Medieval History
Recent papers in Medieval History
The paper aims to present the first results of an in-depth and source-based research about socio-economic inequalities and agricultural growth in the Late Medieval Florentine society. This area has been intensively studied because of its... more
This is the original version of an article now edited and translated into English (updated with additional illustrations) and republished in "Food, Social Politics and the Order of Nature in Renaissance Europe" (2019), a volume of my... more
espanolEl presente trabajo esta dedicado al analisis de las tecnicas para el vidriado de la ceramica que aparecen documentadas en diversos tratados y recetarios de epoca medieval. Se trata de textos procedentes, en su mayor parte, de la... more
This paper studies through a quantitative analysis at micro-scale (the pieve of San Giovanni in Petroio in Mugello) in 1427-1512 the relation between the growing economic inequality of the Florentine rural society found by recent research... more
The twelfth and thirteenth centuries witnessed an explosion of Christian interest in the meaning and workings of the natural world—a "discovery of nature" that profoundly reshaped the intellectual currents and spiritual contours of... more
This is a description (longer than an abstract), and the front matter, of my third book: the annotated translation of the Henryków Book, prefaced by a long introduction. This document was sent to me by the publisher in the process of... more
in ATTI DEL XXII COLLOQUIO DELL’ASSOCIAZIONE ITALIANA PER LO STUDIO E LA CONSERVAZIONE DEL MOSAICO (Matera, 16-19 marzo 2016), a cura di Claudia Angelelli, Daniela Massara e Andrea Paribeni, Tivoli 2017, pp. 313-323.
Submitted here is my introduction to my annotated translation of the Henryków Book, titled Local Society in Transition, whose reference matter appears in the Books section of this website. This introduction contextualizes the Book and its... more
Venerdì 12 novembre 2021, ore. 20:30 Caspoggio - Sala dell'Immacolata Conferenza di presentazione dei risultati della prima e seconda campagna di scavi archeologici in località Castello a Caspoggio, sito dell'antico Castrum de Malenco.... more
A group of medical historians and paleographers has teamed up informally to create a "Medicine in the Long 12th Century Working Group." More than 500 extant manuscripts from this period have been identified as containing Latin medical... more
Kniha byla vydána roku 1989 v Praze / The book was published in 1989 in Prague. Drazí kolegové, tato kniha je umístěna kvůli jejímu mimořádnému významu při porozumění archeologii Čech a její špatné dostupnosti zahraničním vědcům a... more
Kapitola pojednává o jménech Přemyslovců objevujících se v místních jménech v Čechách a na Moravě. Věnuje se také proměnám místních jmen v období kolonizace v okolí slezského kláštera Henrykówa. The chapter deals with the names of the... more
This essay examines the intersections of discipline, compassion and community in a selection of monastic texts from the late tenth through to the mid-thirteenth centuries, focusing on disciplinary rituals involving punitive flogging or... more
John Skelton is a central literary figure and the leading poet during the first thirty years of Tudor rule. Nevertheless, he remains challenging and even contradictory for modern audiences. This book aims to provide an authoritative... more
En este texto se relata la crónica o, si se prefiere, el diario de los hechos que siguieron a la publicación del texto de fray Atanasio de Lobera, desde las primeras gestiones de 1598 para buscar una reliquia del santo hasta su... more
The Mont Saint-Michel is a small, rocky tidal island in France located in a large bay at the mouth of the Couesnon. The granite massif of Mont Saint-Michel is crowned with a medieval abbey. It's a table moutain; a remaining of a... more
Although scholars tend to draw a line of confrontation between the conquerors Normans and the conquered Muslims and Greeks in the kingdom of Sicily, the actual relationship among these people was not so simple. In the kingdom there was a... more
Further important sources of the empiricism of the Scientific Revolution were to be found in the magical tradition, and these influences can be seen at work in a number of areas. They deserve separate consideration here, however, because... more
The admittance of individuals into a chivalric order was an important tool of late medieval diplomacy which contributed significantly to the reinforcement of political and cultural ties between the order’s leader and admitted member and... more
The period 550 to 750 was one in which monastic culture became more firmly entrenched in Western Europe. The role of monasteries and their relationship to the social world around them was transformed during this period as monastic... more
A decade of studying the topography/archaeology/history/geography of the Surrey parish I grew up in has left me with a clutch of discoveries of local and supra-local significance, as well as a host of questions to be answered in the... more
Research on early medieval Cyprus has focused on the late antique " golden age " (late fourth/early fifth to seventh century) and the so-called Byzantine " Reconquista " (post-AD 965) while overlooking the intervening period. This phase... more
"This publication presents the first study of the defining features of Psellos' Chronographia, written in the 11th century. Character is the single most important feature of the Chronographia written by Michael Psellos (1018-1081?). It... more
At the beginning of the thirteenth century the commercial commune of Pisa was one of the two most powerful maritime forces in the Mediterranean, alongside Venice and ahead of Genoa. By the end of the century, however, the city had... more