Justinian I, Emperor
Recent papers in Justinian I, Emperor
This article offers a survey of scholarship on the historian Procopius of Caesarea in the last eleven years (2003-2014). It reviews his origins and upbringing in Caesarea in Palestine before moving on to consider his portrayal of the... more
In 538, at the peak of his imperial achievement, Justinian introduced an impressive coinage of unusual size and weight. Based on the evidence of hoards and single finds from the Balkans, Asia Minor and the Near East, the economic... more
The article analyses the data concerning the last years of the reign of Anastasius I (491-518) and the transition of power to pro-Chalcedonian elite in the Roman Empire. The article consists of three parts: 1. The Chalcedonians in the... more
Статья посвящена проблеме взаимодействия варварских королевств Италии и Византии во второй половине V — первой половине VI в. Автор статьи рассматривает роль римской сенаторской аристократии в дипломатическом общении западных правителей с... more
The Greek text of the famous late Roman compendium of the classic art of war, the Strategikon of Pseudo-Maurice, can be divided into different chronological layers, dated from the fifth to the seventh centuries. The basis for this... more
The construction of Justinian's Hagia Sophia was one of the most important events for the inhabitants of Constantinople in the sixth century. The building process and the appearance of the church were described by three authors from the... more
This paper offers a discussion of late antique education that considers its role in social formation as well as the curricular content it presented.
The paper aims at presenting and analyzing the information about Emperor Justinian I derived from selected historical works (histories and chronicles) by writers of the early medieval Latin West from the late 6th to the 11th centuries.... more
This is a particularly dated paper from my first semester as an undergraduate history student, but it does contain valuable citations that can assist other researchers.
Η Ἔκθεσις Κεφαλαίων Παραινετικῶν είναι το μοναδικό κείμενο που μας κληροδότησε η γραφίδα του Αγαπητού Διακόνου. Το έργο αυτό, αποδέκτης του οποίου ήταν ο αυτοκράτωρ Ιουστινιανός Α΄ (527-565), γνώρισε πολύ μεγάλη διάδοση ήδη κατά τους... more
A Brief Summary of the Achievements and Significance of the Great Byzantine Emperor
Ce mémoire de master propose de se pencher sur la reconquête romaine de l'île, sous autorité ostrogothique depuis 493, en s'attardant sur le processus d'intégration territoriale qu'elle a connu sur les plans géopolitiques,... more
ДИГЕСТИ Римскиот цар Јустинијан I (527-565 г.) бил еден од најенергичните владетели, кој се покажал амбициозен во повеќе области. Но едно од неговите најзначајни достигнувања, со кое се зафаќа набргу штом доаѓа на власт, се однесува на... more
The Patria is a fascinating four-book collection of short historical notes, stories, and legends about the buildings and monuments of Constantinople, compiled in the late tenth century by an anonymous author who made ample use of older... more
In this study, the Eternal Peace Agreement of 532, the first diplomatic relation of the Eastern Roman Emperor Justinian with the Sassanid Emperor Chosroes Anushirvan, which shaped the political history of the sixth century, is analysed.... more
Procopius’ Anecdota, better known as his ‘Secret History’ is the most valuable source written by an eyewitness available to modern historians for the reign of the Emperor Justinian and his wife Theodora. Procopius was a secretary to... more
The late Antique mosaic of Orpheus decorated a small room, approximately 18 m2 in area, connected with two even smaller ones, in 4 m2 and the other 2 m2 in area, belonging most likely to a small funerary chapel (or tomb) discovered in the... more
Le Sud-Est de l’Europe constitue une région périphérique du monde romain durant le Haut-Empire, même s’il s’agit d’une zone frontalière et donc stratégique. À partir du milieu du IIIe siècle, la défense des provinces danubiennes conduit... more
The First Edition of Justinian’s Code appeared in 529, modelled on the Theodosian Code (438) and two earlier codes, the Gregorianus and Hermogenianus (290s). These two latter do not survive, but as compilations of imperial constitutions... more
The aim of the paper is to present the history of the research of Justinian's Digest's interpolations as a methodological issue. The emperor admitted that his dependents were also to make necessary 'amendments' in classical jurists' texts... more
Full text available upon request.
Работа посвящена изучению приверженности высших слоев Восточно-римской империи V–VI вв. языческим культам. Рассматривается культурная деятельность языческой интеллектуальной элиты Восточной римской империи, освещается ее роль в... more
A brief overview of the Plague of Justinian and current research about the pandemic.
Анализируются цели и результаты пребывания в Константинополе римских сенаторов, бежавших туда после разграбления Рима готами в 546 г. Исследование опирается на сообщения Прокопия Кесарийского, Liber Pontificalis, а также акты V... more
un lavoro sulle cosiddette silique gepide, con spunti per una nuova attribuzione e datazione, ed un catalogo dei diversi conii a noi attualmente noti
In Historia Arcana Procopius presents the emperor Justinian and his wife Theodora as a couple of demons bent on the extinction of humankind. This picture is in sharp contrast with how the pair is presented in other works of Procopius (the... more
This volume contains two texts that crossed the Mediterranean in Late Antiquity. The Apocalypse of Pseudo-Methodius was one of the first works composed in response to the Arab invasions and the establishment of the Muslim empire in the... more