, and the gaps between neighbouring
pads are small. The narrowness of the apertures may
cause skipping, (where the paste is only partially deposited onto the pads, some paste remaining inside the
stencil apertures), and the small gap between pads
may result in bridging (where neighbouring paste deposits slump together and do not remain as isolated
cuboid shapes). Other possible printing defects include
peaking of the deposited paste, and scooping, which
are usually a result of an incorrect pressure setting of
the squeegee blade [2].
At the different stages of printing, different paste
properties are important. In the paste roll in front of
the squeegee, the bulk rheological properties of the
paste are important and can be modelled with the aid
of an approximate relationship between shear stress
and strain. The temperature of the solder paste affects
its rheology and hence the environment is sometimes
closely controlled. In Section 2 we will discuss the
viscous generation of heat inside the solder paste to
see whether this has an effect on printing quality.
After the paste has entered the apertures, the next
crucial stage is stencil-PCB separation. The factors
that influence paste withdrawal from the stencil include paste viscosity, particle size and shape, aperture
profile, geometry and finish, pad material, pad surface
finish and shape, tensile strength of the paste and
volume of solids content in the paste. The speed at
which separation takes place is also important [3].
Although different solder pastes give different results
at high and low separation speeds, the consensus in
the industry is that a lower separation speed leads to
less skipping. This is as expected since lower shear
rates should result in lower stresses being generated in
the paste. In Sections 3, 4 and 5 we look at the issues
involved in paste withdrawal from the stencil.
Paste slump and bridging at the end of the print
cycle depend upon properties such as yield stress of
the paste, paste surface tension and gaps between
pads. Bridging is thought to occur during th.e squeegee
stroke when paste can be forced underneath the stencil, during paste withdrawal and after withdrawal is
complete. Bridging due to paste forced under the stencil can be eliminated relatively easily by reducing
squeegee pressure and ensuring correct alignment between apertures and pads. However, paste bridging
during and after withdrawal is a more complicated
phenomenon and depends strongly upon the conditions that the solder paste has previously experienced.
Having described the printing process, we return to
the subject of solder paste. The liquid vehicle to which
solder particles are added consists of solvents, flux (to
remove oxides from the surfaces to be soldered), flux
0957-4522 0 1995 Chapman & Hall
activators, thickeners, thixotropes and other theological agents. Therefore the vehicle by itself, before the
addition of solder particles, is a complicated theological material. At low shear rates it exhibits an apparent
yield stress (necessary to stop settling of the particles,
and to resist slump), while at higher shear rates it
exhibits shear thinning and thixotropic behaviour
(which helps the paste pass into the apertures. The
thixotropic behaviour is increased upon addition of
solder particles because shearing causes breakdown of
solder particle formations as well as molecular level
formations in the vehicle. Ref. [4] contains an account
of the constituents of solder paste.
In the case of aperture emptying, the suspension
nature of the paste becomes important and forces
between solder paste particles determine fluid flow.
The first step in modelling the theology of solder paste
is to decide which forces need to be taken account of
and which can be ignored. Focusing on the case of
aperture emptying when the shear stresses and shear
rates experienced by the paste are low, we can first
calculate the Reynold's number for the paste flow as
a whole:
R =
9V1 ~ 10- 5
where p is the paste density ( ~ 5 x 103 kg m-3, ~t is the
paste viscosity (,,~103pas), 1 is a typical size (e.g.
aperture width ( ~ 10 -4 m) and V is a typical velocity
(e.g. 20 mm s-1, the speed of the squeegee across the
stencil surface). The low value of Reynold's number
indicates that turbulent flow will not occur; the flow is
laminar and furthermore the Navier-Stokes equations
for fluid flow can be simplified to the form used when
the Reynold's number is small. The flow of liquid
between solder paste particles results in an even smaller value of the Reynolds number as distances between
particles are of the order of 10- 6 m.
A related number N has been used previously to
describe the relative importance of inertial effects in
a suspension relative to hydrodynamic forces [5]:
ps~-~d2"] /
.~ 1
2. Heat generation in the paste roll
Solder paste viscosity depends upon the temperature
of the paste. Thus if the environment of the solder
paste is kept at a constant temperature, we would
expect the solder p a s t e t o print consistently. However,
during printing energy is put into the solder paste and
is converted through viscous forces into heat. If this
heat were to build up in the paste roll, it might have
a significant effect, decreasing paste viscosity.
To examine the extent of the temperature rise, we
inserted a temperature probe into the paste before and
after printing one stroke and found no temperature
rise (thermocouple resolution: 0.5 K). The experiment
was repeated after five printing strokes in quick succession and at a squeegee speed of 20 mm s-1 and
a paste of measured viscosity 900 Pa s. Again no temperature rise was found, and after further repetition at
higher speeds, it was concluded that no significant rise
in paste temperature occurs during printing. In contrast, after stirring a 500 g pot of the same paste for
30 s, a 5 K temperature rise was found.
The key to this behaviour lies in where the heat is
generated in the solder paste. To calculate this heat
rise we will use Riemer's model of a Newtonian fluid
roll [7]. This is of course an approximation for our
non-Newtonian paste but it is likely to give us reasonable results for the reasons outlined in Ref. [8]. In
Riemer's model, the components of paste velocity can
be found by using the Navier-Stokes equations of fluid
flow at small Reynold's numbers. The resulting expressions for the stress tensor in the fluid are evaluated
in the usual way, and the heat generation rate (per unit
length of the roll), Q, is given by
2gV : f ( a ) I n
where cy~kare the components of the stress tensor, a is
the contact angle between squeegee and stencil, I is the
contact length of the roll with the stencil, d is the
solder particle diameter, 0 and r are polar co-ordinates
(with the squeegee tip as origin), V is the squeegee
velocity and f(ct) is given by
here Ps is the particle density, d is the particle diameter,
h is the! gap between particles and ~ is the average
paste shear
rate. Again the smallness of this number
means that collisions are not important. Similarly,
another dimensionless number expresses the relative
importance of Brownian motion to hydrodynamic
forces at~d again we find it is small, so that Brownian
forces can be ignored.
Inter~particle (e.g. electrostatic) forces, however,
cannot be completely ignored for solder paste because
we know that the absolute size of the particles affects
the visci)sity. This would not be true if hydrodynamic
forces di~minated completely. The smaller the particle
size, the more important these colloidal-type forces
becomel Ref. [6] discusses the application of computer si~nulations to dense suspensions when colloidal
forces b~come important.
f(~) --
sin2 ct + ~2 _ 20tsinacoscx
(:x2 _ sin 2 ~)2
x (a - sin a cos(0t - 2a))
a = t a n - 1 ct - sin ct cos a
sin 2
We have introduced the particle diameter d as a lower
cutoff in the integration over the volume of the paste
roll because the integrand becomes infinite at the
origin. However, physically the suspension cannot
flow, obeying the Navier-Stokes equations of motion
at length scales below d, so the solution becomes
invalid at lower length scales. Similarly, the original
solution involved an infinite volume of fluid so that
there has t o be a correction for the finite paste
Volume in eq. (3) which we have not included so that
Squeegee /
(stationary) J
Regionsof maximum J /
.// .... / ........ ..f _..,~ '.,j
sion, particles have been known to form structured
layers, but the particles will probably assume a much
more random structure in solder paste.
In a closely packed arrangement of uniform spheres,
the maximum volume packing fraction of spheres is
74% (~/2~). As the volume fraction is reduced, the
distance between a sphere and its 12 nearest neighbours is given by [5]
h = 37~4 - ~
Figure 1 Fluid flow and regions of maximal heat generation in
paste viewed in a reference frame where the squeegee is stationary.
where p is the solder paste density, Cp is the specific
heat capacity of the solder paste at constant volume
and W is the squeegee stroke length.
Substituting typical values for each of the variables,
e.g. l = 0 . 0 1 m , W = 0 . 5 m ,
V = 0 . 0 2 m s -1, g =
103Pas, d = 3 0 x l 0 - 6 m ,
-3 and
C p = 3 5 0 J k g - l K -~, we obtain f i T = 4 . 0 K
= ~/4 and 5 T = 2.2 K for c~ = ~/3 radians. The form
of Equation 3, however, is such that the vast majority
of the heat is generated near the edge of the roll that is
in contact with the stencil surface, as sketched in
Fig. 1. In fact over 90% of the heat generation takes
place within a 1 mm thick outer layer of the paste roll,
and over 50% within a 0.12ram thick layer. This
c o n f i r m s t h a t the error involved in using formulae
derived for an infinite volume of fluid is small; most of
the heat is generated far from the region where finite
fluid effects take place.
The relaxation time (t) for thermal conduction,
which gives an indication of the timescale over which
heat is dissipated away, is given by
t~ - k
where k is the thermal conductivity (k,~
0.65 W m - ~ K - ~ for solder pastes) and L is the length
over which the heat is dissipated away. Thus for
L = 0.12 mm we have t = 0.04 s and for L = 1.0 mm,
t = 2.9 s. Since a typical paste stroke lasts for 25 s, the
heat generated in the paste roll has plenty of time to
dissipate away into the metal of the stencil or the
surrounding air.
3. Geometry of particle packing
The way that the particles pack together affects the
suspending fluid flow patterns which in turn affects the
way the particles pack together. In a colloidal suspen36
where h is the gap between particles, qb is the volume
fraction a n d d is the particle diameter. In a randomly
packed arrangement of spheres the maximum packing
fraction has been variously estimated as 62.5% (experimental [9]) and 63.7% [10]; the average distance
between a particle and its closest neighbour (H) is
given in one model [10] as
Equation 3 is only an approximation to the total heat
The temperature rise 6 T in the paste is given by
ST-- V pl2~Cp
H 3~
Since solder pastes are usually specified by fraction of
metal content by weight (M), the conversion to volume fraction is
q~ =
' ° ( 1 -- M ) + M
Here Ps and pf are the sphere and fluid densities,
respectively; the ratio of the two densities is aproximately 8.5. Decreasing the fluid density allows
a greater metal content fraction at a given volume
fraction. Table I shows the values of metal fraction,
volume fraction, ratio of gap to particle diameter (h/d)
for close packing and ratio of gap to particle diameter
(Hid) (closest neighbour).
The significance of the results in Table I is that
lubrication theory between nearest-neighbour particles is likely to be an excellent approximation, and
that particle doublets are extremely likely to form. In
lubrication theory, two spheres will never actually
touch as the force separating them becomes asymptotically infinite. However, in practice surface roughness effects mean that two or more spheres can make
physical contact and form clusters even in the absence
of inter-particle forces.
These results, however, will change both because
solder pastes spheres are not of uniform size and
T A B L E I Values of metal fraction by weight, M, volume fraction,
~, ratio of gap to particle diameter (h/d) for close packing, ratio of
gap to particle diameter (H/d) (closest neighbour). Values in
brackets represent the values of the gaps (in microns) based on
d = 28 I~m. Four values of M ranging from 89 92% are shown
M (%)
qb (%)
1/I 1.4
because the fluid flow will tend to create clusters of
particles. A non-uniform size distribution tends to
produce better packing and hence a lowering of viscosity. Clustering ha s the effect of increasing the effective solid volume fraction because the fluid trapped
inside the cluster contributes to the solid's packing
fraction. Therefore clustering increases the viscosity of
Given a uniform size distribution with no lower size
limit, the maximum volume fraction is one. Even with
a bimodal distribution, large decreases in relative viscosity can be made provided the ratio of particle
diameters is greater than about two (approximately
33% reduction if the volume fraction of smaller particles is 25% for do ~ 55%) [11]. This is because the
relative viscosity depends upon the volume fraction
generically as [12]
- \~/
where a and b are positive constants of order 1 and
dom is the maximum volume fraction allowed before
spheres touch and flow is impossible. We see that at
high packing fractions the relative viscosity is very
sensitive to the value of dora and hence t o the size
distribution of particles. One corollary to this fact is
that the viscosity of particles of size distribution
20-40 ~tm should be lower than that of particles of
25-45 gm, all other factors being equal.
During flow, particle clusters are being formed as
the flow brings particles together or pulls them apart.
This means that the actual geometric arrangement of
the particles is neither close-packed nor random. In
particular, the accuracy of the lubrication approximation breaks down if there are large fluid regions in
between clusters: the movement of the cluster is then
subject to the movement of fluid between clusters.
This fluid movement is controlled both by the effect of
neighbouring clusters and the fluid flow of the material as a 'whole. To treat both the lubrication forces and
far-field effects, a computational model based on
Stokesian dynamics has been used [13].
To get an idea of the magnitude of the clustering, let
us assume that all the particles are closely packed into
spherical clusters. Then, by using Equation 8, we find
the ratio of gap between clusters to particle diameter is
(in the limit of large cluster sizes the effective volume of
clusters increases to do/0.74 due to the fluid trapped
between particles, and the ratio of cluster diameter to
sphere diameter is (n/0.74)1/3):
(iy/~ l
were hE is the gap between particles and n is the
number of particles in the cluster. As can be seen, the
clusters overlap at dO= 0.55 and then it makes more
sense to talk about the voids between clusters. The gap
between clusters is seen to be extremely small; Equation 12 gives a ratio of 0.1 for n = 30, dO = 0.5. In
practice, n is likely to be much smaller than 30, as seen
from computer simulations [14]. If the clusters are
more cubical in shape then the corresponding formula
is derived as follows: let the volume of cubes be/3, SO
that in the limit of large cubes, the ratio lid becomes
1 1
(n/2~)-& The density of clusters is do/0.74 as before, but
this is also equal to (l/(l + h~)) 3, so that finally, substituting for l,
and we find for n = 30 and do = 0.5 that the ratio
is 0.39.
These results mean that lubrication forces are still
likely to be dominant almost everywhere in the suspension even in the event of large cluster formation.
Since particles in a cluster will not actually be closepacked but more diffuse, we have been looking at
a worst case scenario.
It has been observed in a computer simulation [14]
that a wider particle size distribution actually results
in the formation of smaller clusters, which should then
provide another reason for wider particle distributions
lowering suspension viscosity.
A relationship has been found between the particle
packing density for dry powders (d?d) arid the maximum volume fraction at which these powders still
flow when mixed with a liquid (dof)[9]. The relationship is independent of the density and other liquid
properties provided that the fluid is viscous enough to
prevent sedimentation of the particles during, the timescale of the experiment. The relationship is illustrated
in Fig. 2, and shows that dod = 1.19dof. Fig. 2 also
shows how mixing powders of different sizes produces
better packing.
The utility of this relationship is that it allows dof to
be found from a simple experimental procedure: pour
a known quantity of dry powder into a beaker and
find the volume it occupies. Then divide the resulting
dry packing fraction by 1.19 to get dof. The occurrence
of the relationship also suggests that the geometrical
arrangements of the particles in both the dry and the
wet states are related quite simply in a manner that
does not depend upon the size distribution.
At a solid boundary such as in an aperture, the
particles cannot be as densely packed as in the bulk of
the fluid because gaps arise which cannot be filled by
complete spheres due to the physical boundary. Thus
a liquid-rich layer is automatically formed at the walls.
= 0.7
Limit of d r y
Fraction of
of fluidity
large particles (bimodal distribution)
Figure 2 Schematic representation of a figure from Ref. I-9] showing dry packing and the maximum packing fraction that retains
fluidity of the suspension.
0.023-- 8 x 10 -5. Thus, in our typical aperture, the
probability of such a chain occurring is approximately
0.02, and such chains will not dominate paste flow.
Figs 3-8 show the particle size distributions of six
commercial solder pastes. Paste D was photographed
under a higher magnification than the other pastes
(×550 compared to x375) and shows clearly the presence of fines or very small particles that contribute to
solder bailing during reflow. The sieving process used
to produce particles of a given powder size cannot
usually separate out these fines as they are invariably
attached to larger particles. Although these particles
are numerous, their contribution to metal volume is
small: only 0.8% of the total metal volume. During
flow these particles are expected to form into clusters
(perhaps surrounding larger particles) due to the
strong inter-particle forces they must experience. All
particle surfaces seem to be smooth rather than very
rough for the pastes examined.
Particle sizes in pastes E(1) and E(2) are similar and
come from the same manufacturer, although E(1) is an
RMA flux-based paste and E(2) is a water-soluble
paste. Pastes B, C, D, E(1) and E(2) show the skewed
distribution characteristic of solder pastes, while paste
A has an almost symmetrical distribution. For a given
metal content, the greatest reduction in viscosity occurs with a broad, uniform distribution of particles.
Table II summarizes the mean diameter of the particles, standard deviation of sizes and percentage of
irregularly shaped particles, as well as the sample size
of particles measured. There is a degree of subjectivity
over which particles should be classed as irregular.
Those elongated particles whose ratio of long axis to
short axis exceeds 2.0 are classed as irregular as well as
any particle with sharp edges. As the orientation of
particles can hide the extent of distortion, we would
expect the actual percentages of irregular particles to
Because particles entering the aperture are deflected
by the walls towards the centre of the aperture, we
would expect the concentration of particles in the
centre of the aperture to be higher than that at the
edges but not greater than the average concentration
in the paste roll, since particles are restricted at the
entry of the apertures while fluid can flow more easily
through. Hence both qb and qbm are lower inside a narrow aperture compared to within the bulk of the fluid.
4. Particle s i z e a n d s h a p e
The majority of solder paste particles have only small
deviations in shape from sphericity and should not
change the rheology from that of truly spherical particles. However, a study of photographs of solder
powders shows that a small percentage of particles are
dumbbell shaped, ellipsoidal or more irregular. Given
that the number of particles in an aperture (150 by 150
by 1500 gm) is approximately 1500, we should have
a few tens of such particles in each aperture. These
particles will tend to cause aggravated cluster formation around themselves, and may contribute excessively to clogging of the apertures.
On average we would expect two irregular particles
to be separated by about three regular particles if
irregular particles form 2% of the whole and by four if
irregular particles form 1%o. At 2% the probability of
two irregular particles being neighbours is approximately 0.2 assuming 12 nearest neighbours. The probability of three irregular particles being neighbours is
0.02, and the probability of four being clustered together is 0.001. Given an aperture of 1500 particles (and
several tens of apertures per component) it is clear that
such clusters are quite likely to form. Approximately
five particles span the width of an aperture; the probability that three of these are irregular is 5C3 x 0.98 z x
Particle size distribution
paste A
== 15
Figure 3
Sizedistribution of particles in paste A.
41 43 45 46 48
Particle diameter (gm)
ii ,
Particle size distribution
paste B
18 19 20 21 22 22 23 24 25 26 27 27 28 29 30 31 32 32 33 34 35 36 36 37 38 39 41
Particle diameter (gm)
Figure 4 Size distribution of particles in paste B.
Particle size distribution
paste C
Panicle diameter (gm)
Figure 5 Size distribution of particles in paste C.
be slightly higher than is shown in Table 2. The large
variation in irregular particles between pastes E(1)
and E(2) is unexpected and is in part due to the
relatively small sample sizes from which observations
for these pastes were made.
5. Wali effects on skipping
It is known that non-Newtonian boundary effects play
a major role in determining suspension flow patterns.
Wall slip is a well-documented phenomenon, and
plays art! important role in aperture emptying for sol-
der paste. The following phenomena have been observed in dense suspension rheology (see, e.g.,
Ref. [15]):
1. Wall slip where a lubricating layer forms at the
2. Stick/slip where the stress needed to shear the
suspension fluctuates strongly over short timescales.
The evidence for the occurrence of (2) in aperture
emptying is now outlined. When skipping occurs,
much of the.time, only a very thin layer of paste is
Particle size distribution
paste D
15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31
Particle diameter (l~m)
33 35 37
Figure 6 Size distribution of particles in paste D.
Particle size distribution
paste E(1)
== 10
,= 8
, ,I ]
23.9 26.9
Particle diameter (~tm)
Figure 7 Size distribution of particles in paste E(1).
Particle size distribution
paste E(2)
> 20
=~ 15
" 10
. . . . . . . . . . .
23.9 26.9
Particle diameter (~m)
Figure 8 Size distribution of particles in paste E(2).
observed to adhere to the pad. This is expected because the paste at the bottom layer experiences the
greatest stress; it needs to transmit the stress required
to overcome the total wall drag, whereas paste in the
middle layers of the deposit only needs to transmit
enough stress to overcome half of the total wall drag,
etc. However, in some cases the stress breaks in the
middle of the layers of the deposit. The best explanation of this is that the paste has jammed in the aperture (the stick/slip phenomenon). The larger the ratio
of aperture wall area to pad area, the larger is the
tensile stress generated in the paste, and the greater
the probability of slipping. In passing we note that the
use of rubber rheometer walls markedly reduced jamming as the walls could yield slightly [16].
Experiments have been performed in which
rheometer walls were roughened to see if wall slip
could be reduced [15]. The results confirmed that
roughened walls do reduce wall slip; the particles can
stick to the walls better and a lubricating layer is not
formed so easily at the walls. We would expect
rougher wails to produce more stick/slip as well.
The phenomenon of wall slip is seen to occur both
for dilute suspensions where particles migrate away
from the walls (inertial effects; collisions with the
walls), and concentrated suspensions such as solder
paste. One experimental study of wall slip [17] documents the change in apparent viscosity in a cylinder
as the ratio of cylinder diameter (D) to particle
diameter (d) is reduced. Fig. 9 sketches the results of
the experiment.
When Did is greater than about 50 the viscosity is
independent of the ratio. As the ratio reduces to about
15, the viscosity also reduces, rising steeply as the ratio
reduces to about 7 and then falls again. The explanation given for these results is that first wall slip reduces
viscosity, then large amounts of jamming occur (the
geometry of the cylinder hinders efficient particle
packing), and finally the suspension is not free to
deform and slips along the tube as a rigid structure.
T A B L E I I Average diameter Of particles, standard deviation of particle diameters, and percentage of irregularly shaped particles, with the
total number of particles measured for each paste. Six pastes were analysed; pastes E(1) and E(2) were from the same manufacturer
Mean diameter (gm)
Standard deviation (gm)
Irregular particles (%)
Sample size
cation approximation), is given by [19]
F = ~ r c g U d l n -d
where 8 is the distance from the sphere's edge to the
wall, U is the stencil/substrate separation velocity and
g is the flux viscosity. Dividing by the cross-sectional
area of the sphere we find:
" 10
7 15
Ratio of cylinder diameter to particle diameter
Figure 9 Schematic representation of a figure in Ref. [17] which
examines how the apparent relative viscosity of a suspension in
a cylinder varies as the ratio of cylinder diameter to particle diameter is decreased.
In discussing the relevance of these results for solder
paste we first note that two ratios are frequently
quoted in connection with solder paste. The pad to
wall area ratio, which is in favour of the walls for fine
pitch, gives a rough indication of the ratio of drag to
adhesive forces during withdrawal. Quantitative predictions of force cannot be made because the nature of
the forces on the walls and on the pads is different. The
other ratio is aperture width to particle size where it is
known tlhat reducing the particle diameter eases paste
A recent report [18] states that skipping increases
appreciably when the ratio of aperture width to particle diameter is 7. Other rules of thumb give 5 or 3 as
the minimum possible before skipping is inevitable.
What is happening is clear; the particles are hindered
from effiicient packing as the wails grow closer and this
leads tO jamming as local concentration densities
grow in some places and lessen in others. The presence
of irregular particles aggravates the situation. It might
be aske d why the last decrease in viscosity is not
observed in solder paste; the reason is that a stress of
a certain magnitude must be maintained to make the
whole suspension flow rigidly and perhaps this exceeds the tensile strength of the paste. Of course in
a solder paste the inter-particle forces and non-cylindrical geometry imply that the peaks and troughs of
Fig. 9 will not apply at the same ratio of Did.
During paste withdrawal, the particles nearest the
walls should be dragged upwards relative to those in
the cen!re because of the following argument. The
drag forge on a sphere moving parallel to a wall, in the
limit that the sphere almost touches the wall (lubri-
x = 6~-gln-d
which can be used as an estimate of the stress on the
U = 2 mm s- 1, d = 30 gm,
g = 50 Pa s and 5/d = 1/10 (cf. Table I), we obtain
z = 3 × 104 Pa compared to yield stresses of order
5 × l0 z Pa.
The corresponding expression for stress generated
when paste movement is perpendicular to the wall,
when the paste is being pulled downwards by adhesion to the pads can be derived from the lubrication
force when a particle moves perpendicular to a plane
wall [20] and is given by
x = 6t.t5
The ratio between the stresses parallel and perpendicular to the wall is hence
5 25
~ll _ ~ln ~
and for 5/d = 1/10 the ratio is 1/6. This explains why
skipping does not automatically occur on all fine pitch
pads of dimensions 150 x 150 x 1500 pm (depth ×
width × length), where the wall area is approximately
twice the pad area; the actual force (stress × area) is
still in favour of the pads in this case.
If we assume (as we have done above) that the
average distance between particles is approximately
the average distance between particles and the wall,
then wall roughness on a scale of 2-3 gm will hinder
particle flow, whereas roughness on a scale of 0.2 gm
or less will not.
Finally we remark on the viscoelastic nature of the
paste; if a shear rate is suddenly applied to solder paste
that can be modelled as a Maxwellian fluid, the stress
developed in the paste can be delayed from reaching
its steady-state value for a time of the order of the
relaxation time of the paste. The paste is inside the
aperture for about 0.03 s so that if the relaxation time
of the paste could be designed to be Of this magnitude,
skipping could be reduced. The essential point is that
if the stress does not exceed the tensile strength of the
paste then skipping will not occur.
our industrial collaborators for their input and support to this project which is financed by the ACME
directorate of SERC.
6. Conclusions
We have seen that the heat generated inside the solder
paste roll during printing is conducted away so that
no noticeable temperature rise occurs during printing.
The results of the particle packing study strongly
suggest that lubrication forces between particles and
contact forces determine particle flows, and possible
values for inter-particle distance were found.
We then went on to examine the size distribution of
particles in the vehicle, and concluded that to achieve
the lowest viscosity, and hence reduce skipping, a wide
spread in particle sizes is required. The percentage of
irregular particles in commerically available powders
was examined, and the probability of occurrence of
certain structures examined - the results showing that
clusters of irregularly shaped particles will occur in the
paste at the percentage levels detected.
The ratio of forces pulling paste out of the apertures
to those drag forces that can cause skipping were
calculated. This ratio was found to be large and hence
skipping would not be expected to occur for 150 ~tm
wide pads. In practice, however, several studies have
shown skipping levels to be appreciable for pad widths
of 200 ~tm or less 1-18, 20]. This is because the drag
stress on the paste exceeds the paste's tensile strengt h.
It was found that the paste will not flow out of the
stencil as a rigid body because the wall drag stresses
are too high. Instead, relative movement of the particles produces regions of high particle concentration
and stresses leading to stick/slip.
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us with data on solder paste thermal conductivity and
specific heat capacity, and we would also like to thank
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Received 3 April
and accepted 12 July 1994