History of Warfare
Recent papers in History of Warfare
This paper, for a conference on figures of Vojvodina in the context of European history, deals with field marshal Count András Hadik (1710-1790). Hadik belonged to a noble family whose members held prominent positions in the Evangelical... more
Coins, Artists, and Tyrants contains the first fully translated and revised text of Lauri Tudeer, Die Tetradrachmenprägung von Syrakus in der Periode der signierenden Künstler, as well as a biography of Tudeer, plus a completely new... more
Ouvrage publié avec le soutien du Centre national du Livre et de l'Institut d'Histoire du droit Jean Gaudemet (Paris 2 - CNRS - Archives Nationales). 2022. 1 016 p., 2vol., broché, 15,5 x 23,5 cm. ISBN 978-2-7453-5648-2. Histoire et... more
This PhD dissertation is accessible via the link below. ABSTRACT There are arguably two ways of understanding the fundamental processes of military history. One emphasizes unchanging principles in warfare and that conduct of war is... more
16. yüzyıl ortalarında yazıldığı düşünülen ve Osmanlı askerî literatürünün göz ardı edilmiş bir eseri olan O. 50 numaralı anonim askerî yazma 16. yüzyılda yazılmış bazı askerî yazmalar ile mukayese edilerek incelenmiştir. Bu çalışma ile... more
ABSTRACT in English (the book is written in French): This book presents a thorough analysis and a case study upon the "petite guerre" in the 18th century Europe - tactical and operational levels dealt with, as also relations between war... more
Цель данной статьи - выявить основные элементы процесса тотализации войн в XX в. и определить специфику взаимодействия этих элементов друг с другом. Выделяются три подобных элемента (технологии, идеологии, государства) и рассматривать их... more
This article explores the role of postcards in the maintenance of relationships between combatants and civilians during the First World War. By drawing on untapped archival material found during wider research into the morale of English... more
There is much detailed information about the organisation and strength of the army that Jan III led on their march to relieve Vienna: the structure, weapons and equipment of the units, even down to company level. All formations, from the... more
Using case studies extracted from primary sources produced predominantly in Brazil and Cuba, this article contends that West African military commanders and troops in both regions during the first half of the nineteenth century exhibited... more
Changes in the Early Modern military technologies have fundamentally affected the transformation in urban space: fortifications, planning, life style of the inhabitants. At the same time, the development of new defense fortresses and the... more
History of the Wagenburg (tabor) on the battlefields from the time of Alexander the Great to the Hussite wars in Bohemia (1420-1434). Research paper written at the seminar "Armies and Societies" (University of Paris IV-Sorbonne) under... more
In his Discorsi Politici (1599) the Venetian Ambassador Paolo Paruta (1540-1598) analyzes several topics from ancient and modern History. Writing during the passage from Late Renaissance to the Age of Raison d’État, Paruta has the... more
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Among the different topics developed by S. Picaud-Monnerat, Eric Schnakenbourg selects first a difficulty for the historian, who must grasp a scattered phenomenon made of a series of actions which are not much spectacular; actions often... more
"A number of Persian manuscripts on archery have been translated and annotated by the authors of the present article such as: 1) An Analysis of a Persian Archery Manuscript . . . "
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This study looks at the wars fought between Sweden Denmark, Muscovy-Russia and Poland-Lithuania from the collapse of the Livonian Order in 1558-60 to the Peace of Nystad in 1721. It uses the concept of the Military Revolution to analyse... more
Володіючи монополією на виробництво найсучасніших видів зброї, маючи чисельну перевагу над сусідами, трипільці в період енеоліту були на території України домінуючою військовою силою. Не може бути жодної мови про виключно «мирний»... more
Panel « Warfare, Distance and Civilizing Processes » - XIXe congrès de l’International Sociological Association (ISA)
Toronto, 15-21 juillet 2018
Toronto, 15-21 juillet 2018
In Public Doman Review. January, 2018 http://publicdomainreview.org/2018/01/24/the-dreams-of-an-inventor-in-1420/ and republished in: The Public Domain Review: Selected Essays, vol. VI, edited by Adam Green (Public Domain Review Press,... more
No-one disagrees that Western warfare is worthy of examination, but one wonders if this story needs to be told yet again (European military success is, after all, a far from neglected theme in the literature and the coverage here,... more