Measurement of soil-water characteristic curves
for fine-grained soils using a small-scale
R.M. Khanzode, S.K. Vanapalli, and D.G. Fredlund
Abstract: Considerably long periods of time are required to measure soil-water characteristic curves using conventional
equipment such as pressure plate apparatus or a Tempe cell. A commercially available, small-scale medical centrifuge
with a swinging type rotor assembly was used to measure the soil-water characteristic curves on statically compacted,
fine-grained soil specimens. A specimen holder was specially designed to obtain multiple sets of water content versus
suction data for measuring the soil-water characteristic curve at a single speed of rotation of the centrifuge. The soilwater characteristic curves were measured for three different types of fine-grained soils. The three soils used in the
study were processed silt (liquid limit, wL = 24%; plasticity index, Ip = 0; and clay = 7%), Indian Head till (wL =
35.5%, Ip = 17%, and clay = 30%), and Regina clay (wL = 75.5%, Ip = 21%, and clay = 70%). The soil-water characteristic curves for the above soils were measured in 0.5, 1, and 2 days, respectively, using the centrifuge technique for
suction ranges from 0 to 600 kPa. Time periods of 2, 4–6, and 16 weeks were required for measuring the soil-water
characteristic curves for the same soils using a conventional pressure plate apparatus. There is reasonably good agreement between the experimental results obtained by the centrifuge and the pressure plate methods. The results of this
study are encouraging as soil-water characteristic curves can be measured in a reduced time period when using a
small-scale centrifuge.
Key words: unsaturated soils, soil-water characteristic curve, centrifuge technique, soil suction, matric suction, water
Résumé : L’utilisation d’équipements conventionnels (e.g., cellule Tempe) pour mesurer les courbes caractéristiques
sol-eau requiert des durées considérables. Une petite centrifugeuse médicale disponible commercialement a été utilisée
pour mesurer la courbe caractéristique sol-eau de spécimens de sols à grains fins compactés de façon statique. Un support pour les spécimens a été conçu spécialement à cet effet. Les mesures ont été effectuées sur trois types de sols :
silt (wL = 24 %, Ip = 0, et argile = 7 %), till Indian Head (wL = 35,5 %, Ip = 17 %, et argile = 30 %), et argile de Regina (wL = 75,5 %, Ip = 21 %, et argile = 70 %). Les courbes caractéristiques sol-eau couvrant de 0 à 600 kPa ont été
mesurées en un demi jour, un jour, et un jour et demi avec la centrifugeuse sur ces trois sols, respectivement. Cependant, des périodes de 2, 4 à 6, et 16 semaines étaient requises avec une méthode conventionnelle. L’accord entre les résultats obtenus par les deux méthodes est satisfaisant. Les résultats de cette étude sont encourageants puisque les
courbes caractéristiques sol-eau peuvent être mesurées durant une période de temps réduite lorsque la petite centrifugeuse est utilisée.
Mots clés : sols non saturés, courbe caractéristique sol-eau, centrifugeuse, suction, contenu en eau.
Khanzode et al.
Geotechnical and geo-environmental engineers are often
required to analyze problems involving unsaturated soils.
The engineering behavior of unsaturated soils can be interpreted in terms of net normal stress, (σ⋅ – ua), and matric suction, (ua – uw), using experimental test results (Fredlund and
Rahardjo 1993). When soil behavior is related to the stress
Received 23 May 2001. Accepted 18 April 2002. Published on the NRC Research Press Web site at http://cgj.nrc.ca on
17 September 2002.
R.M. Khanzode. Natural Resources Canada, Pipe Flow Technology Centre, c/o Saskatchewan Research Council, 820 – 51st Street,
Saskatoon, SK S7K 0X8, Canada.
S.K. Vanapalli.1 Civil Engineering Department, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, ON P7B 5E1, Canada.
D.G. Fredlund. Department of Civil Engineering, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK S7N 5A9, Canada.
Corresponding author (e-mail: sai.vanapalli@lakeheadu.ca).
Can. Geotech. J. 39: 1209–1217 (2002)
DOI: 10.1139/T02-060
© 2002 NRC Canada
Fig. 1. Soil suction measurement principle of the centrifuge.
state, it is possible to propose more rational engineering design procedures. Experimental studies on unsaturated soils
are costly and time-consuming and as a result several semiempirical prediction procedures have been proposed in the
literature to estimate unsaturated soil properties using the
soil-water characteristic curve and the saturated soil properties (van Genuchten 1980; Fredlund et al. 1994; Vanapalli et
al. 1996; Barbour 1998).
The soil-water characteristic curve defines the relationship
between soil suction and gravimetric water content, w, volumetric water content, θw, or degree of saturation, S. Soilwater characteristic curves are commonly measured in the
laboratory for a suction range of 0–1500 kPa using conventional pressure plate equipment. Typically, six to eight data
points are measured such that the important features of the
soil-water characteristic curve (i.e., air-entry value and the
residual state conditions) can be determined from the measured
data. Pressure plate or the Tempe cells are reliable apparatuses for both coarse- and fine-grained soils, but considerable testing time is required.
In this paper, a Beckman J6-HC small-scale medical centrifuge with a swinging type JS – 4.2 rotor assembly (six
buckets) was used to measure the soil-water characteristic
curves. The design details of a specially designed soil specimen holder are described. Multiple water contents versus
suction data points can be obtained at one single speed of rotation using the described specimen holder. Comparisons are
made between the measured soil-water characteristic curve
data obtained using conventional equipment and the data
from the small-scale centrifuge. Data is shown for three different, fine-grained soils with varying percentages of clay.
Briggs and McLane (1907) appear to be the first investigators to use the centrifuge technique for measuring the relationship between soil suction and the water content retained
by a soil. Gardner (1937) measured the capillary tension in a
soil over a wide range of water contents by determining the
equilibrium water content of calibrated filter papers that were
in contact with the moist soil. The filter papers were calibrated by determining their water content when brought to
equilibrium with a free water surface in a centrifugal field.
Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 39, 2002
Russell and Richards (1938) improved the technique introduced by Briggs and McLane (1907) for measuring the amount
of water retained in a soil at different values of applied suction. Hassler and Brunner (1945) used a centrifuge method
to obtain the relationship between capillary pressure and saturation for small, consolidated core specimens. Croney et al.
(1952) studies showed that the use of a solid ceramic cylinder in a centrifuge, in comparison to a hollow cylinder, considerably reduced the time required to attain equilibrium
Typically, in a conventional water-retention centrifuge
technique, soil-water characteristic curves are measured by
draining a saturated soil specimen. Different values of equilibrium water content conditions (i.e., lower than the saturated water content condition) can be rapidly achieved by
varying the distance of the soil specimen from the center of
rotation of the centrifuge and the speed of rotation of the
centrifuge. An increase in the applied soil suction results in
a decrease in the water content of the soil specimens. In
other words, data required for the soil-water characteristic
curve (i.e., water content versus suction relationship) can be
obtained using the centrifuge technique. The Gardner (1937)
equation can be used to estimate the suction in the soil
specimen and the water content can be determined using
conventional procedures. In the described centrifuge testing
procedure, there is a water content variation along the length
of the soil specimen. However, the relative changes in water
content and suction values over the thickness of the soil
specimen are relatively small if thin specimens are used (i.e.,
10–15 mm).
Principle of the centrifuge technique
A high gravity field is applied to an initially saturated soil
specimen in the centrifuge. The soil specimen is supported
on a saturated, porous ceramic column. The base of the ceramic stone rests in a water reservoir that is at atmospheric
pressure conditions. The water content profile in the soil
specimen after attaining equilibrium is similar to water draining under in situ conditions to a groundwater table where
gravity is increased several times.
Figure 1 demonstrates the principle used in the centrifuge
method for measuring soil suction. The suction in the soil
specimen in a centrifuge can be calculated using eq. [1] as
proposed by Gardner (1937)
ρω 2 2
(r1 − r22 )
ψ is the
r1 is the
r2 is the
ω is the
ρ is the
g is the
suction in the soil specimen,
radial distance to the midpoint of the soil speciradial distance to the free water surface,
angular velocity,
density of the pore fluid, and
acceleration due to gravity.
Equation [1] defines a nonlinear relationship between soil
suction and centrifugal radius. The soil suction, ψ, becomes
a function of the difference of the squares of the centrifugal
radii, r1 and r2, while the density, ρ, and angular velocity, ω,
© 2002 NRC Canada
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Fig. 2. Small scale medical centrifuge rotor assembly with six swinging type buckets.
are constant. The distance from the centre of the rotation to
the free water surface, r2, is a constant.
Different values of suction can be induced in a soil specimen by varying the radial distance to the midpoint of the
soil specimen, r1. In other words, ceramic cylinders of different heights can be used to achieve different suction applied to the soil specimen at a single speed of rotation.
Higher values of soil suction can be subsequently induced
into soil specimens by increasing the test speed (i.e., angular
velocity, ω).
Fig. 3. Details of the aluminum soil specimen holder.
Description of the apparatus
A commercially available Beckman J6-HC small-scale medical centrifuge with an operable radius of 254 mm was used
in the research program. The JS – 4.2 rotor assembly of the
centrifuge consists of six swinging type buckets capable of
carrying six test specimens in one test run (Fig. 2). The
buckets in the centrifuge can be subjected to angular velocities varying from 50 to 4200 rpm. The maximum suction
that can be applied to the specimen at 4200 rpm is 2800 kPa.
The swinging buckets of the centrifuge assume horizontal
positions when the centrifuge is spinning. All of the six
buckets can be used simultaneously with six specimen holders available for testing. Six data points of water content versus soil suction can be obtained from a single test run of the
centrifuge at a constant angular velocity, ω. The mass in all
of the specimen holders, however, should be essentially the
same to avoid rotary imbalance. Identical soil specimens
must be placed at different heights in the six specimen holders to obtain six data points of water contents for different
suction values. Specially designed soil specimen holders were
constructed to accommodate the soil specimens in the two
centrifuge buckets (see two soil specimen holders in two opposite buckets in Fig. 2). The water content in the specimen
can be measured after attaining equilibrium conditions and
the soil suction in the specimen is computed using eq. [1].
Higher values of soil suction can be induced in the same soil
specimen by increasing the speed of rotation and centrifuging the specimens until new equilibrium conditions are attained.
Soil specimen holders
Two aluminum soil specimen holders were specially designed for the centrifuge to hold 12 mm thick soil specimens
at different heights. Figure 3 shows the typical aluminum
soil specimen holders used in the study. The soil specimen
holder consists of outer rings and a drainage plate with a
free water surface reservoir to accommodate a ceramic cylinder. The outer rings have an inner diameter of 75 mm and
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Fig. 4. A schematic to demonstrate the effects of centrifugation on the shift of the centre of gravity of solid cylindrical specimens.
Table 1. Soil suctions associated with different test speeds and
different ceramic cylinders.
Suction in the soil specimen (kPa)
Test speed
15 mm
30 mm
45 mm
60 mm
are 15 mm thick. A reservoir cup serves as a collection area
for water extracted from the soil specimens at the base of
the holder.
A porous ceramic cylinder was designed to act as a filter
while allowing the movement of water from the specimen to
the drainage plate. This plate facilitates drainage into the
reservoir cup through eight evenly spaced drainage ports
drilled horizontally through the sides of the plate. The horizontal overflow ports are connected to vertically drilled drainage
holes to allow for the removal of water. The water then
flows down from the drainage plate into the reservoir cup.
Ceramic cylinders
The ceramic cylinders used in the drainage plate were
made of 60% kaolinite and 40% aluminum oxide. The porosity of the ceramic cylinders was approximately 45%. Four
ceramic cylinders with heights of 15, 30, 45, and 60 mm
were made to keep the soil specimens at four different distances from the centre of rotation to induce four different
suction values in the specimens at one speed of rotation. Table 1 summarizes the soil suctions associated with varying
test speeds using different ceramic cylinders. Equation [1]
was used to calculate the soils suction values.
In the present study, two ceramic cylinders of different
heights were used in one test run to position the soil specimens at two different distances from the centre of rotation in
the two opposite buckets of the centrifuge (see Fig. 2). The
soil specimens were subjected to two different centrifugal
forces and different values of soil suction were induced in
two identical soil specimens placed in the soil specimen
holders, subjected to the same angular velocity, ω.
Equation [1], used for calculating the equilibrium suction
values in the soil specimen, does not take into account the
shift in the centre of gravity of the soil specimen due to radial effects. The centre of gravity of a solid cylinder (similar
to the test specimens used in this research program for measuring the soil-water characteristic curves) with parallel bases
lies along centre line (a–a) connecting the centres of the top
and bottom circular bases of the cylinder (Fig. 4). In other
words, the centre of gravity of a soil specimen will be along
the plane (b–b), which lies at mid-height of the soil specimen. In spite of centrifugation, the centre of gravity will be
along the mid-height plane and may shift towards the boundary of the soil specimen (i.e., away from the axis a–a). In
such situations, r1′ should be used in eq. [1] instead of r1
(Fig. 4). Table 2 summarizes the suction values in soil specimens using r1 and r1′ for a 15 mm height ceramic cylinder.
The errors associated due to radial effects are less than 6%
for a 50 mm diameter specimen used in the study for a test
speed range of 0 to 2500 rpm. The errors associated with the
use of 30, 45, and 60 mm height ceramic cylinders are 5.2,
3.7, and 2.9%, respectively. These errors from a practical
perspective are not significant. Hence, the suctions calculated using eq. [1] at the mid-height of the specimen approximately represent the suction at the centre of gravity of the
Test program
Three different fine-grained soils; namely, the processed
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Table 2. Calculation of suction values in specimens using r1 and r1′ for the 15 mm height
ceramic cylinder.
Test speed
Suction at the midpoint
of the specimen using r1
for 15 mm cylinder (kPa)
Fig. 5. Saturated soil specimens on top of the ceramic cylinders
in the drainage plate.
Suction at the boundary
of the specimen using r1′
for 15 mm cylinder (kPa)
error in %
Table 3. Centrifugation time at different testing
Time of rotation (h)
Test speed
silt (wL = 24%, Ip = 0, and clay = 7%, Gs = 2.7), Indian Head
till (wL = 35.5%, Ip = 17%, and clay = 30%, Gs = 2.73) and
Regina clay (wL = 75.5%, Ip = 21%, and clay = 70%, Gs =
2.75) were used in the testing program. The three soils were
first air-dried and then pulverized. Predetermined amounts of
water content were added to the soil that was stored in polythene bags in a humidity-controlled room to cure for 24 h.
The processed silt specimens were statically compacted at
an initial water content of 22% and a dry density, ρd of
1.57 Mg/m3. For the Indian Head till specimens, three initial
water contents were selected for preparing the soil specimens.
The water contents represented wet of optimum (initial water
content of 19.2% and ρd of 1.77 Mg/m3), optimum (initial water content of 16.3% and ρd of 1.80 Mg/m3), and dry of optimum (initial water content of 13% and ρd of 1.79 Mg/m3).
The Regina clay specimens were statically compacted at an
initial water content of 38% and a ρd of 1.30 Mg/m3. All of
the specimens were compacted in steel rings of 50 mm in diameter and 12 mm in height. More details regarding the soil
properties and specimen preparation are available in
Khanzode (1999).
Test procedure
Ceramic cylinders of two different heights (i.e., 30 and
60 mm) and the statically compacted soil specimens, were
Head till
saturated at the start of the test by submergence in a water bath
and the application of a small vacuum pressure for 24 h. The
centrifuge was started and allowed to run at 300 rpm for 0.5 h
to obtain an equilibrium temperature of 20°C in the rotating
chamber. All tests were conducted at a controlled temperature of 20°C.
Figure 5 shows the soil specimens along with the ceramic
cylinders placed in the drainage plates of the specimen holders. The wet soil specimens were covered with an aluminum
foil to prevent drying due to evaporation. A saturated filter
paper was placed between the soil specimen and the ceramic
cylinder to prevent loss of soil particles. A direct hydraulic
connection was provided between the pore water in the soil
specimens and the water surface at the base of the ceramic
cylinder. Water from the saturated soil specimen escapes
into the bottom reservoir through the ceramic cylinder. The
mass of the saturated soil specimens was measured prior to
placement on the ceramic cylinders. Water was also added to
the top of the ceramic cylinders before placing the specimens. Hollow spacer cylinders were then placed around the
ceramic cylinders and the soil specimens.
The spacer cylinders were required as the soil specimens
and the ceramic cylinders had a diameter of 50 mm and the
outer aluminum spacer rings of the holder had an inner diameter of 75 mm. The aluminum spacer rings were pushed
down along the side bolts around the hollow aluminum spacer
cylinders and tightened with nuts on top.
The mass of the specimen holder was weighed before being subjected to spinning. The difference in the masses between both the specimen holders was controlled to less than
0.5g. The soil specimen holders were then placed in opposite
centrifuge buckets before centrifugation (see Fig. 2).
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Fig. 6. Comparison of measured soil-water characteristic curves using a Tempe cell and the centrifuge method for processed silt specimens with an initial water content of 22%.
Fig. 7. Comparison of measured soil-water characteristic curves using a Tempe cell and the centrifuge method for Indian Head till
specimens with an initial water content of 19.2%.
Two hours of rotation time was found to be sufficient to
attain equilibrium conditions for silty soil specimens with a
thickness of 12 mm. However, 2 h of centrifugation time
was not sufficient to attain equilibrium conditions for the
specimens of Indian Head till and Regina clay. Table 3 sum-
marizes the testing speeds along with the equilibration times
used for all of the soils tested.
The centrifuge was stopped after attaining equilibrium conditions at each speed tested, and the mass of each soil specimen was measured. After the 2500 rpm run, the soil specimens
© 2002 NRC Canada
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Fig. 8. Comparison of measured soil-water characteristic curves using a Tempe cell and the centrifuge method for Indian Head till
specimens with an initial water content of 16.3%.
Fig. 9. Comparison of measured soil-water characteristic curves using a Tempe cell and the centrifuge method for Indian Head till
specimens with an initial water content of 13%.
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Fig. 10. Comparison of measured soil-water characteristic curves using the pressure plate and the centrifuge methods for Regina Clay
specimens with an initial water content of 38%.
Table 4. Time periods to obtain the soil-water characteristic curve using centrifuge and
conventional testing methods.
Indian Head till
Test method
Centrifuge (time in days)
Tempe cell (time in days)
were dried for the final water content determination. The
water content values for the earlier test speeds were then
Presentation and discussion of results
Figure 6 shows the comparison of the matric suction versus water content data for the processed silt, measured using
the Tempe cell and the centrifuge. The specimen used for
measuring the soil-water characteristic curve in the Tempe
cell was statically compacted at an initial water content of
23% and ρd of 1.68 Mg/m3 (Wright 1999). The specimen for
measuring the soil-water characteristic curve using centrifuge had an initial water content and ρd equal to 22% and
1.57 Mg/m3, respectively. While the time period required for
determining the soil-water characteristic curve using the centrifuge was only 12 h, a time period of 14 days was required
using the Tempe cell. The small differences in the soil-water
characteristic curve behavior for the processed silt specimens using the two different apparatuses may be associated
with the differences in the dry densities and initial water
contents at which the statically compacted silt specimens
Dry of
Wet of
were prepared. There may also be an influence from the increased gravitational forces applied to the soil structure.
The soil-water characteristic curve data were determined
for Indian Head till specimens using the Tempe cell and the
centrifuge. Indian Head till specimens were prepared using
three different initial water content conditions reflecting wet
of optimum (19.2%), optimum (16.3%), and dry of optimum
(13%) initial water contents. Figures 7 and 8 show the comparison between the measured soil-water characteristic curve
using the Tempe cell and the centrifuge for specimens compacted at an initial water content reflecting wet of optimum
and optimum conditions, respectively. There is a reasonably
good comparison between the data measured using both methods. Variations in the test results, particularly in the low
matric suction region, may be associated with the differences in dry density and initial water content conditions.
Figure 9 shows the comparison between the measured
soil-water characteristic curve using the Tempe cell and the
centrifuge for specimens compacted at an initial water content reflecting dry of optimum condition. The data points in
Fig. 9 for the suction range between 400 and 800 kPa sug© 2002 NRC Canada
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gest that there is a loss of contact between the ceramic disk
of the Tempe cell apparatus and the soil specimen.
Typically, a fine-grained soil compacted at an initial water
content dry of optimum has an open structure with relatively
large interconnected pores. The resulting soil structure is a
function of the initial compaction water content. The difference in the soil-water characteristic curve data measured by
both methods can be attributed to differences in the initial
compaction water content conditions of the specimens used
in the Tempe cell and the centrifuge. The results of the present study suggest that the soil-water characteristic curve behavior for fine-grained soils, such as Indian Head till, are
sensitive for specimens compacted with initial water contents reflecting dry of optimum conditions. Vanapalli et al.
(1999) reported similar observations from their studies. The
increased gravitational forces associated with centrifugation
may also be an influencing factor.
The time required for determining the soil-water characteristic curves using the Tempe cell for a suction range between
0 and 600 kPa (i.e., three different initial water contents representing wet of optimum, optimum, and dry of optimum
conditions), was 6, 5, and 4 weeks, respectively. A time period of 1 day was sufficient for determining the soil-water
characteristic curve using the centrifuge.
Figure 10 shows the comparison between the soil-water
characteristic curves for Regina clay measured using the
pressure plate method and the centrifuge method. The centrifuge soil-water characteristic curve was measured in 48 h. A
time period of 16 weeks was required to obtain the soilwater characteristic curve using the pressure plate apparatus
(Shuai 1996). The differences in soil-water characteristics
are mainly due to the variations in the initial water content
Table 4 shows the comparison between the times required
for determining the soil-water characteristic curves using the
centrifuge and the Tempe cell or pressure plate apparatus for
the three different types of soils used in the present research
Commercially available small-scale centrifuges can be used
to obtain multiple water contents versus suction data points
for the soil-water characteristic curve at a single speed of rotation. Additional data for the soil-water characteristic curve
for the suction range of interest (i.e., between 0 and 2800 kPa)
can be generated using different speeds of rotation.
The time period for measuring the soil-water characteristic curves for fine-grained soils reduces considerably using
the centrifuge method in comparison to conventional testing
procedures such as the pressure plate apparatus or a Tempe
cell. There is reasonably good agreement between the experimental results obtained using conventional procedures and
the centrifuge procedure for the three fine-grained compacted
soils used in this research. The results of this study are encouraging for geotechnical and geo-environmental engineers
who use soil-water characteristic curves for interpreting or
predicting the engineering behavior of unsaturated soils.
Further study needs to be undertaken to determine the influence of the increased gravity forces on the soil specimens.
As well, increased care needs to be exercised to ensure that
the initial density and water content conditions are the same
for specimens tested using the centrifuge and the pressure
plate apparatus.
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© 2002 NRC Canada