Making sense of palaeoclimate sensitivity
PALAEOSENS Project Members*
Many palaeoclimate studies have quantified pre-anthropogenic climate change to calculate climate sensitivity (equilibrium temperature change in response to radiative forcing change), but a lack of consistent methodologies produces a
wide range of estimates and hinders comparability of results. Here we present a stricter approach, to improve
intercomparison of palaeoclimate sensitivity estimates in a manner compatible with equilibrium projections for future
climate change. Over the past 65 million years, this reveals a climate sensitivity (in K W21 m2) of 0.3–1.9 or 0.6–1.3 at 95% or
68% probability, respectively. The latter implies a warming of 2.2–4.8 K per doubling of atmospheric CO2, which agrees
with IPCC estimates.
haracterizing the complex responses of climate to changes in the
radiation budget requires the definition of climate sensitivity:
this is the global equilibrium surface temperature response to
changes in radiative forcing (an alteration to the balance of incoming and
outgoing energy in the Earth–atmosphere system) caused by a doubling
of atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Despite progress in modelling and
data acquisition, uncertainties remain regarding the exact value of climate sensitivity and its potential variability through time. The range of
climate sensitivities in climate models used for Intergovernmental Panel
for Climate Change Assessment Report 4 (IPCC-AR4) is 2.1–4.4 K per
CO2 doubling1, or a warming of 0.6–1.2 K per W m–2 of forcing.
Observational studies have not narrowed this range, and the upper limit
is particularly difficult to estimate2.
Large palaeoclimate changes can be used to estimate climate sensitivity on centennial to multi-millennial timescales, when estimates of
both global mean temperature and radiative perturbations linked with
slow components of the climate system (for example, carbon cycle, land
ice) are available (Fig. 1). Here we evaluate published estimates of climate
sensitivity from a variety of geological episodes, but find that intercomparison is hindered by differences in the definition of climate sensitivity
between studies (Table 1). There is a clear need for consistent definition
of which processes are included and excluded in the estimated sensitivity,
like the need for strict taxonomy in biology. The definition must agree
as closely as possible with that used in modelling studies of past and
future climate, while remaining sufficiently pragmatic (operational) to
be applicable to studies of different climate states in the geological past.
Here we propose a consistent operational definition for palaeoclimate
sensitivity and illustrate how a tighter definition narrows the range of
reported estimates. Consistent intercomparison is crucial to detect systematic differences in sensitivity values—for example, due to changing
continental configurations, different climate background states, and the
types of radiative perturbations considered. These differences may then
be evaluated in terms of additional controls on climate sensitivity, such
as those arising from plate tectonics, weathering cycles, changes in
ocean circulation, non-CO2 greenhouse gases (GHGs), enhanced watervapour and cloud feedbacks under warm climate states. Palaeoclimate
data allow such investigations across geological episodes with very different climates, both warmer and colder than today. Clarifying the
dependence of feedbacks, and therefore climate sensitivity, on the background climate state is a top priority, because it is central to the utility of
past climate sensitivity estimates in assessing the credibility of future
climate projections1,3.
// Myr
Clouds, water vapour,
lapse rate, snow/sea ice
Upper ocean
CH4 (major gas-hydrate feedback;
for example, PETM)
Dust (vegetation mediated)
Entire oceans
Land ice sheets
Carbon cycle
Plate tectonics
Biological evolution
of vegetation types
Figure 1 | Typical timescales of different feedbacks relevant to equilibrium
climate sensitivity, as discussed in this work. Modified and extended from
previous work98. Ocean timescales were extended to multi-millennial timescales99.
Quantifying climate sensitivity
‘Equilibrium climate sensitivity’ is classically defined as the simulated
global mean surface air temperature increase (DT, in K) in response to a
doubling of atmospheric CO2, starting from pre-industrial conditions
(which corresponds to a radiative perturbation, DR, of 3.7 W m–2; refs 1,
3). We introduce the more general definition of the ‘climate sensitivity
parameter’ as the mean surface temperature response to any radiative
perturbation (S 5 DT/DR; where DT and DR are centennial to multimillennial averages), which facilitates comparisons between studies
from different time-slices in Earth history. For brevity, we refer to S as
‘climate sensitivity’. In the definition of S, an initial perturbation DR0
leads to a temperature response DT0 following the Stefan–Boltzmann
law, which is the temperature-dependent blackbody radiation response.
This is often referred to as the Planck response4, with a value S0 of about
0.3 K W21 m2 for the present-day climate5,6. The radiative perturbation
of the climate system is increased (weakened) by various positive (negative) feedback processes, which operate at a range of different timescales
(Fig. 1). Because the net effect of positive feedbacks is found to be greater
than that of negative feedbacks, the end result is an increased climate
sensitivity relative to the Planck response4.
*Lists of participants and their affiliations appear at the end of the paper.
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Table 1 | Summary of key studies.
Label in Fig. 3 Source
Time window
Explicitly considered
Temperature data used
S and 1s bounds
(K W21 m2)
0.81 6 0.27
LGM compilation based
on ref. 15
Scaling factor (0.85) for
smaller S at LGM compared
to 2 3 CO2 (refs 12, 16)
0.80 6 0.14
Value after authors’ suggested
correction of CLIMAP
Model-based global estimate
Ref. 2
Ref. 6
GHG (CO2, CH4, N2O),
Ref. 86
GHG (CO2, CH4),
DTglobal 5 25.8 6 1.4 K;
GLAMAP extrapolated
with model82
CLIMAP and DTaa&gld
Ref. 79
Ref. 76
GHG (CO2, CH4),
GHG (CO2, CH4)
MARGO81 SST based
DT 5 {3:0z1:3
{0:7 K
Ref. 74
GHG (CO2, CH4),
DTaa (with 1.5 3 polar
0.88 6 0.13
Ref. 52
GHG (CO2, CH4,
N2O), LI
DTaa (with 2 3 polar
0.75 6 0.13
Ref. 52
(CO2, CH4, N2O)
DTaa (with 2 3 polar
1.5 6 0.25
This work,
GC (,800 kyr ago)
based on ref. 6
GHG (CO2, CH4, N2O),
0.66 6 0.22 to
2.26 6 0.78
Ref. 85
GHG (CO2, CH4,
N2O), LI
DTNH 5 model-based
deconvolution of benthic
d18O (ref. 51), scaled to
global DT using a NH
polar amplification on
land of 2.75 6 0.25
DTaa (with 2 3 polar
amplification) and
1.5 3 DTds
Ref. 39
GHG (CO2, CH4,
N2O), LI, AE
36-record global SST
synthesis along with
Ref. 39
GHG (CO2, CH4,
N2O), LI
1.05 6 0.25
Ref. 87
Early to Middle
Pliocene (4.2–3.3
Myr ago)
Ref. 65
Slow feedbacks
This work
This work
Ref. 78
Miocene optimum
to present day
transition (,34 Myr
Late Eocene
versus present
Middle Eocene
Climatic Optimum
(,40 Myr ago)
36-record global SST
synthesis along with
Using model-based
DT for Middle and
Early Pliocene of
2.4–2.9 uC and 4 uC.
DCO2 alkenone
Deconvolution of
benthic d18O (ref. 63)
Model-based DT,
with range of CO2
Model-based DT,
with range of CO2 values
DTds (2 records) and
DTmg (7 records).
DCO2 from alkenones
Ref. 78
Mid to Late Eocene
transition (41–35
Myr ago)
Ref. 88
Early Eocene
(,55–50 Myr ago)
This work
(,56 Myr ago)
CO2. ESS (in the
sense of ref. 44)
CO2. ESS (in the
sense of ref. 44)
CO2. Ice-free world.
Event study (not
affected by plate
tectonics and
evolution effects)
CO2. Largely ice-free
world. Event study
(not affected by
plate tectonics and
evolution effects)
CO2. Ice-free world.
(potential influences
of plate tectonics and
biological evolution
not considered)
CO2. Ice-free world.
Event study (not
affected by plate
tectonics and
evolution effects)
DTds (ref. 71) and DTmg.
DCO2 5 difference mid
Eocene alkenone and
late Eocene d11B
1.1 6 0.05
0.75 6 0.13
1.92 6 0.14 to
2.35 6 0.18
(3.3 Myr ago);
2.60 6 0.19
(4.2 Myr ago)
0.78 6 10%
0.95 6 0.3
0.95 6 0.3
DTmg (refs 89–91). DCO2 0.65 6 0.25
based on modelling91
marine organic carbon
isotope fractionation92
and soil nodules93
DTds (.6 records) and
DTmg (.11 records;
equatorial to polar).
DCO2 based on deep ocean
carbonate chemistry72, 95
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Author’s linear regression case.
Value based on single-site tropical
SST, and representation of global
changes will be more uncertain
Author used a single value for
polar amplification. If 2 3 were
used52, then the central estimate
is closer to 0.7
Authors used a single value for
polar amplification. If 1.5 3 were
used74, then the central estimate
becomes 1.0
Authors used a single value for
polar amplification. If 1.5 3 were
used74, then the central estimate
becomes 2.0
This covers the range of
S[GHG,X] given in Table 2
Authors used a single value for
polar amplification. If 1.5 3 were
used73, then the central estimate
becomes 1.0
Polar amplification diagnosed,
not imposed. Estimates made
both in a spatially explicit sense
and as direct global means
As above
Forcing in ref. 44; temperature
in ref. 87. Both derived in global
sense from model experiments
f 5 0.71, b 5 5.35, c 5 1.3. Details
in Supplementary Information
Details in Supplementary
Details in Supplementary
500 kyr timescale. DTds 5 DTmg.
Temperatures from subtropics to
high latitudes; no tropical data.
Hence biased to high-latitude
Multi-million-year timescale.
Adding uncertainty of 61 uC
to DT would enhance 1s limits
to 60.45 K W21 m2
Central value recalculated in
ref. 94.
Note ref. 89 underestimated
tropical SST
Details in Supplementary
Information. Assumes all warming
due to C input, and range of
background CO2 and C-injection
scenarios. DTds 5 DTmg. Total
range of S is 0.7–2.2 K W21 m2.
Table 1 j Continued
Label in Fig. 3 Source
Time window
Explicitly considered
CO2. Largely ice-free
world. (potential
influences of plate
tectonics and biological
evolution not
CO2. Largely ice-free
DT after refs 52, 71.
DCO2 based on ref. 60.
world. ESS in the
sense of ref. 44
CO2. Ice-free situation. DTmg, DCO2 based
(Potential influences
of plate tectonics and
biological evolution
not considered).
Ref. 96
Cretaceous and
early Palaeogene
Ref. 94
Cretaceous and
early Palaeogene
Ref. 97
Temperature data used
S and 1s bounds
(K W21 m2)
Recalculated in ref. 94. No
uncertainty range was reported,
nor salient details for assessment.
Figure 3b, c assumes 625%
No uncertainty range reported.
This is a lower bound estimate
Model-based with extensive
uncertainty analysis
These studies have empirically determined S for the Pleistocene and some deep-time periods from comparison between data-derived time series for temperature and for radiative change. Comparison of results
between studies is greatly hindered by the different ‘versions’ of S used, as related to different notions of which processes should be explicitly accounted for, and by the different approaches taken to approximate
global mean surface temperature. All uncertainties are as originally reported, but shown here at the level equivalent to 1s, estimated where necessary by dividing total range values by a factor of 2. All values for S are
reported in K W21 m2, where necessary after transformation using 3.7 W m–2 per doubling of CO2, bearing in mind the caveats for this at high CO2 concentrations as elaborated in the main text. GC, glacial cycles;
LGM, Last Glacial Maximum; PETM, Palaeocene/Eocene thermal maximum; SST, sea surface temperature. See main text for details of forcings. Subscripts: aa, Antarctica; gld, Greenland; trop, tropical; ds, deep
sea; global, global mean; mg, Mg/Ca; NH, Northern Hemisphere.
We emphasize that all feedbacks, and thus the calculated climate
sensitivity, may depend in a—largely unknown—nonlinear manner
on the state of the system before perturbation (the ‘background climate
state’) and on the type of forcing7–15. The relationship of S with background climate state differs among climate models12,16–18. A suggestion
of state dependence is also found in a data comparison (Table 2)6, where
climate sensitivity for the past 800,000 years (800 kyr) shows substantial
fluctuations through time (Fig. 2). In contrast, its values for the Last
Glacial Maximum (LGM) alone occupy only the lower half of that range
(Fig. 2). That evaluation also suggests that the relationship of S with the
general climate state may not be simple.
‘Fast’ versus ‘slow’ processes
Climate sensitivity depends on processes that operate on many different
timescales, from seconds to millions of years, due to both direct response
to external radiative forcing, and internal feedback processes (Fig. 1).
Hence, the timescale over which climate sensitivity is considered is
critical. An operationally pragmatic decision is needed to categorize a
process as ‘slow’ or ‘fast’, depending on the timescale of interest, the
resolution of the (palaeo-)records considered and the character of
changes therein19. If a process results in temperature changes that reach
steady state slower than the timescale of the underlying radiative perturbation, then it is considered ‘slow’; if it is faster or coincident, then it is
‘fast’. Present-day atmospheric GHG concentrations and the radiative
perturbation due to anthropogenic emissions increase much faster than
observed for any natural process within the Cenozoic era20–22.
For the present, the relevant timescale for distinguishing between fast
and slow processes can be taken as 100 yr (ref. 23). Ocean heat uptake
plays out over multiple centuries. Combined with further ‘slow’ processes, it causes climate change over the next few decades to centuries to
be dominated by the so-called ‘transient climate response’ to radiative
changes that result from changing GHG concentrations and aerosols5,19,24.
After about 100 yr, this transient climate response is thought to amount to
roughly two-thirds of the equilibrium (see below) climate sensitivity5,25.
Climate models account for the fast feedbacks from changes in watervapour content, lapse rate, cloud cover, snow and sea-ice albedo26, and
the resulting response is often referred to as the ‘fast-feedback’ or
‘Charney’ sensitivity23. To approximate the ‘equilibrium’ value of that
climate sensitivity, accounting for ocean heat uptake and further slow
processes, models might be run over centuries with all the associated
computational difficulties27–30, or alternative approaches may be used
that exploit the energy balance of the system for known forcing or
extrapolation to equilibrium31.
In palaeoclimate studies, an operational distinction has emerged to
distinguish ‘fast’ and ‘slow’ processes relative to the timescales of temperature responses measured in palaeodata, where ‘fast’ is taken to apply to
processes up to centennial scales, and ‘slow’ to processes with timescales
close to millennial or longer. Thus, changes in natural GHG concentrations
are dominated by ‘slow’ feedbacks related to global biogeochemical cycles
(Fig. 1). Similarly slow are the radiative influences of albedo feedbacks that
are dominated by centennial-scale or longer changes in global vegetation
cover and global ice area/volume (continental ice sheets) (Fig. 1).
Table 2 | Common permutations of S that may be encountered in palaeostudies
Label in
Fig. 3
S definition
Explicitly considered
radiative perturbation
Period in which it is practical
to use the definition
S 6 1s for 800 kyr
(K W21 m2)
S 6 1s
for LGM (K W21 m2)
for Pliocene (K W21 m2)
3.08 6 0.96
2.63 6 0.57
S[CO2, LI]
S[CO2, LI, VG]
S[CO2, LI, AE]
S[CO2, LI, AE, VG]
All (especially pre-35 Myr ago
when LI < 0)
,35 Myr ago
,35 Myr ago
,35 Myr ago, but mainly ,800 kyr ago
,35 Myr ago, but mainly ,800 kyr ago
,800 kyr ago
,800 kyr ago
,800 kyr ago
,800 kyr ago
,800 kyr ago
1.07 6 0.40
0.86 6 0.27
0.90 6 0.42
0.75 6 0.29
2.32 6 0.76
0.96 6 0.36
0.78 6 0.23
0.82 6 0.36
0.68 6 0.24
0.95 6 0.22
0.80 6 0.19
0.72 6 0.18
0.63 6 0.15
1.97 6 0.41
0.85 6 0.19
0.73 6 0.16
0.66 6 0.16
0.58 6 0.14
S (second column) is presented with a subscript that identifies the explicitly considered radiative perturbations DR (third column, same subscripts as for S); all other processes are implicitly resolved as feedbacks
within S. The period in which the various definitions of S are practical is determined by the availability of data for the explicitly considered processes. Subscript CO2 indicates the radiative impact of atmospheric
CO2 concentration changes; LI represents the radiative impact of global land ice-volume changes; VG stands for the radiative impact of global vegetation cover changes; AE indicates the radiative impact of aerosol
changes; GHG stands for the impact of changes in all non-water natural greenhouse gases (notably CO2, CH4 and N2O). Columns 5 and 6 give calculated values for all suggested permutations of S for the past
800 kyr or the LGM, respectively, based on a previous data compilation6. Mean values of all S[X] for the LGM are about 13% smaller than for the whole 800 kyr, but lie well within the given uncertainties. This offset
illustrates the state-dependence of S (see Supplementary Information). Column 7 gives examples for the Pliocene13,44; Fig. 3b, c assumes 625% uncertainty in these. In these values the effects of orographic
changes have been taken into account (see Supplementary Information section B2).
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and process modelling, especially because dust forcing may account for
some 20% of the glacial–interglacial change in the radiative budget6,39.
So for comparison of results between studies, it is most effective to
consider only the classical ‘Charney’ water-vapour, cloud, lapse rate, and
snow and sea-ice feedbacks23 as ‘fast’, and all other feedbacks as ‘slow’. In
addition, results from palaeoclimate sensitivity studies generally do not
address the transient climate response that dominates present-day
changes, but capture a more complete longer-term system response
comparable with equilibrium climate sensitivity in climate models.
ΔT (K)
ΔR[CO2, LI] (W m–2)
S[CO2, LI] (K W–1 m2)
Mean of Si ± σ0
Si ± σ1 at LGM
100-kyr running mean of Si
Time (kyr BP)
Figure 2 | Illustration of variability of climate sensitivity using a calculation
of S[CO2,LI], as defined in this work, for the past 800 kyr. a, Changes in global
temperature. b, Changes in radiative forcing due to changes in CO2 and surface
albedo due to land ice. c, Calculated S[CO2,LI], which is only considered robust
and calculated when DT , 21.5 K and DR[CO2,LI] , 20.5 W m–2, as indicated
by the dotted red lines in a and b. In c, mean of Si 6 s0 (dashed black lines
indicate s0, the uncertainty of averaging) and 100-kyr running mean (blue line)
are shown. Magenta marker in c denotes Si 6 s1 for the LGM only (23–19 kyr
ago) (s1 is the square root of the sum of squares of individual uncertainties
connected with different processes contributing to Si). The grey areas in
a–c denote s1 (standard deviation) uncertainties of Si for single points in time
(points themselves are omitted for clarity). Details of data and the definition of
the calculated uncertainties presented in this figure are available in
Supplementary Information. In a and b, the dashed black lines indicate the
preindustrial reference case (DT 5 0 K, DR[CO2,LI] 5 0 W m–2).
Other processes clearly have both fast and slow components. For
example, palaeorecords of atmospheric dust deposition imply important
aerosol variations on decadal to astronomical (orbital) timescales32–36,
reflecting both slow controlling processes related to ice-volume and
land-surface changes, and fast processes related to changes in atmospheric circulation. A further complication arises from the lack of adequate global atmospheric dust data for any geological episode except the
LGM37,38, even though that is essential because the spatial distribution of dust in the atmosphere tends to be inhomogeneous and because
temporal variations in some locations tend to take place over several orders
of magnitude32–36. Moreover, palaeoclimate models generally struggle to
account for aerosols, with experiments neither prescribing nor implicitly
resolving aerosol influences. So far, understanding of aerosol/dust feedbacks remains weak and in need of improvements in both data coverage
Forcing and slow feedbacks
The external drivers of past natural climate changes mainly resulted
from changes in solar luminosity over time40, from temporal and spatial
variations in insolation due to changes in astronomical parameters41–43,
from changes in continental configurations14,44, and from geological
processes that directly affect the carbon cycle (for example, volcanic
outgassing). However, the complete Earth system response to such forcings
as recorded by palaeodata cannot be immediately deduced from the
(equilibrium) ‘fast feedback’ sensitivity of climate models, because of
the inclusion of slow feedback contributions. When estimating climate
sensitivity from palaeodata, agreement is therefore needed about which
of the slower feedback processes are viewed as feedbacks (implicitly
accounted for in S), and which are best considered as radiative forcings
(explicitly accounted for in DR).
We employ an operational distinction31,45 in which a process is considered as a radiative forcing if its radiative influence is not changing
with temperature on the timescale considered, and as a feedback if its
impact on the radiation balance is affected by temperature changes on
that timescale. For example, the radiative impacts of GHG changes over
the past 800 kyr may be derived from concentration measurements of
CO2, CH4 and N2O in ice cores46–48, and the radiative impacts of land-ice
albedo changes may be calculated from continental ice-sheet estimates,
mainly based on sea-level records49–51. Thus, the impacts of these slow
feedbacks can be explicitly accounted for before climate sensitivity is
calculated. This leaves only fast feedbacks to be considered implicitly in
the calculated climate sensitivity, which so approximates the (equilibrium) ‘Charney’ sensitivity from modelling studies6,39,52.
Operational challenges
All palaeoclimate sensitivity studies are affected by limitations of data
availability. Below we discuss such limitations to reconstructions of
forcings and feedbacks, and of global surface temperature responses.
First, however, we re-iterate a critical caveat, namely that the climate
response depends to some degree on the type of forcing (for example,
shortwave versus longwave, surface versus top-of-atmosphere, and local
versus global). The various radiative forcings with similar absolute magnitudes have different spatial distributions and physics, so that the concept of global mean radiative forcing is a simplification that introduces
some (difficult to quantify) uncertainty.
Astronomical (orbital) forcing is a key driver of climate change. In
global annual mean calculations of radiative change, astronomical forcing
is very small and often ignored39,52. Although this obscures its importance,
mainly concerning seasonal changes in the spatial distribution of insolation over the planet41,42,53–55, we propose that the contribution of the
astronomical forcing to DR may be neglected initially. When other components of the system respond to the seasonal aspects of forcing, such as
Quaternary ice-sheet variations, these may be accounted for as forcings
GHG concentrations from ice cores are not available for times before
800 kyr ago, when CO2 levels instead have to be estimated from indirect
methods. These employ physico-chemical or biological processes that
depend on CO2 concentrations, such as the abundance of stomata on
fossil leaves56, fractionation of stable carbon isotopes by marine phytoplankton57, boron speciation and isotopic fractionation in sea water as a
function of pH and preserved in biogenic calcite58, and the stability fields
of minerals precipitated from waters in contact with the atmosphere59.
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Considerable uncertainties remain in such reconstructions, but improvements are continually made to the methods, their temporal coverage and
their mutual consistency60. Recent work has synthesized a high-resolution CO2 record for the past 20 million years (Myr; ref. 61), but new data
and updated syntheses remain essential, particularly for warmer climate
states. Also, proxies are needed for reconstruction of CH4 and N2O concentrations in periods pre-dating the ice-core records62.
Regarding the assessment of land-ice albedo changes, good methods
exist for the generation of continuous centennial- to millennial-scale
sea-level (ice-volume) records over the past 500 kyr (refs 49–51), but
such detailed information remains scarce for older periods. A modelbased deconvolution of deep-sea stable oxygen isotope records into
their ice-volume and deep-sea temperature components51 was recently
extended to 35 Myr ago63, but urgently requires independent validation,
especially to address uncertainties about the volume-to-area relationships that would be different for incipient ice sheets than for mature
ice sheets64,65. Before 35 Myr ago, there is thought to have been (virtually)
no significant land-ice volume66, but this does not exclude the potential
existence of major semi-permanent snow/ice-fields67,68, and there remain
questions whether these would constitute ‘fast’ (snow) or ‘slow’ (land-ice)
feedbacks. The contribution of the sea-ice albedo feedback also remains
uncertain, with little quantitative information beyond the LGM.
Similar examples of uncertainties and limited data availability could
be listed for all feedbacks. However, a ‘deep-time’ (before 1 Myr ago)
geological perspective must be maintained because it offers access to the
nearest natural approximations of the current rate and magnitude of
GHG emissions69,70, and because only ancient records provide insight
into climate states globally warmer than the present. Given that no past
perturbation will ever present a perfect analogue for the continuing
anthropogenic perturbation, it may be more useful to consider past
warm climate states as test-beds for evaluating processes and responses,
and for challenging/validating model simulations of those past climate
states. Such data–model comparisons will drive model skill and understanding of processes, improving confidence in future multi-century
projections. For such an approach, palaeostudies may minimize the
impacts of very long-term influences on climate sensitivity (for example,
due to changes in orography, or biological evolution of vegetation)
through a focus on highly resolved documentation of specific perturbations that are superimposed upon different long-term background climate
states. An example is the pronounced transient global warming and
carbon-cycle perturbation during the Palaeocene/Eocene thermal maximum (PETM) anomaly71,72, which punctuated an already warm climate
state73. Note that deep-time case studies need to consider one further
complication, namely that the radiative forcing per CO2 doubling may
be about 3.7 W m–2 when starting from pre-industrial concentrations,
but increases at higher CO2 levels11. Data-led studies may help with a
first-order documentation of this dependence. Calculation of S from CO2
and temperature measurements using a constant 3.7 W m–2 per CO2
doubling would (knowingly) overestimate S for high-CO2 episodes.
The difference with other, identically defined, S values for different climate background states may then be used to assess any deviation from
3.7 W m–2 per CO2 doubling.
Regarding the reconstruction of past global surface temperature responses (that is, DT in equation (1) below), again much remains to be
improved. Most work to date (see Table 1) relies on one or more of the
following: polar temperature variations from Antarctic ice cores (since
800 kyr ago) with a multiplicative correction for ‘polar amplification’
(usually estimated at 1.5–2.0; refs 74, 75); deep-sea temperature variations from marine sediment-core data with a correction for the ratio
between global surface temperature and deep-sea temperature changes
(often estimated at 1.5); single-site sea surface temperature (SST) records
from marine sediment cores; or compilations of SST data of varying
geographic coverage from marine sediment cores6,39,52,76–78. So far, few
studies have included terrestrial temperature proxy records other than
those from ice cores79, yet better control on land-surface data is crucial
because of seasonal and land-sea contrasts. Continued development is
needed of independently validated (multi-proxy) and spatially representative (global) data sets of high temporal resolution relative to the climate
perturbations studied.
Uncertainties in individual reconstructions of temperature change
may in exceptional cases be reported to 60.5 K, but more comprehensive
uncertainty assessments normally find them to be larger80,81. Compilation
of such records to determine changes in global mean surface temperature involves the propagation of further assumptions/uncertainties, for
example due to interpolation from limited spatial coverage, and the end
result is unlikely to be constrained within narrower limits than 61 K even
for well-studied intervals. Finally, comparisons between independent
reconstructions for the same episode reveal ‘hidden’ uncertainties due
to differences between each study’s methodological choices, uncertainty
determination, and data-quality criteria, which are hard to quantify and
often poorly elucidated. Take the LGM for example, which for temperature is among the best-studied intervals. The MARGO compilation81
inferred a global SST reduction of –1.9 6 1.8 K relative to the present.
Another spatially explicit study79 used that range to infer a global mean
surface air temperature anomaly of {3z1:3
{0:7 K. The latter contrasts with a
previous estimate of 25.8 6 1.4 K (ref. 82), which is consistent with
tropical (30u S to 30u N) SST anomalies of 22.7 6 1.4 K (ref. 83).
However, that tropical range itself is also contested; the MARGO81
study suggested such cooling in the Atlantic Ocean, but less in the
tropics of the Indian and Pacific Oceans (giving a global tropical
cooling of only 21.7 6 1.0 K). Clearly, even a well-studied interval
gives rise to a range of estimates for temperature, and therefore for
climate sensitivity.
It is evident that progress in quantifying palaeoclimate sensitivity
will not only rely on a common concept and terminology that allows
like-for-like comparisons (see below); it will also rely on an objective,
transparent and hence reproducible discussion in each study of the
assumptions and uncertainties that affect the values determined for
change in both temperature and radiative forcing.
A way forward
Here we propose a new terminology to help palaeoclimate sensitivity studies adopt common concepts and approaches, and thus improve the potential for like-for-like comparisons between studies. First we outline how our
concept of ‘equilibrium’ S for palaeo-studies relates to ‘equilibrium’ S for
modern studies. Then, we present a notation system that is primarily of
value to data-based palaeo studies to clarify which slow feedbacks are
explicitly accounted for. We finish with an application of the new framework, calculating climate sensitivity from a representative selection of
palaeoclimate sensitivity estimates over the past 65 Myr, with a fair balance
of climates warmer than the present to those colder than the present.
When the DT response to an applied GHG radiative forcing DR is
small relative to ‘pre-perturbation’ reference temperature, the ‘equilibrium’ climate sensitivity Sa (where a indicates actuo, for present-day)
takes the form (see, for example, refs 4, 84):
Sa ~
lP z
Here lP is the Planck feedback parameter (23.2 W m22 K21) and lfi
(in W m22 K21) represents the feedback parameters of any number
(N) of fast (f ) feedbacks. We define feedback parameters in the form
lfi 5 DRi/DT. Sa is the ‘Charney’ sensitivity calculated by most climate models in ‘2 3 CO2’ equilibrium simulations, with a range of
0.6–1.2 K W21 m2 in IPCC-AR4. However, the Earth system in reality
responds to a perturbation according to an equilibrium climate sensitivity parameter Sp (where p indicates palaeo), but the timescales to
reach this equilibrium are long, so that the forcing normally changes
before equilibrium is reached. To obtain Sa from palaeoclimate sensitivity Sp, a correction is therefore needed for the slow feedback influences. Using lsj to represent any number (M) of slow (s) feedbacks, we
derive the general expression (see Supplementary Information):
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Sa ~Sp B1z
lP z
This approach is contingent on the above-mentioned caveats of statedependence, linearization (small DT ), changes in slow feedbacks, and
transient effects, where the last is relevant only in records of exceptionally high temporal resolution. Knowledge of slow (ls) and fast (lf)
feedbacks can be combined into a factor F 5 ls/(lf 1 ls) that may
then be used to back-calculate fast feedbacks out of palaeoclimate
sensitivity Sp.
A recent study44 defined the term ‘Earth system sensitivity’ (ESS) to
represent the long-term climate response of Earth’s climate system to a
given CO2 forcing, including both fast and slow processes. In our notation, ESS 5 DR23CO2 Sp, where DR23CO2 is the forcing due to a CO2doubling (3.7 W m–2).
Here we introduce a more explicit notation regarding what was (not)
included in the climate sensitivity diagnosis. It is the ‘specific climate
sensitivity’ S[A,B…], expressed in K W21 m2, where slow feedback processes A, B, and so on, are explicitly accounted for (that is, included in
the forcing term, DR[A,B…]). We use ‘LI’ to denote albedo forcing due to
land-ice volume/area changes, ‘VG’ for vegetation-albedo forcing, ‘AE’
for aerosol forcing and ‘CO2’ for atmospheric CO2 forcing (see also
Table 1). This approach requires from the outset that a comprehensive
view is taken of the various causes of change in the radiative balance.
b 0.05
Row identifier in Tables 1 and 2
The most practical version of S to be estimated from palaeodata
is S[CO2,LI], because S[CO2,LI] 5 S[CO2] during times (pre-35 Myr ago)
without ice volume, and because global vegetation cover changes, atmospheric dust fluctuations, and both CH4 and N2O fluctuations (the two
important non-CO2 GHGs) generally remain poorly constrained by
proxy data. Common reporting of S[CO2,LI] would bring results closer
in line with the model-based concept of ‘equilibrium’ fast-feedback
sensitivity. The above-mentioned issues with aerosol influences mean
that it would currently be best for estimates from palaeodata to report
both S[CO2,LI] and S[CO2,LI,AE].
Table 2 lists example estimates for S following the main potential
permutations of the definition of S in our approach (for detailed breakdowns, see Supplementary Information). The first example uses records
of palaeodata since 800 kyr ago. The second example uses the same input
data series6, but focuses only on the LGM; the contrast between examples one and two thus highlights state-dependence. The third example
lists estimates for S[CO2], S[CO2,LI] and S[CO2,LI,VG] from a more modelbased assessment for the mid-Pliocene (,3–3.3 Myr ago)13, with
DT 5 3.3 K relative to the present and DRCO2 5 1.9 W m–2 due to CO2
increase from 280 to 400 parts per million by volume (p.p.m.v.; ref. 44).
The broad range of S values found within each example illustrates that
comparison across different definitions unrealistically widens the range
of values reported, notably towards high values, because omission of
‘forcing’ due to the action of any slow feedbacks will cause overestimation of S (see also Fig. 3).
For a first-order estimate of the range of S from palaeodata that
approximates compatibility with the centennial timescale ‘equilibrium’
S[X] (K W–1 m2)
Figure 3 | Evaluation of results from Tables 1 and 2. y-Axis labels refer to
numbered rows in these Tables. a, Data summary by table row. b, Probability
assessment using normal distributions (shifted where relevant). c, Probability
assessment using lognormal distributions. S[X] refers to the climate sensitivity
as defined in detail by the subscript X in Tables 1 and 2. For b and c, we assume a
relative uncertainty of 25% for entries that lacked uncertainty estimates in the
source studies. In a, rows from Table 2 are identified with either ‘plei’ or ‘plio’ to
distinguish between the past 800 kyr and the Pliocene entries, respectively. The
colour coding refers to broad geological intervals, as shown in the key. Boxes at
right indicate which conditions were explicitly accounted for; that is, as
‘forcings’ (in the CO2/GHG column, filled squares indicate GHG and open
S[X] (K W–1 m2)
squares CO2). Circles (data points in a) show central values where reported,
error bars represent uncertainties as outlined in the Tables, at the 1s equivalent
level. Arrow (case 21) indicates a value reported only as .0.8 K W21 m2. Black
dashed lines in a show 68% probability limits for all estimates that account for at
least ‘CO2’ and ‘LI’, based on thick dashed lines in b and c, taking whichever
68% value offers the widest (more conservatively estimated) margin. In b and
c, the solid black line indicates the mode value (maximum), and the thin dashed
lines the 95% probability limits. All distributions in b and c are given as
individual normalized frequencies (grey lines), and as mean normalized
frequencies (red line).
6 8 8 | N AT U R E | VO L 4 9 1 | 2 9 N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 2
©2012 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
Equilibrium ΔT (K)
a This work
Fast+slow feed backs
Only fast feedbacks
Equilibrium ΔT (K)
Fast+slow feedbacks
Only fast feedbacks
c JH_12
d All
fast feedbacks
0 feedbacks
Fast+slow feedbacks
Only fast feedbacks
b RW_11
One study
Two studies
Three studies
CO2 (p.p.m.v.)
CO2 (p.p.m.v.)
Figure 4 | Equilibrium response of the global temperature as a function of
CO2 concentrations, based on three different approaches. a, This work,
using data from the late Pleistocene of the past 800 kyr (ref. 6). b, Using data of
the past 20 Myr (RW_11; ref. 61). c, Based on JH_12 (ref. 85) using similar data
of the past 800 kyr as in a. d, Combination of all three approaches. Plotted areas
include uncertainty estimates of one standard deviation. Because this work and
JH_12 developed their approach only on Pleistocene data (climate being mainly
colder than today), extrapolation of the impact of slow feedbacks to 2 3 CO2 is
not meaningful (we show only extrapolation with fast feedbacks). RW_11 in
contrast also includes warmer climates with CO2 up to 450 p.p.m.v., so that the
applicable range with slow feedbacks extends to 450 p.p.m.v. For future climate
with 2 3 CO2 and a short time horizon (,100 yr), only fast feedbacks are of
interest (see d). Approaches partly disagree because of different assumptions.
Uncertainties in this work (a) are estimated to be larger than they were in
RW_11 (b) and JH_12 (c). For details of the equations and values used, see
Supplementary Information.
values of the IPCC-AR41, values need to be used that account for ‘CO2’
or ‘GHG’ as well as ‘LI’, and preferably also ‘AE’ and/or ‘VG’ (Tables 1, 2;
Fig. 3). Such an assessment, excluding the case of row 21 in Table 1,
yields a likely1 (68%) probability range of 0.6–1.3 K W21 m2, and a
95% range of 0.3–1.9 K W21 m2 (Fig. 3). These represent the widest
margins out of two assessments, using either normal distributions
with shifts when relevant (Fig. 3a), or lognormal distributions that inherently allow asymmetry2 (Fig. 3b). These assessments include uncertainties as outlined in the source studies, as well as any unaccounted-for
dependence on different background climate states, but exclude potential additional uncertainties highlighted in this study. Inclusion of
ESS values (approximated by S[CO2]) would extend the upper limit
beyond 3 K W21 m2 (Fig. 3a). Future work following a strict framework
for reporting and comparison of palaeodata may refine the observed
Finally, following our conceptual framework, we can make a projection
of equilibrium temperature change over a range of CO2 concentrations
while considering either slow and fast (or only fast) feedbacks (Fig. 4; see
Supplementary Information for details). Including the known uncertainties associated with palaeoclimate sensitivity calculations, and comparing with two previous approaches61,85, we find overlap in the 68%
probability envelopes that implies equilibrium warming of 3.1–3.7 K
for 2 3 CO2 (Fig. 4), equivalent to a fast feedback (Charney) climate
sensitivity between 0.8 and 1.0 K W21 m2. For longer, multi-centennial
projections, some of the slow feedbacks (namely vegetation-albedo and
aerosol feedbacks) may need further consideration. However, their impact
is difficult to estimate from palaeodata, because uncertainties are large,
and because responses during climates colder than present may differ
from responses during future warming.
We have employed a new framework of definitions for palaeoclimate
sensitivity. This reveals how a broad selection of previously published
estimates for the past 65 Myr agrees on a best general estimate of
0.6–1.3 K W21 m2, which agrees with IPCC-AR4 estimates for equilibrium climate sensitivity1. Higher estimates than ours may suggest different
climate sensitivities during particular periods, but a considerable portion of
the higher values may simply reflect differences in the definitions of
palaeoclimate sensitivity that were used.
Received 18 April; accepted 11 September 2012.
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Supplementary Information is available in the online version of the paper.
Acknowledgements This Perspective arose from the first PALAEOSENS workshop in
March 2011. We thank the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW)
for funding and hosting this workshop in Amsterdam, PAGES for their support, and
J. Gregory for discussions. This study was supported by the UK-NERC consortium
iGlass (NE/I009906/1), and 2012 Australian Laureate Fellowship FL120100050.
D.J.B., E.J.R. and P.V. were supported by Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Awards.
A.S. thanks the European Research Council for ERC starting grant 259627, and M.H.
acknowledges NSF P2C2 grant 0902882. Some of the work was supported by grant
243908 ‘Past4Future’ of the EU’s seventh framework programme; this is Past4Future
contribution number 30.
Author Contributions E.J.R., A.S. and H.A.D. initiated the PALAEOSENS workshop, and
led the drafting of this study together with P.K., A.S.v.d.H. and R.S.W.v.d.W. The other
authors contributed specialist insights, discussions and feedback.
Author Information Reprints and permissions information is available at The authors declare no competing financial interests.
Readers are welcome to comment on the online version of the paper. Correspondence
and requests for materials should be addressed to E.J.R. (
PALAEOSENS Project Members E. J. Rohling1,2, A. Sluijs3, H. A. Dijkstra4, P. Köhler5, R.
S. W. van de Wal4, A. S. von der Heydt4, D. J. Beerling6, A. Berger7, P. K. Bijl3, M. Crucifix7,
R. DeConto8, S. S. Drijfhout9, A. Fedorov10, G. L. Foster1, A. Ganopolski11, J. Hansen12, B.
Hönisch13, H. Hooghiemstra14, M. Huber15, P. Huybers16, R. Knutti17, D. W. Lea18, L. J.
Lourens3, D. Lunt19, V. Masson-Demotte20, M. Medina-Elizalde21, B. Otto-Bliesner22,
M. Pagani10, H. Pälike1,23, H. Renssen24, D. L. Royer25, M. Siddall26, P. Valdes19, J. C.
Zachos27 & R. E. Zeebe28
Affiliations for participants: 1School of Ocean and Earth Science, University of
Southampton, National Oceanography Centre, Southampton SO14 3ZH, UK. 2Research
School of Earth Sciences, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australian Capital
Territory 0200, Australia. 3Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht
University, Budapestlaan 4, 3584 CD Utrecht, The Netherlands. 4Institute for Marine and
Atmospheric Research Utrecht, Utrecht University, 3584 CC Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), PO Box 12 01 61, 27515
Bremerhaven, Germany. 6Department of Animal and Plant Sciences, University of
Sheffield, Sheffield S10 2TN, UK. 7Georges Lemaitre Centre for Earth and Climate
Research, Earth and Life Institute–Université catholique de Louvain, Chemin du Cyclotron
2, Box L7.01.11, 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. 8Department of Geosciences, 611
North Pleasant Street, 233 Morrill Science Center, University of Massachusetts, Amherst,
Massachusetts 01003-9297, USA. 9Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute, PO Box
201, 3730 AE De Bilt, The Netherlands. 10Department of Geology and Geophysics, Yale
University, PO Box 208109, New Haven, Connecticut 06520-8109, USA. 11Potsdam
Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), PO Box 601203, 14412 Potsdam, Germany.
NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, 2880 Broadway, New York, New York
10025, USA. 13Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, Palisades,
New York 10964, USA. 14Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics, University of
Amsterdam, Science Park 904, 1098 XH Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 15Earth and
Atmospheric Sciences Department, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907,
USA. 16Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Harvard University, 20 Oxford Street,
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA. 17Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science,
ETH Zurich, Universitätstrasse 16, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland. 18Department of Earth
Science, University of California, Santa Barbara, California 93106-9630, USA. 19School of
Geographical Sciences, University of Bristol, University Road, Bristol BS8 1SS, UK. 20LSCE
(IPSL/CEA-CNRS-UVSQ), UMR 8212, LCEA Saclay, 91 191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex, France.
Centro de Investigación Cientı́fica de Yucatán, Unidad Ciencias del Agua, Cancún,
Quintana Roo, 77500, México. 22National Center for Atmospheric Research, PO Box
3000, Boulder, Colorado 80307-3000, USA. 23MARUM, University of Bremen, Leobener
Straße, 28359 Bremen, Germany. 24Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Earth and
Life Sciences, Free University Amsterdam, De Boelelaan 1085, NL1081HV Amsterdam,
The Netherlands. 25Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Wesleyan
University, Middletown, Connecticut 06459, USA. 26Department of Earth Sciences,
University of Bristol, Wills Memorial Building, Queen’s Road, Bristol BS8 1RJ, UK. 27Earth
and Planetary Sciences, University of California, Santa Cruz, California 95064, USA.
School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, Department of Oceanography,
University of Hawaii at Manoa, 1000 Pope Road, MSB 629 Honolulu, Hawaii 96822, USA.
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