History of Women's Studies
Recent papers in History of Women's Studies
RESUMEN: Este estudio se centra en la figura de Acilia Plecusa, una esclava que fue manumitida y contrajo un matrimonio legítimo con su propietario, Manius Acilius Fronto. Ellos eran originarios de la ciudad de Singilia Barba (Baetica) y... more
In recent years, much ink has been spilt over the famous – although never thoroughly assessed – ruler of Palmyra. In 2005, the eminent Paul Veyne had already devoted a few insightful pages to the subject, with claims that are certainly... more
In 1899, MIT chemist Ellen H. Richards (1842-1911) instigated a series of annual "Lake Placid Conferences" (1899-1908) that became known as the foundation of the home economics movement. Richards's first interest was in improving the... more
A paper that looks at the different relationships during the fur trade of the British Columbian Pacific Northwest.
Pequeño resumen del libro de Virginie Despentes y critica en la que muestro mi opinión sobre los temas tratados actualizándolo a la situación actual
In 1907, Cesarina (Rina) Monti was the first woman to be appointed professor at a university of the Italian kingdom. She taught zoology in Sassari, Pavia and Milan and pioneered limnology, especially of the alpine lakes.
Le XIXe siècle passe comme une époque où l'Empire Ottoman subit des changements administratifs et sociaux. Outre le changement structurel de l'État, de nombreux changements sont observés dans le domaine social. La musique est l'un des... more
Artículo que estudia la participación política y asociativa de la derecha femenina durante la Segunda República a través del partido conservador y católico Acción Femenina Leonesa (AFL). Esta agrupación, encuadrada en la CEDA... more
Woman constitutes the key role in the Indian society. Women in ancient India enjoyed high status in society and their condition was good. The Ancient and medieval status of women in modern Indian society regarding Equality, Education,... more
O artigo, comemorativo da Revolução dos Cravos 40 anos depois, na Universidade de Varsóvia (e mais anos ainda, provocados pelas tramitações de publicação) trata das mulheres que no dealbar da década de 70 do século passado optaram por... more
Doña Leonor Manrique de Sotomayor, condesa de Niebla, fue una de esas grandes figuras femeninas a la que la historiografía no ha prestado la atención que merece. Tras el fallecimiento de su marido y su suegro, tuvo que ponerse al frente... more
Más información: https://prohistoria.com.ar/#!/producto/2632/
The paper starts by discussing the renewal of classics and the new approaches to study the presence of women during gladiators’ combats, in the context of postmodernity. It turns then to the issues relating the use of literature and... more
In Mirjam van Veen, Piet Visser, and Gary K. Waite, eds., Sisters: Myth and Reality of Anabaptist, Mennonite, and Doopsgezind Women ca 1525-1900, Brill’s Series in Church History 65 (Leiden: Brill, September, 2014), 17-51.
Dentro del repertorio de acciones colectivas del siglo XX, la protesta popular que irrumpió en diferentes ciudades del Ecuador y echó del poder al gobierno liberal de Arroyo del Río, en mayo de 1944, a partir de la confluencia de una... more
Artículo sobre la indumentaria de las institutrices, su apariencia y la representación física de este grupo de mujeres, analizándolo a partir de la indumentaria del servicio doméstico y el significado del uso del uniforme.
В статье рассматривается важная категория иноков русских монастырей эпохи Средневековья – соборные старцы. Если ранее в историографии они рассматривались исключительно на материале мужских монастырей, то в данной работе впервые специально... more
In this paper I analyze the working process of the Canadian and Argentinian textile industry between 1888 and 1951. Based in Buenos Aires and Montreal as case studies, these two cities concentrated the textile industry in the two... more
Valladolid, 24, 25 & 26 November, 2021
Valladolid, 24, 25 & 26 November, 2021
La SIS è ente accreditato per la formazione e l'aggiornamento docenti ai sensi della D.M. 170/2016 e rilascia un attestato di partecipazione valido ai fini formativi. L'iscrizione, gratuita, deve essere effettuata sulla piattaforma SOFIA... more
The life of Giulia Gonzaga – a leading figure in a delicate time of transition in 16th-century Italian political, cultural and religious history – brings this period and its dramatic turning-points alive. A favoured disciple of Juan de... more
Maria Cristina, principessa del Regno di Sardegna e regina del Regno delle Due Sicilie avviò un’impresa per la produzione della seta in cui dava lavoro e dignità a tante persone indigenti, perlopiù donne. Con questa impresa e un progetto... more
Moğol Dönemi İran'ında Kadın" adlı yapıt, dünyanın önemli mongolistlerinden Prof. Dr. Şîrîn Beyânî’nin kıymetli yapıtlarından sadece biridir. Eser, gerek içerdiği bilgilerin özgünlüğü, gerekse kullanılan yöntem bakımından hayli dikkate... more
Resumen: En este trabajo, a través de un recorrido por las diferentes etapas de su vida, se reivindica el papel de Plotina Augusta como mujer de estado y no solo como esposa imperial. Para ello se realiza una comparación, desde los... more