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      Metallurgical EngineeringChemical EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryOrganic Chemistry
В отходах пирометаллургического производства меди накоплено значительное количество отвальных шлаков. Даже при среднем содержании меди в них 0,30–0,80 %, видно, что потери металлы составляет значительных. В этой связи задача создания... more
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      Metallurgical EngineeringChemical EngineeringChemistryPowder Metallurgy
Har yili dunyo miqyosida insonlarning koʻpayishi, ishlab chiqarish va sanoatning kengayishi katta shaharlarning globallashuvi bu - oziq-ovqat tanqisligi, ishlab chiqarish va sanoat chiqindi gazlari, qattiq hamda suyuq chiqindilari,... more
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      Metallurgical EngineeringChemistryInorganic ChemistryOrganic Chemistry
Rotary degassing is one of the most frequently used melt treatment technologies used for processing liquid aluminum alloys. Despite this, the information available about the possible effects of this method on the double oxide-and nitride... more
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      Metallurgical EngineeringMaterials ScienceMetallurgyMaterials Science and Engineering
Stable smelter operation is critical for successful production of base metals from particulate ore. This work studies the operation of an industrial direct current electric arc furnace that operates as a smelter in a large-scale... more
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      Metallurgical EngineeringChemical EngineeringMachine LearningFault Detection
Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Plant plans to increase copper production to 400 thousand tons by 2029. Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Combine (AGMK) plans to increase copper production to 400 thousand tons in 2020-2028, follows from... more
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      Metallurgical EngineeringMaterials ScienceChemistryRenewable Energy
Based on very early occurring ruptures found in the first stage high pressure turbine blades of a turbo reactor in a local aviation company, this study has the aim to determine their safe life. The first stage blades are subjected to... more
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      Materials EngineeringMetallurgical EngineeringMechanical EngineeringMaterials Science
Исследование относится к переработке металлсодержащих отходов металлургического производства с использованием отходов вторичной переплавки алюминиевых материалов. Процесс осуществляется в шлаковой ковш при 1250 о С с получением бедного... more
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      Metallurgical EngineeringChemistryInorganic ChemistryRecycling
Sampling is a key component in mineral processing. It is the art of securing a small weight or fraction that is representative of a relatively large mass to ascertain the true value of a desired property of the material through its... more
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      Metallurgical EngineeringMetallurgySampling
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      Metallurgical EngineeringWelding MetallurgyStainless Steel
Методические указания составлены на основании типовых и рабочих программ по курсу «Теория гидрометаллургических процессов». Данное методическое указания написан на основе предмета "Теория гидрометаллургических процессов" и содержит в... more
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      Metallurgical EngineeringChemical EngineeringChemistryAnalytical Chemistry
It was proposed the design of an artificial neural network (ANN) to estimate the yield strength in the welding zone of HSLA experimental steels. The input parameters of the ANN were the chemical composition and hardness. The information... more
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      Metallurgical EngineeringMathematical ModellingMaterials Science and EngineeringHeat treatment of metals and alloys
В статье приводятся основные этапы создания автогенных технологий переработки сульфидных медных концентратов. Показано, что внедрение автогенных технологий существенно интенсифицирует процессы, создается возможность работы без расхода... more
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      Metallurgical EngineeringMetallurgyExtractive MetallurgyMetallurgy and Materials Engineering
Dunyoda ishlab chiqariladigan misning 80 % miqdori pirometallurgik usulga toʻgʻri keladi. Shu jumladan, Bizning mamlakatimizda ham mis eritish zavodida pirometallurgik usuldan keng foydalaniladi. Bu usul oʻzining qulayliklari bilan... more
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      Metallurgical EngineeringChemical EngineeringChemistryAnalytical Chemistry
В Республике Узбекистан особое внимание уделяется горно-металлургической промышленности, разработки усовершенствованных технологий для переработки сульфидных упорных золотосодержащих руд. В пункте четыре четвертого направления Стратегии... more
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      Metallurgical EngineeringMetallurgy and Materials Engineering
The twentieth century was the century in which metallurgy evolved from a handicraft to an engineering science. In the last thirty years of that century and, in particular, the twenty-first century, the world's steel industry, including... more
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      EngineeringMetallurgical EngineeringMetallurgicalMetallurgical and Materials Engineering
Multi-axial incremental forging and shearing (MAIFS), as a new severe plastic deformation technique, was successfully applied up to eight passes on the workpieces of commercially pure Al (AA1100). The microstructure evolutions and... more
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      EngineeringMaterials EngineeringMetallurgical EngineeringMaterials Science
Olmaliq kon-metallurgiya kombinati (OKMK) singari dunyoning aksariyat korxonalarida xomaki misni ishlab chiqarishning klassik pirometallurgik sxemasi qoʻllaniladi. Bunga koʻra, sulfidli mis rudalari dastlab flotatsion usulda boyitilib,... more
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      Metallurgical EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceMaterials ScienceChemistry
Ushbu uslubiy ko‘rsatma 5310300 “Metallurgiya” yo‘nalishi bo‘yicha bakalavr tayyorlashda o‘qitiladigan “Gidrometallurgiya jarayonlari nazariyasi” fani dasturi asosida tuzilgan va kafedra majlisida tasdiqlangan. Laboratoriya ishlarini... more
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      Metallurgical EngineeringChemical EngineeringChemistryInorganic Chemistry
The monograph presents theoretical approaches and concepts, analytical reviews, practical solutions in specific areas of metallurgy. The publication may be interesting to Uzbek and foreign scientists, managers and specialists of factories... more
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      Materials EngineeringMetallurgical EngineeringMaterials ScienceChemistry
The compilation entails to answer public questions about mining industry in the country.
The contents in this compilations come from sources within the mines themselves, particularly Bulyanhulu Gold Mine; CIL and Froth Flotation Literature.
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      Metallurgical EngineeringGold Mineralization
Uslubiy qo‘llanmada gidrometallurgiya jarayonlarining nazariy asoslariga tayangan holda bu jarayonlarda uchraydigan kimyoviy hamda termokimyoviy qonuniyatlar asosida ma’ruzalar matni ko‘rsatib o‘tilgan. Muhim gidrometallurgik jarayonlar:... more
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      Metallurgical EngineeringChemical EngineeringChemistryInorganic Chemistry
An investigation was conducted on the conformance of the mechanical properties of the reinforcement bars used in local building and construction with the BS8110 design standard adopted in Nigerian considering grade S460 reinforcement bars... more
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    • Metallurgical Engineering
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    • Metallurgical Engineering
Hidrometalurgi merupakan salah satu cabang tersendiri dari metalurgi. Secara harfiah hidrometalurgi dapat diartikan sebagai cara pengolahan logam dari batuan atau bijihnya dengan menggunakan pelarut berair (aqueius solution) atau secara... more
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      Metallurgical EngineeringMetallurgyMetallurgy and Materials EngineeringExtractive Metallurgy/ Hydrometallurgy
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      Metallurgical EngineeringMining EngineeringMineral ProcessingMinerals Processing
El tratamiento de revenido consiste en calentar al acero después de normalizado o templado, a una temperatura inferior al punto crítico, seguido de un enfriamiento controlado que puede ser rápido cuando se pretenden resultados de alta... more
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      EngineeringMetallurgical EngineeringMetallurgyINGENIERIA
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      Metallurgical EngineeringSteel MakingSteelMetallurgical and Materials Engineering
Solder dross containing Sn, Ni, Cu, Zn, Fe and other impurities was leached with 0.1-1.0 M citric acid at 60 °C for 24 hours stirring times. Parameter affecting the tin recovery of suggested method such as acid concentration, stirring... more
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      Metallurgical EngineeringMetallurgy
The work investigates the microstructure and mechanical properties of quenched heat-affected zones of mild steel weldment. Here, fifteen samples of mild steel with weldment from metal arc welding process was used and five of the samples... more
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      EngineeringMetallurgical EngineeringMechanical EngineeringWelding Metallurgy
Qo‘llanma metallurgiya sohasiga qiziqadigan barcha kitobxonlarga mo‘ljallangan bo‘lib, xususan “Metallurgiya” yo‘nalishida ta’lim olayotgan talabalarga va metallurgiya korxonalariga ishga kirmoqchi bo‘lgan bakalavrlarga qo‘llanma sifatida... more
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      Metallurgical EngineeringChemical EngineeringChemistryInorganic Chemistry
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      Metallurgical EngineeringData MiningTeknik Pertambangan
Uslubiy qo‘llanmada gidrometallurgiya jarayonlarining nazariy asoslariga tayangan holda bu jarayonlarda uchraydigan kimyoviy hamda termokimyoviy qonuniyatlar asosida amaliy mashg‘ulotlar ko‘rsatib o‘tilgan. Muhim gidrometallurgik... more
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      Metallurgical EngineeringChemical EngineeringChemistryInorganic Chemistry
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      Environmental EngineeringMetallurgical EngineeringChemistryArsenic
Методические указания составлены на основании типовых и рабочих программ по курсу «Теория гидрометаллургических процессов».
Методическое руководство рассмотрено и утверждено на заседании кафедры «Металлургия»
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      Metallurgical EngineeringChemistryAnalytical ChemistryInorganic Chemistry
No atual cenário mundial, onde se exige cada vez mais competitivaidade empresarial, buscar a redução de custos aliadas e a melhoria de qualidade é quase que uma exigencia para se manter ativo no mercado. Desta forma a multidiciplinaridade... more
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      Materials EngineeringMetallurgical EngineeringEngenharia De MateriaisEngenharia Metalurgica
Welding is a widely used process in industry because welding techniques have some striking features which are included in this project. In other way of saying, welding techniques will be so important in human life in the future because of... more
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      Metallurgical EngineeringMaterials ScienceFinite Element MethodsComputational Modelling
Maqolada oltinning sianli eritmalar chiqindilari bilan isrofini kamaytirishning innovatsion usuli ko‘rib chiqilgan. Bu tadqiqotni o‘tkazish uchun zararli unsurlardan tozalaydigan va oltin saqlovchi rudalardan oltinni tanlab eritish yo‘li... more
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      Metallurgical EngineeringChemical EngineeringChemistryAnalytical Chemistry
The common failures mechanisms of boiler components at elevated temperatures and monitoring techniques used in power plants to detect damaging or failures are generally well described in literature. Despite of different classification... more
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      Materials EngineeringMetallurgical EngineeringMechanical EngineeringMaterials Science
High-entropy alloys (HEAs) have recently become a vibrant field of study in the metallic materials area. In the early years, the design of HEAs was more of an exploratory nature. The selection of compositions was somewhat arbitrary, and... more
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      Metallurgical EngineeringMetallurgyIntermetallicsHeat treatment of metals and alloys
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      Metallurgical EngineeringWelding EngineeringWeldingStainless Steel
"Generally, in steel processing systems, steels are heated via induction or combustion furnaces. Natural gas fired furnaces have installation costs advantage while the induction furnaces have the advantages of less scale formation on the... more
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      Metallurgical EngineeringMetallurgyHeat TransferMetal Forming
La lixiviación es un proceso Hidrometalurgico de extracción Sólido – liquido – Gas, por la disolución y/o oxi- reducción de los metales contenidos en las especies mineralogicas, mediante la acción de las soluciones lixiviantes.
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    • Metallurgical Engineering
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    • Metallurgical Engineering
Hydrogen embrittlement (HE) of steels is extremely interesting topic in many industrial applications, while a predictive physical model still does not exist. A number of studies carried out in the world are unambiguous confirmation of... more
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      Materials EngineeringMetallurgical EngineeringMechanical EngineeringMaterials Science
В монографии изложены основные законы физической химии и металловедения, являющиеся основой анализа металлургических систем. Основное внимание уделено анализу изменения состояния вещества в ходе металлургического производства от исходного... more
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      Metallurgical EngineeringChemical EngineeringChemistryInorganic Chemistry
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      Metallurgical EngineeringMicrostructureMetallurgyMechanical Behavior Of Materials
The world yearly production of Silicon and Ferrosilicon is estimated in 2,4 1 and 8,2 mio 1 of tons respectively. China is responsible for 55% (Si) and 66% (FeSi) of the world production. The total amount of Submerged Arc Furnaces that... more
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      Environmental EngineeringMetallurgical EngineeringChemical EngineeringThermodynamics