Holy Shroud of Turin
Recent papers in Holy Shroud of Turin
The Shroud of Turin is the Holy Grail
Various relics ascribed to have been in physical contact with Jesus have been evaluated for the presence of blood, including the Tunic of Argenteuil, the Sudarium of Oviedo, and most famously, the Shroud of Turin. Congruence was reported... more
In 1988, the Shroud of Turin was carbon dated to 1260-1390 AD. This paper summarizes why this date should be rejected: 1) it would have been impossible to form such an image on cloth during the Middle Ages, and 2) a proper statistical... more
This is the PowerPoint slides to a presentation at the St. Louis Conference on the Shroud of Turin in October of 2014. The title of the presentation was "MCNP Analysis of Neutrons Released from Jesus' Body in the Resurrection." Many... more
Nei testi di alcuni sindonologi si trova citata una frase attribuita a un autore che viene definito come uno specialista del radiocarbonio: Michaël Winter. La frase viene usata con l'intenzione di screditare l'attendibilità dei test di... more
After being photographed by Secondo Pia in May 1898, the Shroud of Turin proved to be more than a mere medieval relic: it becomes a true source of archaeological imagery, providing a wealth of information about a capital punishment widely... more
Au cinéma, la Sainte Face a été plus dissimulée qu’exhibée – le plus souvent par le biais de voiles de Véronique rares et indistincts ou de linceuls pliés et mouvementés. Mais le motif hante le médium filmique à un niveau épistémologique,... more
Lo studio della copia della Sindone di Arquata offre interessanti analogie e stimola riflessioni utili a comprendere meglio alcuni aspetti poco considerati della Sindone di Torino
"Der Körper eines gefolterten Mannes ist seit dem 11ten Jh. visueller und affektiver Mittelpunkt des lateinischen Christentums. Die Darstellbarkeit des Christuskörpers ist gleichzeitig ein altes Streitthema und verweist auf das zentrale... more
According to the Gospels, Jesus suffered the flagellation before his crucifixion. The texts do not clarify the form and materials of the scourge that was utilized. Since the beginnings of the modern era, several commentators have... more
This is the third of three recent papers related to the carbon dating of the Shroud of Turin. The first in this sequence, paper 24, is titled “Understanding the 1988 Carbon Dating of the Shroud.” It contains 37 pages including two... more
We present a critical review of scientific claims made in historian Andrea Nicolotti's book The Shroud of Turin: the history and legends of the world's most famous relic (Baylor University Press, 2020).
British art historian Thomas de Wesselow, trained at Courtauld, claims that it was the image on the Turin Shroud that prompted Jesus' disciples to believe in the Resurrection. While appreciating the author's study of the relic, the review... more
The following is a consolidation of important historical references of the Shroud through the early centuries found in multiple sources. I have gathered the most significant references here in one document. Together, they form a... more
The Shroud of Turin contains good-resolution full-size images, without pigment, of the front and back of a naked crucified man. This paper proposes a multi-step process for formation of these images. By following the evidence on the... more
La Sindone è emblema della fede. La fede è storia, e, in virtù di ciò, richiede che nei suoi confronti ci si rivolga con un approccio critico-scientifico. Tuttavia la stessa fede rivela come tale appressamento risulti insufficiente e... more
L’elaborato in questione parte da un’idea alquanto ardita: porre a raffronto, mantenendo sempre come fondale l’osservazione della Sindone, le risurrezioni presenti nel Nuovo Testamento, con la Risurrezione per antonomasia, ovvero quella... more
Some people are aware that there was a putative secret C-14 test on the Shroud performed in 1982 on a thread of the so-called “Raes sample” extracted from the Shroud in 1973. (It was named after the late Belgian textile expert Prof.... more
In a topic as controversial as the Turin Shroud, it is always surprising to note that there remains a large area of consensus among scholars who hold opposite opinions on the origin of this piece of fabric. According to the consensus... more
To explain the characteristics of the image on the Shroud of Turin, along with the 1988 carbon dating and the characteristics of the blood on the Shroud, it is hypothesized that an extremely brief intense burst of vertically collimated... more
Dopo aver trasferito la propria capitale da Chambéry a Torino nell’anno 1563, «Era mente del duca di Savoia Emanuele Filiberto, ricuperati suoi stati […], di avere presso di sè la Sindone […] che ordinariamente lo teneva in Ciamberì». A... more
I present the results of an inquiry I have conducted about presumed cases of fraud in experimental reports published by the biochemist Dmitry A. Kuznetsov.
The Mandylion or image of Edessa, first mentioned in the 6th century, was a depiction of Christ's face, described by some texts as a painting and by others as a miraculous imprint on a cloth. It is reasonable to believe that this... more
These slides were presented at the International Conference on the Shroud of Turin (ICST-2017) held in Pasco, Washington state, 19-22 July 2017.
The Turin Shroud bears an image of an apparent crucified man, chemically the result of some dehydrative, oxidative, and subsequent carbonyl conjugative process of cellulose [3] In the here described experiment the (lower) calyx side... more
Au cours de la première moitié du XVIe siècle apparut à Besançon un suaire qui reportait l’image du Christ mort. Selon une tradition qui se répandit aux environs de 1750, le chevalier Othon de la Roche avait pris possession en 1204, au... more
According to ancient tradition, the Shroud of Turin is the authentic burial cloth of Jesus. To determine whether this could be true, more historical and scientific research has been done on the Shroud of Turin than on any other ancient... more
La crocifissione romana aveva un proprio rituale, all’interno del quale v’erano tre stazioni preliminari: la sentenza di condanna, la flagellazione e la deductio.
According to legend, the Mandylion was an image of Christ’s face imprinted on a towel, kept in Edessa. This acheiopoieton image (“not made by human hands”) disappeared in the eighteenth century. The first records of another acheiropoieton... more
More research has been done on the Shroud of Turin than any other ancient artifact. Many dedicated individuals and groups in many countries are doing this research, yet many controversies remain due to the small size of most samples and... more
This paper argues that between the arrival of the Holy Mandylion in Constantinople in 944 and 1195 there are many relics and artefacts which survive today and point to a detailed knowledge of the crucifixion of Christ. The Blutritt, the... more
Incontro Centri di Sindonologia per la festa liturgica della Sindone
Torino, 2 Maggio 2015
Incontro Centri di Sindonologia per la festa liturgica della Sindone
Torino, 2 Maggio 2015
Criteria of historical assessment are applied to the Turin Shroud to determine which hypothesis relating to the image formation process is the most likely. To implement this, a ‘Minimal Facts’ approach is followed that takes into account... more
Le résultat de l’analyse des données brutes confirme et renforce le discrédit de la datation de 1988. Indéniablement, cette découverte fournit une bonne raison (peut-être la seule que pouvait accepter la communauté académique « mainstream... more
On the face of it, it seems unlikely that the Turin Shroud, believed to be the actual burial cloth of Jesus, would have survived to our day. Although the Gospels mention burials cloths/shrouds, none of them mention an image, which... more
Accostare la vicenda natalizia di Gesù a quella pasquale del Cristo non è né un artifizio, né un’astrusità: la scrittura iconografica, invero, ha da sempre assimilato i teli del Risorto alle fasce del Neonato.