Irish medieval art and architecture
Recent papers in Irish medieval art and architecture
An assessment of the images on the Irish High Crosses that do or may depict scenes from the life of King David of Israel.
ABSTRACT: The rules for orientation of Early Christian oratories or chapels in Ireland and Scotland have been the subject of scholarly speculation for some time. By applying the techniques of archaeoastronomy (Hawkins 1983) to monastic... more
Un'analisi che esamini la Miniatura Insulare a partire dal sostrato culturale e storico-artistico in cui si è sviluppata, tenendo in considerazione la cultura e l’arte dei popoli contemporanei ad essa ed i precedenti, che si insediarono... more
This article re-examines the art and architecture of twelfth-century Ireland to argue that the style term 'Romanesque' is aptly applied to such works. Cormac's Chapel at Cashel is placed within the context of literary references to the... more
F.Henry,Irish Art in the Early Christian Period (to 800 A.D.),London,1965;F.Henry,Irish Art during the Viking Invasions (800-1020 A.D.),London, 1973; F.Henry, Irish Art in the Romanesque Period (1020-1170 A.D.),London, 1973
In a paper published in 1995, I explored Romanesque revivalist features in Scottish architecture from the late fourteenth to the early sixteenth centuries, and , by comparing them to contemporary Italian examples, conclude that cultural... more
The purpose of this paper is to define and describe what is meant by the term “Irish High Cross.” Included in this assessment will be a description of the morphology, or physical characteristics of the crosses; the date range during... more
Draft Submission to the Archaeology 2025 Process on the Conservation of Irish National Monuments
This collection of studies on the history of Gaelic Ireland is the product of an essay competition sponsored jointly by the Standing Council of Irish Chiefs and Chieftains (Buanchomhairle Thaoisigh Éireann) and Clans of Ireland (Finte na... more
Carrickfergus has been a town for over 800 years and it is one of the most excavated urban centres in Ulster. A number of major monuments survive in the town — the famous medieval Castle, St. Nicholas’ Church (a fascinating mixture of... more
I prepare high-quality illustrations of art objects or historical buildings for museums and academics to use in publications and related work. You can appreciate a small selection of my works at:... more
A fragment of the shaft of a decorated free-standing cross discovered recently in a large enclosure during fieldwork in County Monaghan is described, and attention is drawn to other large enclosures in County Monaghan which may be... more
This is an account of my September 2019 visit to Ireland during which I visited prehistoric and medieval sites, and two museums, noting how they are presented to the public.
Inis Bó Finne A Guide to the Natural History and Archaeology of Inishbofin - with Dave Hogan.
A Lost Early Christian Cross-Decorated Monument from Inishark, Co Galway
One of the most frustrating aspects of our encounters with medieval art is our inability ever to know exactly how far our responses, aesthetic, emotional or intellectual, correspond with those of medieval viewers. This paper attempts to... more
The History, Archaeology and Folklore of Inishglora, Co Mayo
Killeenbrenan Friary: Flag-ship house of the Franciscan Third Order in Ireland? Cathair na Mart: Journal of the Westport Historical Society. 30 (42-58).
Patronage was the lifeblood of the mendicant orders, whose commitment to a life of poverty supported by alms rendered them heavily dependent on the laity to support their lifestyle and ministry. This paper will consider the nature and... more
Stone is a reflection of the landscape from which it was obtained, and in this way the use of local sources of stone in Ireland’s architectural tradition forms a tangible physical link between the building and the landscape. However, for... more
The history and archaeology of medieval Ireland is dominated firstly by the impact of the arrival of the Christian church and later by the Anglo-Normans, which introduced new concepts in the building and architectural design, and also in... more