Jewish History
Recent papers in Jewish History
This study explores an important Hasidic manuscript rediscovered among the papers of Abraham Joshua Heschel at Duke University. The text, first noted by Heschel in the 1950s, is a collection of sermons by the famed tzaddik Judah Aryeh... more
The seven branched lampstand within a church was thus a symbol of Christ and his Church. In theological terms, it had nothing to do with Jews – except to supersede them. This is a very important point in dealing with the Petersberg... more
Scholars who study the Jews of the Southern United States often struggle to understand how Jewish identity affected the way in which Jews presented themselves, the way in which outsiders viewed them, and the extent to which they felt... more
The twelfth and thirteenth centuries witnessed an explosion of Christian interest in the meaning and workings of the natural world—a "discovery of nature" that profoundly reshaped the intellectual currents and spiritual contours of... more
Primo Levi, «Così fu Auschwitz. Testimonianze 1945-1986», con Leonardo De Benedetti, a cura di Fabio Levi e Domenico Scarpa, Einaudi, Torino 2015, Super ET.
תקופת המלוכה והכהונה בארץ ישראל לעולם משמשת או נקודת שיא בתולדות העם היהודי ובמימוש הייעוד שלו או נקודת זינוק בדרך להשגתו מחדש. תקופה זו לא שינתה ממעמדה למרות השינויים התרבותיים העמוקים שעברו על ישראל לאורך שנות הגולה ולמרות השינויים ביחס... more
English version of Hebrew article published in Roni Weinstein ed. Italiyah [Italy], Ben Zvi Institute, Jerusalem 2012: 143-150.
Benefactor to Jewish European Emigration to the extent to $34 TRILLION in the 1890s
This article focuses on the precariousness of everyday life of half-Jews during the Nazi-regime in Vienna. Marriages between Jews and non-Jews as well as the presence of their half-Jewish children represented an antagonism that was a... more
The expanding sugar trade linking Portugal, Brazil, and the Netherlands in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries required enforcement mechanisms to guarantee that overseas agents would act honestly and diligently. While the recent... more
The vast majority of Holocaust victims and survivors were Ashkenazim. Their main language was Yiddish. Yiddish is very close to German, the main difference being that the former is written in Hebrew letters, while the latter in Latin... more
What is the worst nightmare anyone in academia could have, finding out that someone else has stolen your topic or plagiarized you? Even worse, knowing it was done because you are a woman. Idea theft is a huge problem in academia, and... more
Mit den Begriffen Gedächtnis, Geld und Gesetz wird die Diskussion um das Verhalten der Schweiz im Zweiten Weltkrieg in einen größeren historischen und theoretischen Zusammenhang gestellt. In den hektischen Wendungen der öffentlichen... more
Book Review of The Modern Jewish Experience in World Cinema, edited by Lawrence Baron (Brandeis University Press, 2011)
Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum was born in 1887 to his father Rabbi Hanania Yom-Tov Lipa Teitelbaum, chief rabbi of Sighet, the capital of Maramureş County, Hungary. The father was a Rebbe to his Hasidim, headed the local yeshiva, and was one of... more
For the full version of this paper, see
Il contributo affronta, tramite l'utilizzo di fonti archivistiche, il ruolo svolto dagli ebrei di Messina nel commercio degli schiavi in Sicilia tra tardomedioevo e prima età moderna. L'obiettivo è una prima ricostruzione dell'inserimento... more
ערב רב: פנים וחוץ בוויכוח הפרנקיסטי הוא ספר מרתק וחדשני החושף את סיפורה הייחודי של התנועה הפרנקיסטית, תנועה יהודית אפיקורסית שצמחה בפולין והתפשטה במרכז אירופה במחצית השנייה של המאה ה-18. בעיני רוב היהודים פרנק היה 'משיח שקר' ידוע לשמצה.... more
This paper will explore a lesser known and underexplored member of the nineteenth century Haskalah, Mattityahu Strashun (1817–1885) from Vilna, Lithuania, and his personal relationship to Wissenschaft des Judentums scholars such as... more
The purpose of this paper is to provide a case for the Exodus mentioned in the Hebrew Bible as a historical event. In an academic environment where most people simply ignore certain parts of the Bible due to the so-called "supernatural"... more
ר' יואל טייטלבוים – הרבי מסאטמר – היה אחד הרבנים הידועים והמשפיעים ביותר בעולם היהודי, ואף מעבר לו, בתקופה שלאחר השואה. הוא הצליח להקים את אחת החצרות החסידיות הגדולות ביותר דווקא בארצות הברית, מדינה שבה המודרנה, החופש האישי והמתירנות... more
Im Gegensatz zu den Aktivitäten der Einsatzgruppen, die nach dem Angriff auf die Sowjetunion am 22. Juni 1941 in Hunderten von Orten Massenerschießungen von Juden durchgeführt haben, ist die Geschichte der bereits im September 1939, nach... more
Monday 11 January 2021, 19:00 Israel Time Sword and Buckler in Hebrew Letters: Traces of Early Illuminated German Fight Books in Jewish Manuscripts Prof. Sara Offenberg Department of the Arts, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Two... more
Dorothee Wein, Volker Mall und Harald Roth dokumentieren 62 Jahre nach Ende der NS-Barbarei erstmals den Bau des Militärflughafens bei Hailfingen/Tailfingen, auf dessen Gelände später das Außenlager des KZ Natzweiler im Elsass errichtet... more
"English summary: The interpretation of Dutch Jewish Council Records The main question in this thesis is: how do we interpret historical documents if we do not know the exact context in which they were created? It is a basic question... more