Recent papers in Microhistory
This is the introduction to a collection of essays edited under the title Global History and Microhistory, which was published as a supplement volume of Past & Present in November 2019. The whole volume is available open access at the... more
Writing scientific biographies evokes the problem of representativeness or of integrating the single case into more general questions of scholarly interest. The establishment of a link between micro and macrolevels inspired the present... more
In Palermo at the end of the 18th century, an old woman, a widow and a beggar, sells her "miraculous water" to some women who want to get rid of their husbands. A strange form of non-consensual divorce, interpreted as witchcraft and... more
‘People’s history’ focuses on the lives of ordinary people, with an eye to their struggles, everyday practices, beliefs, values, and mentalities. Influenced by the Annales School and cultural anthropology, but reacting against traditional... more
Whittall Straddles Two Nations Having grown up in Smyrna in the mid-‐19th century, James William Whittall used both his Ottoman upbringing and his British nationality to build a successful business, while at the same time becoming the... more
N.A. Selunskaya In search of lost microhistory The author asks the question: does microhistory exist now as a trend in historiography? She deals with theoretical principles of microhistory, and theo-retical adequacy of its premises; she... more
Proceedings: Nachleben and the Cultural Memory of Ancient Egypt, Conference at the Warburg Institute, London, December 6–8, 2018
Davide Tabor, Il cerchio della politica. Notabili, attivisti e deputati a Torino tra ‘800 e ‘900, Silvio Zamorani editore, Torino 2013, pp. 288, Euro 32,00 Il libro parla di politica e si concentra sui decenni tra Otto e Novecento,... more
Írásomban a Kalocsai Érseki Főgimnázium (Kalocsai Jézus-Társasági Intézet) első világháborús hősi halottaival kapcsolatos kutatásom eredményeiről számolok be, rávilágítva az eddig ismeretlen eredményekre és ellentmondásokra az 1914 és... more
to hear from them whether this book advances the conversation about the complexities of the colonial project or whether it is simply a reflection of some of the attitudes that should be left in the past. The decolonisers would do well in... more
Evidence from house structures, artifacts and fauna are used to infer political and economic changes at the Benson site, a late sixteenth century Huron village near Balsam Lake, Ontario. It is suggested that one household acquired trade... more
Open access: http://sh.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2%3A1092923&dswid=-7744 After falling under the power of the Russian Crown, the Northern Black Sea steppe from the end of eighteenth century crystallized as the Russian... more
This article explores the historiographical, empirical, and theoretical challenges of combining ethnographic methods with sociohistory. It shows why and how the unity of the social sciences displays itself in the active complementarity of... more
I selected the papers in this special issue from the September 2013 New Diplomatic History conference which I ran at Leiden University. Introduction - Private Diplomacy: Making the Citizen Visible Giles Scott-Smith I: Messengers and... more
GIS images of Manchester slavery petitions of 1806
Le fotografie della Resistenza italiana accumulate nel corso dei decenni sono migliaia: le hanno raccolte anzitutto gli ex partigiani, nel tentativo di tenere vivo, anche con le immagini, il ricordo della guerra di Liberazione. Il libro... more
Reproducing the complexity of the situation that Poles and Jews found themselves in, as well as the entanglement of relations and differing attitudes, requires taking into account both perspectives. In this regard, "Night Without End"... more
ABSTRACT: Although armies grew larger during the seventeenth century, size estimates are often inaccurate. This article uses diverse sources to produce accurate troop counts for Electoral Saxony during the Thirty Years’ War (1618–48),... more
Resumen Este artículo está estructurado en tres partes. En la primera se expone el modelo de criminalidad medieval que las investigaciones han centrado en la conducta violenta y en el delito de homicidio como principal protagonista. En... more
U članku se prikazuje razvoj sokolskog pokreta od prvih početaka u Češkoj i njegovo širenje u Hrvatskoj te istražuje povijest društva Hrvatski sokol u Makarskoj. Autor istražuje značenje sokolstva u Hrvatskoj, Dalmaciji i Makarskoj te... more
Studijų knyga, skirta studentams apie mikroistoriją
„Jak nevděčně se chovají k českému duchovenstvu“ - Příspěvek k mikrohistorii Hořicka druhé poloviny 19. století. In: Jdi svou cestou a nech lidi mluvit. Variety sociálních a kulturních dějin. Profesoru Jaroslavu Čechurovi k 66.... more
Esta es la cuarta edición de la "Breve historia de Cuba", revisada y puesta al día (es decir, llegando hasta mayo de 2016)/ This is the fourth edition of the "Brief History of Cuba", revised and updated (ie, included the ongoing history... more
Thomas Robisheaux and I brought out) “Microhistory and the Historical Imagination: New Frontiers,” a special issue of Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies, Vol 47, No. 1 (Jan 2017) My own essay there is “The Macrohistory of... more
The author, Filip-Lucian Iorga, descendant of a family of freeholders from south-eastern Wallachia, started studying the genealogy of his family’s relatives, the Străjescu family, Moldavian boyars. Thanks to an unpublished genealogical... more
Este artículo es una reflexión sobre la antropología histórica en el contexto académico nacional. Hace una exploración de su devenir, expresado en diversas modalidades de estudio, para demostrar su vigencia y plausibilidad, haciendo una... more
This chapter focuses on history writing about the Eastern Tibetan kingdom of Nangchen based on newly published local chronicles that legitimize Nangchen as an autonomous power centre, opposing official state views on its peripherality.... more
The Countryside under the Collectivisation Knout: the Circumstances of an Exemplary “Kulak” Trial. The study is concerned with the status of private farmers in the period of collectivisation of Czech agriculture in fifties of 20th... more