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1993, The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering
Marine and Petroleum Geology
Clarifying pore diameter, pore width, and their relationship through pressure measurements: A critical study2019 •
Proceedings of International Meeting on Petroleum Engineering
Quantitative Description for the Heterogeneity of Pore Structure by Using Mercury Capillary Pressure Curves1995 •
2015 •
An understanding of the physical mechanisms by which non-wetting fluids become entrapped is important to oil recovery techniques from reservoir rocks, and the structural characterization of porous media. The mechanisms of entrapment and the spatial distribution of non-wetting fluid (mercury) within model materials with similar chemical and geometrical properties to oil reservoir rocks have been investigated using mercury porosimetry and computed X-ray tomography. The combination of both techniques has allowed the direct observation of entrapped mercury within the model materials. In this thesis, a novel experimental technique involving combined mercury porosimetry and mercury thermoporosimetry techniques has been used to determine pore size distributions for disordered porous solids. Mercury porosimetry was conducted, and the mercury entrapped following porosimetry was used as the probe fluid for thermoporosimetry. The fully integrated combination of techniques described here permit...
SPE Eastern Regional Meeting
A Simple Method for Evaluating Pore Surface Mineralogy1993 •
SPE Members Majority of mineralogical studies directed at hydrocarbon producing formations are conventional studies that treat the formation as a bulk entity. Focusing on pore surface mineralogy, which is the identification of the elemental composition of the pore surface, seems to be a more realistic approach, since fluids in the formation come into direct contact with these elements on the surface. Rock-fluid properties such as relative permeability, wettability, capillary pressure and certain rock properties, are influenced by pore surface mineralogy. Hence, characterization of pore surface mineralogy will enhance understanding of the interaction between fluid and the porous medium. This paper discusses Multiple Voltage Scanning Electron Microscopy as a novel method for characterization of pore surface mineralogy. Multiple Voltage Scanning Electron Microscopy, a new method that has successfully been used to study the surface of particles, has been implemented to identify the elem...
Materials and Structures
Characterisation of pore structure by combining mercury porosimetry and micrography2001 •
Savonnières, a French layered oolithic limestone, shows important ink-bottle effects. As a consequence, a great discrepancy is observed between the results of different techniques to determine the pore volume distribution. It is shown that mercury intrusion porosimetry results can be considered as the main drainage curve and are, for this kind of materials, not convenient to determine the apparent pore volume distribution due to hysteresis phenomena. The main wetting curve is obtained using image analysing techniques on SEM-micrographs, combined with pressure membrane apparatus results on capillary saturated samples. A simple structural hysteresis model is developed to predict the mercury intrusion porosimetry results, starting from the main wetting curve. The good agreement between theory and experiment verifies that the large difference between main wetting and main drainage curve can indeed be attributed to structural hysteresis. In this way, the presented technique gives, in addition to a better knowledge of the pore volume distribution, insight in the pore geometry and connectivity, which can serve as input for microstructure-based transport models. La courbe de rétention d'eau et la courbe de distribution volumique des pores obtenues au moyen de la porosimétrie à intrusion de mercure (PIM), de l'appareil à membrane de pression et des techniques d'analyse d'images sur micrographe-MEB sont comparées pour la pierre de Savonnières, une roche calcaire oolithique plus ou moins stratifiée en provenance de la France. Le matériau montre d'importants effets «bouteille d'encre». Il est démontré que les résultats obtenus par PIM peuvent être considérés comme courbe principale de drainage et ne peuvent pas être utilisés, pour ces matériaux, pour déterminer la distribution volumique apparente des pores en raison de phénomènes d'hystérésis. La courbe principale de mouillage est obtenue par des techniques d'analyse d'images sur micrographe MEB, combinées avec les résultats de l'appareil à membrane de pression sur des échantillons saturés par capillarité. Un modèle structurel simple d'hystérésis est développé; il est capable de prédire les résultats obtenus par porosimétrie à intrusion de mercure au départ de la courbe principale de mouillage. Ceci permet de vérifier que la grande différence entre les courbes principales de mouillage et de drainage peut en effet être attribuée aux hystérésis de structure. Comme conséquence, la méthode présentée donne, outre une meilleure connaissance de la distribution volumique des pores, un aperçu de la géométrie des pores et de la connectivité, ce qui peut servir de données en entrée pour des modèles de transfert basés sur la microstructure.
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects
Characterisation of porous media by the virtual capillary condensation method2007 •
International Petroleum Technology Conference
Pore-level Investigation of Heavy Oil Recovery using Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD)2009 •
Pure and Applied Chemistry
Recommendations for the characterization of porous solids (Technical Report)2000 •
International Journal of Robotics and Automation
Robotic Path Planning for an Automatic Mold Polishing System2004 •
2009 •
Earth and Planetary Science Letters
Extreme high field strength element (HFSE) depletion and near-chondritic Nb/Ta ratios in Central Andean adakite-like lavas (~28°S, ~68°W)2009 •
Anais do V Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas de Informação (SBSI 2009)
Metodologia para Modelagem Conceitual de Dados2009 •
หน้าจั่ว ว่าด้วยประวัติศาสตร์สถาปัตยกรรมและสถาปัตยกรรมไทย
การสร้างพื้นที่อภิมหาวิหารและพุทธศิลป์แบบแฟนตาซีของวัดพระธรรมกาย/ The Production of the Buddhist Megechurch and the Fantasy Buddhist Art by Wat Phra Dhammakaya, Thailand2014 •
Human Vaccines
Development of a metabolically active, non-replicating sporozoite vaccine to preventPlasmodium falciparummalaria2010 •
Remote Sensing
High-Resolution Inundation Mapping for Heterogeneous Land Covers with Synthetic Aperture Radar and Terrain Data2020 •
2015 •
Technologies and Applications
Interactive Television as a Vehicle for Language LearningCiência Rural
Análise energética do novo sistema de produção de maracujá amarelo na região de Marília-SP2014 •
2003 •
2015 •
Vegueta: Anuario de la Facultad de Geografía e Historia
Clasificación y caracterización de los bancales de la provincia de Ávila2021 •
Berkala Ilmiah Biologi
Inventory of Amphibian Species (Order Anura) in Ujung Kulon National ParkSerbian Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research
Correlation Between Cervical Cytology and Histopathological Cervical Biopsy Findings According to the Bethesda System / Stepen Korelacije Cervikalne Citologije Po Bethesda Klasifikaciji Sa Patohistološkim Nalazima Cervikalne Biopsije2014 •
Cinta de Moebio
Hacia un análisis de los marcos epistémicos del big data Towards an analysis of the epistemic frameworks of big data2023 •
2019 •
Cell biology and development
Somatic embryogenesis of Eleusine coracana on inducted seed explants2021 •
VII Encontro de Pós Graduandos em Estudos Japoneses
Shōgekijō e Ankoku butō: aliança entre teatro e dança para o bastião da carne2024 •