Landscape Studies (Architecture)
Recent papers in Landscape Studies (Architecture)
Considers the representation of landscape in contemporary (20th c.) Greek photography, with reference to the work of Kostas Balafas, Nikos Economopoulos, Yiorgis Yerolymbos, Eleni Maligoura and others.
The industrialization of New York and its rise to economic dominance brought about a major restructuring of street life and unleashed an array of contradictory everyday urban cultures. In a still under-regulated environment, the commoning... more
Il volume raccoglie la schedatura delle pievi del Mugello. L’oggetto della ricerca, basata sul rilievo puntuale dell’architettura dei nodi di una rete, è la relazione tra il costruito e il territorio, che evidenzia con la sua evoluzione... more
A critically neglected short poem that focuses on the ancient custom of stone giant building in Cumbria, William Wordsworth's “Rural Architecture” avoids the monumental permanence and transcendent universality so often associated with... more
In this paper, an attempt in finding alternative to lawn solutions for the Mediterranean region and semi-arid areas with water deficit is made. Persistence to lawn and its intensive cultivation can be linked with probable environmental... more
This chapter deals with the ambiguity that political authorities feel toward culture and history when they are pressed to enlarge and modernize urban infrastructures (Caldeira Cabral et al, 1999, and Yusuf et al, 1997). I will discuss the... more
Las ciudades se construyen en tiempo y espacio, son el escenario de funciones sociales, culturales, económicos y el bagaje histórico-identitario. Desequilibrios territoriales como congestión de unas zonas y la desertificación de otras han... more
Capability Brown, Royal Gardener: the Business of Place-Making in Northern Europe, eds. Jonathan Find and Jan Woudstra, WRUP, White Rose University Press, 2020.... more
本文以莊子的「觀景」而發的哲思,引伸為景觀建築的哲理;透過分析全書有關樹木山林等各綠色自然景象,和論及「天地」的命題,為景觀建築活動作哲理反省。「景觀建築之意義」的核心是大自然和人的關係。莊子的寓言,反映他的自然觀。自然的景觀建築,包括了表達、協調、保護大自然運作,協調生命系統的彼此間係。... more
Published in: Henk Engel, Henk Hoeks, Esther Gramsbergen (editors) Overholland 14, Dec. 2014 (in print). All rights reserved. The article inquiries into the origins of layering as a graphic technique for the spatial representation of... more
The objective of the study is to investigate, in the Egyptian context, residential satisfaction in gated communities (GCs) in relation to stages in the life cycle. The aim is to identify possible differences between the different stages... more
The purpose of this study is to provide a multidisciplinary approach to social organization of space based on the analysis of the fortified farmhouses in Villarluengo (Teruel). The information obtained from written sources and material... more
TÉMOIGNAGES D'UNE ÉCOLE ("L'ÉCOLE DE GENÈVE"): Pendant cinq années, Eunate Torres-Modrego a filmé le déroulement des séminaires du troisième cycle Architecture et Paysage. Avec des photographies et vidéogrammes, archivés dans son "Atelier... more
In the last years the urban sprawl growing suggested by various requirements is producing a radical territory transformation, with negative consequences on environment and society. This phenomenon requires the current settlement model... more
Analisi preliminari al primo piano paesaggistico della Regione Piemonte, adottato nel 2009; gruppo di lavoro relativo alla qualificazione storica degli "ambiti di paesaggio" ai sensi del Codice dei beni culturali e del paesaggio
October and November 2020 in Copenhagen. This PhD course invites students from landscape architecture, architecture, urbanism, urban planning, heritage studies, geography, cultural studies, urban history, and related fields to exchange... more
The objective of the study is to investigate, in the Egyptian context, residential satisfaction in gated communities (GCs) in relation to stages in the life cycle. The aim is to identify possible differences between the different stages... more
Une double enquête menée à la fois sur la France et sur l'Angleterre qui apporte un éclairage comparé et contrasté sur la question du paysage trop souvent envisagée sous le seul angle « national ». On y entend les voix des peintres... more
The importance of creating aesthetic objects, environments or experiences that can be shared with others in the public realm.
Next event:” LANDSCAPE PAINTERS ANONYMOUS” NOVEMBER 11th, 2015, 5-8pm The evening will begin with a tour of the current Hestercombe Gallery exhibitions ‘Arcadia’ the culmination of Bayliss’ summerlong residency and ‘Wish You Were Here?’... more
The present paper discusses the results of an R&D project (fi PULU) in south western Finland to develop a general purpose mobile application framework for elementary and grammar schools with a special emphasis on distributed content... more
La Regola di Benedetto non prescrive come debba essere il paesaggio circostante il monastero, ma ispira un rapporto con la natura e, di conseguenza, uno stile di vita destinato a modellare lo spazio interno e quello esterno ai... more
Big professional dictionary of Architecture and Design terms and defintions for professionals and students in Ukrainian language
In: Carmela Gargiulo, Corrado Zoppi (edited by), Planning, Nature and Ecosystem Services, pp.356-365 (Napoli: FedOA Press, 2019), ISBN-13 (15) 978-88-6887-054-6.
Description of the book: Fancy in the eighteenth century was part of a rich semantic network, connecting wit, whimsicality, erotic desire, spontaneity, deviation from norms and triviality. It was also a contentious term, signifying... more
Maintaining existing levels of landscape diversity is becoming more and more important for planning considering the increasing pressures on agricultural ecosystems due to soil sealing, sprawl processes and intensive agriculture. Norms for... more