Food Chemistry and Toxicology
High Oxygen and High Carbon Dioxide
Modified Atmospheres for Shelf-life Extension
of Minimally Processed Carrots
ABSTRACT: The impact of high O2 + high CO2 modified atmospheres (MA), on the preservation of minimally processed carrots was studied. A combination of 50% O2 + 30% CO2 prolonged the shelf life of sliced carrots compared
to storage in air by 2 to 3 d. When the carrots received a pre-treatment with a 0.1% citric acid dip and a sodium
alginate edible coating prior to packaging, shelf life was extended by 5 to 7 d. Advantages and disadvantages of the
proposed MA over previously recommended MA (1% O2 + 10% CO2), related to a range of physicochemical and
microbiological characteristics of carrots are discussed.
Key Words: minimal processing, carrots, modified atmospheres, disinfection, edible coating, spoilage
(washed, sliced, trimmed, cut, or
peeled) are used as ready-to-eat snacks or
salad vegetables. MP carrots are sold within 7 to 8 d after preparation but poor quality may limit shelf life to 4 to 5 d (Carlin
and others 1990a). Deterioration occurs
due to the development of off flavors,
acidification, loss of firmness, and discoloration (Andersson 1984; Carlin and others 1989; Bolin and Huxsoll 1991; Howard
and Griffin 1993).
In general, the use of CA/MA (controlled/modified atmospheres) is beneficial for minimally processed products.
Typically, a concentration of 5% to 10%
CO2 and 2% to 5% O2 is applied to extend
shelf life of these products (Kader and
others 1989). For carrots, the reports on
MA storage are contradictory. Bruemmer
(1988) claimed that harvested carrots are
physiologically too mature for senescence
control, and thus MA storage is not beneficial. At 2% to 10% O2 and 10% to 40% CO2,
sugar content may be retained to a greater
extent than in air-stored samples, but
spoilage can occur due to excessive growth
of lactic acid bacteria (Carlin and others
1990b). Kato-Noguchi and Watada (1996,
1997a) reported that glycolysis is accelerated and that the ethanol and acetaldehyde levels are increased at O2 concentration below 2% as compared to air storage.
In a few cases, MP carrots responded well
under anoxic conditions (i.e. 0.5% O 2;
Izumi and others 1996; Kakiomenou and
others 1996), although the risk due to
growth of anaerobic pathogenic microorganisms may be increased under these
© 2000 Institute of Food Technologists
Oxygen-enriched atmospheres (> 30%)
have been tested for packaging of iceberg
lettuce, oranges, and potato tubers (Aharoni and Houck 1982; Heimdal and others
1995). Sprouting of whole carrots was increased and mold growth was inhibited at
40% O 2 (Abdel-Rahman and Isenberg
1974). Day (1996) suggested that high O2
concentrations inhibit enzymatic activity,
prevent moisture losses and microbial
contamination during wet handling of carrots. Combinations of elevated O2 and CO2
may, however, delay growth of aerobic and
anaerobic microorganisms, as was observed in an in vitro study, previously
(Amanatidou and others 1999).
The objective of this study was to investigate a range of quality indices (color,
texture, sugar, phenols, thiobarbituric acid
values, off-odor, and microbial spoilage) in
order to identify possible benefits of the
storage of MP carrots under high levels of
O2 + CO2 in comparison to air and previously used MA storage. Carrots were exposed to controlled gas mixtures at 8 °C, a
temperature generally used at retail storage. Since disinfection is commonly applied to slow down deterioration processes
(Eytan and others 1992; Sapers and others
1995), the effect of dipping in chlorine and
alternative disinfectants (citric acid, H2O2,
and so forth) in combination with MA storage was studied. A sodium alginate edible
coating was used as a barrier to white discoloration (Nussinovitch and Hersko 1996;
Cisneros-Zevallos and others 1997).
Results and Discussion
Disinfection of carrots
Effect on total quality. Washing with
distilled water resulted in spoilage of MP
carrots after 4 d at 8 °C (data not shown).
After 8 d, softening and browning of the
surface was clearly observed. Browning is
probably related to oxidation of phenols
(Chubey and Nhlund 1969). Disinfection
with chlorine or 5% (v/v) H2O2 enhanced
off-flavors or bitter taste, respectively.
Sapers and Simmons (1998) recommended removal of residual H 2O2 after treatment but such action was not taken in our
study, and this might explain the adverse
effect of H2O2 treatment on the quality attributes. Washing in 0.1% and especially
0.5% (w/v) citric acid successfully kept the
original appearance of the carrots for 8 d at
8 °C (Table 1). At the highest citric acid
concentration (0.5%) a harsh taste was
noted, probably as the result of acidification. The use of a protective edible coating
retarded moisture losses and bleaching
but did not extend shelf life. However, the
quality characteristics of MP carrots were
maintained for 10 d when 0.1% citric acid
was incorporated in the edible coating
(data not shown).
Effect on color. Increased Whiteness
Index (WI) values are related to the visual
development of white discoloration (Table
1). White discoloration is an enzyme stimulated reaction related to dehydration of
surfaces or formation of the wound barrier
lignin (Tatsumi and others 1991; CisnerosZevallos and others 1995). For water-treated samples, increased WI values were recorded between d 1 and 4 of storage.
Sapers and others (1995) reported rapid
discoloration immediately after treatment
with 5% or 10% H2O2, related to the browning of lettuce and carrots and bleaching of
strawberries and raspberries.
Vol. 65, No. 1, 2000—JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE
Food Chemistry and Toxicology
O2 and CO2 Effects on Carrots . .
Food Chemistry and Toxicology
A comparative study between several
commercial waxes and coatings identified
the hydrocolloid coating sodium alginate
S170, with Ca++ as gelling agent, as a suitable coating for carrot slices (data not
shown). Orange/red color of carrots was
maintained for at least 8 d (Table 1). Alginate coatings allow the control of white
discoloration of MP carrots (Li and Barth
1998). Sodium alginate reacts with polyvalent cations such as CaCl2 to form a gel
(Kester and Fennema 1986). Nussinovitch
and Hershko (1996) reported several applications of alginate coatings on vegetable products as barriers to moisture losses.
Citric acid alone or incorporated in the
coating allowed color retention and inhibited white discoloration (Table 1). Reyes
and others (1996) used an edible coating
incorporating an acidulant to inhibit white
discoloration for up to 4 wk at 4 °C. Combined application of calcium and citric
acid delayed browning of MP Chinese
cabbage (Byeong and Klieber 1997).
Effect on firmness. Chlorine treatment
did not affect firmness of carrots as compared to the water-dipped samples. On
the other hand, dipping in 5% H2O2 significantly increased firmness immediately
after treatment and during storage (Table
1). The alginate coating gave a glossy appearance to the product and textural characteristics were retained for at least 8 d. Incorporation of 0.1 or 0.5% (w/v) citric acid
in the edible coating had a slight effect on
firmness even after 8 d (Table 1). Calcium
and citric acid have been used to improve
firmness of cooked carrots as well as
shredded carrots (Stanley and others
1995). Calcium is thought to preserve
membrane integrity of carrot shreds by
delaying senescence-related membrane
lipid changes, but also by augmenting
membrane restructuring processes (Picchioni and others 1996).
Effect on pH. All treatments resulted in
a lowering of the pH from 6.1 (water control) to approximately 5.7 to 5.9 (data not
shown). Chlorine treatment did not affect
initial pH. Acidification was observed to
some extend after 8 d of storage at samples dipped in 0.5% citric acid (pH 5.4).
Effect on microbial flora. Microbial
growth on MP carrots is favored by the
high moisture and numerous cut surfaces
(Brocklehurst and others 1987). The initial
population of untreated carrots was high
(6.4 log CFU/g). Spoilage of MP carrots under air is the result mainly of the action of
pectolytic Pseudomonads. Other groups
such as lactic acid bacteria and Enterobacteriaceae are also present on the surface of
carrots after cutting. Chlorine or H2O2 dipping as well as coating treatment did not
affect substantially the initial microbial
load but reduced somewhat the level of
Table 1—Changes in firmness, whiteness index, and spoilage symptoms after several disinfection treatments of carrots stored at 8 °C, in air, immediately after treatment (day 0) and
after 8 d
Distilled water
37.2 c,d
Chlorine 200ppm
790 a,b,c
White blush, off-flavor
H2O2 5%
White blush, slime, texture, bitter taste
Citric acid 0.1%
855 a,b,c
35.4 b,c
Citric acid 0.5%
Coating (S170 + 2% CaCl2)
35.9 b,c
Citric acid 0.1% + coat.
Disinfection method/treatment
Citric acid 0.5% + coat.
Spoilage symptoms
White blush, browning, soft rot
Harsh (acid) taste
1Not measured
2No spoilage was detected after 8 d of storage
abcdMeans with different letters are significantly different (p < 0.05)
Table 2—Dynamics of microbial populations (log CFU/g) in carrots as affected by disinfection
Population (log CFU/g)
Microbial group
+ 2%
Total viable counts
Pseudomonas spp.
Lactic acid bacteria
Enterobacteria present (Table 2). By contrast, combinations of 0.1% or 0.5% citric
acid and 2% CaCl2 significantly reduced
initial total flora for at least 1 or 2 log CFU/
g respectively). The combination treatment affected the development of the microbial flora up to 4 d of storage but after 8
d, no differences in the total viable counts
were recorded (data not shown). Our results on the effect of citric acid or CaCl2
alone on the microbial flora of minimally
processed carrots are in agreement with
those obtained by other researchers
(Eytan and others 1992; Izumi and Watada
High O2 and high CO2 controlled
General quality. The poor quality of
carrots observed after storage in air for 12
d (Table 3) is related to changes in texture
color and increased decay incidence. Samples stored under 1% O2 + 10% CO2 had a
minimum shelf life of 12 d, which was further extended to 15 d after a dipping in citric acid and coating (data not shown).
Good quality was observed for carrots
stored under 50% O2 +30% CO2 for at least
12 d. Although concentrations of CO2 high-
62 JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE—Vol. 65, No. 1, 2000
acid + coating
acid + coating
er than 20% are not generally recommended for storage of respiring products like
carrots, Carlin and others (1989) reported
CO2 concentrations as high as 30% to 40%
in equilibrium packs. After 12 d of storage,
the quality of carrots was poor when O2
concentration was further increased (70%
to 90%) combined with 10% to 30% CO2 regardless of the treatment.
Effect on color. Increased WI values
were apparent after 8 d in untreated (water dipped) samples independent of gas
condition applied during storage. Treated
(coated and dipped in 0.1% citric acid) carrots kept their characteristics for at least
12 d under 50% O2 + 30% CO2 or 1% O2 +
10% CO2 (Table 3). No obvious correlation
existed between the gas concentration
and the WI, although the values carrots
stored under 90% or 80% O2 combined
with 10% or 20% CO2 were high. Good retention of the orange color has been previously reported at high CO2 levels in acidified carrots (Juliot and others 1989). Surface browning occurred due to oxidation of
carrot phenols of samples stored in air and
occasionally in 1% O2 + 10% CO2 but not
when more than 50% O2 was used. According to Day (1998), enzymatic discoloration
should not be expected at high O2 MAP
due to a substrate inhibition. Heimdal
and others (1995) did not find any correlation between browning and high oxygen
on packed iceberg lettuce.
Effect on firmness. Increased firmness
was typically noted with carrots exposed to
70% to 90% O2 for 12 d. On the contrary,
carrots stored in air were significantly softer after 12 d of storage (Table 3). Loss of
firmness under these conditions may be
related to an increased proliferation of
pectolytic pseudomonas. Retention of
firmness was satisfactory for treated samples stored under 1% or 50% O2.
Effect on total phenols. A high concentration of total soluble phenols was observed in carrots stored under air (Fig. 1).
Most likely, this increase is related to polymerization of phenols catalyzed by microbial oxidases (Howard and others 1994).
Accumulation of phenols is a physiological
response to infections or injuries. At 10%,
CO2 total phenol-content remained at low
level in the presence of 1% O2, whereas an
increase was observed in the presence of
90% O2, especially for untreated samples.
Storage in the presence of 50% O2 + 30%
CO2 strongly reduced the accumulation of
total phenols comparing to air. Under all
gas atmosphere conditions, the phenolic
content of treated samples was lower than
that of untreated samples. Howard and
Dewi (1996) found that treatment with citric acid, but not coating, slightly reduced
the amount of total phenols of peeled carrots. The bitter taste, observed in airstored samples, is related to increased
concentrations of isocoumarin, chlorogenic, and hydrobenzoic acid (Sarkar and
Phan 1979; Babic and others 1993), as a response of carrots to severe stress.
Effect on sugars. D-Sucrose is the main
Table 3—Effect of O2 and CO2 concentrations and dipping on firmness, whiteness index, and
% of rotten discs of treated and untreated carrots stored for up to 12 d at 8 °C
Fig. 1—Changes in total phenol of untreated
(water dipped) (black bars) carrot disks or
treated (washed in 0.1% citric acid and coated)
(white bars) under 6 controlled atmospheres
for 12 d at 8 °C.
Fig. 2—Changes in D-sucrose content of untreated (water dipped) carrot disks (black bars)
or treated (washed in 0.1% citric acid and
coated) (white bars) under 6 controlled atmospheres for 12 d at 8 °C.
Firmness (N)
Untreated carrots
1% O2 + 10% CO2
50% O2 + 30%CO2
70% O2 + 30% CO2
80% O2 + 20%CO2
90% O2 + 10%CO2
Coated and dipped
1% O2 + 10% CO2
50% O2 + 30%CO2
70% O2 + 30% CO2
80% O2 + 20%CO2
90% O2 + 10%CO2
Whiteness Index
Day 0
Day 12
Day 0
Day 12
Day 12
37.5 c,d
38.6 c,d
29.4 a
36.8 b,c
a,b,c,d Means with different letters are significantly different (p < 0.05)
Table 4—Ethanol, acetaldehyde, and ethylene accumulation of treated (dipped in 0.1% citric
acid and coated) and untreated (water dipped) carrots stored at 8 °C under 3 atmospheres,
for 48 h
90% O2 + 10% CO2
1% O2 + 10% CO2
50% O2 + 30% CO2
(mole/g fw)
(mole/g fw)
1.125 a
7.5 c
(mole/g fw)
sugar contributing to the taste of carrots
(61 mg/g fresh wt). After 12 d at 8 °C, the
sucrose content of carrots stored in air or
90% O2 + 10% CO2 was as low as 21 mg/g
fresh wt. In contrast, samples stored under 50% or 70% O2 + 30% CO2 or 1% O2 +
10% CO 2 retained more than 60% of the
initial sucrose content (Fig 2). Sensory
analysis for bitterness showed that unpeeled carrots stored in 1% O2 were consis-
tently sweeter than those stored in air
(data not shown). Carlin and others
(1990b) found good retention of sucrose in
the presence of 10% to 40% CO2 with 2% or
10% O2 and Howard and Dewi (1996) did
not find any difference on the sugar content of coated and uncoated carrots stored
in air. In this study, D-sucrose content was
significantly retarded when coating and
citric acid treatment, was combined with
20% or 30% CO2.
Effect on ethylene production. Ethylene as high as 1.25 mole/g fresh weight
was measured in the headspace of sliced
carrots 30 min after cutting. Preliminary
experiments indicated a rapid increase in
the level of ethylene of cut carrots during
the first hours of storage (data not shown).
Although carrot is a nonclimacteric crop,
ethylene may reduce postharvest quality
by promoting senescence, low temperature injuries and microbial decay. In carrots exposed to ethylene level > 0.125 M
on the headspace the synthesis of socalled “stress metabolites,” such as the bitter compounds isocoumarin and eugenin,
was stimulated (Lafuente and others
Surprisingly, increased accumulation
of ethylene (1.63 mole/g fw) by the treated and 1.15 by the untreated carrots was
observed at 50% O2 + 30% CO2 but not at
90% O2 + 10% CO2 (Table 4). CO2 is a well
Vol. 65, No. 1, 2000—JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE
Food Chemistry and Toxicology
O2 and CO2 Effects on Carrots . .
Food Chemistry and Toxicology
known inhibitor of ethylene synthesis but
Pal and Buescher (1993) found that exposure to 30% CO2 indeed accelerated ethylene evolution in carrots possibly due to an
early injury response. Li and Barth (1998)
found excessively high concentrations of
ethylene on MP carrots after use of an edible coating with very low pH (2.7). The pH
of the coating used in our study was 7.8,
and thus phytotoxicity due to low pH is
not likely. After 12 d of storage, traces of
ethylene (< 0.06 mole/g fw) were measured under all conditions (data not
Effect on volatile accumulation. After 4
d of storage, increased ethanol and acetaldehyde production was detected for samples stored at 1% O2 + 10% CO2 compared
to air stored samples both for untreated
and treated carrots (Table 4). High ethanol concentrations affected the taste of
carrots stored under these conditions. Accumulation of acetaldehyde and ethanol
was suppressed in the presence of 50% to
90% O2 despite of the CO2 levels. At low O2
levels, glycolytic flux in carrots is accelerated; ethanol and acetaldehyde levels increase in response to hypoxia (Kato-Noguchi and Watada 1996, 1997b). Increased or
decreased response of carrots tissue to low
or high O2 respectively is sustained by the
concept of the dual role of O2 in regulating
respiration (Leshuk and others 1991). Citric acid treatments slow down respiration
and glycolytic metabolism of carrot discs
(Kato-Noguchi and Watada 1997a).
TBA values. Lipid oxidation (measured
as % percentage of the highest TBA value
observed) appeared to increase during
storage especially for water treated samples. Lipid oxidation was not observed at
air stored samples (Table 5). This may indicate that the development of off-odors
under air is mainly caused by the spoilage
microflora, which produces off-flavor volatile. It is unlikely that the increased TBA
values recorded at 1% O2 + 10% CO2 after
12 d of storage is due to lipid oxidation.
The method used for the determination is
not specific for malonaldehyde and interference by other aldehydes is possible.
Carrots kept in 90% O2 + 10% CO2 had low
TBA values. High O2 did not retard formation of secondary oxidation products in
the presence of 30% CO2.
Effect on microbial flora. The maximum level of bacterial growth in air was
reached for all samples at d 8 to 10, and
very little changes occurred after that
(data not shown). For untreated carrots
stored in air, total counts were 8.8 log CFU/
g after 10 d of storage. Excessive growth
and, thus, spoilage due to lactic acid bacteria was never observed in untreated carrots, stored under air. This might be related to accumulation of phenols with anti-
Table 5—Thiobarbituric acid (TBAR) values of treated and untreated carrots stored for 12 d at
8 °C, in 6 atmospheres. TBARS are expressed as a percentage of the higher absorbance
recorded at 532 nm
TBARS (%) max Abs (532nm) of carrots kept in:
Untr. carrots
Treated carrots
1% O 2
+ 10% CO2
70% O2
+ 30% CO2
50% O2
+ 30%CO2
80% O2
+ 20%CO2
90% O2
+ 10%CO2
microbial properties under these conditions. After 12 d at 8°C, total viable counts
of the water dipped samples exceeded 8.0
log CFU/g with pseudomonads being
dominant under all gas atmospheres. For
treated samples, the total viable count
was as high as 7.5 log CFU/g, mainly due
to partial inhibition of pseudomonads (Fig
3). Lactic acid bacteria were dominant in
the presence of high O2 + high CO 2 after
acid coating treatment. Enterobacteria
were inhibited under 50% O2 + 30% CO2
but stimulated under 80% or 90% O2. Microbial spoilage due to extended growth of
lactic acid bacteria was observed after 12 d
in treated samples stored under 80 or 90%
O2 with 20 or 10% CO2, respectively.
range of quality indices, it is concluded that minimally processed carrots
washed with 0.1% citric acid retained fresh
product characteristics for at least 8 d, especially when treated with CaCl2 and an
alginate coating. The quality of MP carrots
stored under 50% O2 + 30% CO2 was similar
or better than those stored at 1% O2 + 10%
CO2 after 8 to 12 d at 8 °C. Shelf life was
further extended from 12 to 15 d, but only
when products were disinfected with 0.1%
citric acid and coated prior to storage un-
Fig. 3—Changes in the microbial populations of treated carrots (dipped in 0.1% citric acid
and coated) during storage at 8 °C in air (A) or 50% O2:30% CO2 (B). 䊉 = Total viable counts. 䉬
= Pseudomonas. 䊏 = Lactic acid bacteria. 䊊 = Enterobacteriaceae. Standard errors are presented on the graphs.
64 JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE—Vol. 65, No. 1, 2000
Material and Methods
Product preparation and
Carrots (cultival “Amsterdamse bak”)
were obtained from the Dutch Greenery
(Utrecht, The Netherlands), within 2 wk
of harvest. Each experiment was repeated 3 times in the period of September
1997 to February 1998. Roots of medium
size were selected and washed, and all
heavily contaminated parts were removed. Carrots were sliced using a Sammic CA300 food processor in discs with
an average size of 1 cm × 3 cm. The parts
of the processor were regularly disinfected with 70% ethanol during preparation
Sliced carrots were washed twice in
sterile, distilled water (untreated carrots), a solution of NaOCl containing 200
mg/L active chlorine or 5% H2O2 (v/v) for
2 min. The effect of a citric acid treatment was studied by dipping the sliced
carrots twice in a solution of 0.1% or 0.5%
(w/v) citric acid. Untreated and treated
carrots were dried in air for 15 min at
room temperature. Aseptic conditions
were kept during preparation, and the
processor and surfaces were at time intervals disinfected with 70% ethanol.
In order to study the effect of the edible coating, the carrots were dipped in a
solution of 2% CaCl2 (w/v) or 2% CaCl2 +
0.1% citric acid. After drying, an alginate
based coating Satialginate S170 (SBI
BENELUX), pH = 7.8 was sprayedon the
surface. Carrots (70 g) from each treatment were transferred to plastic boxes
that were disinfected with ethanol prior
to use. Boxes with the carrots were
placed in a temperature-controlled room
maintained at 8 °C, 92% relative humidity in hermetically closed containers connected to a flow-through system and
continuously flushed with the desired
combinations of gases. Pure N2, O2, and
CO2 were mixed using mass flow controllers (Brooks, 5850 TR series) at a flow rate
200 ml/h. The following combinations of
gases were used (a) 90% O2 + 10% CO2;
(b) 80% O2 + 20% CO2; (c) 50% O2 + 30%
CO2; (d) 70% O2 + 30% CO2; (e) 1% O2 +
10% CO2; (f) air control. Equilibrium condition in the chamber were reached after
2 h. At certain time intervals, 2 boxes
from each treatment were removed from
the containers and used for microbiolog-
30% in the presence of 50% O2. Overall,
high-oxygen MA storage can be used as an
alternative to low-oxygen MA storage for
minimally processed carrots, since it al-
ical and physicochemical analysis.
Microbiological analysis
Total aerobic mesophiles were enumerated on plate count agar (PCA, Oxoid) after 3 d of incubation at 25 °C.
Pseudomonads were enumerated on
Pseudomonas Agar Base supplemented
with Cetrimide-Fucidin-Cephaloridine
(CFC agar, Oxoid) after 3 d at 25 °C.
Counts of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) were
performed on Man–Rogosa–Sharpe agar
after incubation for 4 d at 25 °C and Enterobacteriaceae were enumerated on Violet Red Bile Glucose agar (VRBGA, Oxoid) after 24 h at 37 °C. The pour plate
technique was used for the enumeration
of LAB and Enterobacteriaceae. Duplicate
samples were examined on each day of
Quality analysis
Color. Color measurements were
made using a Minolta chromameter
model CR200 (Minolta Camera Co., Japan). The L*, a*, and b* data were transformed to a Whiteness Index score using
the equation 100-[(100-L*) 2 + a*2 + b*2]0.5
(Bolin and Huxsoll 1991). Each datapoint is presented as the mean of measurements on both sides of 20 different
carrot disks.
Texture. In preliminary studies, Texture Profile Analysis of carrots showed
that the most comparative parameter
between samples was firmness. It was
measured with a texture analyzer
( TA.XT2I, Texture Technologies, N.Y.,
U.S.A.), equipped with a 10-mm cylindrical ebonite probe. A speed of 1 mm/s
and a penetration distance 10 mm were
used and firmness was expressed as
maximum compression force (N). The
data are presented as means of 10 independent measurements.
pH. Aliquots of 25 g of carrots were
homogenized with an equal volume of
distilled water. The pH of the homogenate was determined at each sampling
time with a glass electrode (Metrohm
model 691).
Sugars. Sugars (sucrose/D-glucose/
D-Fructose) were quantified by using a
test combination kit (Boehringer-Mannheim, Germany). Prior to the determination, samples (25 g) were homogenized
with equal amount of water and clarified
lows the product to retain fresh, natural
characteristics and retards microbial
growth during prolonged storage.
with 2.5 ml Carrez I and 2.5 ml Carrez II
solution. pH was adjusted to 7.2 with 0.1mole/L sodium hydroxide). Homogenates were transferred quantitatively
into a 100-ml volumetric flask and rinsed
with water. Next, n-Octanol (0.1 ml) was
added and the flask was shaken until
the foam has disappeared. Finally, the
extracts were filtered and immediately
used for the assay.
Total phenols. Total soluble phenols
were extracted in 80% ethanol and measured using the Folin-Ciocalteau reagent
(Swain and Hillis 1959).
Thiobarbituric acid values. Samples
(50 g) were homogenized in 100-ml distilled water. Aliquots of 25 ml of the homogenate were mixed with equal volume of
10% (trichloroacetic acid) TCA and filtered.
After extraction the thiobarbituric acid
method described by Barry-Ryan and
O’Beirne (1998) was used to measure the
degree of lipid oxidation. TBA value is defined as the increase in the absorbance
due to formation of condensation products after the reaction of the equivalent of
1 mg of sample/mL volume with 2-thibarbituric acid. Absorbance was read at 532
nm. All values were reported as percentages of the highest absorbance obtained.
Three independent measurements were
performed for each condition.
Ethylene, acetaldehyde, and ethanol
production. A portion of 120 g of carrots
from each treatment was placed in a
glass jar (vol. 1 Lt) fitted with a rubber
septum, flushed with the desired combination of gases, sealed, and kept at 8 °C.
The ethylene concentration inside the
jar was measured with a gas chromatograph (GC) equipped with a flame ionization detector (CHROMPACK Model
437A) using an external standard. Acetaldehyde and ethanol were measured
with a GC (CHROMPACK Model
CP9001), using Helium as a carrier gas.
The ethylene, ethanol and acetaldehyde
concentrations were expressed as mole
of volatile/g fresh weight.
Statistical analysis
Data were subjected to analysis of
variance and the Duncan’s Multiple
Range test. Each experiment was performed 3 times with 2 repetitions. Standard errors of the measurements are
presented in the tables.
—References on next page
Vol. 65, No. 1, 2000—JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE
Food Chemistry and Toxicology
der modified atmospheres. Oxygen levels
above 70% resulted in poor product quality when combined with 10% to 30% CO2.
However, carrots could tolerate CO2 up to
O2 and CO2 Effects on Carrots . .
Food Chemistry and Toxicology
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MS 19990417 received 4/5/99; revised 8/4/99; accepted 8/
This work was funded by the Commission of the European
Union through contract FAIR-CT96-5038 to author AA. The
authors thank S. Fervel and J. Verschoor for assistance with
the measurements of the ethylene and respiration metabolites. H.J.Neerhof is acknowledged for providing the edible
coating and for helpful discussions. Finally, the authors are
indebted to prof. D. Knorr for critical reading of the manuscript.
Authors Amanatidou and Gorris, formerly with
the Agrotechnological Research Institute (ATODLO), are now with Unilever Research
Laboratorium, Unit Microbiology and Preservation, P.O. Box 114, 3130 AC, Vlaardingen, The
Netherlands. Slump and Smid are with ATODLO, P.O. Box 17, 6700 AA, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Send inquiries to A. Amanatidou (E-mail: