Greek Literature
Recent papers in Greek Literature
En este trabajo me propongo mostrar cómo la interacción ideológica documentada en la época arcaica de Grecia se rigió por una dinámica de tipo com-petitivo que involucró a representantes del saber poético tradicional y a los practicantes... more
A headless herm of Menander is stored in the Museum of Antiquity of Turin. A long Greek inscription of thirteen lines is laying on. The modern history of Menander's herm begins with sixtheenth century humanists who first mentioned it and... more
"This publication presents the first study of the defining features of Psellos' Chronographia, written in the 11th century. Character is the single most important feature of the Chronographia written by Michael Psellos (1018-1081?). It... more
Che posto occupavano gli animali nell’antichità? Come noi oggi, anche i Greci e i Romani avevano a che fare con cani, cavalli, galline; avevano allevamenti, vivari, acquari, e adottavano pratiche zootecniche. Amavano i loro animali da... more
Moschus' 'Europa' has long been recognised to be a highly visual and pictorial poem. It is also dominated by an erotic theme: the sexual awakening of the maiden Europa and her love affair with Zeus. This article will focus on a connection... more
Der griechische Text von RP 2018 übersetzt und kommentiert, zuvor bis dato nicht gesichtete Quellen zur Datierung angeführt und kommentiert. Update 2021. Research Interests: Greek Literature, New Testament, New Testament Textual... more
Trotz zahlreicher und fundierter Einblicke in die Gattung und den theologischen Inhalt der Nag-Hammadi-Apokalypse des Paulus (NHC V,2) bleibt die genaue Valenz des Textes umstritten: Ist der Text valentinianisch, wie oft behauptet,... more
Complete English translation of the article published originally in Russian (2015). Summary It is commonly believed that the epic Theogony of Epimenides of Crete derives from the corpus of pseudepigrapha... more
La tesi tratta di un'opera particolare, Il Prometeo Incatenato, a lungo attribuita ad Eschilo e vuole dimostrarne la non autenticità. Per come è costruita strutturalmente quest'opera rappresenta, pur sulla base di un nucleo eschileo, lo... more
Though Odysseus’ tales to Eumaios and Aninoos in Odyssey 14.199–359 and 17.417–44, respectively, are presented as fictional tales within Homer’s larger myth, some elements have striking analogs in Late Bronze–Early Iron Age reality.... more
De Tirteu, poeta espartano arcaico do século VII a.C., restaram-nos apenas poemas elegíacos fragmentários. Seus fragmentos dividem-se entre aqueles que narravam a história e os preceitos espartanos, instituídos por reis descendentes dos... more
22 November 2017
Scuola Grande di San Marco, Venice, Italy
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22 November 2017
Scuola Grande di San Marco, Venice, Italy
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Late antique classicizing rhetoric, after a long period of neglect, is now the object of an increasing number of studies. In order to underline this revaluation, scholars have started to talk about the ‘Third Sophistic’. This paper... more
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For a long time, it has been assumed that the place names for the regions east of the Ganges in Claudius Ptolemy's geographical guide refer to loci in countries such as Malaysia, Vietnam and China. The careful analysis of a few detailed... more
Walter Burkert's approach to myth (summarized in this review-essay) is provocative and complex but it needs to be complemented by the larger vision of Jean Rudhardt and others.
This article examines the performance context of Synesius of Cyrene’s (ca. 370–415 CE) On Kingship. Synesius draws heavily on the classical tradition, and also incorporates many elements of Themistius’ philosophical style into his speech.... more
L'ultimo grande tragediografo della letteratura greca era misogino oppure no? La nostra lettura delle sue opere è stata modificata dal pensiero aristofaneo? In questo saggio breve si analizza la duplice realtà euripidea. Babylonian hermeneutics has been the subject of several studies in recent years that have showed that speculative thought exploited the potentiality of the cuneiform system through... more
This article argues that the reception of Homeric poetry in the lyric poets of the Archaic period is a process of evolution, in which evidentiary difficulty and the gradual development of intertextuality combine to make Stesichorus the... more
Free e-book, available at: by ISBN search: 9781456637354 (distributed by my publisher): • Google Play Books (PDF). • Google Books (PDF). without an ISBN (distributed by the author): • In this page. Ο Διόνυσος, υιός... more
"Aetia Romana. SH 957 (P.Hamb. inv. 666 verso) and the legend of the founding of Rome in the Greek world."
This article will examine the occurrence of the " Vanity Theme " in Mesopotamian wisdom literature and elsewhere. However, the main interest of this investigation lies in the list of rulers or illustrious men of old which is manifest in a... more
The article explores one of the poems included in the so-called 'New Palladas' collection (P.CtYBR 4000, pag. 18, rr. 1-9). My aim is to cast new light on the epigrammatist's subtle reworking of his model, namely Sapph. fr. 31 Voigt. I... more
A short analysis of new Sappho's poem and of the questions about its problems of contextualizing. In my work I try to specify if the Brothers Poem could be linked to VIIth centry's symposium. Larichos as possible addressee and other... more
In This Document ,Information is Given About the Ancient City of Sagalassos and the Temple of Apollo in the City.
Bu Dokümanda Sagalassos Antik Kenti ve Kentte Bulunan Apollon Tapınağı ile İlgili Bilgi Verilmiştir.
Bu Dokümanda Sagalassos Antik Kenti ve Kentte Bulunan Apollon Tapınağı ile İlgili Bilgi Verilmiştir.
Resumo: O presente artigo busca discutir a ficção para além do ψεῦδος (pseûdos) no mundo grego. Para tanto, examino o estatuto da ficção e do ficcional a partir de moedas falsas. Na relação do homem grego com sua moeda, falsa ou... more
the ancient Greek book of customs, proverbs, and calendar days.
Renumbered perfectly to 330 verses and 10 sub-chapters.
Renumbered perfectly to 330 verses and 10 sub-chapters.
Besprechung des griechischen Textes der o.g. Ausgabe, Abgrenzung zu andern Editionen und der technischen Details des Ausgabe.
Από τη στιγµή που ένας ηθοποιός µπει στο πλαίσιο µιας σκηνικής επιτέλεσης αποκτά αυτόµατα και τις ιδιότητες του φαντάσµατος. Και όπως όλα τα φαντάσµατα, έτσι κι αυτός έχει την πολυτέλεια να είναι παντού και πουθενά, να είναι τα πάντα και... more