Instructional Technology
Recent papers in Instructional Technology
World Radio Day reminds us of the power and reach of interactive radio instruction for students—and teachers Blog (/blog)-February 12, 2016 by Mary Burns (/users/MBurns) | In the hyperstimulating, hyperconnected and multimodal technology... more
This was the first book on the new PhDs in studio art that is addressed to the North American academic system (2009). This is the opening to the original, first edition of this book. I am leaving it online, but it's out of date: please... more
SinteSe: O objetivo central desse trabalho é compreender o comportamento de uso de um sistema de gestão acadêmica em uma Universidade Federal em relação às ferramentas de apoio às atividades docentes. A pesquisa é censitária, compreende... more
Introduction Introduction by Patrick R. Lowenthal Trends and Issues with Online Learning From Reluctant and Reticent to Engaged and Enthusiastic: The Passage to Online Teaching Susan Giullian Preparing Special Education... more
These two studies extended previous research on the use of verbal instructions and support technology for helping persons with mild or moderate... more
This opinion piece reflects on the place of writing and the pen in literacy practice in the wake of the so-called digital revolution and the advent of online classrooms that are built around digital input devices.
The purpose of this study was to identify factors influencing teachers’ decisions about using technology in the classroom setting and examine the degree to which teaching experience affects these decisions. Specifically, the items... more
This is a rough draft of a set of modules that we are developing at our college to help prepare our instructors for technology-enhanced teaching and learning.
Educational reform for students with disabilities, including autism, has a history of focusing solely on the content areas of reading, mathematics, and science. To date, few empirical studies examining social studies have been published.... more
The following is a sample template that you might use to help your students to track their own progress throughout your course. Our goal is to help our students to be as successful as they can and providing them with an assignment... more
This study aimed to evaluate the results of the application of a virtual learning object for the simulated evaluation of acute pain in the learning of undergraduate nursing students and to verify the opinions of the students regarding the... more
Traditional, institutionally supported learning management systems (LMSs) provide many features and benefits; however, most LMSs do not provide tools and features that are comparable with emerging learning technologies. In addition, since... more
This study examines the design process of a blended learning environment using a learning management system to transform Basic English courses into the web-based distance learning format in the School of Foreign Languages at a large scale... more
Social network is a group of individuals with diverse social interactions amongst them. The network large scale and distributed due to Quantitative analysis of networks is need of and in turn the society. Clustering helps us to group... more
(in press). In S. Tettegah & W. (D.) Huang. Emotions, Technology, and Games. New York: Elsevier. (Will be freely available for download through open access in October, 2015). ABSTRACT. Summary This case study challenges the assumption... more
The following is a list of links to course design and development checklists, guidelines, and samples that have been prepared/compiled to date that may be used to support faculty in preparation for their classes
Digital simulations and games constitute a distinct category of learning intervention that calls for a tailor-made instructional design approach. This article will provide some background for that claim. A brief summary of several... more
English language learning is considered as a language that must be learned as it is needed in everyday life in local and global context. In response to students need to learn English, it is obvious that modern technology, i.e. modern... more
"Block Printing is the process of using an object to make an inked impression upon a plain surface. It is one of the oldest and most enjoyable of all the crafts and has given color and pattern to paper, cloth, and other surfaces for... more
The term “best practice” is widely used throughout education despite the lack of evidence or consensus for what practices are “best.” The pervasive use of this term promotes superficial selection and use of teaching methods, discourages... more
Abstract. It has become standard practice to use the traditional information technologies such as web and email in education. But as the University campus becomes increasingly deployed with interconnected computing technology, we begin to... more
The Internet is the dominant text of this generation, and through intentional use it may provide opportunities for the critical literacy infused pedagogy. As we consider the online and offline literacy practices that our students will... more
Personal computers, the Internet, smartphones, and other forms of information and communication technology (ICT) have changed our world, our job, our personal lives, as well as how we manage our knowledge and time effectively and... more
The developed DEC learning model for junior high school students has never been evaluated its feasibility. Therefore, this research aims at evaluating the feasibility degree of Daily English Conversation (DEC) model in respect to its... more
A sample of how I use technology to help students engage with the Bible