235 zyxwvutsr
Journal of M embrane Science, 69 (1992) 235- 250
Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.. Amsterdam
Mass transfer in various hollow fiber geometries zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfed
S.R. Wickramasinghe,
Michael J. Semmens and E.L. Cussler
Department of Chemical Engineering and M aterials Science, University of M innesota, M inneapolis, M N 55455 (USA)
(Received July 1,199l; accepted in revised form December 17,199l) zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPON
Mass transfer coefficients in commercial modules, including blood oxygenators, agree with literature
correlations at high flows but are smaller at low flows. The smaller values at low flows probably result
from channelling in the hollow fiber bundle. For the special case of flow within the fibers, the slight
polydispersity of the hollow fibers causing this channelling can be used to predict deviations from the
Ldvbque limit. These deviations can not be predicted from extensions to the L&&que analysis, or the
analysis by Graetz. For the special case of flow outside the fibers, the mass transfer coefficients in commercial modules of various geometries are surprisingly similar, and fall below those of carefully handmade modules. These results can be used to develop still better membrane module designs.
Keywords: membrane
modules; mass transfer; blood oxygenators
Hollow fiber membrane modules promise
more rapid mass transfer than is commonly
possible in conventional equipment. For example, mass transferred per equipment volume
is about thirty times faster for gas absorption
in hollow fibers than in packed towers [1,2].
Liquid extraction is six hundred times faster in
fibers than in mixer settlers [3-71. This fast
mass transfer in hollow fibers is due to their
large surface area per volume, which is typically one hundred times bigger than in conventional equipment.
However, the improved separations promised by hollow fibers will only be realized if the
Correspondence to: E.L. Cussler, Dep. Chem. Eng. and
Mater. Sci., University of Minnesota, 151 Amundson Hall,
421 Washington Ave., S.E., Minneapolis, MN 55455-0132,
larger area per volume is not compromised by
a low overall mass transfer coefficient. In general, the mass transfer coefficient is a weighted
average of the individual mass transfer coefficients in the feed, across the membrane, and in
the permeate. In other words, the speed of the
separations is controlled by the overall resistance to mass transfer; and this overall resistance is the sum of the mass transfer resistances in the feed, across the membrane, and in
the permeate [ 81.
This separation-controlling,
overall mass
transfer resistance has in the past been dominated by the resistance of the membrane. This
was because the permeability of the membrane
was low and because the membrane was thick.
Extensive research both in industry and academia is changing this picture, producing ultrathin composite membranes with a much smaller
mass transfer resistance. Parallel research on
0 1992 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved.
S.R. W ickramasinghe et al,/J. M embrane Sci. 69 (1992) 235- 250 zyxwvutsrq
236 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
microporous membranes has adjusted the pore
size and membrane hydrophobicity, again
yielding a much smaller mass transfer
These reductions in membrane resistance are
broadening the focus of membrane separations
to include the resistances in the feed and permeate. This expanded focus has produced some
design relations describing these resistances
[ 5,9,10]. These design relations, commonly expressed as mass transfer correlations, allow development of better hollow fiber modules than
those prototypes made when hollow fibers were
first available. The mass transfer correlations
often find support in corresponding heat transfer relations: the Sherwood and Nussult numbers will vary in the same way with Reynolds
number, for example.
More recent hollow fiber modules have explored new geometries where neither mass
transfer correlations or heat transfer parallels
exist. These new modules often outperform
earlier designs, a tribute to their inventors’ intuition. Their development has been especially
striking in the modules developed for blood oxygenation. These modules, the essential part of
the heart-lung machines used in cardiac surgery, achieve extremely high mass transfer per
unit volume. Such performance reduces the
need for blood transfusions, and hence the risk
of accidental infection from blood contaminated with HIV or hepatitis.
The goals of this paper reflect both the substantial potential of hollow fiber modules and
their accelerating development as blood oxygenators. These goals are focussed by three
(1) What mass transfer correlations are most
(2) Which available hollow fiber geometries
perform best?
( 3 ) Which new membrane geometries have the
greatest potential?
Clearly, the first question is easiest to answer,
and the last is more speculative.
The first question, the reliability of mass
transfer correlations, has its basis in engineering science. There, a century of theoretical effort has produced sound theories for heat
transfer which closely parallel mass transfer
[ 11-131. These theories predict results in hollow fibers where they are applicable. In some
important cases, they aren’t. For example, there
is no theory for the effect of polydispersity of
hollow fiber diameters. There is no theory for
helically arranged hollow fibers. Both these situations are important practically.
The second question, of which module geometry is best, will be seen to depend strongly
on the final use of the module. For blood oxygenators, “best” means the most mass transferred per volume. For antibiotic extraction,
“best” means the most mass transferred per
dollar. We will explore how these different uses
can influence module design.
Finally, the third question asks how mass
transfer operations are best accomplished. In
the past, we accepted the fluid interfaces in
packed towers or countercurrent extractors or
distillation columns because we had no choice
in the shape of the fluid-fluid interface. To be
sure, we could get somewhat better mass transfer by replacing conventional packing with
stacked, structured packing, but we still were
constrained by loading and flooding. Now, we
can use membranes to get the shape of interface which makes mass transfer best. We can
have any shape of fluid-fluid interface which
we want. But what do we want?
We will start to answer these questions in this
paper. We begin in the theory below to explore
deviations of mass transfer in actual modules
from the accepted theories of mass transfer. We
then describe commercially available modules
of various geometries, and report the mass
transfer correlations which describe their performance. Finally, we discuss the relative per-
231 zyxwvutsr
S.R. W ickramasingke et al./J. M embrane Sci. 69 (1992) 235- 250
formance of these modules, and suggest how
This distribution function allows estimation of
further improvements can be made. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDC
the various averages which appear in eqn. (1) :
As mentioned above, we usually describe
mass transfer in hollow fiber modules with an
overall mass transfer coefficient, which is the
reciprocal of an overall mass transfer resistance. This overall resistance is the sum of three
individual resistances, that inside the fiber, that
across the membrane, and that outside the tibers. Each individual resistance is in turn proportional to the reciprocal of an individual mass
transfer coefficient. Often, one of the three individual coefficients will be much smaller than
the other two, and hence dominates the overall
mass transfer coefficient.
In this section, we want to discuss the effect
of polydisperse hollow fiber diameters on a
dominant individual coefficient, and hence on
the overall mass transfer coefficient. In particular, we choose the case where mass transfer in
the fiber lumen dominates performance. We
choose this case because it is easily described
mathematically, though we recognize that other
cases are also important.
To explore this special case, we begin with
the basic equation used to calculate the average
mass transfer coefficient ( k) :
Q= z~r2vgdr
= w
where 1is the module length, assumed constant
for all fibers; Ap is the pressure drop through
the fibers; and p is the feed viscosity. Note that
eqn. (5) implies that the velocity u is given by
the Hagen-Poiseuille law, i.e. that the flow is
laminar. That will always be true here. Finally,
the concentration (c) is given by
(c) = nTr2ucgdr/Q
r4cgdr/ 4 r4gdr
But the concentration in one fiber is given by
in which R is the average fiber radius, Q is the
average volumetric flow through a fiber lumen,
V is the average volume of this lumen, co is the
inlet solute concentration, and (c) is the average, “ cup-mixing” , concentration coming out.
We now assume that the fiber radii are not all
equal, but vary according to a distribution
function g, defined so
(4) zyxwvutsrqp
the analogue of eqn. (1) for a single fiber. When
we combine eqns. (6) and (7 ), we obtain
cc> O”
r4e --6k~l~/&r~~&./
We must now evaluate these integrals.
To do so, we assume that the distribution of
radii is Gaussian:
S.R. Wickramasinghe
et al./J. Menbrane
Sci. 69 (1992) 235-250 zyxwvutsrqp
uneven spacing is not as well known. Still, we
begin by assuming channels between the fi(9)
bers which can be characterized by some apparwhere R,
is an average radius and (Roe, ) 2 is the
ent radius r. We can further assume that the
variance of this distribution of radii. We now
velocity within these channels is proportional
can use this to show from eqns. (3) that R
to r2, consistent both with the Blake-Kozeny
equals R,. In this, we also assume that because
equation and the Hagen-Poiseuille law. We can
E,<< 1zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
the integration from zero to infinity is
then parallel the analysis above to fined
essentially that from minus infinity to infinity.
Similarly, from eqn. (4))
(k) =k[l-(z,/m++:+...]
and from eqn. (5 ) ,
Q= %[1+6r;+3$]
The average concentration given in eqn. (8) is
more difficult to calculate analytically. As a
convenient approximation, we expand the exponential in eqn. (8) as a power series in e,:
e -
We then find
Finally, inserting this into eqn. (1)) expanding
the logrithm as a power series, and combining
with eqns. (10) and (ll), we find
in which V is now the total module volume, Q
is the total flow in the module, R, is the average
channel radius, and E’ is the void fraction of
fibers in the module. Details of this analysis are
given elsewhere [ 141. While we recognize that
eqn. (15) rests on imperfect assumptions, we
are struck by the prediction that at low flow, the zyxwvutsr
(12)average mass transfer coefficient (k) falls below k, that for a perfectly spaced fiber array. As
a result, we expect that modules with uneven
fiber spacing will show smaller mass transfer
coefficients than modules with very exact spacing. We will discuss this point more fully in connection with the experiments, which are described next.
At low flow Q, the average mass transfer coefficient (k) will be less than the value k expected in one fiber. Thus, polydisperse hollow
fibers produce uneven flows which in turn reduce the average mass transfer coefficient in the
hollow fiber module.
We can also analyse the effect of unequal
flows outside the hollow fibers caused by unevenly spaced fibers. Such an analysis is more
speculative than that given above because the
The chemicals and procedure closely imitated those of earlier experiments, and so are
described only very briefly [2,9,X]. Basically,
water saturated with oxygen was pumped
through the particular membrane module under study, using a FM1 Fluid Metering Inc.
model RP-D high pressure liquid chromatography pump. Water saturated nitrogen under
10 psi flowed countercurrently to the liquid
water. Oxygen concentrations in and out of the
239 zyxwvutsrq
S.R. W ickramasinghe et al./J. M embrane Sci. 69 (1992) 235- 250
module were measured using a Orion model 9708-00 oxygen specific electrode.
Nine different membrane modules were used
in this work. All the modules used microporous
polypropylene membranes; six used hollow fiber membranes and three used a crimped flat
membrane. Three of the hollow fiber modules
were of a shell-and-tube design, shown schematically in Fig. 1 (a). Two modules (HoechstCelanese model numbers 5010-8010 and 50108020, Charlotte, NC.) used fibers of 240 pm internal diameter, 30 pm wall thickness, 0.05 pm
pore size, and 30% void fraction. The model
8010 contains 7500 fibers with an effective
length of 18.4 cm; the model 8020 contains
12,500 fibers with an effective length of 24.8 cm.
The third shell and tube module, of 1.0 m2 area,
used a fabric made of these same hollow fibers
as the warp, and with 26 pm nylon thread as a
weft. This fabric was made in an attempt to reduce the channelling on the shell side of the
Three of the modules used were commercial
hollow fiber blood oxygenators, which differed
(a) Flow Inside or Outside and Parallel
primarily in the way in which the hollow fibers
were arranged. The first used a helically wound
bed, shown rchematically in Fig. l(b) (Medtronic “Maxima”, Anaheim, CA). This module
contains 2800 fibers 48 cm long and 400 pm in
diameter, with a wall thickness of 30 pm. The
second uses a cylindrical bed of fibers, shown
schematically in Fig. 1 (c) (Sarnes/3M model
16310, Ann Arbor, MI). This unit has 11,000
fibers, 10 cm long, with an internal diameter of
240 pm. The fiber in these units is also made by
Hoechst-Celanese. The third blood oxygenator
used a rectangular bed of hollow fibers, shown
schematically in Fig. 1 (d) (Bard model William Harvey HF-5000, Billerica, MA; manufactured by Minntec, St. Paul, MN). This module
contains 32,400 fibers, 13 cm long, with an internal diameter of 220 ,um and a wall thickness
of 25 pm. These fibers, manufactured by Mitsubishi, give the same mass transfer performance when used under the same module geometry. However, modules with different geometry
perform differently, as shown in the next
(b) Flow Across a Helically Wound Bundle
(e) Flow Along a Crimpled Flat Membrane
Gas Out
Out 4-
Gas Out
(c) Flow Across a Cylindrical Bundle
(d) Flow Across a Rectangular Bundle
Water Out
;t ,
Water In
Fig. 1. Schematic drawings of the modules used. Three modules have the form in (a); one has the form in each of (b), (c),
and (d); and three have the form in (e). Sources of the modules are given in the text.
S.R. Wickramasinghe
et aL/J. Membrane Sci. 69 (1992) 235-250 zyxwvutsrq
fined Sherwood numbers, defined as ( (iz) d/
The final three modules studied, which are
D). The Sherwood numbers found from these
also blood oxygenators, use a flat crimped
experiments are plotted in Fig. 2 vs. Graetz
membrane, shown schematically in Fig. 1 (e)
numbers, defined as ( d2u/DZ). Data from four
(Cobe Cardiovascular Inc. models EXCEL
modules are shown in this figure. One set - the
(050-123-000), ULTRA (150-120-000) and VP
open circles - are from a module with very carePLUS (050-125-000)) Arvado, CO). These
fully aligned and spaced hollow fibers [91.Two
modules use flat Hoechst-Celanese memsets
- the open and filled squares - are from
branes, crimped to form blood channels shaped
modules with less carefully aligned
like isosceles triangles with a base of 150 pm
fibers which are much more tightly packed (Fig.
and a side of 4 cm. These modules differ only
la). The final data set - the open triangles in the number of channels, and hence in the
are from a rectangular bed of hollow fibers (Fig.
membrane area. Mass transfer results for all
Id). zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPO
these modules are given in the next section.
The data for all four modules in Fig. 2 agree
with each other. This agreement exists
even though the data for the rectangular bed
hollow fibers made by a different supplier
In this paper, we report measurements of
than those for the three other
mass transfer in six different types of memmodules
. This agreement
brane modules made by five different manufacsupports
oxygen mass
turers. In this section, we report the experitransfer is controlled by diffusion in the water,
mental values, and emphasize differences
and is unaffected by diffusion across the membetween the data. In the following section, we
or on the shell side of the module [15].
discuss correlations inferred from these experMoreover,
the data in Fig. 2 agree closely with
iments, and contrast these with literature data
prediction of LQv$que [16], at
wherever similarities exist. For convenience, we
least at high Graetz numbers. Indeed, mass
organize the report in this section under four
transfer coefficients rarely agree with theory as
exactly as in Fig. 2.
(1) flow inside the hollow fibers;
However, at low Graetz numbers, the Sher(2) flow outside and parallel to the hollow
fibers; zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
(3) flow outside but across the hollow fibers;
(4 ) flow across crimped flat membranes.
Results for modules with each of these geometries are discussed in detail below.
Flowinside hallow fibers
In these experiments, water saturated with
oxygen is pumped through the hollow fibers,
and the space outside of the fibers is rapidly
flushed with water-saturated nitrogen. Mass
transfer coefficients calculated from the reduced oxygen concentrations are then used to
Fig. 2. Oxygen mass transfer out of water flowing within
hollow fibers. Both the Sherwood and Graetz numbers are
based on the internal fiber diameter d. (0 ) handmade,
shell-and-tube module; ( 0,~) commercial shell-and-tube
modules; and (A ) rectangular bed of hollow fibers. (-)
LM que limit, (- - - - ) correction calculated from eqn. ( 14).
S.R. W ickramasinghe et al./J. M embrane Sci. 69 (1992) 235- 250
241 zyxwvutsr
wood numbers in Fig. 2 deviate from the theoretical prediction, even though they remain
consistent with each other. Such deviations are
expected, because LQvgque’s theory assumes
that the oxygen concentration at the center of
the fibers is unchanged [16]. Obviously, this
will not be true for slow flows or long tubes, i.e.
for low Graetz numbers. When the concept of
Fig. 3. Oxygen mass transfer out of water flowing on the
a thin diffusion layer close to the wall of the
shell side of shell-and-tube
modules. Both the Sherwood
fiber is no longer valid, the Ldvgque solution is
and Graetz numbers are based on the equivalent diameter
expected to break down. Newman [17] pred.. (0,O) refer to the shell-and-tube module models 8010
sents an extension to the LQveque solution by
(7500 fibers) and 8020 (12000 fibers) respectively. ( 0 )
refer to the module made with a hollow fiber fabric. (-,- considering the terms neglected by LQvgque.
- - -) refer to the correlations of Yang [9] and Prasad [ 71,
Naturally when the diffusion boundary layer
reaches the center of the tube, Newman’s extension too is no longer valid. In these cases,
the oxygen concentration in water flowing on
one must use the more rigorous Graetz solution
the shell side of modules like those in Fig. 1 (a).
[ 18-201.
Water-saturated nitrogen flows rapidly through
Surprisingly, the deviations of the Sherwood
each fiber’s lumen. Unlike the data for flow
numbers from the theory are in the opposite
within the fibers, the results for the three moddirection to the predicted improvements to the
ules studied are different. Those for module
LtMque solution. In other words, at low flows,
# 8010, which has 7500 fibers, give mass transthe experimental results fall below the solid line
fer coefficients about three times higher than
in Fig. 2, but the Graetz solution lies above the
those for module f8020, which has 12,500 filine. We believe that the deviations from theory
bers. While the different number of fibers seems
in Fig. 2 are caused by the slight polydispersity
too small to cause such a large difference, the
in the hollow fiber diameters, and not by other
fibers in module # 8010 are potted in a dumblimitations of the LdvCque analysis. To test this
bell shaped shell which might facilitate flow
belief, we measured the diameters of individual
around the fiber ends and reduce channelling.
hollow fibers for module # 8020, and found that
However, the data for module #8020 agree
these diameters showed a standard deviation of
closely with earlier correlations of similar mod5%. We then used eqn. (14) to estimate the
ules containing 16,120, and 300 fibers [ 91. All
change in (k). The result of this estimate,
of these results show mass transfer coefficients
shown as the dotted line in Fig. 2, is in reasonvarying almost linearly with velocity. In other
able agreement with the data for all the modwords, all show Sherwood numbers proporules. Similar deviations have been observed by
tional to Graetz numbers.
others, for example Prasad and Sirkar [7,21]
The data for the hollow fiber fabric module,
and Zander et al. [ 221. Analogous deviations
shown as squares in Fig. 3, seem more consishave also been observed in heat transfer
with the result of module # 8020 than with
[23,24]. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
those of module #8010. Interestingly, however, these data seem to show a smaller variaFlow outside and parallel to hollow fibers
tion of Sherwood number with Graetz number.
In the experiments, shown in Fig. 3, mass
This smaller variation is consistent with one
transfer coefficients are found from changes in
earlier, careful study of mass transfer in this
type of module [21] and with that expected
performance is similar to that of crossflow heat
from heat transfer in shell-and-tube heat exexchangers [ 91.
changers [ 11,121. As it is easier to avoid chanThe close agreement of the Sherwood numnelling with a few dozen heat exchanger tubes
bers in Fig. 4 suggests that the flow within the
than with thousands of hollow fibers, we are
modules must be similar, In other words, it sugtempted to attribute this smaller variation to
gests that flow through a rectangular bed, flow
reduced channelling. We have no quantitative
through a helically wound bed, and flow through
reason to do so now. Accordingly, we will ema cylindrical bundle all give similar boundary
phasize module #8020 in the discussion later
layers near the fiber surface, and hence similar
in this paper. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
mass transfer coefficients. This seems inconsistent with experiments which claim that there
is an optimum angle for winding helical modFlow outside and across hollow fibers
ules [25]. The result certainly merits much
more experimental attention, especially since
similar modules with non-porous fibers are
These experiments used the modules in Fig.
strong candidates for gas separations.
1 (b
) , 1 (c ) and 1 (d) , and so involve somewhat
We have also made preliminary experiments
different flows. However, the Sherwood numfor
flow across a mat made of the hollow fiber
bers for these modules, shown in Fig. 4, agree
fabric. We have not shown these data in Fig. 4
closely. All vary roughly linearly with Reynolds
because doing so crowds the figure and benumber at low Reynolds numbers, i.e. at low
we plan to describe these results in much
flow. All seem to approach a variation with the
in a later paper. Nevertheless, we
0.33 power of Reynolds number at higher flows.
are sure that mass transfer coefficients for the
This 0.33 power is consistent with the variahollow fiber fabric fall very close to those of the
tions observed for flow perpendicular to 300
module, and thus are dramatically
carefully spaced fibers in a hand made module.
flows than those for the commerHowever, the data for these modules seem to
cially built modules. The implication is that the
approach Sherwood numbers about half of
hollow fiber fabric has more monodisperse voids
those observed in the handmade module, whose
than the commercial modules, and hence has
less flow channeling.
loo,,,.,,,, zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Flow along flat, crimped microporous
Finally, we report mass transfer coefficients
for crimped flat membranes made of the same
membrane material as the hollow fibers used
for the results in Figs. 2-4. The use of flat memFig. 4. Oxygen mass transfer out of water flowing across
branes may seem out of place in work emphahollow fibers. The Sherwood and Reynolds numbers are
sizing hollow fibers. However, the crimped, flat
based on the outer fiber diameter. (A&,0)
flow across
is basic to a commonly used blood
fiber bundles that are rectangular, he&al, and cylindrical,
oxygenator which is often described as the easrespectively (cf. Fig. 1) .zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
(-) correlation based on carefully
spaced, handmade modules [9].
iest to use clinically. As a result, we felt that it
243 zyxwvuts
S.R. W ickramasinghe et al./J. M embrane Sci. 69 (1992) 235250
lated by plots of Sherwood number vs. Graetz
or Reynolds number. In many cases, the correlations combine results for modules whose
geometry would seem to vary significantly. But
the very success of these correlations raises
other questions. Two seem especially major:
(1) How do the correlations obtained here
1 I *c*
compare with other, earlier efforts?
Graek Number zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
(2 ) Which module geometries offer the fastest
mass transfer?
Fig. 5. Oxygen mass transfer across a crimped, flat memWe will begin to answer these questions in this
brane. The Sherwood and Graetz numbers are defined as
final section of this paper.
(k)b/D and b’Q/DV. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
modules with membrane areas of 0.40,0.85,1.25, and 3.0 m*, respectively. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFE
merited the same effort which we spent on the
other units.
In Table 1, we compare the mass transfer
The data for the three flat membrane modcorrelations obtained here with those obtained
ules studied agree closely with each other as
earlier. Such comparisons should be made caushown in Fig. 5. Two points about this appartiously, for some aspects of correlations like
ent agreement merit emphasis. First, Fig. 5 plots
these have been much carefully studied than
the Sherwood number vs. the Graetz number,
others. We have tried to signal this caution in
as Figs. 2 and 3 do; but these dimensionless
the organization of the table. The first column
groups are now differently defined. Both groups
in the table gives the basic geometry studied.
are now written in terms of the channel width
The second column gives the range of flows, exb, rather than the fiber diameter d. Thus the
pressed as a Graetz or a Reynolds number. The
Sherwood number is written as ( ( It) b/D). The
Graetz number is defined as (d2u/DZ) for flow
Graetz number, now defined in terms of the toinside the fiber and as (d,2u/DZ) for flow outtal flow per module volume is written as ( b2Q/
side and parallel to the fibers. The Reynolds
D V). The second point about the data in Fig. 5
number is defined as (du/v), except as indiis that the four modules reported were actually
cated. For the flat membrane, the Graetz numthree separate units. One large module had a
ber is defined as b2Q/D V. The third column in
surface area of 3 m2; and an intermediate sized
Table 1 gives the mass transfer coefficient vs.
module had a surface area of 1.25 m2. The
those variables which are actually altered in the
smallest module, intended for pediatric use,
experiments, and the fourth gives the dimencould be operated with an area of 0.4 m2. By
sionless correlation inferred from this variausing different parts which use different memtion. The difference between these columns is
branes, we could also operate the smallest modimportant. While both are consistent, the
ule with an area of 0.85 m2. Thus the results in
fourth often contains implicit assumptions. For
Fig. 5 are for three modules, one of which was
example, in the easiest case of fast flow inside
operated in two different ways. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
the fibers, column (4) asserts that the mass
The data in Figs. 2-5 show that mass transfer in these modules can be effectively corre-
transfer coefficient (k) varies with the two
thirds power of the diffusion coefficient D. We
believe this assertion is correct, because it is
consistent with theory and with experiments of
Mass transfer correlations for hollow fiber modules of varying geomet$
Flow geometry
Flow range
Experimental resultb
Inferred correlation
Literature correlation
Flow inside
(k) =4.3x lo-sfu/lj”s
Sk= 1.62G+
Sh= 1.62Gr”3
(k) =1.5x 10-4(u/l)
Theory and experiment don’t agree
at low flows, apparently because
of slight polydispersity in hollow fiber
diameters (cf. eqn. 14).
Flow outside and
parallel to fibers”
Flow outside and
across fibers
Re> 2.5
Gr> 11
<k) =O.O025(Q/A)‘=
Flow along a
crimped flat
Sk = 0.39Re0?W’~s3
The correlation obtained here, which
agrees with the earlier result, can be
written either vs. Graetz number or
vs. Reynolds and Schmidt numbers.
The values of (k) are less than
those for well spaced fibers, but
increase more with increasing
The results at high flow agree closely
with the literature correlation,
but those at low flow do not.
Sh= 1.25G?
<k) zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
“Dimensionless groups are defined for the hollow fiber modules as follows: Sherwood numbers Sh= (k)d/D,
Graetz number Gr=d%/DI; Reynolds number Re=du/v; Schmidt
number SC= v/D. Note that d is the fiber diameter except as indicated.
%nite are k: m/set; u: m/set; 1:m; Q: m3/sec; A: m2.
‘The characteristic length for this geometry is the equivalent diameter 4, equal to four times the cross section for flow divided by the wetted perimeter.
dThe characteristic length for this geometry is the crimp length b; the Graets number is defined as b*Q/DV.
S.R. W ickramasinghe et al./J. M embrane Sci. 69 (1992) 235- 250
others [6,9,10]; but we have not examined this
assertion in the experiments reported in this
paper. The fifth column in Table 1 lists correlations reported in earlier literature effects
We now want to discuss each of the four geometries in Table 1 in more detail. For fast flow
inside of the fibers, our results are consistent
both with the theory of LQvQque,and with earlier experiments by us and others. Indeed, this
correlation is so well established that the observed consistency seems more a justification
of our experimental procedure than a new verification of this established result.
In contrast, for slow flow inside the fibers,
the observed mass transfer coefficients fall significantly below the accepted correlation,
shown as the solid line in Fig. 2. As explained
in the results section above, we believe that this
is due to unequal diameters of the hollow fibers.
Predictions based on this hypothesis, summarized by eqn. (14)) seem consistent with our experiments. (We urge caution in applying this
theory quantitatively, for it is based on a Taylor series expansion. ) This result was for us unexpected, especially since it is in the opposite
direction to other theoretical corrections for
mass transfer out of a cylinder [ 17,201. It seems
a disadvantage of hollow fiber modules.
We can explain this effect in qualitative terms
by imagining a module with only two hollow fibers of equal length, one of which has twice the
diameter of the other. The big fiber will carry
sixteen times the flow and have half the residence time as the small one [assuming, as does
eqn. (5 ), that the pressure drop applied across
both fibers is the same]. The big fiber will allow
less mass transfer than expected from a correlation based on an average fiber diameter, equal
to half the sum of the two diameters. Thus the
apparent mass transfer coefficient calculated
from eqn. (1) will be less than that theoretically estimated from the average fiber diameter.
245 zyxwvutsrq
The results for flow outside of and parallel to
the hollow fibers are much less conclusive,
probably because the chance of channelling
along the axis of the fiber bundle is so great.
Our results do support the near-linear variation of mass transfer coefficient with fluid flow
observed in some earlier studies [9,15,21]. Our
results do not explicitly investigate the variation with void fraction because the modules
studied use close-packed fibers [ 5 1.
After reflection, we believe that correlating
the results vs. Graetz number makes more sense
than correlating them with some product of
Reynolds and Schmidt numbers. This essentially presumes that the Sherwood number varies little with changes in viscosity, which will
be true if the velocity profile is quickly established within the module. For example, the
Sherwood number for mass transfer inside the
fibers varies only with the Graetz number, and
is independent of the viscosity. However, our
belief that the Graetz number based correlation is preferable has not been experimentally
The third geometry, involving flow outside of
but perpendicular to a fiber bundle, is more interesting because it gives faster mass transfer.
Not surprisingly, this geometry is that frequently chosen for blood oxygenators. The
Sherwood numbers for the modules studied in
this case are about half those of handmade
modules with precisely spaced fibers [9]. At
high Reynolds numbers, they may be approaching this handmade limit; but at low Reynolds numbers, they drop further, showing a
near linear variation with Graetz number. This
change is reflected in the correlations given in
Table 1. At the same time, our preliminary experiments on hollow fiber fabric did agree with
the values for the handbuilt modules at both
high and low flow.
We are pleasantly surprised that the same
correlation works reasonably well for the three
S.R. W ickramasinghe et al./J. M embrane Sci. 69 (1992) 235- 250 zyxwvutsrq
246 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
the same time, we are disappointed that the
Sherwood numbers at low flow lie below the
correlations observed at high flow. We are unsure why this is so. One possible cause is the
somewhat polydisperse channels between fibers, which cause uneven flows and lead to reduced mass transfer coefficients, as suggested
by eqn. (15). This hypothesis is consistent with
the hollow fiber fabric results which have more
regular channels. However, we are much less
confident that eqn. (15) is as useful as the result for flow inside the fibers, given by eqn. (14).
Both equations assume that variations in the
flow channels follow a Gaussian distribution.
This is justified by measurements of internal
fiber diameters, and hence is reasonable for eqn.
(14). This Gaussian assumption is a speculation for gaps between fibers, and hence for eqn.
(15). Moreover, a larger internal fiber diameter produces a larger flow which persists for the
length of the module. A larger channel between
fibers produces a larger flow for only one course
of fiber; then this flow must find its way through
new gaps in a new course of fibers. While polydisperse gaps between fibers seem a reasonable explanation for the decrease in module
performance, we have not proved that this is
the cause.
The results for the crimped flat membranes
also seem to show mass transfer correlations
consistent with theoretical expectations at
higher flows, dropping to lower values at low
flow. In particular, the results in the triangular
channels of these modules seem to give Sherwood numbers varying with the cube root of the
Graetz number at Graetz numbers above eleven.
This is consistent with the results expected for
flow in a slit. The Sherwood numbers vary more
linearly with Graetz number at lower flows. Reassuringly, the data for all modules, whose
membrane area varies ten times, appear to fit
the same correlation.
Performance at equal flow per membrane area
We now turn from the correlations inferred
from this work to consider which module designs offer faster mass transfer. As we have discussed elsewhere, our considerations must include the choice of a basis for this comparison
[ 26,271. In this paper, we give results for two
choices: performance at constant flow per
membrane area, and performance at constant
flow per module volume. The former choice is
better for those who want to use membrane
modules for industrial separations. The latter
is more appropriate for those designing blood
oxygenators. We consider each choice below.
To compare modules operated at equal flow
per membrane area, we first make a mass balance on the module [8] to find the fraction removed 8
,l_e-<WA/Q zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQP
where A is the total area in the membrane module. This result is the general case of the mass
balance given in eqn. (1) for flow inside hollow
fibers, where the membrane area per fiber volume is (2/R). We want to maximize mass
transfer, and hence the fraction transferred.
Because the flow per area Q/A is constant, this
means that we want to maximize the mass
transfer coefficient (k) .
Values of (iz) and 6’ for the specific module
geometries used here are compared in Table 2.
In this table, we have assumed a flow per area
of 0.005 cm/set, characteristic of that used for
absorption and extraction in membrane contactors. We have used the fiber size and module
dimensions specific to the units studied here.
We have chosen the physical properties appropriate for oxygen transfer from liquid water into
nitrogen gas. Extensions to other module geometries and other chemical systems can be
easily made using the correlations in Table 1.
S.R. W ickramasinghe et al./J. M embrane Sci. 69 (1992) 235- 250
Relative performance for different geometries with equal flow per membrane area. The flow per area of 0.005 cm/set is typical of that
used in absorption or extraction. All physical properties assume oxygen dissolved in water being transferred across a microporous membrane into rapidly flowing, water saturated nitrogen
Module type
Inside fibers
Outside fibers
Parallel to flat
Membrane area
Bed length
Water flow
k( zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZY
X 10~%m/sec)
Shell and tube (Fig. la)
Shell and tube (Fig. la)
Rectangular bundle (Fig. Id)
Cylindrical bundle (Fig. lc)
Helical bundle (Fig. lb)
Shell-and-tube (Fig. la)
Rectangular bundle (Fig. Id)
Crimped membrane (Fig. le)
Crimped membrane (Fig. le)
The results in Table 2 show that modules with
water flowing outside of the fibers are usually
more effective than modules with water inside
the modules. Modules with a crimped, flat
membrane perform between these two cases.
Beyond these quick generalizations, there are
curious subtilties. First, all the modules with
water inside the fibers perform almost equally,
whether the fibers are in a shell-and-tube or fiber bed geometry. Second, flow outside and
across the fibers is at least ten times more effective than flow outside and parallel to the fibers. Third, crossflow modules perform best
when the length of the fiber bed is greatest. Because the flow per area is fixed, a deep bed
means a small cross-sectional area for flow, a
high velocity, and hence a large mass transfer
coefficient. The large coefficient in turn means
a large fraction of the oxygen removed.
Thus the results in Table 2 suggest that better performance will come from modules operated with flow across deep beds of hollow fibers.
Such beds will have a higher pressure drop and
hence a higher pumping cost. Based on other
work [27], we expect that pumping costs will
become important for beds with fiber diame-
72 zyxwvutsrqpon
ters around 200 pm and a membrane cost of
Performance at equal flow per module volume
The second basis for judging module performance, vs. equal flow per module volume, is
more applicable to the design of blood oxygenators. This is because these oxygenators are
used in heart surgery, where infection due to
transfusions with contaminated blood is a major risk. Maximizing performance per module
volume minimizes transfusions and hence risk.
In analysing this case, we begin by rewriting
eqn. (16)as:
8=1 _ -Cc)
where a is the membrane area per module volume. To maximize the fraction removed 8 at
fixed flow per module volume (Q/V), we want
to maximize the product (k) a. In contrast, in
the earlier case, we wanted to maximize the
mass transfer coefficient (Iz) .
The results for equal flow per volume, shown
in Table 3, exhibit many of the same character-
S.R. Wickramasinghe et al./J. Membrane Sci. 69 (1992) 235-250
Relative performance for different geometries with equal flow per module volume. The flow per volume of 1.0 see-l is typical
of that in membrane oxygenators. AI1 physical properties assume oxygen dissolved in water being transferred across a
microporous membrane into rapidly flowing, water saturated nitrogen
Module type
Module volume Module length Water flow (k) a (set-‘)
Percent removed
Inside fibers
Shell and tube (Fig. la)
Shell and tube (Fig. la)
Rectangular bundle (Fig. Id)
Outside fibers Cylindrical bundle (Fig. lc )
Helical bundle (Fig. lb)
Rectangular bundle (Fig. Id)
Shell-and-tube (Fig. la)
Parallel to fiat Crimped membrane (Fig. le)
membrane Crimped membrane (Fig. le)
istics of the results in Table 2. As before, crossflow modules are most effective, followed first
by crimped membranes, and then by shell-andtube modules with flow inside the fibers. Shelland-tube modules with flow outside and parallel to the fibers are least effective under these
conditions. The most effective modules among
the crossflow devices are those with the greatest membrane area per volume a. A large value
of a increases the fraction removed; it also implicitly increases the velocity past the fibers and
hence the mass transfer coefficient.
We urge caution in concluding that some
blood oxygenators are better than others solely
on the basis of the results in Table 3. Remember that these results are for oxygen being removed from water and not for oxygen diffusing
into blood. Obviously, the choice of a blood
oxygenator also depends on factors like clinical
convenience and blood damage, factors which
are not investigated here. Blood damage in particular may be increased by factors like high
shear, factors which also increase mass transfer rates.
We can draw more definite conclusions about
the importance of membrane properties. In
general, we expect the overall mass transfer
coefficient K to be a function of the mass transfer coefficients across the membrane hMand in
the liquid ( zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSR
k) :
-- 1
where H is a partition coefficient, the equilibrium concentration in the gas divided by that
in the liquid. For oxygen in water, H is about
twenty and kM is given by
kM = D/6
where D is the diffusion coefficient in the membrane and S is the membrane thickness. Again,
for oxygen, D is about 0.05 cm2/sec and 6 is
about 0.01 cm, so (l/Hk,)
is about 0.001 set/
cm. In contrast, the largest value of (k) in Table 3 is about 0.02 cm/set, so (l/(k)
) is about
fifty. As a result, K is dominated by (It), and
independent of kM or 6. Phrased in other terms,
module performance is independent of membrane properties. For blood rather than water,
module performance is more complicated. The
partition coefficient H now drops, and the mass
transfer coefficient (k) can be accelerated by
S.R. Wickramasinghe
249 zyxwvutsrq
et al./J. Membrane Sci. 69 (1992) 235-250
List of symbols
the oxygen-hemoglobin
reaction. For the
membrane properties to become important,
HIzMmust be about equal to (k) [8]. For this
membrane area per volume
to occur, the half life of the oxygen-hemoglobin
blood channel size
reaction must be less than 10m6sec.
c zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
The results in both Tables 2 and 3 are limited
inlet concentration
to the case of fast nitrogen flow on the gas side
of the membrane. Such fast flow insures that
fiber diameter: twice the average
the oxygen concentration in the nitrogen is alradius
ways near zero, and the concentration differequivalent diameter: four times the cross
ence responsible for mass transfer is kept near
section for flow divided by the wetted
its maximum possible value. Blood oxygenaperimeter
tors are in fact operated under equivalent cong distribution function (eqn. 2)
ditions: the air flow is kept high to maximize
Graetz number
the concentration differences of oxygen and
mass transfer coefficient
carbon dioxide, and hence maximize the mass
(k) average mass transfer coefficient (eqn. 1)
transfer of these species.
module length
Modules used for chemical processing, inpressure
cluding those for absorption and extraction, will
average water flow (eqn. 5)
not be operated in this way. Instead, the two
fluids will usually flow countercurrently to each
R,R, average radii (eqns 3 and 9 )
other. Such countercurrent contacting gives
Re Reynolds number
more complete separations than either concurSh Sherwood number
rent flow or crossflow. Thus better membrane
modules for chemical processing should try to
average volume (eqn. 4)
include both local flow across the fibers, and
countercurrent flow in the module itself. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGF
60 standard deviation divided by the mean
Bradley Reed (Hoechst-Celanese ), Marc
Voorhees (Cobe Cardiovascular, Inc. ) James
McCabe (Bard), Ron Leonard (Sarnes 3M),
and Jean Pierson (Medtronic) provided the
modules used in this work. We benefitted from
discussions with Ravi Prasad (Hoechst-Celanese) , Marc Voorhees (Cobe Cardiovascular,
Inc. ) and Wallace Jansen (Minntec ) . The work
was largely supported by Hoechst-Celanese.
Other support came from the National Science
Foundation (grant CTS 89-12634), from General Mills, and from the Center for Interfacial
(eqn. 9)
fraction of feed oxygen removed
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