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      HistoryMilitary HistorySecond World WarLithuanian History
Why is Vytautas called "The Great"?
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval EuropeLithuanian History
SOCIOCULTURAL LITHUANIZATION (BECOMING LITHUANIANS) IN KAUNAS CITY PRIMARY SCHOOLS IN 1918–1940 The article analyses the processes of sociocultural Lithuanization (becoming Lithuanians). The dissemination of the Lithuanian language and... more
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      EducationNationalismInterwar Period HistoryLithuanian History
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      Lithuanian HistoryHistory of LatviaLatvian History
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      Lithuanian HistoryRussian Old BelieversOld Believers in the Baltic governorates of 19th century Russia
The first time I discussed discovered archives sources about the building St. Casimir Chapel in Vilnius' Cathedral 1620-1641.
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      Lithuanian HistoryGrand Duchy of LithuaniaHistory of Grand Duchy of Lithuania In the XVI-XVIII C.Vilnius' Cathedral
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      Military HistorySociolinguisticsPolish HistoryLutheranism
Engravings Depicting the Polotsk Campaign in 1579 as a Homogeneous Cartographic Composition Th e paper presents seven plans of fortresses (Polotsk, Sokil, Kazyany, Krasne, Turovla, Susza and Sitno) and a map of the principality of Polotsk... more
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      History of CartographyCartographic HistoryMilitary RevolutionHistory of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
The paper offers analysis of the discourses on the Great War (World War I) and of the practices of the culture of remembrance in interwar Lithuania. The research addresses the scope and the nature of literary fiction dealing with the... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryMilitary ScienceWar Studies
Eyn vogn shikh…… "The activism and the desperation in the poems of Avraham Sutzkever" Sutzkever was one the most Yiddish Poet, maybe the biggest as some critics reported and he had also many other qualities: a hero of the Vilna ghetto, a... more
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      Lithuanian HistoryJewish ResistanceShoah in UrssYiddish poetry
Rokas Sinkevičius. Death-predicting Dreams in the Memoirs of Freedom Fighters and Their Relatives Original source: This work focuses on the... more
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      HistoryDreams (History)Dreams (Psychology)Lithuanian History
The article introduces the biographic notes of the countess Klementyna Tyszkiewicz (born Potocka, 1856 1921), the owner of an impressive city residence near the river Neris, known today as the Wróblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy... more
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      Eastern European StudiesWomen's StudiesWomen's HistoryEastern European history
After World War II the victorious United States and Great Britain sought to demobilize their armed forces but soon realized they had too little manpower left not only to do important jobs but also to guard prisoners of war and war... more
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      Diplomatic HistorySecond World War20th Century German HistoryLithuanian History
Mstislavas Dobužinskis (1875-1957) almost became the author of the official Lithuanian state coat of arms and the flag. Despite his considerable heraldic and vexillological legacy, today, undeservedly, he is forgotten. Dobužinskis is... more
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      HeraldryFlags (Vexillology)Heraldry and VexillologyInterwar Period History
This is a pre-print version of my book review, originally published in Ab Imperio (2014).
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      Eastern European StudiesSoviet HistoryNationalismLithuanian History
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      Medieval HistoryLithuanian HistoryLithuaniaGrand Duchy of Lithuania
Some historical and political aspects of Belarus-Lithuania relations are discussed
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      Belarusian StudiesLithuanian HistoryBelarusian-Lithuanian relations
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      Soviet HistoryForced MigrationRussian HistoryStalin and Stalinism
The article provides the analysis of utilisation of sports for the purpose of military training of riflemen in Lithuania in the interwar period by highlighting the idea of significance of athletics and practical activities of riflemen.... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryMilitary ScienceStrategy (Military Science)
Santrauka. Nuo XIX a. antros pusės Latvijos pramoniniai miestai – Ryga, Liepoja, taip pat Jelgava – tapo svarbiais lietuvių bendruomeninio gyvenimo centrais, nes juose įsikūrė gana daug lietuvių tautybės gy­ ventojų. Dauguma jų dirbo... more
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      Baltic StudiesLithuanian History
Temčinas S., Języki kultury ruskiej w Pierwszej Przeczypospolitej, in Kuczyńska M. (ed.), Między Wschodem a Zachodem: Prawosławie i unia, Warszawa, 2017 (Kultura Pierwszej Przeczypospolitej w dialogu z Europą: hermeneutyka wartości, t.... more
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      Slavic LanguagesBelarusian StudiesSlavonic LanguagesUkrainian Studies
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      HistoryLithuanian History
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      HistoriographyPolish HistoryRussian HistoryLithuanian History
During the Russification of Lithuania (1863-1905) a tool of assimilation was language. Russian and the Cyrillic alphabet were introduced in Lithuania. Books in Latin alphabet were banned in 1864. This way, Latin alphabet became a symbol... more
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      Lithuanian HistoryLithuanian languageGrand Duchy of LithuaniaRussification
This article presents the attempts at worker‘s education Kaunas in 1920‘s and 1930‘s, that is people‘s universities, evening courses and gymnasiums for adults which were founded and maintained by public organisations. The most active... more
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      HistoryHistory of EducationLabour historyLithuanian History
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      Russian LiteratureThe Historical Novel19th Century Russian LiteratureLithuanian History
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      Military LawPolish HistoryHISTORY OF CRIME AND LAWHistory of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
The article examines the political relations between the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, especially Žemaitija as a constituent part, and Žemgala (Semigallia), from the beginning of the 1279 Žemgalian uprising against the Teutonic Order until... more
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      Lithuanian HistoryThe BaltsGrand Duchy of LithuaniaSamogitia
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      Lithuanian HistoryHolocaustJewish heritage, Polish-Jewish / German-Jewish Relations, klezmer revival, Jewish heritage tourism, Holocaust commemoration, antisemitism, social identity, oral historyJewish Life in Lithuania
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      HumanitarianismHumanitarian InterventionWorld War IFirst World War
Rec. kn.: Eidintas, A. Antanas Smetona ir jo aplinka. Vilnius: Mokslo ir enciklopedijų leidybos centras, 2012. 512 p.
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    • Lithuanian History
Straipsnyje apžvelgiami 45 viduramžių Lietuvos mūšiai, įvykę 1203–1435 metais. Taikant lemtingumo kriterijų, siekiama įvertinti jų mastą ir reikšmę Lietuvos istorijoje. Išskiriama 10 lemtingų mūšių. Aptariamos mūšio ir lemtingo mūšio... more
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      Military HistoryLithuanian HistoryGrand Duchy of LithuaniaMedieval Lithuania
Произошедшая после распада СССР «архивная революция» в России и других странах постсоветского пространства открыла для историков возможность использовать в своих исследованиях следственные показания, полученных органами ОГПУ-НКВД.... more
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      Baltic StudiesSecond World WarLithuanian HistoryPolice Interrogation
Dear Reader, Your attention is invited to the first edition of the catalogue of early Lithuanian half-groats (1495–1529). The current time is extremely generous in the new discoveries thereof that enrich our collections. The Lithuanian... more
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      European HistoryLithuanian HistoryMedieval CoinageGrand Duchy of Lithuania
В статье рассматривается малоизученная тема закономерностей изображения литовцев и событий и деятелей истории ВКЛ в драматических, поэтических и прозаических произведениях русских писаетелей, также связь литовской темы в русской... more
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      Russian LiteratureLithuanian HistoryGrand Duchy of LithuaniaRussian Romanticism
Résumé: La Prusse-Orientale est souvent présentée comme unilatéralement conservatrice et arriérée. Pourtant, ce serait trop vite oublier qu’elle fut aussi le berceau d’un courant libéral et démocrate radical dès la première moitié du XIXe... more
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      German HistoryContemporary HistoryPolish HistorySocialism
Straipsnyje analizuojamos Žemaitijos žydų dokumentinio paveldo išlikimo 1914–1918 m. ir karo nuostolių problemos. Esminiai dokumentinio paveldo praradimai dėl žydų trėmimų į Rusijos gilumą ir aktyvių Rusijos ir Vokietijos karo veiksmų... more
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      HistoryCultural HeritageBook HistoryJewish History
2020 m. rugpjūčio 28 d. ir rugsėjo 2–8 d. Pakruojo rajono savivaldybės administracijos užsakymu buvo atlikti geofizikiniai žvalgymai ir archeologiniai žvalgomieji tyrimai (VšĮ Archeologijos centras) Pakruojo buvusių žydų paveldo objektų... more
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      ArchaeologyArchitectureJewish HistoryUrban archaeology
Фотографии Белорусского отдельного батальона Литовской армии (1920-1923 гг.)
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      Military HistoryBelarusian StudiesInterwar Period HistoryLithuanian History
This article deals with the identification of the so-called krajowcy – a relatively small group of Polish-speaking activists in Lithuania and Belarus in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century who promoted an idea of the... more
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      Polish HistoryNational IdentityHistory of Nationalism and Nation-BuildingLithuanian History
В статье анализируется функционирование земянского сообщества Копыльского княжества – наследства князей Олельковичей, в XVII–XVIII вв. находившегося во владении разных ветвей рода Радзивиллов. Очерчивается первоначальный состав земянского... more
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      Early Modern HistoryGenealogyNobilitySocial History
A short piece on the folklore surrounding bees - both honeybees and bumblebees
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionMythology And FolkloreEntomologyFolklore
Karinio traukinio katastrofos Vilniaus traukinių stotyje 1945 m. sausio 12 d. ir jos tyrimo bei pasėkmių istorija.
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      Lithuanian HistoryLietuvos istorijaHistory of Vilnius
This article focuses on the specific features of ideological control and censorship in Lithuania’s musical culture of the late Soviet period. There is a prevalent view in post-Soviet cultural studies that after 1960 the influence of... more
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      MusicMusicologyCold War and CultureMusic and Politics
The article discusses the Jewish concept of Lithuania (Lite), its borders and subdivision, as well as Jewish understanding of the Lithuanian concept of Lithuania.
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      Eastern European StudiesRussian StudiesJewish StudiesEastern European and Russian Jewish History
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      Religious ConversionModern Jewish HistoryLithuanian HistoryRussian Empire
This paper maps out the theories informing my PhD research into open-world role-playing games (OW-RPGs) as tools for individual learning and transmission of cultural knowledge. Three hypotheses and the methods used to explore them are... more
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      Game studiesCultural HeritagePolish HistoryVideo Games and Learning
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      RussianTypologyLithuanian HistorySlavic
Recenzijai Skaidros Trilupaitytės knygai  "Kūrybiškumo galia? Neoliberalistinės kultūros politikos kritika"
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      Critical TheoryEastern European StudiesCritical Discourse AnalysisLithuanian History