Greek and Roman Sexualities
Recent papers in Greek and Roman Sexualities
This article presents ancient Roman texts dealing with the topic of same-sex weddings with the purpose of examining the reliability of these sources and contributing to the understanding of this element of the ancient tradition. In order... more
Caracalla. A Military Biography is now available as a hardcover, Kindle and e-book an from the website of its publisher Pen & Sword Publishing and from most of the major booksellers. It is not only the first published biography in... more
Syllabus for a reading class on the Satyrica (winter term 2021/22).
Parker Holt N. - Love's body anatomized : the ancient erotic handbooks and the rhetoric of sexuality. Pornography and representation : 90-111. • On the sex manual genre as a technology of social control. With appendix : Texts relating to... more
In 346/5 BC, Aeschines prosecuted Timarchus, a well-known Athenian politician, under a procedure known as dokimasia rhētorōn. Timarchus was accused of illegally addressing the Assembly on account of his actions as a male prostitute and... more
Prefazione. I Neoplatonici: una lettura di genere tra storia e politica (M. De Leo) Introduzione Cap. I - Reticenze, fraintendimenti, forzature. La fondazione del discorso [Storia del testo.... more
This research aimsto analyze the masculinity of the god Priapus and its relations with the romans’own views of the male phallus and sexual behavior. To accomplish it, we studied the Priapea, book dedicated to this god and composed of 86... more
Parker, Holt N. - The myth of the heterosexual : anthropology and sexuality for classicists. Arethusa 2001 34 (3) : 313-362. • The system of sexual classification shared by the ancient Greeks and Romans divided acts and people on the axis... more
In this book, Sarah Levin-Richardson offers the first authoritative examination of Pompeii's purpose-built brothel, the only verifiable brothel from Greco-Roman antiquity. Taking readers on a tour of all of the structure's evidence,... more
Este artigo visa debater alguns aspectos da religiosidade romana, enfatiza, sobretudo, que temas como estes não necessitam estar separados de outros assuntos da esfera humana, e que podem estar atrelados a elementos da vida cotidiana,... more
Blackwell Companion to Plautus, eds. Dorota Dutsch and George F. Franko.
A status quaestionis of the study of Greek sexual vocabulary is offered, proposing a global approach that includes texts in which few efforts have been made in that sense, such as astrological texts, whose importance for this semantic... more
The study of Roman lamps has been undertaken in great length by both D.M. Bailey and Siegfried Loeschcke. Bailey focuses on Roman lamps that are part of the British Museum’s collection, made both in Italy and the provinces that... more
Parker, Holt N. - The teratogenic grid. Roman sexualities : 47-65. • On the categories of Roman sexual behavior, including the normal/active « vir », and the normal/passive « femina » or « puella », along with their antitypes the passive... more
Ce travail s’intéresse à la sexualité dans la Rome Antique à travers le prisme de "L’art d’aimer" et des "Remèdes à l’amour" d’Ovide, des poèmes didactiques qui se présentent comme des guides pratiques de l'amour et de la sexualité ; il... more
The identity of the female prostitute in Ancient Rome is often defined in simplistic bias-laden terms. The contemporary literature is presented from an elite male understanding, and a Western elite male ideology continues to dominate... more
We study the Greek and Roman astrological texts in order to collect and analize some of the many references to eroticism and sexuality that appear in them, which often include very precise indications on astral conjunctions and alignments... more
"Abstract: Ovid's "Ars Amatoria" is meant to offer a true recantation of amor, a palinode of love that includes an apology of poetry. Palinode and apology have become necessary and urgent, for Ovid, for two reasons, which offer a double... more
El objetivo de este trabajo es tratar de dilucidar un problema que se nos presenta en torno a las afamadas spintriae. Tan problemático es su propio concepto, cronología, función y significado simbólico, como su nulo contexto arqueológico... more
The Latin verb pēdīcāre in many scientific works is presented as a loanword from Greek (from the substantiated adjective παιδικά applied in relation to eromenos), and its semantic field is outlined around pederasty. The meaning of this... more
RESUMO Os estudos clássicos, de modo geral, desde o final do século XIX até meados do XX, foram permeados de ideais de superioridade e dominação. Buscou-se uma relação imediata com o passado antigo, formando uma linha de tempo... more
A model for students to employ in composing their own commentaries.
This article discusses representations of hermaphrodites in the domestic context of Roman gardens and argues that the spatial context of the hermaphrodite body is as germane to critical understanding as the intersexed body itself. The... more
The multivarious arrangement of mosaic floor pavements in Greek and Roman houses provides us today with clues as to the presumed function of the rooms they decorated. This is something that Pierre Gros recently evoked in his... more
Posting the TOC of the 2nd edition of my book, from the U. of Texas Press (2018); the new edition has 2 additional chapters (on Greek vase painting and Roman objects and wall paintings), in addition to some updated bibliography and minor... more
A previously unpublished Attic black-figure neck amphora is attributed here to the Medea Group and dated ca. 530-520 BCE. It illustrates on Side A Apollo and Artemis framed between Poseidon and Hermes, and on Side B a scene of pederastic... more
Originally published at the Centre for the Study of Christian Origins.
Starting from the legendary tradition of the mutilation of male children by the Amazons, we study its connection with the Greek proverb ἄριστα χωλòς οἰφεῖ, as well as certain ancient and modern ideas about the relationship between... more
The notion that sexuality in the Greek and Roman periods was predicated on a social-sexual hierarchy that casts relationships in the binary terms of active/passive and penetrator/penetrated has been both influential and controversial over... more