Journal of Biotechnology 126 (2006) 499–507
High quality biodiesel production from a microalga Chlorella
protothecoides by heterotrophic growth in fermenters
Han Xu, Xiaoling Miao, Qingyu Wu ∗
Department of Biological Science and Biotechnology, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, PR China
Received 15 October 2005; received in revised form 25 April 2006; accepted 4 May 2006
The aim of the study was to obtain high quality biodiesel production from a microalga Chlorella protothecoids through the
technology of transesterification. The technique of metabolic controlling through heterotrophic growth of C. protothecoides was
applied, and the heterotrophic C. protothecoides contained the crude lipid content of 55.2%. To increase the biomass and reduce
the cost of alga, corn powder hydrolysate instead of glucose was used as organic carbon source in heterotrophic culture medium
in fermenters. The result showed that cell density significantly increased under the heterotrophic condition, and the highest cell
concentration reached 15.5 g L−1 . Large amount of microalgal oil was efficiently extracted from the heterotrophic cells by using
n-hexane, and then transmuted into biodiesel by acidic transesterification. The biodiesel was characterized by a high heating
value of 41 MJ kg−1 , a density of 0.864 kg L−1 , and a viscosity of 5.2 × 10−4 Pa s (at 40 ◦ C). The method has great potential in
the industrial production of liquid fuel from microalga.
© 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Biodiesel; Heterotrophic culture; Chlorella protothecoides; Fermenter; Corn powder hydrolysate
1. Introduction
As a biodegradable, renewable, and non-toxic fuel,
biodiesel fuel has received considerable attention in
recent years. It also contributes no net carbon dioxide
or sulfur to the atmosphere and emits less gaseous pollutants than conventional diesel fuel (Lang et al., 2001;
Antolin et al., 2002; Vicente et al., 2004). Biodiesel
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 10 62781825;
fax: +86 10 62781825.
E-mail address: (Q. Wu).
0168-1656/$ – see front matter © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
fuel, which consists of the simple alkyl esters of fatty
acids, is presently making the transition from a research
topic and demonstration fuel to a marketed commodity.
Annual US production in 2001 has been estimated at
57–76 million liters, with European production more
than 10 times that size (Jon Van Gerpen, 2005). However, the economic aspect of biodiesel production limits
its development and large-scale use. Biodiesel usually
costs over US$ 0.5 L−1 , compared to US$ 0.35 L−1 for
conventional diesel fuel (Zhang et al., 2003).
Chlorella protothecoides is a microalga that can
grow photoautotrophically or heterotrophically under
H. Xu et al. / Journal of Biotechnology 126 (2006) 499–507
different culture conditions. Heterotrophic growth of
C. protothecoides supplied with acetate, glucose, or
other organic compounds as carbon source, results in
high biomass and high content of lipid in cells (Endo
et al., 1977; Wu et al., 1994). With the addition of
the organic carbon source (glucose) to the medium
and the decrease of the inorganic nitrogen source in
the medium, the heterotrophic C. protothecoides was
cultivated with the crude lipid content up to 55.2%,
which was about four times that in photoautotrophic
C. protothecoides (Miao and Wu, 2004a). Therefore,
C. protothecoides has not only become an important
source of many products, such as aquaculture feeds,
human food supplements, and pharmaceuticals (Kyle,
1992; Running et al., 1994; Borowitzka, 1995; Chen,
1996), but also been suggested as a very good candidate for fuel production (Wu et al., 1992; Wen et al.,
2002; Miao and Wu, 2004a).
To increase the biomass and reduce the cost of alga,
corn powder hydrolysate (CPH) as substrate in heterotophic growth of C. protothecoides was used. Chlorella
protothecoides was heterotrophically cultured in a 5 L
stirred tank fermenter with CPH feeding, which gave
significant improvement in cell density (15.5 g L−1 )
and productivity. High quality biodiesel was obtained
from heterotrophic microalgal oil by acidic transesterification. It was characterized by a high heating value of
41 MJ kg−1 , a density of 0.864 kg L−1 , and a viscosity
of 5.2 × 10−4 Pa s (at 40 ◦ C).
2.2. Production of CPH
2. Materials and methods
2.3. Cultivation
2.1. Microalga and medium
Chlorella protothecoides in exponentially period
was inoculated (10%, v/v) in a liquid medium. Heterotrophic cultivation of C. protothecoides was initially carried out in a 500-mL Erlenmeyer flask containing 300 mL medium at 28 ± 1 ◦ C under continuous shaking (180 rpm) and air flowing in the dark
(Miao and Wu, 2004a). Further heterotrophic cultivation was performed in a 5-L fermenter (Biostat Q,
B.BRAUN, Germany) containing 3.0 L medium, in
which concentrated glucose solution was batch-fed.
Dissolved oxygen concentration was controlled by
increasing agitation speed and airflow. Aeration rate
and the agitation speed were variable and initially set
at 0.5 vvm and 300 rpm. Temperature was controlled
28 ± 1 ◦ C.
Chlorella protothecoides was provided by the Culture Collection of Alga at the University of Texas
(Austin, TX, USA). The culture medium and method
were as described as Wu et al. (1992). The alga was
grown autotrophically and axenically in batch cultures
under 28 ± 1 ◦ C with continuous illumination at intensities of 40 mol m−2 s−1 . Aeration was provided by
bubbling air at regular pressure. For the heterotrophic
growth of C. protothecoides, 10 g L−1 glucose was
added to the basal medium and the glycine was reduced
to 0.1 g L−1 . The details of the culture of heterotrophic
cells were reported in our previous research (Wu et al.,
Table 1
Design of 23 factorial experiments
Serial number
The three factors were alpha-amylase dosage (A), glucoamylase
dosage (B), and reaction time (C). Levels were 0.005 g (−), 0.010 g
(+) for A, 0.100 g (−), 0.200 g (+) for B and 1 h (−), 2 h (+) for C.
The 23 factorial experiments were chosen to examine the optimum condition of corn powder hydrolyzed
by alpha-amylase and glucoamylase (Table 1). The
three factors were alpha-amylase dosage (A), glucoamylase dosage (B), and reaction time (C). Levels were 0.005 g (−), 0.010 g (+) for A; 0.100 g (−),
0.200 g (+) for B and 1 h (−), 2 h (+) for C.
Buffer solution was prepared with 0.2N of dipotassium hydrogen phosphate (103.00 mL) and 0.1N of
citric acid (97.00 mL). Accurately 5.000 g corn powder, 10.00 mL buffer solution and distilled water
were mixed, and the corn powder was hydrolyzed
by alpha-amylase and glucoamylase at 60 ◦ C and
pH 6.0.
H. Xu et al. / Journal of Biotechnology 126 (2006) 499–507
Fig. 1. Process flow schematic for biodiesel production.
2.4. Biodiesel preparation
Cells were harvested by centrifugation, washed with
distilled water, and then dried by a freeze dryer. The
main chemical components of heterotrophic C. protothecoides were measured as previous study (Miao
et al., 2004b). Microalgal oil was prepared by pulverization of heterotrophic cell powder in a mortar and
extraction with n-hexane.
Biodiesel was obtained from heterotrophic microalgal oil by acidic transesterification (Fig. 1). The optimum process combination was 100% catalyst quantity
(based on oil weight) with 56:1 molar ratio of methanol
to oil at temperature of 30 ◦ C, which reduced product
specific gravity from an initial value of 0.912 to a final
value of 0.864 in about 4 h of reaction time.
2.5. Analytical methods
Cell growth was measured by means of the
absorbance of the suspension at 540 nm as Becker
(1994) showed. This value was transformed to biomass
concentration, by a regression equation as
y = 0.2821x
(R2 = 0.996, P < 0.05)
where y (g L−1 ) is the cell concentration and x is the
absorbance of the suspension at 540 nm.
Lipid in the algal cells was extracted according
to Zhu et al. (2002). Glucose was analyzed with the
method of Miller (1959).
The saponification (189.3 mg KOH g−1 ) and acid
value (8.97 mg KOH g−1 ) of the microalgal oil were
determined according to the method of Vicente et al.
(2004). The molecular weight of the oil was calculated
from saponification and acid value as
where M is the molecular weight of the oil, SV the
saponification value, and AV is the acid value. The average molecular weight of the oil was 933.
The properties of biodiesel such as density, viscosity, flash point, cold filter plugging point, solidifying point, and heating value were measured.
The elemental compositions of biodiesel were determined by a CE-440 elemental analyzer (Peng et al.,
The composition of the biodiesel was derivatized
and analyzed by gas chromatographic–mass spectrometric analysis. Gas chromatography was performed
on a 0.25 mm (i.d.) × 30 m fused silica column lined
with a 0.25 m film of polyethylene glycol (VF5ms, from VARIAN, America). Samples (0.2 L) were
injected in split mode (split/column flow ratio 30:1).
The column head pressure of the carrier gas (helium)
was 3 kPa at the initial oven temperature, and its
flow rate 1.0 mL min−1 . The injection temperature was
290 ◦ C; the oven temperature was 100 ◦ C for 2 min,
rose to 300 ◦ C over 20 min and was held at this temperature for 20 min (total run time 42 min). The GC–MS
Corn powder was hydrolyzed under 23 factorial
experiments. Comparing the dextrose equivalents (DE)
after 1 h, when the dosage of alpha-amylase fixed, the
dosage of glucoamylase did not play a decisive role
(Table 2). This meant that, starch was hydrolyzed but
not saccharified with the reaction time of 1 h. After 2 h,
all the reactions were determinately excessive under
the conditions, except alpha-amylase and glucoamylase were 0.005 and 0.100 g. Because the reducing
sugar produced in the excessive reactions was disproportioned. The optimum condition of the reaction in
laboratory was alpha-amylase 0.005 g and glucoamylase 0.100 g per 5.000 g corn powder, at 60 ◦ C and pH
6.0. After 2 h, the DE value reached 71.8%.
equivalent (%)
3.2. Cultivation of heterotrophic Chlorella in
As shown in Fig. 2, the cell growth reached maximum value (3.92 g L−1 ) after 144 h culture with the
substrate of CPH, while the maximum value was
3.74 g L−1 with the substrate of glucose. It indicated
that, it was feasible to use CPH as organic carbon
Temperature = 60 ◦ C, pH 6.0.
(g mg−1 )
3. Results and discussion
3.1. Hydrolysate from corn powder
Volume of
solution (mL)
apparatus was linked to a PC running software for data
acquisition and processing.
Table 2
Influence of two enzymes and reaction time on DE value of hydrolysate
glucose (g)
(g mg−1 )
glucose (g)
equivalent (%)
H. Xu et al. / Journal of Biotechnology 126 (2006) 499–507
Fig. 2. Growth curve comparison of heterotrophic Chlorella between
glucose and CPH medium in flasks.
H. Xu et al. / Journal of Biotechnology 126 (2006) 499–507
Fig. 3. (A) Growth of the cells of C. protothecoides under autotrophic (left, green) and heterotrophic (right, yellow) culture conditions. (B and
C) Cells of autotrophic and heterotrophic C. protothecoides under differential interference microscopy. (For interpretation of the references to
colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of the article.)
to cultivate Chlorella. During most of the cultivation
time, CPH resulted superior to glucose solution, which
due to CPH contained some beneficial components to
Chlorella. Lipid content in the algal cells was 54.7%
with glucose feeding, and 55.3% with CPH feeding,
which was not significantly different.
3.3. The main chemical components of
heterotrophic Chlorella cells
As shown in Fig. 3, heterotrophic growth of
Chlorella protothecoides results in not only the disappearance of chlorophyll in cells (Fig. 3A) but also
accumulation of high lipid content in cells. Lipid con-
tent in heterotrophic cells reached as high as 55.2%,
which was about four times that in autotrophic cells
(Table 3). The heterotrophic cells were full of lipid
vesicles, which can be easily observed under differTable 3
Contents of the main chemical components of autotrophic (AC) and
heterotrophic (HC) Chllorella protothecoides cells
Component (%)
H. Xu et al. / Journal of Biotechnology 126 (2006) 499–507
coides with CPH feeding was established in the 5 L
stirred tank fermenter. Lipid content in the algal cells
cultivated in the fermenter was 46.1%, which was a
little lower than that in the Erlenmeyer flasks.
3.5. Biodiesel produced from heterotrophic
Fig. 4. Growth and glucose consumption curve of heterotrophic
Chlorella in 5 L fermenter.
ential interference microscopy (Fig. 3C). The lipidsoluble compounds from the autotrophic cells appeared
in a blackish green with chlorophyll and carotenoid as
the major components, whereas the lipid-soluble compounds from the heterotrophic cells appeared in a state
of light yellow grease, which were mainly lipid compounds (referred as oil). The fatty acid composition of
the oil has been demonstrated to be mainly composed
of oleic acid, linoleic acid, cetane acid, etc. by hydrosis, esterification, and gas chromatographical analysis
as reported in our previous work (Wu et al., 1992).
3.4. Cultivation of heterotrophic Chlorella in the
As shown in Fig. 4, the cell growth reached
15.5 g L−1 after 184 h culture in 5 L bioreactor, then
decreased to 14.3 g L−1 in the subsequent 2 h culture.
A high density heterotrophic culture of C. protothe-
To assess the potential of biodiesel as a substitute of diesel fuel, the properties of biodiesel such
as density, viscosity, flash point, cold filter plugging
point, solidifying point, and heating value were determined. A comparison of these properties of diesel
fuel (Ma and Hanna, 1999; Lang et al., 2001; AlWidyan and Al-Shyoukh, 2002; Antolin et al., 2002;
Vicente et al., 2004), biodiesel from microalgal oil and
ASTM biodiesel standard is shown in Table 4. Most
of these parameters comply with the limits established
by ASTM related to biodiesel quality (Antolin et al.,
The physical and fuel properties of bidiesel from
microalgal oil in general were comparable to those of
diesel fuel. The biodiesel from microalgal oil showed
much lower cold filter plugging point of −11 ◦ C in
comparison with the diesel fuel (Table 4).
The gas chromatograph of biodiesel is shown in
Fig. 5. The fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) of the
biodiesel are presented in Table 5. There were nine
FAMEs derivatized in the biodiesel, and the most abundant composition was oleic acid methyl ester with the
content of 60.84%. Oleic acid methyl ester, octadecadienoic acid methyl ester, and octadecanoic acid methyl
ester are 18 carbon acid methyl esters, and the total content of these three FAMEs was over 80%. This resulted
in the high quality of the biodiesel.
Table 4
Comparison of properties of biodiesel from microalgal oil and diesel fuel and ASTM biodiesel standard
(kg L−1 )
Viscosity (mm2 s−1 , cSt at 40 ◦ C)
Flash point (◦ C)
Solidifying point (◦ C)
Cold filter plugging point (◦ C)
Acid value (mg KOH g−1 )
Heating value (MJ kg−1 )
H/C ratio
Biodiesel from microalgal oil
Diesel fuela
ASTM biodiesel standard
−3.0 (max −6.7)
Min 100
Summer max 0
Winter max < −15
Max 0.5
Max 0.5
The data about diesel fuel was taken from published literature as indicated in the text.
H. Xu et al. / Journal of Biotechnology 126 (2006) 499–507
Fig. 5. Gas chromatograph of the fatty acid methyl ester in biodiesel.
Table 5
Fatty acid methyl esters in the biodiesel
Molecular formula
Relative molecular mass
Fatty acid methyl ester
Relative content (%)
C15 H30 O2
C17 H34 O2
C18 H36 O2
C19 H34 O2
C19 H36 O2
C19 H38 O2
C20 H38 O2
C21 H40 O2
C21 H42 O2
Methyl tetradecanoate
Hexadecanoic acid methyl ester
Heptadecanoic acid methyl ester
9,12-Octadecadienoic acid methyl ester
9-Octadecenoic acid methyl ester
Octadecanoic acid methyl ester
10-Nonadecenoic acid methyl ester
11-Eicosenioc acid methyl ester
Eicosanoic acid methyl ester
The results suggest that the new process, which
combines bioengineering and transesterification, was a
feasible and effective method for the production of high
quality biodiesel from heterotrophic microalgal oil.
The biodiesel from heterotrophic microalgal oil could
be a competitive alternative to conventional diesel fuel.
4. Conclusion
The research of liquid fuel produced from microalga
was begun at middle 1980s in 20 centuries. Transesterification and catalytic cracking were usually adopted
to convert fat in the cell of microalga as gasoline and
H. Xu et al. / Journal of Biotechnology 126 (2006) 499–507
diesel at that time. This kind of method was limited by
low temperature, and the outcome function was highly
influenced by the fat constitute. What was more, the fat
content in the microalga was required to be very high,
otherwise the economic performance would be hard to
Because it was hard to obtain microalga with high
content of fat, scientists turned to develop a new method
pyrogenation. The method of pyrolyzing microalga to
produce liquid fuel was put forward by Doctor Bayer in
Germany in 1986. In 1993, high quality oil of low nitrogen and low sulphur was got successfully by Professor
Ben-Zion Ginzburg in Israel, using Dunaliella salina as
material of pyrogenation. Liquefaction of Botryococcus braunii was performed with sodium carbonate as a
catalyst for conversion into liquid fuel and recovery of
hydrocarbons at high pressure (10 MPa N2 press) under
300 ◦ C. The income liquid oil reached 57–64 wt%, and
the quality was comparable to petroleum (Dote et al.,
1994). Dunaliella tertiolecta with a moisture content
of 78.4 wt% was converted directly into oil by thermochemical liquefaction at 340 ◦ C in 60 min holding
time. The oil yield was about 37% on an organic basis,
and had a viscosity of 150–330 mm2 s−1 and a calorific
value of 36 MJ kg−1 (Minowa et al., 1995).
To increase the fat content in microalga, the technique of metabolic controlling through heterotrophic
growth of C. protothecoides was applied, which
resulted in the crude lipid content of 55.2% (Wu et
al., 1994). The microalgal oil was efficiently extracted
from the heterotrophic cells, and then transmuted into
biodiesel by acidic transesterification.
The present study introduced an integrated method
for the production of biodiesel from heterotrophic C.
protothecoides. CPH was got from corn powder by the
co-hydrolyzation of alpha-amylase and glucoamylase
with the dosages of 0.005 and 0.100 g per 5.000 g corn
powder, at 60 ◦ C and pH 6.0 after 2 h reaction. The DE
value reached 71.8%. CPH was used as the substrate of
heterotrophic growth of C. protothecoides which was
cultivated in Erlenmeyer flasks and 5 L fermenter. In
Erlenmeyer flasks, the cell had the concentration of
3.92 g L−1 and the lipid content of 55.3% after 144 h
culture with CPH feeding, which was superior to glucose feeding. In 5 L fermenter, the cell growth reached
15.5 g L−1 after 184 h culture, and then microalgal
oil was efficiently extracted from the heterotrophic
cells. Biodiesel which was obtained from heterotrophic
microalgal oil by acidic transesterification was characterized by a high heating value of 41 MJ kg−1 , a density
of 0.864 kg L−1 , and a viscosity of 5.2 × 10−4 Pa s (at
40 ◦ C). The results suggest that the new process was
a low-cost, feasible, and effective method for the production of high quality biodiesel from microalga.
This research was supported by NSFC project
40272054 and NSFC key project 40332022. It
was also supported by National Key research plan
2004BA411B05 from Chinese Ministry of Science and
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