Italian Pre- and Protohistory
Recent papers in Italian Pre- and Protohistory
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From the valley of Adige, the massif of Monte Baldo is first rising with steep walls, and only above them the characteristic eastern terrace of Monte Baldo stretches. In those walls, on the altitude of 773 m, already from the year 1000... more
Elba Island and Corsica during Iron Age : understanding the trans-Tyrrhenian connection
Le ricerche condotte sul Colle Madore, nel cuore della Sicilia centro-occidentale, hanno messo in luce resti archeologici che documentano uno dei periodi della storia antica dell’isola più interessanti per le grandi trasformazioni... more
The Giant’s tomb of Pala ’e Sulzaga, Bonorva (SS) - The tomb of Pala ‘e Sulzaga (Bonorva, SS) has been found badly damaged: Roman Age and sub-contemporary activities had deprived its structure. Research focused on structural details and... more
La présente contribution vise à préciser les aspects géographiques et chronologiques liés à l’apparition, au développement et au déclin d’un type de construction en pierre sèche localement appelée « torre ». Ces édifices monumentaux, qui... more
F. RUBAT BOREL, S. ROSA, F. GIANOTTI, M. ALFIERI, Ceres (TO), loc. Airetta. Cantoira (TO), loc. Rio Combin. Groscavallo (TO), loc. Giass del Colombin. Strutture megalitiche nelle Valli di Lanzo, in «Quaderni della Soprintendenza... more
In the Porto Cesareo (Lecce, Italy) coastal area, submerged and semi-submerged archaeological evidence has been uncovered by recent preliminary surveys carried out in close collaboration with the local marine protected area (MPA): (a) a... more
he recent archaeological investigations carried out in the beach of Baratti Bay(Piombino, Tuscany, Italy) have revealed the existence of an important salt production sitedated to the Late Bronze Age (10th century B.C.). A detailed... more
The Sea Peoples after Three Millennia: Possibilities and Limitations of Historical Reconstruction. In: P. Fischer/T. Bürge (eds), “Sea Peoples” Up-to-Date. New Research on Transformations in the Eastern Mediterranean in the 13th–11th... more
The paper deals with the database of advanced Middle Bronze Age decorated pottery (“Appenninico”), a peculiar type of ceramic that was the focus of the 1959 Puglisi’s book presenting a corpus implemented in the following years till 1995.... more
This volume presents the 2020 exceptional discoveries of a Roman sanctuary at San Casciano dei Bagni (province of Siena). In a constant fight against water and hot mud and with the complex health protocol in place imposed by the COVID-19... more
Initially conceived as the catalogue for the Gregorian Etruscan Museum and published a century ago, the volume by Giovanni Pinza reflects a particular intellectual development that links the proto-history of Etruria-Latium and Etruscan... more
Co-authored with Barbara Barbaro I curatori hanno pregato gli autori anche a nome della casa editrice di non pubblicare i contributi online. Pertanto si presenta qui la sola prima pagina dell'articolo, comprendente l'Abstract. ISBN... more
Both "deposits" of Goluzzo and Santa Marinella, although repeatedly cited in chronological seriation's bibliography and in various bronze artifacts' typological studies, were only partially known and without a proper graphic... more
F. RUBAT BOREL, M. ARZARELLO, C. BUONSANTO, S. DAFFARA, San Carlo Canavese - San Francesco al Campo (TO), località Vauda. Reperti litici del Paleolitico medio, in «Quaderni della Soprintendenza Archeologica del Piemonte», 28, 2013, pp.... more
This paper outlines the history of prehistoric studies in the north Italian province of Varese, where some of the key pioneering work was done in the nineteenth century. Topics discussed include the lake villages (palafitte) of lake... more
The paper presents a set of new sites alongside with a wide discussion about previously published ones. Furthermore, the paper discusses the changing settlement systems in prehistory around the lake Bolsena shores.
"In this article is presented a proposal of seriation of bronze artifacts votive groups and hoards from Nuragic Sardinia, on the basis of statistic-combinatory analysis, in a chronological span between Recent Bronze Age and Early Iron... more
THE BRONZE AGE IN WESTERN SICILY. - Many cultures developed during bronze age in western Sicily. Sometime they were contemporary showing the presence of very interesting ethnical dynamics bringing to acculturation phenomena like in the... more
Quaderni di Archeologia del Piemonte, 2, 2018; Province di Biella e Novara: F. RUBAT BOREL, S. LEARDI, Candelo (BI), piazza Castello e via Mazzini. Strutture murarie medievali individuate nel corso dello sdoppiamento della linea... more
During the Early Iron Age (ca. 950–720 bc) Nuragic Sardinia experienced the rise of monumental public sanctuaries. This study addresses the formation of the votive record in sanctuaries in order to explore the relationship between... more
In Apulia, without any comprehensive analysis, we found a score of names of possible Etruscan matrix. Of these, at least a dozen are almost certain: these include Lucera, Canosa and Venosa that other scholars such as Alessio and Schulze... more
Le sempre più raffinate analisi archeometriche applicate allo studio delle produzioni ceramiche, il moltiplicarsi di scavi di abitato in cui è stato possibile individuare fornaci, scarti di produzione e altri resti di impianti... more
Iconographic sources indicate that textiles were used for a variety of purposes by the Etruscans, Paleovenetians, Faliscans and other inhabitants of ancient Italy but until recently little was known about what these textiles actually were... more
Nelle Marche la maggiore concentrazione di grotte archeologiche si ha nella Gola di Frasassi e della Rossa. Un gruppo di grotte a Frasassi (Grotta della Beata Vergine, Grotta del Mezzogiorno, Caverna dei Baffoni) ha conosciuto una... more
Riassunto / Abstract 248 I pugnali in selce e in metallo sono una classe particolare di oggetti che dall’età del rame e soprattutto nell’età del bronzo segnano le tappe della significativa trasformazione della struttura socio-economica... more