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      War StudiesLocal HistoryPacifismFirst World War
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      Local HistoryLocal and regional historyMicrohistory and History of Everyday Life
Mitteilungen Stadt- und Stiftsarchiv Aschaffenburg 15 (2022)
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryGerman HistoryLocal History
The contribution left by Luigi Staibano to the local history of the Amalfi coast is the main theme of this paper. In the past his works were not appreciated but today we can affirm the value of his micro-historical researches as a... more
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      GenealogyLocal HistoryHistorical Micro StudiesHistorical memory and Identity studies
500 ANOS DA FREGUESIA DE PENICHE Conferência “A constituição da Freguesia de Santa Maria da Ajuda de Peniche” Dia 10 de Dezembro de 2016, 16h00, Auditório do Edifício Cultural da Câmara Municipal de Peniche. Convido a todos os amigos e... more
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      HistoryLocal HistoryHistóriaHistoria Local
"A obra que o leitor tem entre mãos pretende ser uma recolha completa de todos os trabalhos escritos de Armindo de Sousa, publicados além dos seus livros ou capítulos de livros. Porque este historiador já partiu de entre nós há cerca de... more
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      Urban HistoryMedieval urban historyLocal HistoryPortuguese Medieval History
Summary pp. 420-431.The monograph reveals the history of emergence, formation and development of the Duchy of Dubingiai (1547–1808). Pursuant to a vast unpublished archive material, the earlier period of the vassalage of Dubingiai to the... more
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      Local HistoryHistory of the Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthRadziwiłłGrand Duchy of Lithuania
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      Local HistoryRoman CatholicismHistoric CemeteryPiarists
Wspólnota pamięci W pierwszej części książki opisane są dzieje rodziny Mrozów z linii Aleksandra oraz historia rodziny jego żony Marianny z domu Sroczyńskiej. Ukazano także losy ich nieżyjących już dzieci. W drugiej części zawarte są... more
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      Local HistoryHistory of the Family
This is the local bibliography on Gelibolu / Callipolis, Çanakkale / Dardanelles, prepared collectively as part of the urban planning studio, 2nd year during the Fall term 2016/17. ıt also includes a selection of the list of relevant... more
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      Local HistoryUrban PlanningLocal and regional history
This study argues that Marikina city’s nostalgically popular trademark as the Philippines’ footwear capital has been made possible by sapatero in the past and present who have enacted a localised economy. This narrative begins with the... more
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      EthnographyLocal HistoryLocal Economic DevelopmentCreative Industries
Forthcoming in a volume edited by Haraldur Bernhardsson. This article examines Landnámabók utilizing the anthropological distinction between place and space, defined within an understanding of phenomenology and emplaced paractice centered... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyOrality-Literacy StudiesLocal HistorySense of Place
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      SociologySocial Studies EducationLocal HistoryMulticultural Education
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      Local HistoryBuilt EnvironmentSocial HistorySocial Studies
Knygoje pateikiami liudijimai apie lietuvių dalyvavimą karuose, vykusiuose įvairiuose pasaulio regionuose. Dalis kariavo savo noru, nes tai buvo pragyvenimo šaltinis, bet kiti per prievartą ten pakliuvo ir buvo verčiami kariauti už kitų... more
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      Local HistoryOral history
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      Local HistoryWorld War IFirst World WarHistory of Illinois
Het Sint-Jozefseminarie in Sint-Katelijne-Waver aan de rand van Mechelen is gebouwd in 1933. Het is typisch voor de architectuur van de jaren 1930 en de Katholieke Actie. Na een bloeiperiode van zo'n 30 jaar kwam het leeg te staan en in... more
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      Social WorkCultural HeritageLocal HistoryChurch History
Studie byla publikována roku 2011 v časopise ,,Archeologie ve středních Čechách" (ročník 15) / The study was published in 2011 in the journal "Archeology in Central Bohemia" (volume 15).
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesLocal HistoryMedieval Archaeology
a cura di Carlo Castignani, Comune di Montecosaro, 1995, pp. 342. Indice: Carlo Castignani, Introduzione Gianfranco Paci, Il territorio di Montecosaro in età antica Febo Allevi, Montecosaro nella continuità del suo tempo remoto... more
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      Medieval HistoryLocal HistoryMedieval ItalyItalian communes
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      HistoryModern HistoryCultural HistoryUrban History
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      Cultural HistoryLocal History
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      Public HistoryLocal HistoryHistory, Writing and MemoryBirmingham, UK
Śladami ostatnich wędrujących pasterzy karpackich. Raport z wiosennego redyku rodziny Szczechowiczów (kwiecień 2018) W ostatnich latach pasterstwo przeżywa swoisty renesans w kulturze po-granicza polsko-słowackiego. Dzieje się tak za... more
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      Cultural HeritageEthnographyLocal HistoryCulture Studies
This article examines the positionality of local stakeholders in the production of knowledge through fieldwork in qualitative research in Northern Uganda. While scholarly literature has evolved on the positionality and experiences of... more
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      EthnographyFocus Group discussionsQualitative methodologyLocal History
Everybody is born into a family. Each has its own history, therefore, 'our history' is not made by us, but by previous generations. The rise of International migration and the crumbling of family structures, however, only make it harder... more
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      Asian StudiesSelf and IdentitySocial NetworksFamily studies
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      Basque StudiesLocal HistoryHistory of ElitesSpanish empire
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      Local HistoryNobilityMicrohistory18th & 19th Centuries
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      Modern HistoryLocal HistoryHistory of Southern Italy
In this article was made historic, cultural and touristical descriptive analysis of little-known Starosta castle in Halych, which is located in Ivano-Frankivsk region, on the base of using of four groups of characteristics: natural and... more
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      HistoryLocal HistoryUkraine (History)Ukraine
Ponència presentada a les Jornades Locals de Son Sardina, Sa Garriga i Son Espanyol, dia 24 de novembre del 2018.
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      Social MovementsAnthropologyPolitical AnthropologySocial and Cultural Anthropology
Being an institution that was adopted following the French administrative model, the institution of the prefect represented during its existence a means for the central government to impose its policies at local level and at the same time... more
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      Public AdministrationLegal HistoryLocal History
Az írás a XIX. században élt Kátai Gábor (1831-1878) életét és munkásságát dolgozza fel a helyi anyakönyvi adatok és a korábban írt, kevésbé kifejtett életrajzok segítségével, illetve kitér a Magyar Orvosok és Természetvizsgálók... more
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      HistoryLocal HistoryMedical HistoryKarcag
In 1854 Charles Tompson described that the ‘village of Camden’ had ‘the aspect and the attributes of an English village’ (p.118) In doing so he was probably the first European to describe Camden’s Englishness, an attribute that numerous... more
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      Local HistoryColonialismAustralian History19th Century (History)
An overview of the history of brass bands from the early 1800's through to the present day, together with details of the brass bands of the locality
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      MusicMusicologyLocal HistoryBrass Bands
Одной из форм передачи традиционной коллективной памяти сегодня становятся любительские краеведческие издания, подготовленные жителями села или деревни. К их числу относится книга К.П. Гусевой «Поклонись родному дому», которая... more
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      Local HistorySocial and Collective MemoryPost-Soviet StudiesCollective Memory
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      Local HistorySloveniaLenart v Slovenskih goricah
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      Cultural HeritageLocal History
In. Reformation in der Region. Personen und Erinnerungsorte, hrsg. v. Michael Matheus, Stuttgart 2018 (Mainzer Vorträge 21), S. 7-12.
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      Local HistoryReformation HistoryReformation StudiesRegional Studies
El Sindicat Remença fou la primera agrupació de pagesos que s’uniren de forma organitzada per abolir el sistema d’adscripció a la terra. Totes les reunions del sindicat es plasmaren en un llibre: el Llibre del Sindicat Remença de 1448. El... more
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      Local HistoryHistoriaPuigsacalmla vall d'en bas
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian maka dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut: Pertama, tentara Jepang mulai memasuki Pontianak pada 2 Februari 1942 dan disambut dengan baik. Jepang melakukan mobilisasi terhadap rakyat untuk kepentingan perang... more
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      HistoryIndonesian HistoryLocal HistoryJapanese Occupation of Southeast Asia
Disponible en: Colaborador testimonial y material en los primeros trabajos que estudiaron el funcionamiento del Sindicato Español... more
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      Intellectual HistoryLiteratureLocal HistoryFascism
As Maynooth College celebrates its 225th anniversary, this beautifully-presented volume captures an institution that has held a singular place in modern Irish church history. Delve into the stories, the reminiscences, the history of this... more
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      HistorySociology of ReligionIrish StudiesHigher-Education/University Symbiots
Artykuł ma na celu sportretowanie szczególnej grupy nowych mieszkańców wsi: osób, które po 1989 roku kupiły dawny dwór lub pałac ziemiański i traktują go przede wszystkim jako dom prywatny. Bazując na 17 wywiadach z 19 osobami, autorka... more
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      SociologyRural SociologyQualitative methodologyLocal History
Ei av dei nasjonalt mest omtalte hendingane i Lesja under andre verdskrigen, truleg òg samla sett, var det som skjedde på Stuguflotten måndag 22. april i 1940. Da var storparten av den norske regjeringa samla der for første gang etter ein... more
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      Local HistorySecond World War (History)
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      Polish HistoryLocal History
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      HistoryCultural HeritageBritish HistoryLocal History
โครงการวิจัย เรื่อง “การพัฒนาความสามารถของชุมชนวัดพระธาตุเสด็จ จังหวัดลำปางในการศึกษาและถ่ายทอดองค์ความรู้ด้านประวัติศาสตร์และวัฒนธรรมชุมชน” เป็นโครงการวิจัยที่ต่อยอดจากโครงการจัดตั้ง “พิพิธภัณฑ์วัดพระธาตุเสด็จ” และ โครงการวิจัย... more
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      Community DevelopmentLocal HistoryLocal Culture
War, like natural disasters, is another type of crisis that creates collective stress that can have the same type of social effects. Sociological research has identified a number of stages in crises and the social processes that result... more
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      Military HistoryWomen's HistoryWar StudiesLocal History
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      Local HistoryStoria LocaleDopoguerraHistory of Savona
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      Local HistoryHistory of Political ScienceHistory of Parliamentary ReportageHistory of Grand Duchy of Lithuania In the XVI-XVIII C.