Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology)
Recent papers in Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology)
This paper proposes an alternative reading for the legend of the lead coins found in the Maderero mine (Almodóvar del Río, Córdoba), for which the normally–accepted reading is okanaka. These coins are supposed to have been issued by the... more
Poigt, Th., Les instruments de pesée en Europe occidentale aux âges des Métaux : Conception, usages et utilisateurs (XIVe-IIIe s. av. n.è.). In : Nordez M., Rousseau L. et Cervel M., Recherches sur l'âge du Bronze, Nouvelles approches et... more
In recent years, various large buildings have been discovered in Ullastret, organised around patios. Zone 14 is one of these buildings, in which three construction phases have been discovered, going from the second half of the 4th... more The production and use of amphorae in the Phoenician world was a very important economic sector, both in the Levant and in all the areas colonized by the... more
El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo definir los espacios militares republicanos romanos y su caracterización arqueológica. Esto es para comprender la estructura y la evolución del escenario del territorio del noreste peninsular. Este... more
ADVERTIMENT. La consulta d’aquesta tesi queda condicionada a l’acceptació de les següents condicions d'ús: La difusió d’aquesta tesi per mitjà del servei TDX ( i a través del Dipòsit Digital de la UB ( ha... more
The Iron Age societies of the southeastern Iberian Peninsula, like their Greek and Etruscan counterparts, used stone sculptures to decorate their sanctuaries and cemeteries. Limestone was the raw material used. While abundant throughout... more
Una reinterpretacion de un elemento de la plastica de la Edad del Hierro en el NO de la Peninsula Iberica.
La Meseta de Requena-Utiel constituyó durante época ibérica (ss. VI-I a.C.) el territorio de la antigua ciudad de Kelin (Caudete de las Fuentes). En este trabajo analizamos la última fase, el periodo Ibérico Final (ss. II-I a.C.), que... more
We assembled genome-wide data from 271 ancient Iberians, of whom 176 are from the largely unsampled period after 2000 BCE, thereby providing a high-resolution time transect of the Iberian Peninsula. We document high genetic substructure... more
Genomics of the Iberian Peninsula Ancient DNA studies have begun to help us understand the genetic history and movements of people across the globe. Focusing on the Iberian Peninsula, Olalde et al. report genome-wide data from 271 ancient... more
RESUMEN Se estudian los materiales aportados por un castro del interior de Galicia, datado entre los siglo II-I a.C. En la colección no se documentan materiales romanos. Se hace una valoración crítica sobre los datos ar-queométricos del... more
The paper focuses on seven unpublished ceramic incense-burners found off the coastal area of La Caleta, close to the northwestern part of the present-day city of Cadiz. The items were granted to the Museo Historico Municipal of San... more
Age in Spain and the archaeological site of “Tos Pelat” located in Moncada (Valencia, Spain) is a singular case. We aim with this work to carry out an identification of pigments from these Iberian wall paintings (beginning of the 4th... more
La nécropole du second âge du fer d'Ensérune compte plus de 500 tombes, datées entre le milieu du Ve s. et la fin du IIIe s. av. J.-C. et demeure à ce jour le groupe de sépultures le plus important de Méditerranée nord-occidentale pour... more
SERNA GANCEDO, A. y FANJUL PERAZA, A. “La Cerrosa (Suarías, Peñamellera Baja). Una sima de la Edad del Hierro”. Asturies, 32: 18-21.
Miquel Cura's archaeological thought and theories on pre-Roman Iberian Culture (north-eastern Iberian Peninsula)
En este texto se analiza el proceso de apropiación simbólica por el cual la Dama de Elche (s. IV a. C.) se ha convertido en referente de la identidad regional valenciana. Para ello se revisarán los contextos sociopolíticos y culturales... more
Longtemps ignorée, on reconnaît aujourd’hui l’existence d’une tradition de construction navale propre à la côte méditerranéenne de la péninsule Ibérique. Plusieurs épaves en témoignent et mettent en évidence une forte influence... more
La historia de las sociedades de la Hispania prerromana está llena de episodios bélicos, atestiguados por guerras, murallas y mercenarios que se sirvieron de un variado catálogo de armas. Estas armas evolucionaron a lo largo del tiempo y,... more
Mainly we study the Iberian phase (fourth century BC) of one of the caves in the Sierra de los Hermanillos, identified as a sanctuary-cave, which is a new thing in Murcia, although these caves are well known in the surrounding areas of... more
Mainly we study the Iberian phase (fourth century BC) of one of the caves in the Sierra de los Hermanillos, identified as a sanctuary-cave, which is a new thing in Murcia, although these caves are well known in the surrounding areas of... more