Gift Exchange
Recent papers in Gift Exchange
One of the most momentous cross-cultural collisions occurred in the Caribbean in 1492, heralding a period of rapid change in both ‘New’ and ‘Old’ Worlds. During the early years of the colonial period, when new relationships were being... more
SUMMARY: Chapter 9, in Renfrew & Bahn's textbook (Archaeology: Theories, Methods, and Practice), covers the various types of trade and exchange in past societies, and how one may assess it, including different types of interactions (e.g.,... more
The aim of this paper is to demonstrate that roman patronage, as antiutilitarian phenomenon, fairly follow the gift theory by Marcel Mauss. In the first part of the paper, I will briefly explain the evolution of the patronage phenomenon... more
Gift exchange is a repetitive behaviour of everyday life. We give and receive gifts during many rituals and social practices, which are both pre-determined and arranged to happen in a specific time (e.g. anniversaries, Mother’s day,... more
This conference presentation returns to the famous "Essay on the Gift" by Marcel Mauss in search of theoretical tools for understanding the huge ongoing globalization of the calendar and festivals alien to diverse cultures be it Halloween... more
Deputy sheriffs make arrests for many reasons: to solve problems, generate statistics, rectify perceived moral wrongs, or enforce compliance with the law. Many studies of discretion in arrests have looked at situational and structural... more
MA thesis: Ajijic: American dream, just in Mexico Maģistra darbā “Ahihika: amerikāņu sapnis, tikai Meksikā” aplūkota plaša pensionētu ārzemnieku kolonija nelielā Meksikas vidienes pilsētā, par darba mērķi izvirzot Ahihikas kopienas divu... more
This article offers a new interpretation of Marcel Mauss's The Gift. It situates Mauss's argument within his broader thinking on the politics of sovereign debt cancellation and the question of German reparations paid to the Allies after... more
Jeremy Corbyn in the summer of 2015 declared that he wanted to create a “new politics” and offer authentic change to the British Labour Party post the New Labour era under Blair and Brown. In this paper I assess the political philosophy... more
Chapter from 'The Rise of the Sharing Economy: Exploring the Challenges and Opportunities of Collaborative Consumption'
Scholars and practitioners often consider the 'perfect gift' to understand the qualities of the most cherished gifts or to encourage givers to choose such gifts. Whilst useful, this represents a utopian view of gift-giving. This study... more
Anthropological analyses of charity are often based on Maussian theories of gift exchange and inequalities between donor and recipient, sometimes compounded by spectacular displays of giving or by aid, both humanitarian and faith-based,... more
Paper presented at the symposium "The Performance of Diplomacy in the Early Modern World", 17-18.03.2017 Vienna, Don Juan Archiv
L’article prolonge les travaux d’Alain Testart et de François Athané, reprenant l’idée qu’une société sans État n’est pas pour autant une société sans droit et que le critère de l’exigibilité s’avère universellement valide afin de... more
Dans le numéro spécial de L’Europe en formation sur « Le fédéralisme personnaliste », c’est en en appelant à « Marc au-delà de Marc » qu’il était « vu de Ouagadougou » par Lazare Ki-Zerbo, soucieux d’en compenser la relative insensibilité... more
Partendo da un’indagine condotta a Torino dall’AVIS su un gruppo di volontari italiani e marocchini, l’autrice mette in rilievo il carattere culturale e sociale della donazione del sangue. La sua ricerca analizza in primo luogo il... more
Centering on the Jesuit’s reducciones of Paraguay, this study examines the relationship between European musical practices and the idea of “city”, and explores the selective appropriations some native groups effected, investing musical... more
In The Efflorescence of Caricature, 1759–1838, an international, interdisciplinary, and intergenerational team of scholars reconfigures the geography of modern visual satire, as the expansive narrative reaches from North America to... more
Die Sache der Reziprozität findet sich in alltäglichen Phänomenen wie dem des Grüßens und des Sich-Verabschiedens, des Dankens und des Schenkens. Um sie auf den Begriff zu bringen, wird ihr in diesem Lehrbuch zunächst exemplarisch... more
If home is the engine room of Palestinian subjectivities, what does Airbnb do to the functioning of that engine? What do the experiences of Palestinian hosts demonstrate about the logics, presuppositions, and effects of Airbnb as a... more
In 1663 Mary Beale recorded her thoughts on how to paint apricots. Beale’s statement, ‘Observations by MB in her painting of Apricots in August 1663’, is the first known text in English about the act of painting written by a female... more
Storytelling is a gift which does not demand a return. In the giving and receiving of a story, no one loses: ‘It is a theatre in which all perform freely.’1 The stories that we love and return to throughout our lives are those which... more
Dear readers, I have now made available the inventory that should have been included with this article. I apologize for that oversight. I transcribed and translated the inventory (shown above on, Published with appendix, 3... more
Book chapter in WORK, SOCIETY, AND THE ETHICAL SELF Chimeras of Freedom in the Neoliberal Era, available from Berghahn Books Rather than accept formal commodity-like contractual definitions... more
In 1986 Jonathan Parry’s ‘The Gift, the Indian Gift and the 'Indian Gift'’ claimed to overturn conventional understandings of Marcel Mauss, by arguing that market societies most idealise the distinction between gifts and commodities, and... more
This special issue of Body & Society explores critical issues arising from enactments of blood donation and transfusion in different parts of the world. With articles focusing on Brazil, China, India, the Navajo Nation, Papua New Guinea,... more
המסה התפרסמה ב"הארץ" לרגל פירסום התרגום העברי של חיבורו הקלסי של מרסל מוס ומובאת כאן בתיקוני ניסוח קלים
The author in her article investigates the rules, norms and practices of gift-giving at weddings in Ghimeș (Romania). She presents local people’s experiences about gift exchange at weddings and the way they interpret the process of gift... more
Exploring the Mongolian pawnshop institution through the analytical lens of anthropological exchange theory,this article argues that commodification has boosted the flow of dangerous agency and ‘spirit’ by easing the flowand... more
Im Mittelpunkt des Beitrags im Sammelband „Biographien des Buches“ steht ein Exemplar des "Herbarius latinus", ein pharmakologisches Handbuch, gedruckt und verlegt bei Peter Schöffer in Mainz 1484, das sich heute im Bestand der... more
Le musée du quai Branly – Jacques Chirac conserve un costume d’apparat offert en 1919 au président de la République Raymond Poincaré par une délégation éthiopienne dépêchée par l’impératrice Zäwditu et le régent Täfäri Mäkwännən. Le choix... more
It has long been recognised by anthropologists that gift exchange is a worldwide phenomenon. Anthropologists’ attention was drawn to gift exchange during field work because of the sheer scale of the event or the aesthetic value of the... more