Independent Researcher
Recent papers in Independent Researcher
From the VI to the VIII century most of Rome’s ancient monuments got into such a state of degradation and abandonment that even the memory of their original name and function had been completely lost. On studying the mistakes in location... more
Personal column on combining PhD research with work as an independent art historian (business owner), published in VNK Bulletin, the newsletter of the Dutch Association of Art Historians.
Independent Researcher
Una mostra per la "Notte dei Ricercatori" di Bari promossa dal Fondo Francesco Moschini in collaborazione con A.A.M. Architettura Arte Moderna
The persistence growth of Egypt's public domestic debt has raised concerns regarding its impact on economic growth and fears are being express about the debt sustainability. Utilizing data for the period 1981-2006, the results obtained... more
How a Naturally Formed Nepheline Syenite Alumino-Silicate [Al2O3/SiO2] High Performance Geopolymer ‘Paste’ Is Being Left Behind In a One-Sided Race to Replace Excessive High Greenhouse Gas [GHG] Production caused by the Manufacturing of... more
Setiap orang dalam pergaulan di dalam masyarakat harus memperhatikan dan melaksanakan (menaati) peraturan hukum, agar tercipta kehidupan yang tertib dan tentram. Kalau terjadi pelanggaran hukum terhadap peraturan hukum yang berlaku maka... more
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was unanimously adopted and proclaimed by the United Nations through the General Assembly Resolution 217A(111) on the 10th of December, 1948. Since its declaration, it has become... more
Kualitas dan relevansi pendidikan masih merupakan permasalahan di Indonesia. Keduanya berkaitan dengan globalisasi dan otonomi yang menuntut persiapan sumber daya manusia yang kompeten agar mampu bersaing dan otonomi daerah menuntut... more
Introduction There are many ways and methods on how to cite legal works. This is nothing and they will not and they cannot bring problems or confusion to me or any other academician. On which way or method to be use is just the matter of... more
Graph polynomial is one of the algebraic representations for graph. In this paper, we introduce a new type of graph polynomial called connected neighbourhood polynomial and we defined the connected neighbourhood roots of a graph. The... more
Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follows:
Bruner yang memiliki nama lengkap Jerome S.Bruner seorang ahli psikologi (1915) dari Universitas Harvard, Amerika Serikat, telah mempelopori aliran psikologi kognitif yang memberi dorongan agar pendidikan memberikan perhatian pada... more
The literature of the Chakmas is as rich and diverse as other literatures of the world. The Chakmas are the largest of all other tribal communities in Bangladesh. As a major community, they possess distinguished culture, festival,... more
Kualitas dan relevansi pendidikan masih merupakan permasalahan di Indonesia. Keduanya berkaitan dengan globalisasi dan otonomi yang menuntut persiapan sumber daya manusia yang kompeten agar mampu bersaing dan otonomi daerah menuntut... more
Dimana kita sebagai manusia haruslah saling membantu satu sama lain. semoga laporah ihtiologi ini bermanfaat bagi saudara semua
My right ear began to ring. It wasn’t a normal ringing noise, but more of a binarual beat sound. It was so loud that is vibrated the whole right side of my head.
Resumo O presente artigo é resultado de um trabalho de campo, feito, junto dos operadores turístico-hoteleiros da Ilha de Moçambique, comunidade local e gestores governamentais ligados ao Turismo, pretende-se com este, analisar e sugerir... more
((((:))))((:::)) Educational meltdown. They fly below the radar and drop onto crumbling residence halls. Hammers in hand, they smash windows and flatten stairs in a grassroots takeover of the Academy. Fighting the reanimated corpse of... more
This research was funded by, and implemented within, a UK national research organisation, while the author was the KE and Impact Evaluation Manager responsible for assessing impact on a £15m UK government-funded research programme. This... more
Pendidikan merupakan faktor penting dalam mendukung berkembangnya suatu bangsa. Proses belajar mengajar yang masih konvensional dirasa kurang menarik minat peserta didik dan penyampaian materi akan membutuhkan waktu yang lama, sehingga... more
Industri pelet kayu di Kabupaten Wonosobo adalah Industri Penanaman Modal Asing dari Korea untuk tujuan ekspor. Bahan baku dari kayu pelet seperti serbuk gergaji memiliki potensi suplai di Kabupaten Wonosobo. Di sisi lain, serbuk gergaji... more
Com o eclodir da independência de Angola, vários foram os ganhos do país, sobre tudo a economia angolana. No presente artigo apresento alguns dos aspectos de maior relevo.
There should never be any diplomacy on joint remedial actions to fight terrorism.
My most frequent advice about research projects What follows is advice I give to just about all research students and students doing research projects. I often find myself giving the same advice to many students, and the same advice more... more
Within the current higher education context, early career researchers (ECRs) face a 'risk-career' in which predictable, stable academic careers have become increasingly rare. Traditional milestones to signal progress toward a... more
PhD by Portfolio aims to attract professionals (although not limited to) with a 'biography' of vocational applications / projects / initiatives which might be linked through a theme; education, health, engineering, design, law, etc. PhD... more
Niniejsza książka składa się z trzech połączonych ze sobą części. Część pierwsza, kt rej odpowiada rozdział pierwszy, nakreśla teleologiczne podwaliny tradycyjnego uniwersytetu prezentując jego etos wypracowany w ramach trzech gł wnych... more
Real Estate Business Scenario in Bangladesh