Literary Criticism
Recent papers in Literary Criticism
L'édition des fragments et témoignages de Caecilius de Calè-Actè constitue le troisième moment d’une recherche consacrée à la théorie rhétorique grecque des périodes hellénistique et post-hellénistique, qui a été initiée avec les éditions... more
essay on kenneth goldsmith's soliloquy
The subject of semiotics is not to answer the questions such as what does the text says, who says the text, or what are the possible external— societal, individual, and historical—effects on the text. Instead, it is mainly interested in... more
Re-framing the concepts of utopia and allegory in the twenty-first century.
Storytelling pervades almost every aspect of the law. Many narrativistic legal elements, however, have in fact been little more than historically transitory. Given the precarious status of narrative at law, I argue we should focus instead... more
For all the debate in the contemporary humanities about the canon, there is little interdisciplinary dialogue on the issue, nor even meaningful input from the perspective of academic biblical studies, the one discipline that specializes... more
Este ensaio pretende reavaliar a crítica de Machado de Assis a O Primo Basílio, de Eça de Queirós. Nesta releitura, o ano de 1878 é considerado crucial na internacionalização do sistema literário lusófono. Assim, propõe-se a releitura da... more
For more than a decade, criticisms levied against Muslims and Islam in Western European countries such as France and the Netherlands have been shielded under the auspices of a call for increased security and a desire to protect liberal... more
Wíčazo Ša Review 28:1 (2008): 51-72
Resumen. El fenómeno Booktube se configu-ra en un claro ejemplo de la cultura parti-cipativa, donde los usuarios toman las rien-das de los medios para aportar sus propias ideas, en este caso referidas a la literatura. En este trabajo se... more
NEW BOOK SERIES: Maritime Literature and Culture offers alternative rubrics for literary and cultural studies to those of nation, continent and area, which inter-articulate with current debates on comparative and world literatures,... more
Il saggio del 2010 ricostruisce la vicenda editoriale e letteraria di "Malacqua" di Nicola Pugliese (Einaudi, 1977 - Pironti, 2013), romanzo in cui Compagnone vide la "Non-Storia" di Napoli. Ovvero la vicenda di una città per scelta... more
La critica letteraria è una materia in cui “parole e cose” sono strettamente intrecciate le une alle altre, e in cui tra i componenti materiali dei testi e le categorie che li classificano esiste un intricato rapporto di individuazione... more
This paper uses Plato and Aristotle's concept of censorhip in discussing the novel titled The Last Duty by Isidore Okpewho. The novel upon reading has explicit profane expressions and other immoral acts which do not help in nurturing of... more
Eighteenth-century Britain saw the emergence of a new poetic genre, the “work” poem which took various forms of labor as its subject and was often written by laborers themselves. Several of these working class poets found their lives... more
We live in an age of movement. More than at any other time in history , people and things move longer distances, more frequently, and faster than ever before. All that was solid melted into air long ago and is now in full circulation... more
Introduction to Spatial Literary Studies, a special issue of *Reconstruction* 14.3 (2014).
Ancient Greek poetess Sappho is widely regarded as the oldest known lesbian and feminist in the Western literary history. However, this common notion represents just one in the millennia-long series of reinventions of her persona, since... more
“Frankenstein and Ecocriticism,” in Andrew Smith, ed., The Cambridge Companion to Frankenstein (Cambridge UP, 2016), 143–57.
We are pleased to announce that submissions are now open for LEA 11 (2022). CfP: Conflict and contrast in language and literature LEA also accepts contributions that are not related to the topic proposed in the CfP: for more information,... more
Le figure femminili nella poesia di Poe
Caderno de resumos do XII Seminário Nacional de Literatura,
História e Memória e III Congresso Internacional de Pesquisa em
Letras no Contexto Latino-Americano
História e Memória e III Congresso Internacional de Pesquisa em
Letras no Contexto Latino-Americano
Suspendus aux lèvres d’un conteur, incapables d’interrompre la lecture d’un roman, captivés par un film haletant, nous faisons tous l’expérience quotidienne de ce plaisir apparemment paradoxal que nous tirons de notre insatisfaction... more
This essay presents the positivist perception of the prophetic biography (sīra) and early Islamic historiography as capable of yielding hard historical data against the background of skeptical approaches to the Islamic literary sources... more
in this paper I offered a comparative literary analysis of the two absurdist plays The Room and The Bald Soprano. I have attempted to carry on the most important elements of Drama and compare them with each other.
Revolution as a phenomenon is considered as a way to a complete change of a situation or system of government to a better one. Is revolution really the right way to fulfil our dreams and have a better way of life? Or is it simply just... more
In this wide-ranging survey Joseph Bristow introduces readers to the most influential contemporary theories of sexual desire. Revealing how nineteenth-century scientists invented 'sexuality', he investigates why this term has been the... more
This essay proposes an analysis of Ngugi wa Thiong'o's novel "The River Between" as a story of the struggle towards the reconciliation between two clashing cultures and ideologies within a single community.
Response to Tennessee Williams “The Glass Menagerie”
Kratka sodobna pravljica z naslovom Lipko in Košorok je izšla v slikaniški knjižni obliki leta 2013, v povezavi knjige in Evropskega prvenstva v košarki, ki se je istega leta odvijalo v Ljubljani, kar je premočrten primer razvijanja... more
In: Leinen, Frank (Hg.): Literarische Begegnungen. Romanische Studien zur kulturellen Identität, Differenz und Alterität. Festschrift für Karl Hölz zum 60. Geburtstag. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag 2002, pp. 153-187.
Recenzija knjige "Rječnik propasti" autora Johna Freemana
54 years + full time experience & over 64800 satisfied clients World Wide +27818084431 Are Any Of The Serious Problems Listed Below (Or Similar) Adversely Affecting You Or Your Loved Ones...And You Are Feeling 'Powerless' To Find A... more
Сучасна література Великої Британії дає підстави говорити про те, що важливим компонентом романного дискурсу є настанова на реалістичність. Традиції історизму та побутописання в англійській літературі спричинилися до того, що навіть у... more
под ред. Евгения Добренко и Галина Тиханова (Москва: НЛО)
TRANSLATION, NOVEL AND CULTURE This book tries to study the relation among narratology, traductology and cultural studies through the example of the translation and the reception of certain Turkish novels in Spain and consists in three... more